Police looking for culprits in gas station brawl
(CNS): The RCIPS is making an appeal for witnesses to a brawl at a George Town gas station in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police received a call just after 4am on 6 April that a group of people were causing a violent altercation, fighting and throwing things around inside the Esso gas station on Shamrock Road in Red Bay. When the police arrived officers were told that all the people involved in the altercation had left in two separate vehicles.
Police said they are now seeking the assistance of the public to identify the persons involved in the incident which was also caught on a camera phone and posted in social media.
The matter is currently under police investigation and anyone with any information is asked to contact George Town police station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online.
Just a group of immature drunk a-holes
If alcohol was illegal and the gas station there had only sold weed(which BTW should be legal) then they wouldn’t have had to deal with this nonsense and instead of these hooligans fighting and wrecking the place they instead would have sold out all of the munchies and everyone would have gone home peacefully.
that is the best footage ive seen in a very long time…they started throwing bags of flour and ended up launching at least one two litre bottle of soda. also, i like the ending…captures two guys standing in the middle of the parking lot either making a drug transaction or just smokin a joint, probably airing their opinions on the new gay marriage law.
I don’t think this was really a brawl. Think these numbnuts just we’re staging a you tube video. Not many punches thrown, just bags of flour.
Lock the doors after 10pm and transact business through an enforced “hatch”, including the buying of sodas, chips and paying for gas.
And flower
I guess all those thugs are now On the Run…
maybe they thought they were at ‘da station’ instead of the fuel station?
i heard a few of them were seen getting high on the free air for pumping up your tyres
seems like a tiger raid to me…
Teenage highjinks
No, more like ignorant thugs
Boys will be boys
Sources closes to the situation said they were fighting over the last slice of dry cold pepperoni pizza.
don’t blame them….
tip#1…they are not european expats.
But they may well be expats.
Um, no….
Ummm, most expats in the Cayman Islands are Jamaican, or do your race-tinted glasses blind you to that possibility?
Very true, European expats don’t engage in these petty crimes…they just steal countries.
True they still rob and pillage just with a smile on their faces.
Don’t be angry
I don’t always brawl, but when I do, I make sure I do it at 4am in a gas station. This is so ratchet.
And make sure you throw the bags of flour – not hard core unless you are lobbing groceries.
What’s worst than an idiot? …..an idiot with an attitude!
An idiot with an attitude who thinks they are right.
The whole MLA
Maybe the sale of liquor on sundays at gas stations might be the culprit. Imagine a family stop to purchase gas and supplies could have been easily caught in the middle and potentially be injured. Did our law makers really thought there would have been no repercussions by their decisions to place liquor in gas stations? This is progress they say.
This was 4am Saturday which isn’t typically when families stock up at the gas station and has absolutely nothing to do with Sunday liquor sales.
I always take my family out at 4am to purchase gas and Cheetos.
Seriously, if these people are being violent due to the licensing laws in Cayman, I’ll marry someone of the same sex.
Please check the time this happened. What family would be shopping at 4 am?!?!
You must be the most foolish person God every put breath into.
How long before the owners hire security guards for these stations that are open all night?The staff is usually cashiers.Honestly speaking they could very well close at midnight.
Security guards won’t cut it – they’re not paid enough to step in the middle of anything violent.
I agree on the salary bit but they would be able to identify the low life crap to get them arrested quickly.Having only females employed at an all night stop anywhere in the world nowadays is just plain stupid.
Obviously discussing the rights and wrongs of gay marriage.
Not sure whether or not to laugh or dislike this comment.
Ummmm, maybe “run the plates” on the cars?
too obvious for the police farce…
why wait two days to let people ask for help
Was trying to figure out how to run the plates.