Speaker calls for Cayman skyscraper

| 01/01/2019 | 218 Comments
Cayman News Service

McKeeva Bush, Speaker of the House

(CNS): The speaker of the Legislative Assembly has said he wants the Government of National Unity to allow at least one building of 50 storeys for tourism, residential and commercial businesses “to make a mark” and encourage “the wealthiest among the wealthy” to live here and set the Cayman Islands apart in the region. In his New Year’s message, McKeeva Bush, the CDP MLA for West Bay West, told the people that the country should be providing for “the wealthiest who want something different”, which will bring a new economy, protecting Cayman from the threats from powerful countries. 

In an address that covered many topics, he pointed to successes and improvements and his continued support for the Unity government, but also raised concerns about the society being divided. Bush said there was an “increasing tendency” of influential people to conduct “themselves with arrogance rather than humility”.

“I think that far too many of the people themselves are divided, more than ever it seems, and one challenge above all else that faces us right now is how to recapture a sense of unity and harness the forces that strengthen us rather than those that divide us,” he said.

The speaker nevertheless said that statistics indicate that the country is making progress, with economic growth and low unemployment. “No one can reasonably argue or deny that the feeling of optimism and hope in our society is on the up and up,” he claimed, saying this was down to hard work by government.

Bush said that as speaker, he did not attend any party meetings or caucus and had chosen to stay away from the day-to-day politics, as he justified joining the coalition government after the 2017 election — because “voters wanted a change from the usual political fighting” — and defended the government’s record.

“I know the coalition is working for the benefit of our people – the day I feel otherwise, I will say so,” he said. “The economy is booming, so our people are benefiting.”

Acknowledging the challenges facing the offshore sector, he said the premier and financial services minister were working hard to deal with that issue.

He also noted what he believes is a need to allow 50-storey buildings, “even if only for one building”, and the need to address the traffic from the Eastern Districts, saying that “government will have to put the East-West corridor on the front burner” in the New Year.

See the full speech on CNS Local Life

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  1. Anonymous says:

    dictatorship…..what next a casino

  2. CaymanianR says:

    As usual, people posting negative comments attacking Bush’s ideas. I’m not saying his ideas are what is needed now. But if you are posting negative comments and just wasting space, at least, provide sensible reasons as to why his ideas are foolish.

    • Anonymous says:

      1) our highly-fractured limestone islands are positioned right on the ledge of an active plate in a seismic fault zone without any secure bedrock to drill into for creation of necessary foundation (also goes for the dock btw – see initial Baird EIA Report)
      2) fire trucks cannot do anything above 7th floor – skill set no present for high rise risks
      3) beach is packed, public infrastructure – like sewers, dump, roads, are already near, at, or in excess of recommended capacity
      4) we are in the hurricane belt. Even with regular seasonal 25kt winds – normal at sea surface – at 500 ft up, you can expect 35-40kts. The patio furniture is flying off the balcony. Perpetual vertical and horizontal loading would create unsettling vibrations and noise that rich people don’t like.
      5) the rich people are not necessarily stupid people. They have options, and will pick a better scenario for investment income and retirement economics – and there are lots!
      6) if on balance, more politically stupid things are recurring in the Cayman islands, than smart things, the existing rich investors will heave anchor, list their Cayman Islands properties and move to a mentally-stable market where they can buy three beachfront properties with change. They will be leaving, not coming!
      7) McKeeva ought to know it is becoming easier to launder money in other “no questions asked’ real estate jurisdictions than in the Cayman Islands

  3. Anonymous says:

    Now that’s funny!
    And how many of those windows going to blow out in a hurricane?
    Which fire truck is going to respond to the fire on the top floor?

  4. Right ya so says:

    Well, our existing fire service won’t be able to put out any fires that may erupt on a 50 storey building, we can’t even manage a fire on a 5 storey building! A 50 storey structure is just foolhardy. Probably starting high to fool us into accepting a 20 storey structure instead. West Bayers PLEASE STOP electing this man!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Let them build it and then wait for the first Cat 5. Let the “wealthy of the wealthy” die in their ivory tower and see what happens. There is a reason buildings were stopped at 5 stories. What a deluded jackass.

  6. Anonymous says:

    His suggestion is ‘50’ times more stupid than anything he has ever uttered!

  7. Anonymous says:

    A 50-story building is the exact opposite of what make Grand Cayman such a wonderful place.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What an idiot!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Do we really want Cayman to be the Dubai of the Caribbean?

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t blame Mac. He is just telling us what is about to happen.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanian voters love their village idiots!

    • Anonymous says:

      What he is missing and that wealthy people generally come from nations with large buildings….so turning Cayman into what they just left is not the draw. The likely draw is Cayman and tax haven status.

    • I Am that I Am says:

      Isn’t it it time for a review for a law that requires a psychiatric evaluation for Members of Parliament, especially for those who have served more than three terms and who are demonstrably showing signs of physochotic benaviour.

      We cannot and must not have persons in our Governmemt, capable of spending vast sums of money who are in need of mental analysis and care. Will someone bring a Motion at the next Parliamentary sitting please or the country will no doubt suffer. All members who claim they truly represent love for country and irs peop,e should not hesitate to support such a motion.

      May we see the swift removal of those classified as terminally unfit soonest.

      Power to the People

    • Tell it like it is says:

      I rise to declare a day of of solemn reflection for the future of these Beloved Islands. It pains me to see how our own people are being coerced with and by money to destroy the essence indeed the fabric of these Islands. Bigger buildings and the Taller the better and piers, increased importation of labor

      . Are all of these being done without showing the people of these Islands, the impact they will have on the infrastructure, ( water, sewerage roads health facilities etc) on the way of life of persons who are non skilled and unemployed, on the aging sunskilled and skilled unemployed population( all of which have a vote at election) on the environment.

      Are all these plans meant for just the affluent to enjoy while the locals standby and wither away or are further marginalized and placed on welfare while the Government feeds them with Chicken ( not much Turkeys this year ) and Ham and an envelope of $50 dollars to go towards their light bill; perhaps with all of the bombastic revenue the projects will create the envelopes will get another $25 in them.

      Where is it all going are we using the threats of blacklisting by the EU to frighten the people and thus justify all of this expansionary mode to further the country truly or is it just that we want to make our neighbors even more “envious”. Or is the Shadow Government whose invisible status has been carefully maintained through the tears now wanting to come Out of the darkness some what are now de anding payback for all the largesse expended to assume power.

      On the other side of the coin it has been said that without the shadow Government we would not have reached this far , this of course is absolutely horse crap.

      A word of warning to the Shadow G and it’s Parliamentary Reprentativesv while you there may be some merit to the expansionary mode being envisioned, we demand that we the people be shown the facts and figures that represent or will l represent a better way of life for all the cayman population. The details of the plans, the numbers, the pros and cons must be made available en Toto for public scrutiny. The people who elected the Parliament deserve no less.

      After all Government of Unity Members you are not our Masters rather, you are our elected Servants and we expect you to act in accordance with what is good for us not just Wha you think is good for us. We must be satisfied that your stewardship of our money is being used for the people and by the people. You serve us you have to be accountable to the people not the Shadow G, or we will depose you!

    • Cayman Pilgrim says:

      I second that motion 5:53pm coming from Ppm’s first turkey lover too much tryptophan over the holidays made some of us drunk wid stupidity first the Tower of Babel and now the dock of shambles next we need to fill in hogsty bay wid cement for upland development. Those who voted for any of these people need to be swiped with a stocking full of wet $#!@. Caymanians the UK is complicit in all this foolishness we see going on and some are directly benefiting from it. They are deleting and degrading everything that made Cayman strong rapidly now!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Honestly had to watch the video for myself too see this foolishness
    and I have come away with one overarching thought:

    “This man has absolutely no comprehension of hypocrisy, and absolutely no ability of self-reflection”

    For those of you unable or unwilling to watch 14 minutes straight of Mckeeva Bush flapping his gums, let me give you a taste of what he was saying

    His 14 minute “message” consists of but is not limited too:

    Claiming we should focus on humility, modesty and family values (XXXXX)

    Talking about how Caymanians need to take up educational opportunities to advance ourselves instead of depending on the government ( even as he is a high school dropout with no interest in further education who reads as abysmally as he governs )

    Lauding the government for economic growth and positive economic statistics despite this government having implemented little to no economic reforms, anyone with eyes can see that Cayman is simply along for the ride with the global economy, while it does well we do well and when it tanks we will do the same
    of course when the downturn does occur no one here will be held responsible

    Calling for Caymanains to be healthy and exercise in the new year ( Do I even need to point out they hypocrisy in this one)

    Criticizes people who he claims are “leaving their christian principles by the church door”
    (Him, literally him, every other week jetting off to gamble in another jurisdiction while his government tries to crack down on gambling here )

    Calls for great change for the islands to progress (while propping up a conservative don’t shake the boat, status quo coalition government)

    Claims that he is not involved in the day to day politics and decisions of the islands because he is an impartial speaker
    But conveniently forgets to mention he is still the leader of the CDP, and then brags that his ideas are being implemented in the government (see the discrepancy there, “I’m not involved but the things I want are being done and I am still the leader of my party”)

    Claims education is being improved by this government while returning tests scores seem to disagree ( thankfully what I like to refer to as the 4 years of crisis aka Tara Bush’s tenure over education have ended) but as we can see the effects of her oversight are still being felt today

    Mckeeva bush is quite the character
    I can only assume the people of West Bay continue to elect him out of boredom rather than any actual rational decision

    • Confucius He Say says:

      CDP. Is that China Dock Party of the China Dump Party. Maybe that is why he is on the throne.

    • Anonymous says:

      Couldn’t agree more. Poeple, don’t stand too close to this man. Lightning soon strike.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is so wrong with his vision..? you forgot we went from 3 story to 5…..then from 5 to 7….now we at 10 to 12…you people think small and worry big, not because the island is small you must think small.

  10. land crab says:

    How Alden could appoint this man Speaker, I will never know, it destroys his credibility.

  11. Db1967 says:

    Scarcity and quality make for increasing price, not quantity. As for locals, going to Seven Mile is getting more difficult…..the inverse of what makes Grand Cayman….Cayman. Instead of thinking about building height, thoughts of Cayman culture and traits should be top of mind. The wealthiest of wealthy own islands and megayachts. Ask Dart……he is buying one now.

  12. Anonymous says:

    April Fool’s Day came three months early?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hi CNS, can you please change the background on the “CNS Local Life” page for the full text of the statement? At the moment the background is certainly “festive”, but the text is unreadable (and may require a prior warning for epileptics.) Please, the man is the personification of being “hoist by in one’s petard”. Let him do it in his own words! Happy New Year!

    • anonymous says:

      2.46pm I would also earnestly request CNS to cease publishing that photo, every time I see it I feel distinctly nauseous.

  14. Anonymous says:

    They are making all this noise so when they change the limit to 15 stories we will feel like we won. It will happen soon. It is a done deal just not passed yet. 15 stories plus the two “below finished grade” makes 17 total. coming to a beach hear you.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Sooooooo…. what we can read between these lines is that the mighty and assteemed leaders of the Cayman Islands have already approved a 30 story tower.

    Get everyone worked up over 50 and then say, “OK! You win… we will just do 30 stories…”

    Stop them! Stop them NOW! Kick out that government with a no confidence vote in 2019. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Someone please wake McKeeva up- he is having a nightmare and talking out loud-
    I guess he is dreaming that he is living in New York City or South Beach

    When he is awaken remind him he is in Cayman living on a very small island

  17. Anonymous says:

    When you thought you’ve heard it all! That would be a site – talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! I guess after Mac and Uncle Dart can then build a zip line off the top of it to Caymana Bay for faster transport.

  18. IntoTheFuture says:

    This is axacly what is wrong with the Caymanian government.

    Our leaders fail to plan for the future and think really, really big. I point to the beautiful island of Singapore. At only four times the size of Grand Cayman, this island houses nearly 100 skyscrapers. This is the way to go for Grand Cayman. At about 25% the size of Singapore we could build at least 25 (manybe more) 35-75 story buildings with ease. This ould be in addition to all of the lower height buildings that could be built and supported by an international infrastructure lead by an even larger commercial port facility.

    Why not plan for a 100% built out island with greenery hanging from the sides of buildings, and inside interioir forrests. These could easily be controlled and perhaps even cultivated to produce local crops for sale to building residents and tourists. It can be incredible.

    After all look at all the prople who travel to Singapore for business, tourism and of course adventure. — Think about it —

  19. Anonymous says:

    What a great idea. No matter where you build it, at that height you will get a great view of the landscape, ah look Mt. Trashmore just over there. Hey I would happily pay $5 for a 50th floor view of that. The owners would make a fortune 🙂

  20. Steve Pounds says:

    WOW will greed never stop ( long Time visitor ) watching island slowly wither on the vine

  21. Tony Ward says:

    It must be time for speaker to hand in his godawful wig and cease speaking altogether.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Sigmund Freud would have a field-day with this…

  23. Anonymous says:

    We already have a 50 story building, it’s called the ‘DUMP’

  24. Really ???? says:

    Are you kidding me ? Talk about greed. What about Caymanians way of life. Going back in the Real Estate business sir ? I guess he will move the population in the swamps. Time to go , you are abusing your power as speaker !

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Really ??? I completely agree with you that he is abusing his powers , and what he needs from the Citizens of Cayman Islands is a good callingame out . On his 50 storey building, get then they would want 10 . That sounds very self intrest to me .

  25. Anonymous says:

    which one has the biggest head? McKeeva or Alden. did we ever dream that Cayman could come to this?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Fantastic, lets do this and save land. Eco friendly 50 story buildings could solve the land scarcity problem and allow more open green spaces. Thanks Mac

  27. Anonymous says:

    What a moron! Is he willing to be trapped in a skyscraper in Cayman when it’s on fire and there no fire department or other rescue equipment which can reach more than 7 stories?? Hope West bayers dont ever elect him again!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Question really is, what is wrong with people in West Bay that they consistently elect this fool?

  28. 345 South Beach says:

    Big Mouth Mac strikes again letting the cat out of the bag!

    Clearly these projects have been approved by Premier Alden McLaughlin and the dart controlled unity government. Dart are the only developers with the ability to carry out such a project because they have a master plan. This government have no plan or ability to pay for anything. Follow the money.

    I wonder if the Speaker had permission to break the news from his bosses XXXX on their behalf? Can the Premier punish him for talking publicly about the secret deals that will become a reality for the Caymans?

  29. Anonymous says:

    WTF? Cayman Islands are you hearing this ?

    • Anonymous says:

      I cannot believe I’m reading this from this elected official. What is going on there? Is there not enough wealthiest of the wealthy already. What about the people who make the island that is Cayman? Bush is an absolute joke. XXXXX This statement is lunacy

    • Anonymous says:

      We may have no choice. It is actually not such a bad idea, but the Caymanian people should be allowed to invest so that everyone can participate. We are going to need lots of room for businesses to come and expand. Going vertical allows for lots of green open space for parks and leisure. Do not dismiss it out of hand.

      • Anonymous says:

        no way, baaaad idea in so many ways. Once again it seems there’s plenty of cash to go around on silly ideas, why not invest it in the education/family support system?
        I guess his statement on the wealthiest of wealthy answers that question because he does not care about Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac never says these things unless someone behind him tells him to start the dialogue. This is just the first step and we know Mac is up to something.

  30. Michelle says:

    Did he address the biggest threat to Cayman which is GLOBAL WARMING? When the seas rise your flat little island will not stand a chance. When all the coral is dead, what will set you apart then? A 50-story building? Good grief.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t make your point without being condescending? I’m sure that most people would realise by now that these politicians to not speak for or truly represent the views of most caymanians and foreigners alike. Poor leadership and misguiding arent just cayman issues.

      • Anonymous says:

        So…erm…why do they keep getting elected 10:30 if they don’t represent the views of most Caymanians???

  31. Anonymous says:

    Honorable Bush is a true visionary and lets make this come true! That is why we need CHEC/Dart on island because they can get these type of projects completed with great quality.Praise to our wonderful Unity Team!

    • Anonymous says:

      Das’ you Mac?

    • Anonymous says:

      Get your toungue out of his butt

    • Unbeleivable crap. says:

      You must be in the real estate business. Why don’t you move to Dubai with your greedy visionary speaker. Plenty of dem there.

    • Hancock says:

      If he is a true visionary presumably he would have seen sixty thumbs down to your blog at 1.23 today.

    • Anonymous says:

      People forget that the only way to sustain these verdant Islands is increasing development. With the land being in short supply lets build higher! West Bay stands with you Hon. Speaker! Make us proud!

      • Anonymous says:

        I am from West Bay and definitely do not stand with or support McKeeva Bush! So, no you don’t speak for all of us.

      • Anonymous says:

        @5:38 “The only way to sustain these islands” is to rid them of idiots like you and McKeeva.

  32. Anonymous says:

    50 floors because the government and planning had no clue what they are doing. Seven mile beach is done now (no more land) so they want to build on top of what is there. Just to show how they don’t think before they speak. How will cayman airways or the bigger planes they wish to attract land? Last I remember cayman is still 27 miles long.

  33. Anonymous says:

    This is the reason Cayman cannot afford to vote for any of the existing legacy political parties, no matter under what new brand (CDP, UDP, PPM, etc.). The next election has to be on a non-incumbent voting basis. Anytime there is a current government incumbent running in any district, that individual should be avoided and the vote should go to any other legitimate candidate running against the incumbent.

    We need a quiet revolution in Cayman with new faces in the office. These old timers must go.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Big Mac is a clown he and Alden deserve each other for life

  35. Anonymous says:

    The affluent middle class are the spenders, not the super rich.

  36. Anonymous says:

    WTH. Polititions please stop the GREED. Your pockets are lined enough. Your people are hurting while you all rub noses with the Rich and Famous. Please really put God in your lives for 2019 and put your country and people first, not your pockets.

  37. Anonymous says:

    April 1st is 3 months away.

    • Michel says:

      After reading this i tought i woke up to April 1st and not January 1st. Mr. Speaker which part don’t you understand ? A) that you’re people are hurting and can barely make it ?B) We are already overwelmed with 150 nationalities, trafic, becoming 2nd class citizen and difficult to get work just to survive ? C) The island is loosing it’s charm and you want it to become like Dubai or South Miami beach, i guess Casinos are next ? What we need is a Vision to ensure our future generations have a place to work, live and green spaces and beaches.

  38. Sharkey says:

    He ‘s angling for a hefty ‘consultation’ fee from some rich overseas developer to allow “ just one “ little 50 floor skyscraper to be developed (approved) by himself and friends……anyone know where Michael Ryan is residing?

  39. Anonymous says:

    he think were the next Dubai lol if people wanted to see skyscrapers go to Miami or new York and who would insure this building?

  40. Anonymous says:

    Can we have him and any others that propose this suggestion commited as mentally ill and are therefore unfit to run in any governmental capacity in order to have them all removed.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is so good when you are ignorant and do not realize it!

      • Anonymous says:

        Mental illness does not equal ignorance. But….the people that keep voting these mentally ill people back in year after year are ignorant!! Or maybe they are mentally ill themselves. Hmmmm……

  41. OneVoice says:

    Hell No , This man has to be on something . Unless he is promised the Penthouse . Enough is enough from 10 straight to 50 . Set Cayman apart???? we are apart enough as it is.

  42. Richard Wadd says:

    I see nothing wrong with building a skyscraper, but not 50 stories and certainly NOT ON THE BEACH. We should never have allowed more than 3 stories on the beach in the first place. However there is much much more to building even a 25 story (much less 50) building than just lip-service. For example, there would be a lot of infrastructure that would have to be created just to deal with the potential safety / fire issues as well as water & sewage supply.
    As good as we are at wasting money, I don’t think we have to worry about this happening anytime soon.

  43. Anonymous says:

    • High-rise building fire safety
    High-rise buildings present several unique challenges not found in traditional low-rise buildings; longer egress times and distance, evacuation strategies, fire department accessibility, smoke movement and fire control.

    • How can a 50-story high-rise survive an earthquake? https://www.structuremag.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/F-HighRise-Maffei-Apr07-online-version1.pdf

    • Hurricanes and their Effects on Buildings and Structures in the Caribbean https://www.oas.org/pgdm/document/BITC/papers/gibbs/gibbs_01.htm

  44. Two Cents says:

    CNS, Can you do us a favour in 2019 please and create a section like Ask Auntie (maybe call it McKeeva Madness) and if you have to post his rubbish so he doesnt band you from the LA, post it there. Just stop littering the main page with his garbage please

  45. Anonymous says:

    Put a sock on it.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      All the single voters
      All the single voters
      All the single voters
      All the single voters
      Now put ya hands up

      ‘Cause If ya dis it then ya betta put a sock on it
      If ya dis it then ya betta put a sock on it 😀

  46. Anonymous says:

    What is he getting paid on “consultancy fees” for this tower project?

  47. Anonymous says:

    what is he smoking?! pray tell

  48. Anonymous says:

    No more cement! People leave the city to visit an island destination and skyscrapers are not what one is looking for in a beach vacation. If I wanted skyscrapers, I might as well stay home.

  49. Anonymous says:

    You fo-fool or wa

  50. Anonymous says:

    He’s definitely gone bonkers.


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