Summer clean-up offers work for jobless locals

(CNS): Government is set to begin a two-week-long island-wide spruce-up project next month offering work to unemployed locals cleaning up parks and cemeteries, beaches and beach access points, collecting garbage and clearing roadside verges. This is the government’s second National Community Enhancement (NiCE) Summer Project offering work and an opportunity for people entering the job market to learn new skills and gain some work experience.
Although unemployment is now said to be at a record low, officials said that there are still people who are not in work and who need some help.
“While the government is encouraged that at 2.8% unemployment is now at its lowest in more than a decade, we are still keen to help those who are experiencing difficulties finding full-time work,” said Planning Minister Joey Hew, whose ministry oversees the project.
“This summer’s NiCE Project has been brought forward to assist in addressing the issue of sargassum on the beaches and coastline of Grand Cayman. A similar project will be conducted on the Sister Islands by the Ministry of District Administration,” he added.
Registration and orientation will be at the Lions Centre from 9am to 12 noon on Tuesday, 2 July. Applicants will need to bring a completed application form and supporting documentation to prove immigration status on registration day. Rigorous vetting will take place to ensure that only those who are eligible (Caymanians over the age of 18) are accepted into the programme. Those accepted will be required to attend work daily from 7am to 3pm, Monday through Friday. Contracted workers will be paid $10 per hour; foremen will receive $12 per hour.
Application forms can be picked up at all district libraries in Grand Cayman, as well as from district MLA offices, the Needs Assessment Unit, Workforce Opportunities Residency Cayman (WORC) and from the Government Administration Building’s reception.
Government agencies working together to organise this summer’s project include the Public Works Department, the National Roads Authority, the Department of Environmental Health and WORC.
The government said it also intends to undertake another NiCE project in November to provide temporary work in the run up to the holiday season.
Category: Local News
Why are businesses not followed up on with hiring Caymanians?
Restaurants in EE have gotten away with lots of bs for years, for instance.
Why aren’t caymanians following up to get a job? Why is it you think minimal effort equals that of maximum effort?
They don’t pay pension either.
Commenters you all cracks me up. Hope too see you all in 2021 election.
jobs are all around, its call prideful people who are ashame to work at gas station or elsewhere and use these jobs as an advantage (stepping stone) work. listen up the truth is you cant expect to just gain success by sitting around you gotta start small and work on up. Our pass time Cayman people set these examples once upon a time but idk where the lazy people mentality cam from. Get up and job hunt today and if it is a job you don’t like please use it as a step to gain access to your next step and make 3 year- 5 year realistic plans.
More vote buying by Joey Hew Alden McLaughlin and ppm. Ironically these same people criticized the UDP for this band aid program that has become a major source of government pretending to do something.
Why is this work not at the minimum wage?????
Because minimum wage is too low and even government recognizes that!
If that is what your skills allow you to do then so be it. Otherwise upgrade your skills. Government will also HELP with that.
No wage is too low if you or your’s are hungry.
It is if it pays less than what social services will give you for not working, (and more than your university educated and multi-year experienced foreign competition is paid).
Guess you were a big fan of slavery L.D.
Some money is better than no money.
So if government recognizes that the minimum wage is too low why don’t they raise the wage?
Because nobody will show up for $6/hr.
Because, as we all know, minimum wage is not even close to a living wage, unless one is living in squalor and sending their money home toward a future.
The issue with unemployment is that there are not enough jobs that are suited for the currently unemployed.
Anyone who is educated, articulate, ambitious and reliable is working. And if they are working they will be able to improve themselves and the positions that they hold. There are now, and will always be, an over supply of jobs for these people.
What this country lacks are manual labor positions for the less educated individuals. Manufacturing, warehousing, natural resources.
Lifetime duty concessions should be considered for companies that require manual labour for the export of goods manufactured in Cayman.
And as far as WORC goes, anyone who is capable of coming to work on the NICE project on time and everyday and be able to pass a drug test should get preference for hire over any person requiring a work permit to do similar unskilled labor.
The issue with unemployment is that it is mainly imported.
It would be nice if it worked that way however again and again you see qualified Caymanians being excluded from positions/advancement due to cronyism and insecurity of expat/caymanian managers. The indemnified nature of work permits also provides a certain amount of staffing stability even for managers with no leadership or hrm skills.
The labor statistics do not back you up.
They don’t address under-employment at all.
Everyone is under employed not just caymanians.
No, but it sure looks like most Caymanian are doing well.
Sounds like a good time for another employment survey. Thanks for the temporary ditch digging jobs Aldart.
The employment survey looks real good actually.
Two weeks work – what about the other 50 weeks in the year.
This does nothing to help the poor people who don’t have jobs. But of course those in government don’t care – they take home their big pay checks every month.
Dont worry NAU take care of them the other 50 weeks. Free everything. Rent, light bla bla bla
This is so lame. Prisoners should do this for cents on the dollar year round. Wake me up when Cayman stops fronting like a capitalistic society behind their rampant social work welfare.
Apparently this is all year round on Cayman Brac
Yes, and it shows; the roadsides have never looked so good.
This is a second job for some in the Brac.
N I C E. Are at work all year in the Brac
This wouldn’t be necessary if nasty people would stop throwing trash out of their windows while driving! I would hate to see the state of their homes. Nasty scumbags is what they are!
Every country has a sector of people that throw trash any and everywhere. It could be locals or it could be people from other countries where this is not only acceptable but part of their culture. I do think that before bringing in anyone on a work permit that they should undergo Cayman cultural training. Simple things such as washing hands after using the toilet with soap and water, not throwing trash out the window, where to hang clothes, using deodorant, taking a daily shower, where to throw the toilet paper after using it, saying good morning when coming into the office etc. People may laugh but I’m in another country right now as a student and there are booklets for international students and an entire page and write up to ensure there are no issues ranging from personal hygiene to cultural norms.
wait… throwing trash out the window is a cultural thing? I call BS on that! It’s called being F’in LAZY!!!
Same people you see rakng.
Taking a daily shower equates to civility??
It sure helps.
Yes it does. Similar with using deodorant. There are many people I have worked with in offices from Ireland, UK and South Africa that do not take daily showers, do not wash their hands after using the toilet, do not brush their teeth, do not use deodorant and they are highly paid managers. Their offices stink and everybody has to pretend there is no issue.
I never realized that pigs could drive until I came to Cayman and I’m not talking about one nationality, but many.
7:37 But tourists like to throw their drink cups or beer cans and bottles out their windows. When they are finished drinking. And their leftover food, too.
No they don’t. That is us. Tourists were brought up under the concept that littering equals fine.
Go look at old rockholes on all three islands; they are full of very old garbage, cans, bottles.
When I see someone littering, they are one of us, and yes, I do something about it.
Sorry. I only see people who live here doing it. And I hate to say it but they are a certain group.
On the Brac, NICE crews are doing much more than picking up garbage; they cut the bush that encroaches into the roads, and keeps the road sides looking neat and tidy.
It is a service I am glad to contribute towards.
7:37pm, we imported poverty. So what do we expect?
Well done CIG. A win for everyone.
Those who cannot get a job in there own country,should march on the government. Two weeks work, is that what was touted during the election campaign? Only in these Cayman Islands. People in other countries would’ve found a solution to the government dragging their feet and talking out of one side to their mouths.
They will be back with their sweet talk, seeking votes not too long from now and you are going vote for them? Let them seek work permit holders, who have the jobs to vote for them. Who is interested in a two week job? It is Discrimation. The best government we have ever had!!
Some people are unemployable, or simply to not wish to work when hand outs are available. If you want to work, have the correct attitude and basic common sense, jobs are available.
There is a huge gulf between “cannot get a job” and “will not get a job”. I believe that the majority of the unemployed Caymanians fall in the latter camp.
I see Jamaicans working road side clean up in the Brac, so we import poverty and give them Govt. work and also i see them going in and out social service office, i don’t see any sense giving expats residence and then have to support them But they have to eat and use toilet paper so the big shots/shop owners is making a profit.
People in other countries…,would be delighted to have unemployment rates as low as they are here. Don’t confuse not being prepared to work for the wage on offer for your skills with discrimination- any discrimination is in favour of the Caymanian. The real issues are a) those who don’t want to work or prefer living off NAU and b) international competition from the expatriate labour market which drives down prices or drives up qualification levels.
Time to book my vacation!
These people can only handle two weeks work or they would be gainfully employed permanently. But it works for them. There’s a place for everyone.