Magistrates confirmed to bench after four years acting

| 19/12/2018 | 8 Comments
Cayman News Service

Standing (L-R) Courts Administrator Suzanne Bothwell, Chief Justice Anthony Smellie, Governor Martyn Roper, and Chief Magistrate Nova Hall. Sitting (L-R) Magistrate Angelyn Hernandez and Magistrate Philippa McFarlane (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

(CNS): Magistrates Angelyn Hernandez and Philippa McFarlane have finally been formally confirmed to the local judicial bench after acting in the job for over four years. The two women will continue to oversee cases in Summary Court after an open recruitment process overseen by the Judicial and Legal Services Commission. Following a short-listing process, the panel interviewed six candidates, with Hernandez and McFarlane emerging as the successful candidates.

“I am pleased to welcome Ms Hernandez and Ms McFarlane to the judiciary as permanent appointments,” Governor Martyn Roper said in a press release. “Their tenure as acting magistrates over the past four years have been invaluable to the Summary Courts and will allow them to continue seamlessly into their new roles.”

Chief Justice Anthony Smellie echoed the sentiments, as he explained that during their tenure acting in the Summary Courts the two magistrates had helped significantly with the caseload. “I also look forward to their resolution of cases without the need for acrimonious trial by the application of their skills as certified mediators,” he added.

Hernandez and McFarlane began acting as magistrates in 2014, before which they were both practicing as attorneys in the Cayman Islands. They are also both qualified mediators.

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Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Finally, two more Caymanians selected to Summary Court judge!

    Great job!

  2. Matthew 7 says:

    Who are they to judge me?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Magistrates Angelyn Hernandez and Phillpa McFarlane. Thank you for your service.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Do they hav cv’s or is that secret personnel information?


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