Fire crew returns to dump as hot spot smoulders

| 13/09/2019 | 26 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Firefighters were dispatched to the George Town landfill again on Thursday night after smoke began emerging from near the location of last week’s fire earlier in the day. The crews worked through the night to ensure the hot spot did not reignite, after an assessment confirmed smoke was visible near to the previous fire but there were no flames, officials said in a release.

The Cayman Islands Fire Service said the crews are working with the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) to excavate and douse the deep-seated pocket where the smoke is coming from.

“My officers are working diligently to extinguish the source of the smoke,” said Deputy Chief Roy Charlton. “I can assure the public that we are doing all we can to minimise the impact of any smoke in the neighbouring area.”

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Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The Japanese are on to something. As an island nation we would probably benefit from learning from Japan’s experiences.

    Islands from trash

  2. Anonymous says:

    If the Japanese can build islands covered in gardens and parks out of waste dumping sites, why can’t we do something similar? Google “uni no Mori”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Figure out how to make parking meters work first.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are not a smart people like the Japanese. Furthermore, the Japanese have within their culture, the political will to take care of their environment. Unfortunately, we pay lip service to our environment because developers rule.

  3. Anonymous says:

    why … why continue to prove ourselves as incompetent managers of a country….when will the government finally implement a solution to the landfill… the world sits and laughs…

  4. Fyah Bun says:

    Yes, it’s a centuries old technology used all over the third world today, and goes by the name of pyroremediation. Essentially burn it to ash, then you can even use the ash to enhance your crops.

    We might be a bit behind the times here but we certainly know how to use fire to solve our biggest problems.

  5. Enquiring mind says:

    Well it is blatantly obvious that we need a new site for the dump. It has to go somewhere and saying “we don’t want it our district” is not only dumb but selfish. We all produce garbage not just the persons who live in George Town.

    • Anonymous says:

      You need 21st century waste management and a proper landfill, not the dump, for very little that will be left.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The dump shows the failure of the CIG and the destruction of Cayman and it’s environment.

    They could fix it in a year but choose not to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly 10:48! Can we just make a big sign that says “Cayman Islands Government” and stick it at the top of the dump, so when they allow Dart to build his ridiculous tower, everyone can enjoy the view of it and know who’s responsible for it? Just a thought.

  7. Anon says:

    Those pesky iguanas are highly inflammable.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What is the George Town North Representative doing about this National Disaster in his constituency? Anyone know who is even representing us?

    • Anonymous says:

      Fix the damn dump Joey!

      • Anonymous says:

        We see his true colors, shining through. A vote for Joey is a vote to save our dump.

        • Anonymous says:

          Minister Hew should be held accountable. Has he ever said anything about THE DUMP? Does anyone know his position?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry, it is unfixable. Too late. Can’t burn it without turning the island into Chernobyl. Cosmetics would do nothing to stop its toxic poisoning of every sq.inch of this island.
        And please don’t counter argument with WtE plant for it will be worse than it is now.
        It is yours for decades to come, even if you don’t like it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So this is the new cost-effective remediation plan then? I see you Alden.


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