Traffic cops round up seven drunk drivers

| 12/04/2019 | 30 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Last weekend officers from the RCIPS traffic department arrested seven drunk drivers on suspicion of DUI during ongoing traffic enforcement efforts. Two of the people arrested had a blood alcohol content of over twice the legal limit, police said, adding that all of the drunk drivers now face losing their licences for at least a year if convicted. Police urged drivers to make alternative arrangements if they intend to drink; they said five of the seven drivers they arrested had attended events on Saturday night, so knew they would be drinking.

Acting Chief Inspector Everton Spence, who oversees the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit, said all these drivers could have avoided being arrested if they had simply planned ahead.

β€œIt is essential to make arrangements when attending events where you expect to be drinking,” said Inspector Spence, β€œIf you are unable to co-ordinate with others attending the event in order to arrange a designated driver, taxis are also available. Our anti-drunk driving enforcement efforts are ongoing and consistent.

“So every time you choose to drink without taking the simple step of making a plan for your transportation, you not only run the risk of causing a collision, but of losing your licence for a year,” he added.

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  1. Go away! says:

    Great job by our island police! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» Now can you please STOP the speeders on the EAST END going way to fast! Very disrespectful to our islands citizens. They speed towards Bodden Town and speed back towards North End everyday! Late for work maybe, idk. Not safe to walk or bike anymore. Sad.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Could have easily been 70 charged with DD, and 700+ with using cellphones. RCIPS could move ahead of Customs/Immigration on revenue from tickets if they were catching everyone.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know what the PTU leadership does all day, but the Taxi Rate sheet is so very ancient and basic that it could be automated into an app for free or at very minimal cost by several mainstream transport app companies (curb etc). It took me all of 3 mins to import and transcribe the data into a spread sheet. The apps use GPS or cell tower triangulation and offer electronic credit card settlement so cabs carry less cash, and need no special equipment. Can owners can optimize fleet mgmt, track movements, and maximize recoveries. Drivers can get tipped more often for their excellent service. Customers can track their inbound ride in real time, identify driver for security, locate lost belongings in seconds, and earn reciprocal user ratings. Is there any downside, or are PTU leadership too obsolete to be in their transport positions? We need adults to be in charge of critical transport infrastructure.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Taxis charge too much. Offer the purple ribbon bus every Friday!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Need affordable public transport and this can be curbed.

  6. Anonymous says:

    15 minutes work yet paid for a whole day.

    • Anonymous says:

      How about finding a designated driver, or overnighting at a friend’s house until you sober up? The catalogue of broken rationale people still use to explain away their habitual drinking and driving problem are so lame.

    • Anonymous says:

      You would think except the Cayman rules means it takes ages to deal with each one. The driver has to be transported to the lock up and be processed then breathlysed. There is no separate handling for DUI so if it’s Saturday night the DUI suspect waits his turn with everyone else who is being arrested. The arresting officer has to wait until he is so he can witness it – no idea why – and until that is done and he completes his paperwork he can’t go back out on the street to arrest the next one.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, you only managed to round up 7??? You obviously didn’t try too hard, you could nab 7 within an hour of having a road block, let alone over a weekend. Get serious RCIPS and do the work your paid for and Drivers do your part by being responsible. A car can be a useful means of transportation if used responsible or it can be a harmful weapon when operated while under th influence of either Alcohol, drugs or using a cell phone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Once arrested, it takes officers away for a while as they need to process the idiot. I’d say 7 is pretty good going, as you can guarantee at least some cops will be dealing with a car that fell off the road in some amazing fashion at the same time too.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It would be much more difficult to find a sober driver on Cayman roads after 11:00 PM any night.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Only 7? How is that possible? If they are serious, then this report would say thousands. Everybody drinks and drives. It’s cultural.

    The bars, restaurants and night clubs have no restriction on how many drinks they serve or sell a person even if a person is visibly drunk. It is a moral decision not a legal decision.

    In defence of the alcohol establishments, they are there to make money. However, don’t make these 7 drunk drivers to be an extraordinary catch. Every single night the police can catch thousands. Ok maybe a weekday only a few hundred and the weekend and special events thousands. But that means they are only looking for them at night! There are drunk drivers all times of the day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many don’t even have their lights on…the policing output and competency we get for our >$50mln a year leaves much to be desired.

    • Anonymous says:

      And where are you going to put these β€œthousands” of drunks 6.36pm?? In a cattle pen on the beach!!! It’s not as straight forward as you think. You have to take them in to the station and go through the correct procedures in order to secure a conviction or you’ll have some smart arsed lawyer getting them off on a β€œtechnicality” to go back on the streets causing mayhem and putting innocent peoples lives at risk yet again!! It maybe in your uneducated mind think that 7 drunks off the road is a drop in the ocean on the grand scale of things, but that’s 7 less on the road……one of which could have mowed your family down. So please don’t criticise until you have the full facts of these procedures. I know because I used to be a Traffic Officer with RCIPS.

      • Anonymous says:

        Round them up in a drunk bus and find a more modern way to process them, including breathalyzers and fingerprinting. Process them on the road and send them all to cells to sleep it off. Create a tent if it becomes too much. If they don’t like it, then don’t drink and drive again.

        Or do like Guernsey and anyone on a work permit caught drinking and driving has their work permit cancelled or tied to their directorship renewals with CIMA. That will significantly cut down the road numbers. Then that leaves the locals to be rounded up like cattle if they don’t comply.

        Don’t just allow the system to continue because β€˜that’s the way it is’ and β€˜it’s a tedious process’. Find a way to fix the process.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Give me Uber or Flex and I’ll stop.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then you’ll complain about the β€œsurge pricing” premium on your Uber at closing time, when there are only a handful of cabs still operating. Who are the people that should want to give up their precious sleep for the privilege of hauling drunk vomit-risks home for less than normal cab fare? The only people that think ride apps will suddenly be cheaper in Cayman than the ancient taxi fare guide are people that either haven’t seen the fare guide, or don’t use ride apps.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you’re willing to risk kill someone or yourself because we don’t have Uber or Flex?!?!?! That’s really sad.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’d be curious to know the countries the offenders are from.


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