Only 4 slots for local artists at festival

| 12/07/2018 | 139 Comments

(CNS): Organizers of the KAABOO Cayman music festival set to take place in the Cayman Islands in February next year have begun the process of looking for local artists to perform. But officials have confirmed that there will only be four slots available for local musicians over the two-day event. The festival is being headlined by Duran Duran and the Chain Smokers, with a mixed line-up of performers which organisers believe will attract thousands of people. But given the number of  talented local musicians who will be seeking an opportunity to perform in front of a sizable crowd and with so few slots available, many are going to be disappointed.

In email correspondence with CNS, a spokesperson for the festivals said that there will be four main stage slots for local band performances. But there will be additional opportunities for local musicians and DJs, chefs, street performers, visual artists, and more off the main stage, though they did not detail what they would be. The four local slots contrast with around two dozen international bands, musicians, and DJs performing on the main stages, according to the organisers. There will also be an international line-up of comedians, contemporary visual artists and chefs.

It is not exactly clear what the main demographic for the festival will be, but organisers say it will attract some 11,000 people. However, a spokesperson told CNS that it is ” for everyone”, with all “races, genders, and ages” welcome. The festival is being promoted not only in Cayman, but also internationally, with a focus in the US, Canada, and UK. With a line-up varying from Bryan Adams to Transviolet, and the cheapest 2-day passes selling for around $375, going up to more than $17,000, it will be interesting to see where the 11,000 people will come from.

The festival is set to be held on land owned by the Dart Group, which is currently in the process of being developed. The planning permission for the site has already caused some controversies after the Central Planning Authority granted approval without considering the concerns of the Department of Environment.

Nevertheless, there is considerable anticipation that the event could be a genuine money-spinner for local business, despite the concerns about the scale and the impact such a huge event will have.

Stakeholders in the tourism sector point to the hotel industry as the main beneficiaries. But if indeed there are some 10,000 extra people on the island that weekend, bars, restaurants, retail, and transport businesses are all likely to enjoy a piece of the profit. An economic impact forecast reportedly published by Deloitte, a local financial and consulting firm, found that the festival could see almost $14 million spent on the island during the weekend, with government collecting almost $1 million in fees for the public purse.

The organisers also plan to hire 800 people locally to work the event doing an array of jobs, from collecting tickets to valet parking and looking after VIP pass holders. It will also provide opportunities for local artisans to show off their work.

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Comments (139)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    One caymanian act I would love to see on Kaaboo main stage is Rico Rolando! Kids got TALENT!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Got to pick the Love Junkies!

  3. Elvis says:

    Stop complaining pleeeease, 4 slots at an international event is great,

    Do we even have 4 worthwhile bands to listen to at an event like this?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ratskyn! They opened for Reo Speedwagon.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The price of a two day ticket is 1/3 what you paid for your latest iPhone upgrade.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Only 4 slots available huh?….even they realize the local talent SUCKS!

  7. Say it like it is says:

    Our local musicians have plenty of airing on Radio Cayman, and when you look at the demograpics of that station’s audience, that’s most appropriate.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you say it like it is are an expert in talent or what is good for cayman musicians. It’s good you remain with your pseudonym or : grrrrrrrrr, nuff said. Nah take that back you are a piece a nobody

    • Anonymous says:

      And I am not paying a lot of money to not listen to Radio Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    people will complain about anything.
    people paid $75 for tragically hip to play in a field here years ago(many thanks big daddy’s!)
    kaboo has: duran duran, blondie, bryan adams, counting crows, shaggy, florida, live, sean paul, counting crows…..+ many more

    people would pay $150 to see any two of them in concert.
    bottom line…if you don’t like it…don’t go. Take your negativity and head east.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t the point of this festival to bring tourists to the island? I think so. If you are local and don’t want to go then don’t go. If you are local and want to go then you will have to pay. What is the point of saying the bands are no good? At least someone is trying to get people to visit the island. Tourists who visit then spend money and if the experience on the island is good they will come back and tell their friends. Why not embrace what is happening instead of sitting and complaining? Why not choose to be positive? Btw have any of you even gone to a music festival? Check out the prices for Coachella they are not exactly cheap. It takes a lot of work for a festival of any size to be successful. At this rate and judging from some of the comments you are hoping it fails. Who does that hurt? Not the bands. It hurts the island. Stop the negativity!

    • Anonymous says:

      well said…you would think some people are being forced to go….
      cave people = caymanians against virtually everything.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem to have your world all wrapped up in a nice tight little package. Just don’t forget that it’s your story only.
      Let’s review. Mow down natural environment = nice place for people to come and distract themselves = people fly to island to ‘enjoy’ themselves for a little while = they spend money here = they tell their friends to come here. Do I have that right. So you judge that to be good for some reason and some people judge that to be not good. And you judge their judgement as not good. If that is all in order then I now understand you, whoever you are, a little bit. Which I will probably use to judge you. Sigh.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you forgot the primary motivation for this festival is tómale money , yes it brings people hopefully, however the promoters aren’t doing this because they are charitable. Come on now duh!

      • Anonymous says:

        And this isnt Darts festival FYI, it’s Richard Branson’s Virgin.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t know what tomale money is but if they make that then that’s good too! Businesses don’t go into business to not make money. Duh!

  10. Anonymous says:

    No offense but ALOT of our “local talent” just are not suited to be apart of international events. They remain “local” for a reason and to be quite honest some of them sound like awful and whoever is encouraging them needs a SLAP!

  11. Anonymous says:

    The line up is missing a headline act. Look at past headliners at Kaboo in the US and look at our pathetic overpriced headliners.

    As regards the local acts, can we not all start a petition to get Elvis the taxi driver up on stage. I think he’d kill it up there if his Karaoke nights are anything to go by.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Everyone calm down and breathe. The life expectancy of this event will be about as long as the Cayman Jazz Festival. Even with Dart and Government backing it didn’t last. These events just don’t work in cayman.

  13. A says:

    There are only a handful of original artists available in Cayman. So that takes out the cover bands.

  14. Anonymous says:

    yeah nobody is paying that kind of money to watch local bands. Its just the truth. I’m pretty sure the crowd will be the least interested in them when they are on stage. seen it before.

  15. Anonymous says:

    That’s 4 slots when I’ll be at the bar.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you just stay home, watch the idiot box, get blind drunk, and stop paying people to bulldoze the island. Your comment seems to say you’re elite, but you’re pretty much regular.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a mind reader? Or a presumptive oaf? The latter methinks. I’m going and going to see quality acts not fillers to pander to nativist demands for patronage.

        • Anonymous says:

          Patronage who’s asking for it. Any part of the world you go there are local acts performing as openers.!. Do you for one freaking moment believe that all these acts you so desperately want to see didn’t at one time or other perform in their homeland as an opening act.! Don’t talk nonsense bredren but if you have to stick a cork in ya mouth.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yup. Pretty much regular. Ho hum.

          • Anonymous says:

            Unless you are 12 years old, then “regular” is that to which you would aspire. Be prepared for failure.

          • Anonymous says:

            I gave this thumbs up in error. This is the sort of person who sucks the internet down the black hole of their own intellectual density. “You’re basic”, “You’re regular”, “You’re hi-borow”. Presumably when you are that stupid you cannot grasp just how stupid you are.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Music Association are their own worst enemy. There is no centralized portal or catalog to find local artists by genre, read reviews, and book them easily. They’re not registered on Gigmasters, Bookaband or Sonicbids. The Cayman Music Association is fettered by their own assorted middlemen and disorganized lobbying. If you want to book Swanky, you gotta go thru Vicky Weaton…how is somebody from Indiana booking a wedding supposed to figure this stuff out?!? It’s 2018.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it’s because they are crap!

  18. Anonymous says:

    I can see Eugenio on the main stage!

  19. Anonymous says:

    So is no one going to address the fact that they have signed an agreement with a foreign online ticketing agent to handle all sales for the festival and passes the ticketing fee on to consumer? They are making millions of dollars From the Cayman Islands and charging patrons to send the money directly outside of the country. Not a drop staying to benefit the local economy

    • Anonymous says:

      Calm down and do a little critical thinking.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or they could risk being defrauded given the endemic local corruption.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would not trust anyone here to deal with that complicated ticketing system. They did the right thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be nice if we had proper online Cayman ticketing options, but we don’t – what are you going to say to international visitors, “transfer the money to our Butterfield account”, or “pick up your tickets at Funky Tangs”?! – SMH

      • Anonymous says:

        Ha! – Great reply! – I miss the LOL button!

      • Anonymous says: run by Caymanian entrepreneurs. They already do a lot of events here. It would be good if Kaboo could partner with a local vendor for the Cayman based attendees.

    • Anonymous says:

      I bought some tickets online ‘locally’ and got double charged because I never received the confirmation email and purchased at the venue. When I tried to sort it out, the dude in charge of the online company made me feel like it was MY fault! Accused me of getting the email confirmation and not admitting it… WHY WOULD I DO THAT GRIZ???? Then tried to dik me out of his service charge…

  20. Anonymous says:

    neverines and clever knots please.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh well some is better than none, let barefoot loose on them so he can piss the PC bunch off.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Well is it any surprise? This is everything but the Kaboodle and certainly not worth the base price. And its not like the average person in Cayman can afford the minimum ticket price or wants to see washed-up, desperate bands of yesteryear. This is not for locals, it’s another dog & pony show for the elites and groupee tourists. Certainly not on my menu.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sort of my feeling too. But let them have their fun and their event. I couldn’t care less.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great, more space for less grumpy people. That’s the wonderful thing about this world and human beings, we’re not all the same. Some things I like, some things you like, we don’t always have to agree. Now you have a wonderful day.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s worth what people are willing to pay for it, that is how you define somethings worth.

      You don’t seem to like this lineup so will spend your money on other things that you enjoy. That is totally fine.

      Not sure why you are so negative about it. Let those people that are interested have their fun.

      Also Bryan Adams will never be washed-up…:)

    • Anonymous says:

      150$ for two days of music and comedy is cheaper than a festival anywhere else

      • Anonymous says:

        That was the cost of the blind tickets. Last time I checked cheapest regular tickets were $350. That is not a drop in the ocean.

    • Peter Wood says:

      Everyone has his/her opinion including us. Bottom line…. anyone who argues about the price of this event has never been to one or a concert, especially not if they live in Cayman. If you have… show me the math of your TOTAL cost. If you don’t feel it is worth the money then simply do not attend, if you think that it is and you can afford it, go. it’s as simple as that. Just because you do not care to go for whatever reason, is not a reason to promote negativity! Someone mentioned that the Musical Committee were their own worse enemy, I think that should be re-phrased to, Cayman is it’s own worse enemy.

  23. Tuna says:

    Remember people when the rich don’t want you to patronize their venues because of their social class they just jack up the price on what they are selling so you can’t afford to go and take your family there. #moderndayracism#notforcaymanians

    • Anonymous says:

      I wouldn’t pay a cent to see that line up if I had millions in the bank. Pure outdated/irrelevant trash artists.

      • Anonymous says:

        fine…you won’t be missed.

      • Peter Wood says:

        So how about we bring the A-List artist? I wonder what your comment would be then? Let me guess… ticket price too high? The days of going to see established artists for $11.50 are gone!! I can still remember when K-Man Edition, Band Cayman & MOJ struggled to get all of you to pay $10!! Just plain disgusting, everyone wants the best of the best but only want to pay the least of the least. As Bob would say, “Wake up & live!”

        • Anonymous says:

          Sorry Peter. The Johnny come latelies who live on this website have no idea that MOJ was a regional powerhouse touring all over the region and the USA back in the 80’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      It costs a lot to bring this event here, hence the price tag. The article clearly states they’re going to hire a bunch of people, most likely wanting them to be local, you could apply and go for free all while making some money. But that’s OK just keep complaining…

      • Anonymous says:

        Sounds like the slave masters chant “See the world on a free cruise. Of course you will have to do a bit of work, but you will be earning money while seeing new places”

        • Anonymous says:

          Slaves weren’t paid and you need to get your head out of the past and move on. More excuses and less action isn’t moving people forward.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not just a #notforCaymanian issue my friend. I’m an expat and can’t afford it either.

    • Richard Wadd says:

      The only thing ‘Racist’ was your comment! What’s wrong with decent folks wanting to enjoy an evening of quality entertainment without having to worry about getting caught up in some disturbance perpetuated by a bunch of ‘riff-raff’ and ‘wanna-be thugs’ who think brandishing guns, knives & drugs makes them ‘cool’?
      Unfortunately, such an event & atmosphere costs $$$ … what, you thought sucessful artists perform for free? Security isn’t cheap either!
      Sadly, this is the price that decent people have to pay when discipline in a society is allowed to decay to the point we have now reached here.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Quality entertainment”



        • Anonymous says:

          Are you mad that these groups brought in to perform are very well known and have made a lot of money? Or are you mad that your taste in music isn’t what the majority of people like? You go enjoy your life somewhere that makes you happy and stop trying to act so cool bashing what others deem quality. It’s a poor trait in a human.

    • Anonymous says:

      Welcome to Cayman! If the Price is Right, come on down! BTW, the price is not right for anything here

    • Anonymous says:

      Expensive keeps it classy. I like expensive.

  24. Anonymous says:

    In other news, is the lady who was attacked by her husband doing better?

  25. Anonymous says:

    SWANKY!!! All the way, Bo bo!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Instead of focusing on what folks cant do… Focus on what they can!

    No… High Tide should not be on the main stage with Duran Duran. But the road crew for that band will be in town for a few days prior, and so will a lot of music fans. Every bar and hotel lobby should have live music around that weekend.

    Leave the big stage for the big performers that people are paying big money to see.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I’d be interested in Deloitte doing an assessment afterwards on how much real benefit accrued. Just so we all know. (If no one does, then you’ll know.)

    That time of year is already busy tourist season so, unless there’s 10,000 extra beds somewhere it will not be 10,000 extra tourists. Its whatever we’d have normally plus whatever extra the event attracts. (To keep it simple for Deloitte call it 2019 number minus 2018 number for the same weekend. After that they can get creative with things like ‘how much were we able to raise rates because of all of the extra high-end demand Kabboo is supposedly going to create’.)

  28. Anonymous says:

    Why spin it as “Only 4”? Why not the real headline which is “Fantastic Opportunity for 4 local artists/groups to be on an International stage with world renowned musicians” …a tad long I know… In some articles you criticize employers for being negative about Caymanians, and here, with a great opportunity for some Caymanians on an international platform, and 800 (albeit very short) terms jobs in the offering, it is your good selves supplying the negativity. I don’t think Cayman artists would get that same chance elsewhere, and it is fantastic for those that will be selected.

    Keep up the good work CNS, you do a great job in sometimes trying circumstances. Don’t let the full moon get you down.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I love these economic impact forecasts….pure utter bs, but they get paid for it….may as well ask a gypsy in a tent….hmm, i think 1 man will spend $300…there will be 11,000 tickets for sale….lets call it $300 million….that will be $75,000 thank you…i’ll even put the report in a lovely binder

  30. Anonymous says:

    Typical CNS putting their slant on it “ONLY four…”. I paid big bucks for the tickets, four local acts is plenty. I will probably have seen the local acts 50 times before anyway. And, whilst there is nothing wrong with ‘local acts’ anywhere in the world, they stay ‘local’ for a reason!

  31. Anonymous says:

    haha all “races”.. didn’t realise there were more than one. oh the old colonial mindset shows it’s head once more.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t bringing 11,000 music lovers to town a big boost to the local scene? Won’t many of them go to local clubs? The article is unnecessarily negative. I’m surprised you didn’t suggest the acts should be 60% Caymanian owned.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Also Jaybass & Josh peal, Rico, Fusion!

  34. Anonymous says:

    ask COTTERELL only Local Artist that is actually crowd friendly and has great culture music!

  35. Anonymous says:

    I intend to be off island during this mess. I was excited until I saw the line up which left me very disappointed

    • Anonymous says:

      I usually travel to the island that week, and was excited until I saw the line up which also left me disappointed. I will plan my travels around this event and the inflated hotel rates.

      • Anonymous says:

        Great, you probably live somewhere that gets shows. Good for you. We never do so keep your poo poos to yourself.

  36. Anonymous says:

    What pisses me off about these events are the free tickets to the VIP section for government members and heads of authorities. It is no wonder they don’t want the public standards laws, it is immoral to accept such tickets while the people who earn way less then they do have to pay their own way. It is one of the reasons I won’t attend. The ‘local’ slots are just to appease.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Make Swanky one of the local bands please, they can handle the big stage.
    Don’t put anyone up there that is going to be an embarrassment.
    Often times we are forced to listen to some very mediocre, sometimes even painful local acts.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Of course there’s only 4 slots for locals….lucky they gave spots at all!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Good luck finding four up to par acts!

    • Anonymous says:

      Screw your comment. Local bands should boycott (as should anyone else who understands the destruction of the island/planet) do to darts unthoughtful, ignorant end game.
      Poster? You ready to get on board?

  40. Anonymous says:

    I can tell you this.. I am NOT paying over $300 to hear local bands on the main stage that I can hear any time throughout the year.
    Seriously. What the H are you thinking? Why publish an inciteful article like this in order to stir people up about locals not being on the MAIN STAGE!??? Unnecessary!
    Do you really think that local artists would expect to be on the MAIN STAGE?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yea because we will never be good enough and we should be happy for the scraps our foreign Gods give us to eat here in our own country, why do we continue to believe in ourselves we should just be happy that they allow us to remain here once we stay in our lane and stfu.

      Love you massa

      Signed a Backwards no-talent Islander

      • Anonymous says:

        Think you suffering from Stockholm syndrome and quite possibly racism. If you think you are capable, stop bitching and get up and sing. In case you had not noticed slavery ended some time ago. In case you hadn’t noticed Caymanians voted for by Caymanians run these islands. Get over yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you really think these ‘big acts’ got there by staying in their 50,000 population home town?

      • Ms Guy Didones says:

        Or maybe (like other successful CAYMANIANS) you could take advantage of the immensly dis-proportionate opportunities that we are afforded by our status among our other peer countries and stop whining like a spoilt witch (with a ‘B’). There is NOTHING poor and oppressed about THIS country and our people. The only CAYMANIANS lacking opportunity are those who are either too lazy or feel too “entitled” to grasp what we are blessed with.
        It should be MANDATORY that ALL Caymanian children spend at least 6 month doing community service in some of our poorer neighboring countries. Maybe then they would grow up with some appreciation of how blessed we are!
        PS. If you want to be on the ‘Main stage’, EARN IT!

        • Anonymous says:

          Wow that poor hungry kid down in Scranton, Belford, Logwood, Palm Dale, Windsor Park, is sooo blessed huh?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed, stop trying to stir up trouble. This is the first proper music festival we’ve ever had, whilst we love our local talent not all of them are suitable for an international event. 4 slots is plenty. Maybe stop the anti-Dart stuff for a moment and celebrate that we’re going to have a great event here, without having to travel anywhere.

    • Anonymous says:

      Truth is that if the big mouth hype machine tells you who to like, you’ll like them. Wise up. In life in general also. BTW, you’re basically contributing 300 buck to help the buzzards strip this island of habitat for anything but money driven drunks. All aboard!

    • Anonymous says:

      Most of the people will not be from here and might like to hear local music. Daa

      • Anonymous says:

        Then let’s hope they are given slots at local night spots before and after the festival happens.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes we do, if it is being held in Cayman some of our local artist should be included!! If not then it shouldn’t be held here.. Swanky is well like by tourists and locals as well. So what is the point? I am so sick and tired of this kind of crap going on here.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, we are in the Caribbean and the only ‘international’ reggae acts on the bill are OK but most of us have seen here in Cayman already. Very few local acts means Kaboo brings little content for Caymanians and people in the surrounding Caribbean regions. Its kinda like someone holding a very long and loud party in your house… every year, without consulting or inviting you, let alone considering your feelings or accommodating your taste in parties too.

      Having said that again being fair, I have endured hours of pretty appalling and completely overrated local acts too, waiting for Sean Paul, Shaggy, Beres, etc. I think another posters idea of bars and clubs featuring local acts throughout Kaboo is a great idea. There are events being organised in Miami around Kaboo already. Many cannot afford the tickets for Kaboo and might like that.

      Others like me can afford but won’t buy (at that price) when all I want to see is a few acts. They should let you buy day tickets for live acts only. A simple bright colored wristband could identify who cannot access all areas. I think that would bring more patrons in and more local support for Kaboo.

      • philip says:

        so how much is a flight to Miami and a hotel room for the night?,$300.00 maybe.

        • Anonymous says:

          SMH. The events in Miami are designed to catch the tourist flying in to Cayman for the festival you idiot!

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s quite clear you have no comprehension of the costs for people living in Cayman to go and see a concert in the USA, the majority of the comments on this are from people who live in cayman, SMH

      • Anonymous says:

        HA! They would have to redesign the way a festival flows to manage what you are asking for. If you just want to see these bands then you can pay to see them each separately at a show in the US somewhere. You’ll end up spending more doing it that way. This is how a festival works, one fee per day for the entertainment provided on the grounds. Doing it any other way would be a huge hassle and unheard of. I paid $125 to see one of my favorite groups in Tampa, nosebleed seats, and that was 1 act. I had to buy airfare and a hotel for the weekend. Total of that trip was over $1200 for the weekend getaway.

        This is a great price for what you are getting.

        • Anonymous says:

          Dude. I have organised music festivals on a similar scale in the US and the UK. I actually do know what I am talking about – unlike you it seems.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s simple mate. An effective combination of well-planned festival layout, use of security and colour passes from the off is all you need. Works fine elsewhere in the world. Perhaps they could consider it next time. What works in the US doesn’t automatically work here.

  41. Anonymous says:



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