Harris attacks environment activists

| 30/10/2019 | 153 Comments
Cayman News Service
MLA Austin Harris debates the Referendum Bill, 29 October 2019

(CNS): Former radio talk show host, Austin Harris, who had once railed against plans for a cruise port and campaigned against the project during the 2017 election, was the most scathing of all government MLAs who debated in the LA Tuesday about those opposing the port for environmental reasons. Even the premier, who has been dismissive of the Cruise Port Referendum group and the wider campaign, has been more reticent about criticising those who genuinely oppose the project for environmental reasons.

But Harris had no such reservations, as a he launched a surprisingly nasty attack on the environmental side of the campaign against the project, which involved a number of local activist groups, such as Plastic Free Cayman and the young people spearheading the Protect Our Future campaign.

During the debate on the Referendum Bill, Harris lashed out at some of the members of CPR who have been at the forefront of the petition that triggered the people’s vote on the port project and the opposition campaign.

Harris called Johann Moxam and Mario Rankin “muppets”, but also derided the rest of the CPR group as gullible for partnering with these “two rotten apples to spoil the bunch”. He claimed that he made the two men famous on the show he once hosted on Rooster, when “Crosstalk was still good”. He suggested that without him, no one would know their names.

Harris was fired by Rooster after he pleaded guilty to a domestic violence charge. But the magistrate believed his display of contrition and remorse, and did not imposed any sanction for the assault on his former girlfriend. Because no conviction was recorded against him, Harris was able to press on with his political ambitions from a new post as the host on Star FM, a radio station ironically owned by Moxam’s father, where he continued to oppose the port project.

During the debate he tried to explain the u-turn on his campaign commitment to oppose the project by suggesting it was very different now to the one on the table at the time of the election. But during his address he spent much more time attacking all of those involved in the CPR campaign that have concerns about the environment than he did explaining his own political expediency.

Although government and the Verdant Isle group, the preferred bidders on the project, have conceded that there will be a price to pay regarding the reefs, wrecks and wider marine habitat for the project, Harris suggested that the environmental concerns where made up. In the face of admissions about significant destruction and that even a successful coral relocation project would not mitigate the situation completely, Harris went on a rant, accusing the environmental activists of subterfuge.

Harris said their concerns were nothing more than a “red herring”, which he alleged they were using to scare people off the cruise project. Accusing the environmentalists of deception, he said “this so-called silt”, which will be stirred up during construction, was “a bluff, a deception, a ruse, CPR subterfuge intended to scare Caymanians that there was a threat”.

Harris, who has no science degrees, spoke as though he was an authority on marine habitat and coral relocation, even though the facts contradict his claims. Scientists involved in the project have accepted that they will need to manage the sediment and silt during construction and may even have to halt work at times when it reaches high levels.

Screens have a limited ability to prevent the plumes from damaging coral outside the dredging pit. As a result, if the project goes ahead, representatives from Orion, the marine engineering partners in the consortium, have said they are aware that they will need to monitor silt and sediment levels closely during construction.

These facts are accepted by both sides. Regardless of Harris’ claims that it is all made up, in reality the only debate on this issue is the extent of the damage and the ability of the Verdant Isle group to mitigate it.

Nevertheless, Harris ranted at the people who are genuinely concerned about the very real risks to the marine habitat, even though most of his colleagues have been more careful to acknowledge them as genuine in their cause. The environmental activists, many of whom are young Caymanians trying to raise awareness about their future, have been considered somewhat separate from campaigners whom the government believes are politically motivated.

However, in his zeal to follow the government line, detract from his own issues surrounding his u-turn, as well as the 29% of his constituents that openly signed and verified the petition, Harris created adversaries that he could regret down the line.

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Category: Politics

Comments (153)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I am so ashamed of this man. I guess money truly talks.

  2. Anonymous says:

    95% of this “Government” are ignoramouses!!! As a young Caymanian – it has been disgraceful to watch this $hit show. Please people – let’s clean house next election. Our country deserves way better than representatives as ignorant as Austin (and those who are even worse) can offer.

    Also, if this is how ignorantly they behave – trying to get this project done by manipulation, insulting the people and with political force – can you guess how much thought was actually put into the port and its environmental impact? Hardly enough!

    VOTE – NO!!!!!!!!!! On December 19th.

  3. Fed Up Caymanian says:

    I tuned into much of the debate and it really has me thinking, how in the hell do some of these idiots make it into the office? I have Captain Eugene as my representative (I definitely didn’t vote for him) yet this man doesn’t even have the respect to give his take on the port! Why in hell are you in the office? What do you even do besides follow Mac around!? The time has come for these so-called politicians to make way for a new generation to lead this country to new innovations for the future. We too often let the foreigners come in and tell us what to do. I’m tired of seeing it! Seems to me they should take a page out of Bernie’s book not for sale not for rent!!!!!!


    • Anonymous says:

      Captain Whogene is still on island???? I hadn’t noticed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am a “paper” Caymanian as you would call me.
      But despite not being born here this is my home and has been for over 40 years.

      If Cayman was invaded I would fight side by side with “born” Caymanians to defend my HOME.

      Don’t think that just because someone wasn’t born here they don’t care about this country.

      But despite this being my home for many years I am not allowed to run for office because I was not born here. This would not be a barrier in other countries, any citizen can run for office.

      You want to get some smart politicians who aren’t corruptible… try electing those with the most to lose if Cayman goes downhill.

      • Anonymous says:

        I hate the term “paper Caymanian”. I work for Government and that’s what I’m referred to on a daily basis

        • nickcayman says:

          As I am a paper caymanian I must therefore be a paper human. What therefore am I? Can I therefore be thrown off the planet to become a homeless paper alien?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so right. Eugene is also my representative and all he said was a couple of aye’s. Talk about a ‘yes man’. This has to change. I’m voting NO and trying to educate as many people as I can about this shameful destruction this Government is planning.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are the MUPPET Austin. True colours showing now. You for sure will not get my vote next election.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “The environmental activists, many of whom are young Caymanians trying to raise awareness about their future, have been considered somewhat separate from campaigners whom the government believes are politically motivated.”

    Lol what? I can’t even understand the level of arrogance the politicians have on this island! Younger generations are more aware then most of the people in government. The people in the CIG just have power very little awareness(care) for the Caymans community or environment.

    You can’t diselect theses people from office you can just change them for more hidden corrupted people, Alden vs Mckeeva.

    This older generation have to die off to make space for the newer more aware younger generation, also known that the politically motivated youth.

    Glad the port had the opportunity to wake up the island to the power the people have.

    This post isn’t about port or no port, more so about the community vs government.

    Yours truly,
    The Politically Motivated Youth

  5. Anonymous says:

    Poor old Lulu! Still hanging on Alden. I just hope no one encourages her to run again.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I actually have a soft spot in my heart for Lucille because of some of the good she’s done in the community. She cares. But she lost the plot a while ago. I don’t know if it’s age or PPM brainwashing or what, but it’s sad to see.

  7. Slacker says:

    I confess, I voted for him. He seemed the best of the loser group of unemployed and unemployable on the ballot. As soon as I walked out, I knew I was going to regret that.

    Please let some more qualified individuals run in the next election or, have a “none of the above” box, which would result in a by-election with the original candidates excluded.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s about time our government call out this bunch of losers.

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    Please understand, Cayman, you allow people like this to RUN in your elections and you vote people like this man to speak on behalf of you.

    For years you had McKeeva Bush at your helm. Uneducated and foaming at the mouth, to this day. You can see his abuse of constituents all over FB.

    You had a the fiasco of Dwayne Dwayne Seymour calling out “Gaypril”.

    You have the current Premier lying on the floor of the House about 2 people who truly care about the future of Cayman.

    And you have Austin Harris, who is abhorrent all the time on the radio.

    Yet, you not only elect these people (sometimes time and time again) but you allow them to keep their seats!!!!!!!

    You cannot complain after the fact. You’ve made it happen.


    When you see the error of your way, you can stand up and demand change.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fools do seldom see the error of their thinking. Cayman has proven time and time again, elections are about personality and wiifm!

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am surprised with this comment seeing that you are from a family that revers the creation by the Holy God who made the earth and sets aside a day of rest. The human mandate is to ‘care for’ the earth that God has made, not to destroy it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The whole system is really a joke…not just this story bruh.

    • Anonymous says:

      And people thought the change to single-member constituencies was going to fix the system. It’s made it much worse and unfortunately, this new system is going to make it even harder to avoid the next PPM tyrant from becoming the next Premier. You heard it here first.

  13. Anonymous says:

    If this makes you mad its only because you value his opinion. Think about that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voters are allowed to be disappointed that there are so many offensive and false comments spouted, which ought to be restrained by legislative procedure, and ordinarily the remit of a competent Speaker, refereeing conduct in the house. That we all know we don’t have these basic mechanisms and have done nothing to change that, is deeply lamentable, beyond one stooge’s one day contribution to the growing heap of contemptuous behavior. It’s okay to witness and feel how bad things really are, and what that means about us as a people.

  14. Anonymous says:

    = Alden Puppet

  15. Anonymous says:

    A man who has made a career out of holding sincere, heartfelt right-wing views that he gets paid for. Next!

  16. Anonymous says:

    You are the only Muppet – Austin Harris, you are Alden’s Muppet. Hope this is your first and last time serving in the L.A.

  17. Cheese Face says:

    Please don’t beat us Austin!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Here you have it folks, time to clean the political house….goodbye to every single one of them. We definitely need fresh blood with integrity, intelligence and love for country. Nuff said!

    • Anonymous says:

      You can go ahead and change yours but you not gonna changes mines. I love my representative. GTC to the world………. KB all the way.

  19. Claude Anthony Terry says:

    Our political landscape will remain the same until we change it. Why should we have to tolerate mediocre performing career politicians? How can us common folk believe our best interests are their priorities when they haven’t been able to relate to us in decades? You cant truly sympathize with a family living on minimum wage meantime earning 12k a month. Allot of politicians are simply out of touch and see their position as a career move, just like any other government post. Regardless of performance, tardiness, behavior etc etc they wont be fired!
    And yes, we are to blame for this crap. With our lack of constant vigilance (not all ofcourse, but the majority), election payoffs with land fill, appliances etc and selective memory. Its disgusting and its systemic, it’s systemic because there in too damn long! When we have people in power for too long they become vulnerable to large interest groups and all sorts of under the table money making deals. I say we enact a term limit and throw a monkey wrench into this system!

  20. Kman says:

    Houston you can have our Clown Austin. Talk about a waste of time, money and space, a low down self righteous person who lacks integrity and humility. You’re a fraud and s disgrace and do us all a favour and don’t bother running for office again.

  21. Good Whilst “Hustings” says:

    I attended the pro port meeting at GT Yacht Club tonight. Lucille was in attendance. You know, the Lucille who lost to Austin, of all people. Every utterance from the Premier was meet with applause from Lucille. When the Verdant Isle rep would speak, Lucille would applaud. When the cruise reps would speak, Lucille would applaud. It was soooo incredibly obvious that Lucille was still towing the Progressives Party line. I used to wonder how ANYONE could lose an election running against an idiot like Austin. Seeing Lucille tonight, now I understand. No wonder Austin won. Prospect, unna ga do betta next time.

    • Anonymous says:

      I was there too and saw you clapping and consuming the complimentary refreshments. Ironically you are suggesting that your own views are the only valid ones by sending personal insults to those you think don’t agree with you. Leave Ms. Lucille alone she has as much rights to her views as you have to yours however misguided your views may be.

      • Good Whilst “Hustings” says:

        1. I never applauded once. There was no reason to applaud, as this wasn’t supposed to be a political rally. I didn’t go to the meeting as a representative of either side in this national debate. I went to the meeting as a socially responsible citizen of this country who wanted to hear what Verdant Isle, the cruise reps, Dr. Vaughan (the scientist that will attempt the reef relocation), Baird (who did the 2015 EIA) and the government had to say in support of building this cruise port. I was hoping that the information that they presented would help me to make an informed decision on Dec. 19th. Instead, I left that meeting thinking that the pro-port people did not do a good job of swaying my vote in their favor.

        The Verdant Isle rep gave a presentation that included a statement that the new port would result in “no beach erosion to Seven Mile Beach” but gave no scientific evidence to support that statement.

        MLA Roy McTaggart (who, by the way I voted for) gave a presentation of the financial aspects of the port plan, and stated that the “beauty” of the plan was that the $5.50 per passenger fee that is currently paid to the tender boat company would no longer be paid to the tender boat company, but would instead be paid towards to Verdant Isle’s lender (i.e., the $5.50 would pay back the loan used to build the port). At the current 1.9 million cruise visitors per year, that would be $10,450,000 per year going towards the financing (or $209 million over 20 years). Verdant Isle’s rep however went on to state that the new port would CONTINUE to use the tenders, even after the docks are built. No one could answer the question of how the tenders would now be paid, once that $5.50 per head fee is redirected to Verdant Isle. Also, what if there is another recession and cruise passenger numbers decline as a result. Will we then have to make up for any payments not generated from the per head fee? Whoever the consortium gets their financing from is going to want their payments.

        The Baird rep in my mind had no credibility, as Baird is now a partner of the consortium to build the port. They have no independence from the project, so how can we trust that they are giving an honest opinion of the potential environmental impact? The entire western side of Grand Cayman is at stake here.

        Dr. Vaughan, who will be paid for the reef relocation attempt, said that his method of relocation has an 89% success rate (!), which to me sounds like an incredibly hard to believe sales pitch.

        Alden did state that there would of course be some environmental impact, which I thought was at least an honest statement on his part, for which I gave him credit. But nothing else that the panel presented was enough to convince me that the project in its current form, proposed location and estimated cost is worth the environmental risk and financial burden to the Cayman Islands. I just do not see the potential for reward outweighing the potential environmental and financial risks to the Cayman Islands.

        2. Yes, I did consume the refreshments, however they were far from “complimentary”. The refreshments were no doubt paid for by public funds, i.e., tax dollars. In other words, I paid for my own refreshments, thank you very much.

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