Baby blues hatch in wild

| 16/07/2019 | 11 Comments
Cayman News Service
Blue iguana hatchling (photo courtesy of the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme)

(CNS): Researchers working on the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme discovered the first wild hatchling of 2019 at the weekend. Pictures of the baby blues captured by the programme’s manager, Luke Harding, and posted on social media show that the species is breeding in the wild in Cayman once again, after being very close to extinction.

“We now need to continue to all work together to protect this species and its habitat so that offspring like this have the best chance to grow up into breeding adults themselves and help to ensure a sustainable population of wild blues for future generations to enjoy,” the BIRP said on its Facebook page.

🎉🎉Exciting news🎉🎉 Yesterday we found our first wild hatchling Blue Iguana of 2019. It so important and rewarding to…

Posted by Blue Iguana Recovery Programme on Sunday, 14 July 2019

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well done Blue Ig Team…… Thank you for all you do.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The posters below should know that endemic Blue Iguanas on Grand Cayman went from abundance to near extinction by the early 20th century. Their natural habitat remains under threat. It is extremely unlikely that their population will explode in your lifetimes. Of all the age groups the differences between juvenile Blues and Greens are the most distinct. Cullers presenting Blues will not earn anything except a date in court.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Thank you for the information. It needs to be said. The BIRP have details of the difference between Greens (Common) and Blue Iguanas. Blue and Rock Iguanas are protected in the Cayman Islands.

      Agree..Blues will never overrun Cayman; they are structured more like the Rock Iguanas than the greens, and thus the Blues will mate and move slowly and nature will control them. The frenetic reproduction of the Greens is frightening. The Greens are exploiting a less harsh environment from that which they were evolved.

      It’s not their fault, but they gotta go.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is good news – I am just genuinely curious…. Once we have the Greens under control and the Blues start to Proliferate, will they not duplicate the problem we have experienced with the current Green Population or do they have different breeding habits etc ? – I would assume that they have similar dietary habits etc…. Not trying to put a damper on the exciting news but does leave one to wonder.

    • Anonymous says:

      Different breeding habits. Rock iguanas take longer to mature and lay much much fewer eggs per year.

    • Kadafe says:

      Blue iguanas live and feed on the ground and don’t typically climb trees and eat everything in sight.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks 6.52 and 10.22 …appreciate the answers…I was only asking the questions as I didn’t know and the information you giveh is very educational. No reason for the idiot ‘thumbs-downers’ but nothing better to do I guess and no thought basis behind…if we can’t have a simple discussion without attracting the haters…we’re in a mess !

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to those concerned, especially the mama and papa blues! Hope that DoE, National Trust and whichever other agencies are directing the culling of the green iguanas have had the foresight to educate cullers on the difference between greens and protected blues (especially the young ones)!

    Otherwise, to cullers with snares and guns, all iguanas will be green ($$$)!

    • Anonymous says:

      I was required to demonstrate that I can differentiate between a blue and a green to Tim before receiving my culler’s card.

      You armchair experts are so annoying!! Do some actual research before conspiring in a comment box!!

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Agree. I’m a culler also, and I well know the difference; anyone with eyes can discern the difference.

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