Minister amuses LA with homophobic ‘joke’
(CNS): Members of the Legislative Assembly all seemed highly amused by the health minister’s description of this month as “Gaypril”, as he answered questions Wednesday from Chris Saunders (BTW) on issues impacting the health ministry. As Dwayne Seymour struggled to supply answers about problems with staff and management, from the suspended security team and the ongoing internal investigation to questions about pay increases for senior staff outside the normal process, he instead opted to distract his colleagues with a homophobic joke.
Saunders asked the minister when he was likely to get answers to his questions, and the minister responded that, technology being what it was, the ministry would try to get the information as quickly as possible.
“I would say, with all the technology that we have and given the urgency of the matter, and today being the 10th of Gaypril …oh sorry, April …sorry …but …” as he winked several times at his giggling colleagues
The members’ amusement at the expense of the LGBTI community comes at a time when the country has been embroiled in a divisive debate about marriage equality and the issue of discrimination.
However, there has been little division among members of the parliament; all but three MLAs spent hours last week berating the concept of marriage equality, making it clear they had no issue with the violation of rights for people in the community rather than dealing with the scheduled business.
Seymour’s unpleasant attempt at a joke, which went down well with his colleagues, came hours before the Court of Appeal temporarily reversed the chief justice’s ruling on same-sex marriage, at least until August.
The ruling legalising same-sex marriage had removed the discrimination and put an end to the violation of the rights of Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden by government after they were refused a marriage licence because they were a same-sex couple.
But just hours after Seymour’s joke the women were forced to cancel their planned wedding and found themselves back in the same situation of being discriminated against by the government, with their rights being breached.
During the exchange of questions Seymour managed to get back on track and supply the member from BTW with information about plans for a ‘mini’, or satellite, hospital in Bodden Town. He said the government is currently looking for land to address the long-term proposal in the health ministry’s strategic plan to build the facility in the fastest growing district.
The proposed project is to replace the current clinic with a facility that would include an emergency room and operating theatre. The minister said that officials were currently looking at potential crown land sites in the district and a time line for the development of the project would be made later this year after the costs had been established.
He said that if it goes ahead, the new centre would offer 24/7 emergency services and urgent care, as well as specialist services and dialysis improving access to core and medical services for the Eastern Districts.
The minister had earlier refused to give details on the ongoing probe into irregularities found in overtime payments of the security staff, who have all been suspended. Two men have also been arrested by the anti-corruption unit, but no one has been charged in connection with the more than a year-long scandal and one of many surrounding Seymour’s area of responsibilities.
Saunders, who was asking the questions, said that the minister was being misled when he gave him incorrect information regarding the current internal probe.
The minister was also asked about changes to contracts and who approves them and the possibility that a member of the senior management team had been given a pay increase without the knowledge of the ministry. Seymour committed to undertaking another audit at the hospital to examine salary awards.
See the minister’s ‘joke’ below:
Category: Government Finance, Health, Medical Health, Politics
How would this man feel if another MLA described November using another N word and laughed about it? People would be demanding an apology or that he stepped down. Hypocrisy of the ruling majority with power. This is exactly why we don’t vote when it comes to the bill of rights.
Why the hell you doing talking if you didn’t vote?
Your voice means nothing if you didn’t vote.
Items in the bill of rights can not be voted on by the public, that is the law. Other than that I totally agree with your point. If you don’t vote you are silent and have no right to comment or complain.
Except you havent conisidered when large groups of people have intently chosen not to vote to send a message. Have you not heard any Caymanians in the past 2 or 3 electuons say they didnt vote because there was nobody to vote for??? We might dee rising numbers of yhis if we dont see some new blood SOON!!! But on the negative side, when we had our lowest voter turnout, govt changed the rules on percentages/majority to suit their cause. I wonder if our elections law has a quorum…
Well don’t you realise if everyone desides not to vote the same people will remain , stupid comment
If you don’t vote, how you going to get those lil extras and hep with de mortgage
If you don’t vote, you can’t bitch.
Wrong, in an representstive election there are two choices:
1. Select one candidate from a list of candidates.
2. Not vote because neither candidate is preferable over the others – all of the candidates are viewed in the same negative light
When the voting system is not trusted.
CNS: The reason the rest of this comment was deleted had nothing to do with content but because you left the caps lock on. See the CNS comment policy – the link is at the top of the page.
Exactly! So that also means all those foreign ppl protesting on the Assembly the other day in support of the gay life style have no right!
Oh Dwayne. Here I was thinking you’d improve after your ‘love vessel’ attack a few years ago on your wife’s lover. Grow up and do it now. It feels bad like the time someone called you a gorilla you wanted them in trouble for insulting a sitting member, but what do we do with this insult? Must be nice to have parliamentary protections.
I think all the hostile commentators on this thread should think about what it must be like to be Dwayne Seymour and exercise some Christian charity. To be a government minister in charge of two of the most problematic issues in Cayman, health care and the dump, and simply have no idea of what the issue are, what is happening – or not happening in your Ministry – let alone what the solutions may be, and then be asked live questions. Must be enormously stressful, and whilst I am not condoning his behaviour, I can understand him instinctively reaching for something – anything – to deflect the attention form his complete inability to understand let alone master his brief. Pity him him, don’t chastise him – he really doesn’t know any better, poor soul.
The other MLAs that thought it funny and who do have the capacity to understand – shame on them, both for encouraging him and for allowing what was a lame pun shockingly badly executed to deflect from the real issue, which is the minister has no idea what his own department is doing.
Oh F$&@ your Christian charity. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Not the best choice of words from a local politician but nowhere as tragic as a democratic execution of racism and xenophobia by an entire nation of people…i.e. Brexit.
Btw, who is the duly elected President of the USA again? That’s right…Mr White Power Poster Boy himself – Trump.
Y’all need to get a grip – or a reality check at the least.
5.45 pm Why does Brexit always come up on this forum, it has nothing to do with the limited intellectual abilities of some of your elected members and Ministers. At least you didn’t mention Jamaicans this time, but you are gripping the wrong straws.
Because certain faux philosophers and talking heads who seem to have taken up residency in the CNS comments only understand the concept of arguing backwards from their predetermined conclusion rather than using an argument based on it’s individual merits and relation to the issue at hand
The conclusion is : “Brexit means Brits are racists and xenophobes and white nationalists”
So whenever any issues are brought up where they have a better position than Cayman, those certain people just whip out Brexit to try to dance around the issue.
It’s their panacea for issues in Cayman, they just pivot to Brexit because they think its an indefensible position ( while people in Cayman spend all day pushing the same talking points about foreigners and immigrants sans a vote on leave the EU because there is no EU for us to leave)
Why Brexit?
Because it is irrefutable proof of bigotry on a national scale – that’s why.
BREXIT is Little Englanders totally out of control.
Wow. Get a load of this guy.
Not only is the joke terrible, it’s made less funny by his crappy delivery. He has the smoothness of Desperate Dan’s stubble, and the cutting wit of a particularly stupid MLA.
Here’s a joke:
Dwayne Seymour is responsible for forging policy about healthcare in the Cayman islands. Apart from making moronic statements, he also appears to be overweight (wink wink).
When you read the wink wink bits, that’s when you laugh. See what I did? The secret to the jokes funniness is that he is not clever enough to understand the ministry he is responsible for, and being overweight, he may need medical intervention sooner rather than later.
I know. I’m as natural a comic as this MLA. Si funny! (Wink wink)
& these jacka$$e$ are the ones running our country #TRAGIC
Unbelievable……what a group. The whole lot an embarrassment to the Cayman Island and the World.
Can someone please send this to the UK ministers so they can see for themselves the crisis we are in with these incompetent idiots.
How about you do it?
How did he get into office, he is as dumb as a door knob.
Voted in by “dumb as a door knob” woters
I look forward to the day this appeal is rejected and they are allowed to marry, I strongly encourage the LGBT+ community to make that day Their Annual Pride celebration and take to our streets and remind each and everyone of us love is love and such equality takes no rights from anyone else. Laugh all you like sir, the joke will be on you and yours!
Didn’t the speaker of the house get arrested for being a suspected sexual predator? Can hardly be surprised if the rest of the LA aren’t open to the idea of progress if they respect him.
good one Duhhhhwayne
Wait until Gaygust and we’ll all be laughing at you bigots.
Can you imagine the British Health Minister standing up in Parliament and referring to GayMay?.
No one should be surprised. The Government running this country couldn’t be any closer to third world. We can’t expect them to operate under a moral compass when the voting population actively elects bumbling bafoons…
Tell them John John! Hahaha No gay marriage in my cabinet!) I thought gay mmeat happy? Lo guess in the new Cayman that they are trying to make straight people can’t make jokes? ! These gays and their supporters are a bunch of hypocrits….read all of their comments on cns article…they seem to be the most hateful, scornful, cynical people around. There are countless examples of gay and pro gay comments slandering and verbally attacking and saying all manner of disgusting things about Caymanians…politicians…and anyone who doesn’t support gay marriage. Well you all are not fooling me.
Yeah hilarious. It’s the gay community’s lack of sense of humour that the issue, because it’s just a joke, right? Like the governor of Virginia ‘s KKK and blackface fancy dress party. stunt – black people with no sense of humour. Not that he’s a bigoted rasicst a hole. Something tells me Dwayne wouldn’t find jokes about his skin colour funny, so how come he feels it’s fine to make jokes about another minority group struggling for equal rights.
Don’t bring the Virginia gov into this. People evolve in their understanding of what’s acceptable. These clowns in cig don’t seem to ever evolve.
CAYMANIANS PLEASE NOTE! These are the same Cabinet Members who are presently working with the Premier to move Cayman into the direction of independence. How in the world would they perform on the world stage??!! With their mentality one could expect a “Cayman Islands Ambassador” making such references in the UN General Assembly!
They can have it! Just let me sell my house first!
If John-John directed those winks at either of his two male, gay, oh sorry, bisexual, MLA colleagues he’d better watch out the next time they meet in the mens’ room!!
Shhhh. Hush nah. You going make them feel funny.

There are almost 50 sitting LGBTQ MPs in both major parties the House of Commons more than enough to get this quote and this video attention on the floor of the House of Commons (where this issue is no laughing matter on either side of the aisle)
I wonder if Alden, Mckeeva and Company would be laughing then? ( I think not)
Might just have to start sending them some tweets with a convenient link to this video
Since this is clearly acceptable behavior I am sure no one would mind having some external scrutiny
Oh hopefully they will, I just emailed that and Juju’s statements to protest the wedding to the gov’s office, to the FCO, The Daily Mail, the Times, the Sunday Times, the Telegraph and the BBC. We’ll see what happens.
Here is my email for those interested.
Ima Caymanian
3:15 PM (37 minutes ago)
to fcocorrespondence, news,, foreigndesk, telegraphenquiries, staffoff, haveyoursay
I am writing this as a concerned Caymanian who despite my initial reservations, have decided to bring this to the attention of hopefully people who maybe able to do something about this in regards to how the Gay and Lesbian segment of the Cayman Islands is treated.
Last week, a gay couple brought a case before the courts to be able to marry in Cayman as such marriages are illegal here. Their case was first brought to the Cayman Islands Government quite some time ago, almost a year if I am not mistaken, who did absolutely nothing about it and forced the ladies to sue in court.
The Chief Justice ruled in favor of the ladies to which the Government immediately appealed the decision on the basis it circumvented their authority which to a degree it did but in truth it is the bigotry and prejudice of those in power that fueled the appeal.
The Chairman of the Human Rights Commission told the Government that they had no right to appeal to which the “neutral” Speaker of the House, a man who was Premier until his actions questioned his fitness to lead in that role but still thinks he is, here in Cayman called the man an Atheist and he should be fired for being such. This is a clear overstep to a neutral position in government.
Even the Foreign Commonwealth Office welcomed the decision by the Chief Justice and was “irritated” by the appeal by the Cayman Government.
Since the judgement by the Chief Justices, the members of the Legislative Assemble, Cayman’s local ruling government, has acted in a most discriminatory way from openly mocking the event; At time index 51:10 in calling the month April “Gaypril”.
To the Minister of Education calling for protesters to boycott the planned marriage of the two women involved or to attend and disrupt the wedding and protest the marriage when the officiating minister asks “if there is anyone who thinks they should not be married”. At time index 3:08:18
She is pleading for the people to go to the event and protest which she knows that in this time when feelings and tensions are high, the possibility of some kind of physical incident occurring would most likely be high and as such she is practicing hate speech and not free speech.
Through all of this, the elected Premier (your Prime Minister equivalent), Mr. Alden Mclaughlin, has done nothing to reign in this type of talk, or reprimand the Members for their words. Even when the Speaker of the House on the first sitting after our new governor, His Excellency Mr. Martyn Roper arrived, publicly called Mr. Roper a Cockroach by saying “Cockroach has no business in rooster fight”. A phrase to put light on Mr. Roper sitting in the Legislative Assembly and he is to take it for what it means and not an insult that he is to do best but just to listen? At time index 21:17
I do not know if any of the people and institutes I am sending this to will listen, but I just wanted to bring to light the caliber of the politicians here in the Cayman Islands and to have the F.C.O. take a stronger look at what is going on here in the Cayman Islands.
Most kind regards,
I’m A Caymanian
Send it to the Guardian/Observer too (a daily and Sunday edition newspaper in the UK who are very hot on such issues)
brilliant – love it. Was going to do the same this morning, but didn’t know what e-mails to send to – will now google as I suppose they are on there somewhere – you did however forget to make reference to the homophobic bile spilling out of Dyane Seymour’s mouth in the LA and the other MLAS laughing about it.
Sounds like they are hanging out in high school still. So mature.
Or as Trump would say… it’s just locker room chat
You wouldn’t even hear that kind of immaturity at a high school student council meeting… well, unless it was one of the schools that Julianna is in charge of! They probably wouldn’t even have a student council!
and you only have to look at the school reports to see why there are such weak, petty and moronic MLAs sitting currently
The embarrassment is that we voted for them to represent us
The choices weren’t anything to write home about.
What? Seymour versus Panton. The choice was clear for reasonably intelligent people.
I’m sure these members and the general public would also be perfectly fine with inviting me into the chamber to make a series of jokes about the vapidity and vacuous nature of modern Christianity and its practitioners
I shall expect that invitation forthwith
You don’t have to make fun of Christianity, it’s already hilarious. Talking snakes, force users and, most of all zombies. Bad 80s movie.
What does the minister of health know about health, jack s…t, now the question, does he have common sense ?
Fear not folks, I’m sure Who will be here soon to explain to us all how Brexit and UK nationalism justifies this ‘joke’ and that the LGBTQ community should cut their losses and willingly abdicate their rights for second class citizenship
It was actually very funny … where is the Gay communities sense of humor ?
Maybe they’ll get a sense of humor when they get the same rights as you. Asshole.
That’s actually my biggest issue with it. Aside from the issues around the appropriateness of such remarks, as a “joke” it just wasn’t particularly funny. Really? “Gaypril” is the best you can do? I’m sure he spent quite some time coming up with that one too
Yeah! Why don’t black people laugh at colour jokes – because they don’t have a sense of humour, right? Not because someone making jokes based on their minority status isn’t funny or appropriate.
Im black and I not only laugh at black jokes, I sometimes tell them
We are trying to eradicate bullying in the schools yet we have bullies running the country. Shameful!!
Find it so hard to believe that this piece of work defeated Wayne Panton in the last election. Says a lot about the voters in Newlands.
He defeated Missa Cow Cod in Bodden Town East….
He defeated Osbourne Bodden in BTE mostly because Ozzie called his supporters “raggamuffins” and said something along the lines of ” Talking about class of human being, Not Ozzie, you got the wrong nigga” if memory serves
That entire race was a display in what NOT to do as a sitting government Minister up for reelection
All he had to do was lay low and point out the fact that Dwayne Seymour has no accomplishments to his name in the LA
I can’t recall the MP in the UKs name but he was at their big Cayman Bash some months ago, very senior and gay, I’d like to know his thoughts on our MLS.
Alden and his team had their heads up his xxx that night…
Oooh err!
The lowest act/comment ever displayed in the L.A. building but how can you expect anything better from a low class XXXXXX like that. One should never toss pearls to pigs!
I feel like I’ve seen lower acts in the LA. But yea, this up there. Or should I say, down there.
As someone who doesn’t care either way… This is embarrassing as hell!!
It is clear we hold elected official to a lower standard. A manager in the private sector would be seriously reprimanded for actions such as this..
Anyone in the Private sector would be talking to HR in an exit interview.
These sort of bigoted comments need to be shared with the world’s press to show what a backwards thinking money grabbing bunch of Hippocrates are in charge of this country are really like.
The spineless Premier should be ashamed of himself for sitting there with his head up his ass
Homosexuality is not a matter of national importance. Especially when the vast majority of the nation doesn’t support it. So pipe down.
It’s not the fact it’s not of in your opinion national importance. That language is unbecoming of someone in his position. Same as Juju’s comment.
Its not a matter of national importance, but it distracted the LA for a full day debating it. Ok then.
The MLAs spent 2 whole days talking about it suspending all other business, so I don’t think this comment is reflected in reality
From a minister who is clueless and hapless at best this is the utmost of bad taste – his pathetic attempt at schoolboy humor only goes to emphasis the misogyny that perpetrates our parliament – disgusting – And what was the speaker doing not reprimanding him – at the mother parliament he would have been forced to withdraw or leave the chamber for such a remark: Planet of the apes.
Don’t worry, according to conservatives they are the victims in this equation, and it is THEIR rights being infringed I must have missed the part in the constitution regarding the enforcement of a state religion upon all inhabitants of these islands, must have been right under the part that details the means by which religious officials aren’t elected to public office by the rate at which each and every one of them seems to be involving themselves in civil institutions and politics there must be entire pages of the constitution not yet released to the public
That’s fine, that whole same sex marriage thing is a joke. No big deal
How disgusting are you to make fun of a situation like this. The types of comments that are being made by MLA’s are disappointing. You are supposed to be the ones leading the way for the younger Caymanians. D
Minister Dwayne Seymour never has answers to any of the questions that he is asked.
He is just there collecting a big paycheck every month.
And he represented us in the UK.
Not me. Nothing would ever authorize him to claim he represented me.
They all are.
So disappointed at all the MLA who smirked or chuckled at this. Deriving perverse pleasure in laughing at other’s expense. Cruel, aggressive and not in the spirit of Caymankind. Why stop the immaturity there Dwayne? Come on, go all in. How about Gayman Islands? Hilarious. NOT. Grow up. Do the job you are being paid to do. Be accountable. Be passionate about serving your community. Resolve the issues. Take it seriously or pass the reigns.
I remember making jokes like this in middle school and thinking they were the height of comedy
Middle school is obviously this ministers level of intelligence!
3.04 , You just insulted Middle school.
If you want a real laugh look at his testimony during his trial for perverting the course of justice and assault.
Please pass the reigns back to Wayne Panton.
Wayne ? He never had the reigns. Alden was Premier last term as well.
I think it’s been made blindingly obvious recently that there is no such thing as ‘Caymankind’. Unless Caymankind means trampling on people’s rights and making quite ridiculous ‘jokes’ about sexuality. Hang your heads in shame. In fact, push for independence and the whole world can laugh at you trying to make your way with the current crop of loonies in charge.
Instead of worrying about salaries why not look in to people that work there and are absolutely useless. Half the staff at the HSA,starting from the top, should be given the axe. No foresight, no plan for growth, no common sense. You could do twice as good a job with half the right people.
Dead wood equals poor quality of work and work environment.
So on 51:12 of the video, the honorable and proud MLA again shows it’s bigoted side with this off color joke at a selection of it’s own people it claims to represent. I am not gay, and I believe marriage is between a man and a women but for shame on them all. You are supposed to represent a higher standard of decency and decorum. For shame Dwayne Seymour, you represented us in England during your posting there. Shame on you Juliana, pathetic Minister of Education XXXXX. Shame on you McKeeva, gambler, XXXXXXX and supposedly neutral speaker of the house.
Shame on the 3 of you for your actions this last week, your actions are worst than spoiled children with no regard for tact or respect. In any other country you would have been asked to step down for your actions and shame to Alden for not having the stomach and letting this happen without rebuttal or reprimand. And shame to his excellency Gov. Martyn Roper, you see what goes on in the MLA, the “roosters” pecking away at the island and you sit in the corner like a cockroach and do nothing. McKeever was right in calling you such.
The entire house is a disgrace and has been for a very long time as the same dirt on the floor just keeps get being swept around from corner to corner every election day. Even third world countries conduct themselves better while in session.
If you had any honor among you, any dignity at all, the lot of you would step down and stop lying to yourselves that you are doing what you do for the sake and good of the people and the country when in truth it is about holding onto power, feeling self important and becoming rich of the coffers of the people.
For shame to you all. If the Governor had any fortitude he would bring a vote of no confidence against you all, call for a general election and bar you all from EVER serving again.
I am ashamed that you represent me and these islands I so love to the world, your actions, especially when put on youtube for the world to see just shows to everyone what a laughing stock Cayman and it’s people are. I am ashamed my fate and the fate of my wife and sons are in your hands. May God have mercy on the people of Cayman for we are on the road to hell and destruction and the CIG is drunk at the wheel and lead footed.
Politicians answer to the people not the Governor. We will see what happens in 2021. I will not vote for anyone who does not support equal rights.
Omg get a life bro. All the man said was “gaypril” he didn’t threaten to kill someone. Maybe he was suggesting that gay people get their own month
While I am not into people being so sensitive, this was downright unacceptable for a elected official to say.
You give me a break, bro! That is not appropriate behavior of our GOVERNMENT for f*%#s sake!!!
@3:05 That’s right, over look little words here and there then they turn into bigger words and the bigger things. You’re apathy is saddening.
Just watched the clip. Terrible delivery
I agree %100. Very sad and embarrassed Caymanian.
A Complete Buffoon!
Yeah, a hospital in BT. What a waste of money. Can’t even maintain the one in GT.
I hope your children and grandchildren are all homosexual
I would not wish such a bigoted and unpleasant father/grandfather on any homosexual child
Not fit for public office.
And we have these idiots in leading Government jobs? Absolutely outrageous!
When you are that ignorant and useless it is best to keep quiet so we all just have to guess.
What a disgrace to our LA for uttering such a statement and for some others giggling instead of pointing that out or walking out for a time in protest.
Lol what a cause to fight for. Marching in protest of gay jokes
Happens at the 51:00 minute mark. Thank me for saving you 50 minutes later..
CNS perhaps if you know where it occurs in the video, you could embed the link at the time of what your article referred to or at least mention where it occurs. There’s an option to copy the video’s link at the time you’re currently viewing. Thanks!
CNS: Good point. I have done so now.
Really?!?!. This is just goes to show us the immature self serving people that are in the LA. I wonder what you would do Mr Seymour, if any of your children told you they were gay?
Would you try to baptist it out of them? Would you lock them away? Would you stop loving them? Would you make jokes at their expense? I am pretty sure the answer to most of these questions would be no.
The LGBT community are people and someone’s child/children. So think about that, the next time you make those childish remarks.
Grow up!!!
Actually, if a father is a good father he and his kids can make jokes at each other’s expense, so I would probably tease the hell out of my son if he were gay because I tease him about other stuff and he doesn’t mind because we have a good relationship and he knows when I am joking
Anonymous says: 11/04/2019 at 3:10 pm
THAT does NOT make a good father. I thank the heavens above for my father not making jokes of me. What a great way to tear down you child.
I pray to GOD that you do not have a hand in raising a child. You would make a shitty ‘father’. And you know nothing about raising and building up a child.
In the UK they have a great phrase to describe this comment – ‘What a plonker!’
Plonker is a great word. I heard it for the first time recently and will be adding it to my personal vocabulary
Tasteless comment laced with buffoonery serving only to deflect attention from the heinous incompetence of this particular MInister
We can all be so proud….of our imbecilic Members of the LA
Continually proving on a daily basis just how immature they are. I cannot believe that they hold the positions that they do.
Running a country??? LMAO
Buffoons. all of them.
What bigots they are. At this point I am starting to believe that CIG is run by mafia, since they are afraid of nothing and everyone is afraid of them.
I CAN’T BELIEVE that health minister continues to behave as if she is invincible. Is she? Who is behind all this? Why she remains on payroll? Why she is not being investigated for 2012-2015 breach of trust?
Why Martyn Roper remains silent?
12:03 pm, the health minister is a man, you called him a she ,does you know something we don’t know ?
What sort of a Minister would crack a “sick” joke when he is unable to answer questions regarding serious irregularities within his department?.
Typical can’t do his job. Never comes prepared. Never has answers. Instead disrespecting the LGBT community. What he should concentrate on is losing weight since he is the health minister and getting an education. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed. What a disgrace!
Disciple per usu.
John John is a Joke Joke
Making a joke joke til Government go broke broke
Such a dumb bloke bloke