Over 90 derelict cars removed from streets

| 08/04/2019 | 15 Comments
Cayman News Service

DEH removes derelict vehicle

(CNS): The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has removed 93 derelict vehicles from Grand Cayman over the last month as part of ongoing efforts to address some of the long-standing nuisances on the island, officials said. But given the equipment challenges the department is facing, it temporarily procured the services of private firm Bodden’s Heavy Duty Equipment to supplement its existing fleet of operational grab trucks and maximise the number of derelict vehicles it could remove.

“We have been able to significantly reduce the number of vehicles that pose an immediate threat to public health,” said DEH Acting Director Richard Simms in a press release. “We intend to reduce the population of derelict vehicles even further, as the programme continues.”

Simms discouraged residents from abandoning vehicles in public spaces or in a manner that may be harmful to public health. He urges residents to take derelict vehicles to the George Town Landfill, which is free and will help to alleviate many of nuisances that currently plague pockets of the island.

Under the Cayman Islands Litter Law (1997 Revision), a derelict vehicle is any vehicle that appears to be abandoned by reason of its condition. This includes any vehicle which is without its engine, any of its wheels or other critical parts and has remained unlicensed during the preceding six months.

The Cayman Islands Litter Law (1997 Revision) also states that whoever throws down, drops or otherwise deposits and leaves any litter in, into or from a public place in such circumstances as to cause, contribute to or tend to lead to its defacement by such litter is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500 or imprisonment for six months.

For more information call the DEH at 949-6696 or send an email to dehcustomerservice@gov.ky

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Category: Local News

Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    those thousands of dollars that they get when purchasing a car are being put to use? mhmmmmmm environmental fee? mhmmmmmm

  2. Anonymous says:

    We need the royals to come visit more often. Not seen CIG jump on cleaning things up like this in a long time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Out of sight, out of mind…

  4. Pythagoras says:

    Basic elementary arithmetics rule:
    Changing the place (from streets to the Dump) of the numbers (derelict cars) we are adding, does not change the sum.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank you! Now please do the same for the rusting boats please.

  6. Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

    Please DEH come down Uncle Bob’s Road in West Bay. After you come over the hill you come to Seabreeze Drive, on right. Pass that road go to 3rd building on right hand side
    There is a derlict car on left side and w derlict cars sitting in parking lot. A whiteToyota on the road, a white Nissan Murano and a red Ford Mustang in parking lot. Please it’s making the neighborhood look like a dumping ground. Also there are 3 pitbull dogs who the owner lives in apartment # 1. I was attacked this weekend by the 3 pitbulls, thankfully I wasn’t bitten. The dogs where let out to roam freely. The dog owner has been warned by me. That if I see the dogs roaming again, I will call the DEH for the dogs to be taken from the said location.

    Thank you kindly,

    Chet Oswald Ebanks.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Drive down Monument Road in Bodden Town past the government sign surrounded by garbage saying no littering or derelict cars and turn right. There are about five derelict vehicles been there for many years. Then come back round and drive on Mijall Road to Mauds apartments and turn down Kris Anderson Way all the way to the back where you get to a place called Abiu Close that even the police didnt know existed some time back Turn left..There are derelict cars aplenty and a forty foot derelict trailer that a Jamaican (this is little Jamaica this area) dumped down there years ago before his wife threw him out. You will find the signature of low class Jamaican residence there…garbage all over the place, jet skis going nowhere, cars on blocks with no engines or wheels etc.

  8. Anonymous says:

    There are several of them on Denham Thompson off Walkers Road.

  9. Anonymous says:

    When will they remove the derelict abandoned NRA equipment they have tried to hide with a can of spray paint?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Abandoned vehicles are harmful to public health. But the Dump is not. You can’t make this up.


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