Teenager on the run again from government home

| 06/07/2018 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

Motesha Mothen

(CNS): Motesha Mothen (15) is on the run from the government supported Frances Bodden Children’s Home for at least the fourth time this year. The teenager, who is originally from West Bay, has been missing since she left the premises in Bodden Town yesterday, 5 July. Police said she was seen Thursday evening at a church on Fairbanks Road at about 7:00pm wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and black shoes. She has brown eyes, a brown complexion with black natural hair, which she was wearing in a ponytail.

Anyone with information on her whereabouts is encouraged to call Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the RCIPS website. Tips can also be submitted via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Comments (21)

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  1. John Doe says:

    Yes this home need closing XXXXX

    CNS: John Doe, I can’t publish this comment. But if you are sure of your facts, you should find an MLA willing to listen or contact the ombudsman. The website is here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Leave her alone she is better off home with her mother because that is where she most likely too be now anyway. If the young lady give her mother any problems let her mother call the police at least she would be with her mother not in a home where she do not want to be and always appearing in the different medias. Amen. Hope she can hurry up and turn eighteeen because can the public imagine how this young girl are feeling. Please community have some serious prayers, best wishes and love for the young girl and her family. And if there is a an adult male that may have her in captivity may she be covered by the holy blood of jesus and may the gracious god in heaven deal with him so that he can count the days of his afflictions. Yes jesus

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you actually wishing ill on the young man? Doesn’t sound very Christian. Maybe he loves her.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think this is news anymore. Most people seem to have posted in the past they know where she is. Therefore stop putting this in the news. It’s just not right. It is no longer an appeal for her well being as they seem to know where she is each time. I hope she has good role models that appear sooner than later to make her feel more support. This will tarnish her future.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why don’t they put ankle bracelets on these troubled girls and when this occurs, they can be located or it can prevent it from happening period as the relevant persons would be notified if they are not where they should be. Every week almost she goes missing, God-forbid anything bad actually does occur everyone, police and public alike will right it off to to the title of this article “…on the run again” when something more sinister has actually taken place. She is actually at a higher risk of that given her past.

    • Dunz says:

      It can be cut off, do you really believe that she would keep it on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, tagging them like a dog will fix the problem. Smh

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes, it would fix the problem of not locating the teen. Regarding the underlying issues, that’s a different topic. Government/Social Services take these troubled children/neglated/abused etc. children and place them in foster care and these group homes but they do not receive/if they do it is not consistent therapy/counselling that they so badly require. I know this for a fact as I have been around a foster parent my entire life and I have even adopted a child from foster care. Until they find the resources and commit to getting the kids the help they really need to work through the issues they have faced and circumstance they endure then nothing will ever truly change.

    • Anonymous says:

      She is not a criminal that is why. She needs expert interventions.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Obviously locking this child up is not the solution in her case. You need to get to the root of why she keeps running away, and address those issues.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just stop reporting what she does. Publicity is the fuel that encourages such acting out.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It might be easier to just report when she is there.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Somebody needs to get fired now.

  9. Anonymous says:

    No I’m sorry this is just crazy. The home should be shut down. Even without knowing the details there is clearly a huge issue here that is not being resolved. A young girls life is being ruined even by the mere fact that she has been in the news so often now that the whole island will have made a presumptions about her!

    • Dunz says:

      And put all the young people where who are being protected and cared for,. When it’s one persistent troubled child that knows there are no consequences for her actions and the people harbouring her.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are quite strict consequences actually. These young people are very troubled and also find it difficult to be in an environment that is structured. Poor parenting is at the root of the problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      She is not actually running away from the home. She goes to school and runs off instead of getting on the bus, she goes to church activities and runs off before the bus gets there to pick her up. What you want the home to do, lock her in her room? Tie her up so she can’t get out.?

      • Anonymous says:

        5.58pm..you ask.”what you want the home to do” we know what we want the authorities to do. Sorry for Cayman.

  10. Anonymous says:

    So….I suggest stop publishing these stories about her. The police know the circumstances and not a “true” disappearance. And for her, this further stigmatizes her.

    A struggling, rebellious person, but dont think this needs to be perpetuated in the public.

    We all hope she survives (hard word, but valid) these next few years into adulthood, and hopefully finds a stable footing.


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