Son jailed for trying to sell father’s property

| 02/04/2019 | 18 Comments
Cayman News Service

Admiral Anderson

(CNS): Admiral “Andy” Anderson Jr (50), from George Town, has been jailed for 3½ years for trying to sell his father’s land and property without permission. Anderson was convicted last October of several forgery charges and an attempt to obtain property by deception after he tried to dispose of the family’s assets and pocket the cash. The son had been managing apartments for his elderly parents, who were both unwell and living in the US at the time, but he had never been given power of attorney or permission to sell the family’s assets.

After trial Anderson was found guilty by a jury on several counts relating to him forging various documents and his claims to have power of attorney when he put up his father’s $2.8 million worth of properties for sale. Anderson had denied the allegations, claiming that other family members in the United States had been mishandling his parents’ affairs and the whole thing was a family dispute.

The judge was told by prosecuting counsel Toyin Salako that there were a number of aggravating factors, including a breach of trust, that it was planned, that his parents were vulnerable victims who were not in a position to question or challenge what he was doing, and that he had shown no remorse.

But his lawyer, Prathna Bodden, argued that her client had shown no remorse because he still claimed this was an irreparable family feud and he had not conceded to the crime. She pointed out that at fifty years old, he had no previous convictions. She said he was a hard-working man who had been asked to manage the family properties, and he had not deliberately targeted his elderly parents.

The judge said that, given the circumstances of the case, it was difficult to sentence but there were nevertheless a number of  aggravating factors. After considering all of the submissions, the various reports as well as the evidence given by Anderson’s father at trial, she felt the appropriate term was three and a half years.

Following the delivery of the sentencing ruling, Anderson’s bail was revoked and he was taken into custody.

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Comments (18)

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  1. Whosay Mclane says:

    Yes because certain people with big connections to big govt officials are tied up with this land grab in Frank Sound nothing is being said or done about it. Shame shame shame! Fraudulent documents Scam

  2. Mount Cabbage says:

    No different than those with false and not even notarized documents trying to steal from other family members in Frank Sound so they can sell it to certain ex politicians!!! Yes folks the corruption continues as usual!!!

  3. Elvis says:

    Money, the root of all evil.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ask yourself this question, How could a father turn from his only son? So much hatred. When there were problems in Cayman with the druggy grandson, it was not the Sr. that was called, but the Jr. But you want to tell half the story, but now it will come out.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Andy was only trying to do right by his parents and got caught up in a situation manufactured by greedy siblings that sought out to crucify him. Sadly his reputation is now ruined. No doubt Andy will come out stronger than ever!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes he will come out stronger, and I feel sorry for the snakes that lied. Their greed will have them turning on each other. And for the ones that know the true story we shall sit back and have the last laugh! Lord have Mercy on your souls. You know Mrs. Anderson is turning over in her grave, that was her baby! So when you close your eyes I pray she pays you a visit! Snakes!

  6. Life As A Lie says:

    My aunt is in a similar position. She and my grandmother will fight every now and then. All over the ownership of a House that my aunt is living in. I am releasing a documentary on these issues and a few more in the late 2020. It will expose all the corruption in KY. From financial to civil to the beautiful enviroment thay will be lost in time. Why should the young Caymanians suffer in the future?

  7. Anonymous says:

    No one wants to take responsibility. You don’t forge documents, claim power of atty and act against the direct interest of your parents because of a ” crazy family dispute “. Greed. Plain and simple.

    • Tracy A says:

      you can’t just claim power of atty, when the father was giving it out like he was passing out Christmas Cards. If you do well for me, I’ll give you power of attorney.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Deportation Order?

    • Anonymous says:

      Dumbass troll.

    • Anonymous says:

      Typical division promoting response for caymanian wrongful act but over yonder the story with the tennis chief is riddled with commiseration

      • anon says:

        12.41pm Wrong, there were plenty of critics of the tennis director. In both cases justice was/will be served to both Caymanian and expatriate.

        • Anonymous says:

          Does anyone know which one is Caymanian, and which is expatriate?

        • Anonymous says:

          Justice served ? Mr. Anderson is going to jail and didn’t get the opportunity to abscond. Agassi is currently discussing disposing of the case and concluding with “some sort of written agreement “ sure sounds fair

          • Cess Pita. says:

            8.37pm You sure sound clueless. It’s a plea bargain, he will certainly be jailed but with a reduced sentence, unlike Anderson who tried to wriggle out of it.

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