Premier warns UK lawmakers off devolved issues

Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin (3rd from right) with (L-R) MPs Martin Vickers, Keith Taylor, Pauline Latham, Jeremy Lefroy, Ian Paisley, and Sheryll Murry (click to enlarge)
(CNS): In London this week Premier Alden McLaughlin urged UK politicians not to “drive a wedge” between the people in the overseas territories and the British government by intervening in affairs that are the devolved responsibility of the elected governments of those territories. McLaughlin, who led a small delegation to Monaco to meet with UK officials and members of the yachting community in the south of France, was speaking at a dinner on Wednesday evening with the Cayman Islands All Party Parliamentary Group (CIAPPG) at the House of Lords.
As well as updating British lawmakers on how well Cayman Islands’ economy is doing, he spoke about the “worrying trend” and “alarming approach” taken by the Foreign Affairs Committee in its recent report.
“Continued high level engagement with MPs and peers is essential for the Cayman Islands to maintain a presence and understanding within the Houses of Commons and Lords,” the premier stated Friday in a press release about his trip.
But he also warned that this type of unwarranted intervention, should it continue, would only drive a wedge between the BOTs and the United Kingdom, which would not serve the interests of either the UK or the territories well.
“My message also included a note of warning of the consequences of a UK Parliament, 4,500 miles from the Cayman Islands, interfering in local matters that are not only devolved but in circumstances where they have no real understanding of local people and local affairs,” he said, adding that the event was a great success.
“I was able to engage with a number of important figures in Parliament and the House of Lords to further our education campaign about the Cayman Islands within Westminster.”
While the Premier sponsored the dinner, which included guests from across the political divide in the UK, it was hosted by Lord Northbrook, a member of the CIAPPG and a long-time supporter of the Cayman Islands.
He praised the premier for his work since he became the leader and “the great strides in helping the UK to understand more about the Cayman Islands and what they do”.
The dinner followed meetings during the day with both Ben Wallace, Minister of State for the Home Office, and Ben Merrick, Director of the Overseas Territories Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which focused on the talks on constitutional reform, the Foreign Affairs Committee Report, beneficial ownership and the European Union blacklisting process.
No details were revealed about the outcome of the talks but the release stated that both the United Kingdom and the Cayman Islands governments were keen to conclude the constitutional reform discussions and to have the proposed changes debated in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly later this year.
During the day in London the premier also met with Sir Jeffery Jowell, QC, who is advising the Cayman Islands Government on a range of issues, including constitutional reform and the government’s decision to appeal the Chief Justice Anthony Smellie’s judgment legalising same-sex marriage, which is expected to be heard in August.
On Thursday the delegation travelled to Monaco “for meetings and engagements with key yacht brokers and industry leaders” to advance the work of the new Ministry of International Trade, Investment, Aviation and Maritime Affairs, which the premier has added to his burgeoning portfolio.
On Sunday the Premier is scheduled to take part in an annual charity 87-mile bicycle ride from St Tropez to Monaco for the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation.
The Cayman Islands Government has partly sponsored the riding kit for the event and riding jerseys prominently display the Cayman Islands Coat of Arms. The premier will be riding alongside Prince Albert and other celebrities.
Category: Local News
What does Tara think?
Alden reminds me of Nero, while Cayman is burning, he cycles… and on the Govt dime. Guess he feels he has to get in more of those world travelling jollies before May 2021.
He had the nerve to talk about McKeevas travel but he seems just as bad
Aldart has secured his future.
Another waste of The Caymanian tax dollars. I for one can’t wait till he retires. I really wonder what these 19 MLA’S do? Oh wait I will tell you. Waste our tax dollars. Mr. Premier if you DON’T want The UK our Mother COUNTRY meddling in our affairs. Do us a favour.
PUT THE QUESTION OF INDEPENDENCE TO A VOTE TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS. YOU and your so called unity government have no idea how your people are suffering. While you fly all over the world promoting these islands to attract the rich. We the people CAYMANIANS ARE SUFFERING. I can’t wait till you leave public office. Why don’t you try doing these few things to help fix our country.
1.) Fix mount trashmore.
2.) Pass legislation so CAYMANIANS can actually earn a decent hourly wage CI$15 an hour is a good start.
3,) Stop importing slave labour into this country.
4.) And do you all have a plan for the over run, over priced ORIA. WHICH in less than 5 years will be at capacity, and need to be expanded.
7.) Try fixing that waste of our money you all spent on that no good, non working CCTV system that has been installed island wide.
8.) STOP thinking that you and your so called unity government is above the laws of our land. EQUALITY IS FOR ALL CAYMANIANS CITIZENS, NOT JUST A CHOSEN FEW. YOU HAVE 1 SET OF LAWS FOR YOURSELVES AND ANOTHER FOR US THE CAYMANIAN VOTERS.
9.) Try get a handle on all the corruption going on in government.
10.) And my final 1. Fix our roadways, stop allowing all these vehicles being imported, fix our public transportation PROBLEM. AND TO YOUR EDUCATION MINISTER FIX OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM. OUR SCHOOLS ARE FAILING OUR CHILDREN.
Just take a look at how horrible Jamaica has become since going independent. I very much doubt any sensible registered Cayman voter would vote for independence.
You and the other 18 bunch of MLA’S runny this country as if you own it.
Chet Oswald Ebanks.
No point meeting these parliamentary groups. They have no influence. Only the dumbest, loudest, emptiest vessels seem to matter – Hypocrite Hodge, beneficiary of an offshore trust, and hot to Trot Corbyn (usually too busy lounging around on the floor of a half empty train somewhere cos “neoliberalism”, or making sweet swweeeeett jam with fellow idiot Abbott, or just hating on Jews with the rest of the stalinist sh*tbags who run HM’s Opposition).
Oh, and the rest of the “tax justice” charlatans who make a very good living from lies, lack of basic numeracy, and colonialist (read racist) instinct.
The only way forward is disengagement. Keep judicial system, PC as Court of final appeal, & QE2 as Head of State. Tell the rest of the UK govt to go swivel.
State-sponsored discrimination is not a devolved issue. There is indefensible legal exposure not just for the CIG, but also Governor’s Office and FCO. Caymanians will wind up paying for their bad advice.
The U.K. Government holds its own democratic institutions in contempt, why does anyone in the Cayman Govt think Cayman will be treated any differently?
7:21 Because it is an all expense paid trip to cycle and have fun.
What a complete and utter waste of time and public money!
Hey! Don’t forget Alden’s bike ride!
Woo eh!
That bike ride sure still stuck in your craw!
I think we would be better off to just ignore the entire lot of UK politicians they have no clue about their own constitutes and are perhaps the most small minded type of people you can encounter in the UK. It truly has no value we have spent millions on PR/trips and trying to ‘educate’ this lot … nothing to show for it …. just IGNORE them …. the majority of the British voting public does ….
As long as you want to stay a BRITISH overseas territory, then we’ll ‘meddle’ as much as we want. And we’ll be starting with pushing through gay marriage legislation. Like it or go independent.
It was a local court decision and not the UK. Go back to your cave troll.
Amen, to “Anonymous 9:03”. And the irony is this: Pushing through gay marriage is actually to the benefit of everyone in the Cayman Islands. EQUALITY BENEFITS ALL. This has been the case in every country where gay marriage has arrived, and it will be the same here. Haters, go ahead and vote against me all you want. But gay marriage is coming — and not far off — and you will be better off for it, whether you are straight or gay.
Hear hear…
Premier McLaughlin shows his ignorance of the UK’s application of “Devolution” vs. “Delegation”.
Devolution: The UK Parliament surrendered irrevocsbly all powers on certain governance matters to Bermuda, Scotland and Wales. The UK cannot use an Order–in-Council to force their wishes on these jurisdictions.
Delegation: By Order-in -Council.the UK issued the 2009 Cayman Islands Constitution In the Constitution the UK government, delegated revocable matters to the Cayman Islands Government. Constitution Section 81 and 125 sets out how the UK Government will act when the Cayman Islands Government will not do what the UK Government orders them to do. It is like a parent telling a child “You can go to bed any time you want, but it must be by 8 PM or else….”. There are no UK devolved powers to us.
What a waste of money.
Just email or make a conference call.
After you fix the dump your opinion will become something I might value. Until then its all just excuses.
“I warn you….” said a spider to an elephant
So proud to be a Caymanian. We are the envy of the world. Everyone wants to be here and no one wants to leave
Even the ones that curse our little island dont want to leave either!
9:43 Canadians do not want to leave. What gives? Their Government does not scrutinize or all became citizens for the folly of laundering and fronting?
The U.K. Should be much more concerned than it is by the numerous examples of poor governanace and even potential corruption so evident in so many aspects of Cayman. The rule of law somehow manages to be evaded in too many areas.
8;42 really!!! You are in the most successful island in the world. Its just doesn’t get any better than this.
Posted from the sand bar surrounded by cool breeze and cayman sunshine on my boat purchased with my annual bonus, headed home shortly with my Caymanian wife to the peaceful district of west bay to a pot of conch stew!! Get the point?
Cayman is wonderful despite its government, not because of it.
It could and should be so much better, especially with the resources available. Much too much is simply squandered.
Glad you can afford a boat and access the sandbar at will. Access may not be so easy after the cruise ship dock, and we are running out of conch, but hey, you will still have a boat.
Peaceful district of West Bay? Which it? Birch Tree Hill Road. Super Cs? Pop a Top? Kellys Bar ?
@6:02 pm- Piss off! There are plenty of nice areas in West Bay- how nice of you to point out several watering holes and a road that has high crime… what about the rest of the district that has great neighborhoods? Last time I checked, burglaries and vandalism is taking place much more in South Sound and George Town! Don’t diss what you don’t know!
nah man…logwood
That is why Alden, Mac and Matthew Forbes got rid of Governor Choudhury, he saw their tricks and was bringing good governance.
Now we have the easily controlled Governor Martyn Roper.
Roper has been a joke upon entry.
He is a Tourist on island, he only promotes the Touristy stuff he and his wife do on Twitter, too. Those he Follows on Twitter, questionable? He appears to not realize the junk he Follows…
Anyone notice whenever government has an ‘event’ it is always a ‘great success’.
Yeah and two months the UK dictates some detrimental and biased regulatory requirements. I think our politicians seem very deluded about their ability to persuade whether it be with foreign politicians or lying to the people of Cayman.
YES, the desease is now common.
The disease is called “Trumpitest” – it started in the USA.
Trump will eventually delve into ‘the Cayman Islands’ of course, he delves where needed for the US. Plenty of American monies hidden to avoid paying taxes. He may start with Cuban, or may with other equal big or bigger entities…
What is the CIG forseeing thus focusing on that aspect?
Trip to Monaco which can certainly be a conference call. What was the true purpose, why focus on Monaco when Trump/US can/will be most detrimental.
Did Tara go?
Is it ‘accepted’ yet that the Building Boom islandwide, and EE is because Americans have for recent years, felt pressured into taking their monies out of banking? (I know what I know and what I HAVE been told).
Americans are allowed by IRS (Internal Revenue Service) standards, to own property, if income is not generated, if do, it must be reported. Even if giving up Citizenship which of course none of them do, what is the CIG doing foreseeing the major situation ensuing?
Is there an MLA in EE?
Why are there Sandwich signs galore and poaching, daily?
I cannot even shop locally anymore, for months, because why am I asked about ‘the Phillopini girls’ and other weird goings on in EE…
Why is the new business/entity on Frank Sound not being scrutinized? Nit filled…, …Arden. OMG I did research, in fear of my death for years, Arden nowhere to act on my honesty…do I need to be asked who owns all and is the CIG of no other excuse, pocketing, to approve Poaching (deaths of UK residents) and all. I have God above me.
We citizens of Cayman are very fortunate to have such a smart and great statesman for Premier – 12 more years!
Shut up twins .
You shut up as our Premier & the rest of the Unity Team are doing a bang up job and all your kind do is run them down. They know how to make our country great
Not run them down.
We will ALL not be fools, dome have opened their eyes and we speak of what we see.
Grovelling grovelling PPM minions.
There are no citizens of the Cayman Islands and your leaders are doing an excellent job of keeping you ignorant.
My word……
there is a little thing called BOTC…..
Guess what?
Repeat after me, •Cayman is a BOT* and that’s not the same thing as you, which we call a “knuckle bot”!
Bermuda is a BOT, Falklands are a BOT, Cayman is a BOT – and guess what, all have exactly the same citizenship. No one has Bermuda Citizenship, just like no one has Cayman Citizenship.