TV star and activist to headline local energy conference

| 06/08/2018 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

Adrian Grenier

(CNS): Adrian Grenier, the TV star of Entourage who is now a United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador, will be visiting the Cayman Islands next month as the keynote speaker at an alternative energy conference. The activist and co-founder of the Lonely Whale Foundation will be joining energy and environmental experts for the two-day Caribbean Transitional Energy Conference (CTEC), which the Cayman Islands is hosting for the second year running.

James Whittaker, CTEC organiser and president of the Cayman Renewable Energy Association (CREA), said the conference is supporting the sustainability goals set out in the Cayman Islands National Energy Policy while “raising awareness, promoting best practices, facilitating new technologies and entrants to market in Cayman’s renewable energy sector”.

He added, “It is about ensuring sustainable social and economic growth through strong leadership, recognising the threat of climate change, the vulnerability of islands across the world and voicing our commitment to take necessary and immediate measures for the future.”

Other speakers include Seychelles Ambassador to the United Nations, Ronald Jumeau; and Dr Kendrick Pickering, BVI Deputy Premier and Minister for National Resources and Labour. Organisers said that NASA will be bringing a new element to CTEC this year with ‘Science On a Sphere’, a room-sized global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data on to a six-foot diameter sphere.

NASA representative, Maurice Henderson, will be presenting the educational instrument during the conference and attendees will be able to view animated images of complex environmental processes, such as atmospheric storms, climate change and ocean temperatures, to help increase public understanding of the environment. The exhibition will be open to local schools in the community to attend during the conference.

The Caribbean Transitional Energy Conference will take place at the Kimpton Seafire Resort, Grand Cayman on 13-14 September 2018. For more information visit the website.

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Category: Energy, Science & Nature

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  1. Anonymous says:

    do yo mean the open air untreated waste Dump? Landfill stands for land being filled with something.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Last year’s conference was a total waste of time….

  3. Anonymous says:

    Adrian check out our landfill during the inbound and outbound flights or from any top floor of any major hotel. One of the most outstanding man made structures in the region.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Most interested in sea level rise , as it relates to our region for the future

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Anonymous says:

    You’re wasting your time in Cayman, Adrian. We don’t believe in renewable energy. Down here we believe in burning dirty diesel so that a select few can maintain their profit margins and luxurious lifestyles.


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