BT man confesses over illegal gun and bullets

| 11/03/2019 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service

Gun recovered in Bodden Town raid conducted on 14 June 2018

(CNS): Justin Gregory (24) from Bodden Town is facing a seven-year mandatory minimum prison sentence for possessing an unlicensed handgun and ammunition, which was seized by police last year during a period when they were conducting a gun amnesty. Gregory pleaded guilty to the offence when he appeared in Grand Court Friday and was remanded in custody until his sentencing hearing, which has been scheduled for 23 April. Gregory was arrested and charged in June last year following a police operation at an address in Lower Valley, where they found a .38 Smith & Wesson revolver and four bullets.

No details of what caused the police to search the house in Rockwell Drive where the gun was recovered were revealed during Gregory’s brief arraignment, but the incident happened midway through the 2018 RCIPS gun amnesty, when the community was asked to hand in illegal firearms without fear of prosecution.

The amnesty yielded 18 firearms, which included seven handguns and 896 rounds of ammunition.


Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (13)

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  1. Say it like it is says:

    Why would he plead guilty when facing a mandatory 7 year term?, my guess is because somehow he will be given less than 7 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Doubt he will get less than 7. Starting point is 10 years depending on whether aggravating circumstances exist, with discount for a guilty plea.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dumbass young Caymanian ruining his life to be a thug!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I would not want to try shooting that piece of junk! It looks like an old S&W five screw – that would make it at least 60 years old and it’s in crap condition. Did RCIPS test fire it? I doubt it.

    • Who cares. says:

      So what3:04pm? It doesn’t matter how old, a gun is a gun is a gun. Dodo brain.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:55 Bet you wouldn’t call him that to my face :-}

      • Anonymous says:

        @7:55 Actually it isn’t. If the gun is incapable of firing, or unsafe to fire, that’s potentially mitigation and it’s been used before. RCIPS should have considered the option of test firing it but as the OP pointed out – I wouldn’t risk it. Anyway
        he’d still be done for possessing the ammo. I wonder where it came from? Maybe that’s why he copped the guilty plea – safer to do the jail time than risk being accused of grassing someone up?

  5. Anon says:

    CNS > I don’t understand why the reference to the gun amnesty is mentioned multiple times. It may have been ongoing, however, this person did not take advantage of it, so its making the story convoluted. I had to read this short article twice to make sure I understood correctly. Gun amnesty was ongoing, person DID NOT hand in his illegal weapon at the time at the designated places. Police searched address for whatever unknown reasons, where gun and ammunition was found.

    Just because it was seized during the time of the gun amnesty does not mean he goes without charges/ trial.


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