Cops mix and mingle on Seven Mile Beach

| 17/04/2019 | 35 Comments
Cayman News Service

West Bay Area Commander, Inspector Lloyd Marriott joined the walk-through on Seven Mile Beach

(CNS): A contingent of RCIPS community officers from West Bay spent part of the day on Tuesday mixing and mingling with business operators, vendors and beach goers on Seven Mile Beach. The group, led by West Bay Area Commander, Inspector Lloyd Marriott, aimed to reassure and engage with the community, as well as keep an eye out for crime. Police said that during the walk-through business owners and members of the public were glad to see the officers out and about.

“One of the reasons we conduct these special operations in addition to our daily patrols is so that people get used to the idea that our officers can be on the beach at any time, and not just in uniform,” said Sergeant Leslie Laing-Hall, who is responsible for West Bay Community Policing.

“This not only deters people from conducting illegal activity, but also increases the confidence of all persons who use and enjoy the beach, whether they are visitors and local beachgoers, or business owners and vendors.”

While talking to people on the beach, officers were asked to help a family find a teenage girl who had wandered off. They conducted immediate inquiries and she was found shortly afterwards without incident.

The Seven Mile Beach beat officers have also been conducting daily patrols along the beach, which have included several proactive operations to address drug use, theft and other illegal activities.

Last week, on 11 April, the police conducted a plain-clothes operation on the beach, which resulted in one 28-year-old man from West Bay being arrested on suspicion of possession and consumption of ganja, and attempting to supply ganja. He is currently on police bail.

See more pictures on the RCIPS website

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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention

Comments (35)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mix and migle – how about arrest and issue tickets. Instead of a photo oportunity how about asking for vendor license, stopping unlicensed. uninsured, wave runner operators racing to the beach between swimmers, stop the constant haggling or at least ask if they have work permit to haggle. Shame it is the wild west but wow, thanks for the visit looking at the each from the bar

    • Anonymous says:

      Where were they yesterday when a complete lunatic on a jetski was dodging between swimmers and snorkelers at Governor’s Beach 10 feet from the shore? Someone could easily have been killed by this utter moron who then screamed away towards Calicos.

      They’ve bought quads bikes and they have wave-runners at the marine unit. Let’s stop the photo ops and start deploying cops to these problem areas.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How many illegal vendors did they charge?

  3. Intersol says:

    They need to be undercover to be effective, i.e wearing mankinis and dark sunglasses and lying back on the myriad sun loungers on the Public Beach, Red Stripe in hand. A big ask, but it goes with the job.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope they’re out in FULL FORCE this holiday weekend!

  5. gee says:

    That’s nice and all but would be even better if it could be our own Cayman police greeting them that’s what needs to happen.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It’s pretty sad when “Police Officer Leaves Station to go on Patrol” becomes a news story!

    • Anonymous says:

      @1:39 when they are not seen out patrolling, people like you complain and when they do patrol and the public is made aware, you complain about that too.

      Yet, people like you would like to see young Caymanians join the RCIP. Well they should be thrilled to join and be criticised.

      What a thankless job.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree 100% with your comments 7.15pm. RCIPS can’t do right from doing wrong. People are never ever satisfied whatever RCIPS does. It’s so easy to criticise when you are not doing their job yourself. People need to walk a mile in these Officers shoes to appreciate what they are up against. It may not be combat in a war zone but every time an officer walks the street he is a target for any wannabe gangster. His/her life is always on the line. As for Caymanians meeting and greeting, where are they during a recruitment drive?? It seems the people that criticise are definitely not in this line wanting to join up. So, you ungrateful lot, give these officers a bit of encouragement and support. There would be a lot more criminals behind bars with a little help from the public.

        • Anonymous says:

          Agree. A big part of RCIPS resources has always been…… us. Sometimes we know things about criminal activity. If we don’t report it, we are in effect siding with the criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, surely these are patrols that they should be making anyway. We live on an island with beaches, so why is it news when a cop actually gets out of his car and walks along a public accessible area?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Big respect to the men and women who take the initiative to help people in our community, full stop/period.

    Serious comment aside, now allow me to exercise a little comedic liberty.

    I can’t help but laugh at the police lingo describing their walk through the beach on a beautiful sunny Cayman Islands day as “Special Operations”. Lmao hahaa 🙂

    I guess even the RCIPS can appreciate the views at the beach and make a memorable field trip out of it. Anyway, jokes aside, I won’t argue against having a police presence on the beach and I’m sure the officers can benefit from a break from the office or patrol car as much as any of us regular office workers.

    I prefer to see good police officers working on the beach any day rather than drug users and dealers.

    A concerned Caymanian

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s funny how CNS chooses to present things, since if you read the actual press release linked in the article, the “special operations” is referring to previous plainclothes operations that were carried out which resulted in arrests, not this walkthrough.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Can they also see that tourists are not hassled by beach higglers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some “higglers” such as myself rely on “haggling” to make a livelihood. If you don’t like it, keep it moving.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you have to ‘higgle’ for a living, on our beaches,you are on the wrong island! Go peddle your crap somewhere else……this is not our culture to harass our tourist.

      • Anonymous says:

        They rather you rob, kill, and do drugs BoBo! Aaah boy…but if you are Jamaican then yeh bredrin take that back a yad. If you a struggling Caymanian hustling then Blood do your thing until they stop you…meanwhile try to invest your money and mind into something more longterm.


      • Anonymous says:

        That’s fine, but when someone says “no”, shakes their head or motions you away, you should leave and not persist. What you see as “haggling”, many of us see as harassment.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Heat is an occupational safety hazard.They need to wear shorts.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Farcical. Any arrests given the undoubtedly numerous offenses staring you in the face – or did you just “address” them, whatever the hell that means.

    • Al Catraz says:

      Oh come on. They went looking for a teenage girl and found her promptly. They are very good at hunting after teenage girls.

  11. Anonymous says:

    See you again next year!


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