Premier to deliver latest policy statement

| 29/03/2019 | 14 Comments
Crime in the Cayman Islands

Premier Alden McLaughlin in the LA

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin will be delivering his government’s Strategic Policy Statement for 2020 and 2021 some time next month after the Legislative Assembly meets Wednesday for the first time this year. The statement will set out the government’s broad spending priorities for the next two years, paving the way for the budget process to begin, which now takes place every two years rather than annually. The agenda for the rest of the sitting has not yet been revealed, including all of the proposed bills government is expected to present for debate.

The actual budget for 2020 and 2021 is scheduled to be tabled in the parliament on 18 September, according to the government gazette, with the full process expected to be complete by the end of October. The Strategic Policy Statement is designed to give the public an understanding of where government will be spending its revenue and how it intends to raise the cash.

Once completed, this second two-year budget will be the final spending plan of the current administration as it will take government into 2021, when the country is scheduled to once again go to the polls for its second ever ballot in single-member constituencies.

While McLaughlin will be outlining the policy aims of the budget, Finance Minister Roy McTaggart is expected to deliver an update on the current status of the public purse.

Although the order of business has not been finalised, some of the proposed legislation expected to be tabled includes amendments to the Builders Bill, a bill regarding healthcare decisions and some bills relating to the offshore sector.

It is not clear if government will also be bringing any more legislation on the transition of the immigration department, as previously suggested by the premier, since no new bills have been published for public comment relating to the subject this year.

Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller, who is expected to respond to the SPS, is hoping his private member’s motions on the bail law and concessions given to large developers on tourism projects will make the agenda because he believes government is not following the law.

Several other members of the opposition have filed private members’ motions. Chris Saunders (Bodden Town West) is calling for free basic healthcare for children and for an increase in the retirement age for public sector worker to 70 years.

Arden McLean (East End) is said to be hoping for a debate on a motion about restrictions on vehicle imports from Japan. And Alva Suckoo (Newlands) is bringing a motion for anti-bullying legislation. Kenneth Bryan (George Town Central) will be hoping to get some traction with his motion to secure top public sector jobs for Caymanians.

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Category: Government Finance, Politics

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Here is another example of a ship without a rudder. Alden is like a pin ball bouncing around a pinball machine, no plan just bounce.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How do we get the Governor to (a) attend, and (b) tap his microphone and ask when the SIPL Law 2014 will be enacted? It’s a Constitutional requirement, in case anyone hadn’t noticed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Government surplus driven by record work permit and PR fees….Caymanian household deficit driven record work permit and PR fees….thanks Aldart (said no young caymanian like ever!)

  4. Anonymous says:

    He needs to start to focus on what is important for the voters of the Cayman Islands as elections are just around the corner.

  5. Concerned says:


    All the trees at the round-a-bout in front King’s Gym and First Assemblies are being cut down !!!

    And for what purpose???
    As hot as Cayman is !


    CNS: I’ve passed this onto Auntie to see if she can find out.

  6. Anonymous says:

    la’s first meeting of the year happens in april????
    says it all….just another day in wonderland.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Mr Premier will tell us what our real leader/boss Mr Dart is going to do next. Thank you honorable premier.


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