Teens arrested for smoking ganja on boat

| 10/04/2018 | 90 Comments

(CNS): Two teenagers and an older man were all arrested on Sunday for smoking ganja on board a boat in Rum Point. The police said they boarded the boat after detecting a strong smell of weed coming from the vessel, which was anchored close to others at the popular weekend spot. A search of the boat and the men turned up what police said were several separate portions of what was suspected to be ganja. The quantities have not been revealed, however.

A 17-year-old boy from North Side an 18-year-old boy from North Side and 32-year-old man from George Town were all arrested on suspicion of possession of ganja and consumption of ganja and later bailed.

The RCIPS said the arrest was part of an operation by officers from the Joint Marine Unit, the Community Policing Department and Uniform Operations in the Eastern Districts as part of ongoing enforcement efforts in response to community concerns about persistent drug use in the area.

“It is important that we as a community maintain a high level of respect for others and for the laws of our islands,” said Acting Inspector Damenian Maxwell of the Joint Marine Unit.

“Places like Rum Point are where many families spend time, often with young children, and they do not wish to be subjected to the smell of drugs being consumed. We have received numerous complaints from the public on this issue and will continue to prosecute anyone committing these offenses,” he added.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    9:47pm is right on the spot who say they did not understand what 9:47pm stated the cap fit them and they know 9:47pm is right so they are puffed- up, swell-up and ready too burst open from reading and understanding the truth from 9:47pm call for rescue it will be a high hurricane season again.

    • papi p says:

      Ganja should be legal to be consumed in private places. Absolutely no snoking and driving. Fine for consuming in public… jail for DUI. I want to be Premier

  2. Anonymous says:

    Free advice for fun seekers: avoid any ensemble of belligerent, indiscreet rebels, dumb enough to grandstand illegal proclivities in front of cops. At any age, this ends badly. It’s not necessarily the “what”, but knowing the “how”, “when”, and “where” that really makes the difference.

  3. Red eye jedi says:

    I get it, it’s illegal to consume cannabis and the laws should be enforced. My question is, if the laws do not represent all of the people, is that law truly fair and just? Obviously there are a large amount of people that indulge in cannabis so why dont the laws reflect that? Who really profits from cannabis prohibition in Cayman and what are the necessary steps to reform the laws so they are more representative of the entire population?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes the law represents everyone, if you smoke pot you are breaking the law, if the others do not smoke pot they are upholding the law. Covers everyone as far as I can tell.

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s also a large amount of people that speed recklessly, mug/rob/steal, etc. Why don’t the laws reflect [permit] that?

      • Anonymous says:

        This is hilarious, how stupid can you be, there is a difference between allowing someone to smoke weed and saying we are going to let you rob/steal/mug etc
        Smoking is a matter of personal choice that has limited effects on others and is virtually no danger to the community. While people may commit other crimes no one is saying that we should also legalize those crimes because of the argument used to defend cannabis is ridiculous, have a nuanced opinion for once in your life, think for yourself

  4. Anonymous says:

    The smart people just take their brownies out there with them. The spliff smokers just lookin attention.

    • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

      OK 9.58 am you know bout the smart tricks! Ganja seed cookies nearly killed a friend of mine many years ago when some smart-ass “prankster” handed them out at a party. It is a very complicated issue, and certainly extremely difficult to change legally. What is happening in other jurisdictions can seriously be regarded as experimental, and over time, may not be the great success that some claim it to be, socially that is.

  5. Anonymous says:

    But blowing cigarette smoke is so much better for you…
    I’d rather smell the perfume of ganja than the carcinogens of cigarettes. And I’d rather my children not be subjected to the second hand smoke and carcinogens of a B&H.

  6. Fish Tea says:

    Sounds like another MAJOR BUST on the High Seas!!!! by our fame seeking shallow water navy to hell wid the child molesters, rapist, robbers, murders roaming our streets too much paperwok trying lock dem up ehh buddie. Aaaaah boy you voted for it so please embrace it Cayman.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Until it is illegal to smoke pot they are breaking the law. Do not ask your police to condone breaking the law then when someone pop your head expect them to make an arrest. All laws should be upheld.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you meant “legal”.

      It is currently illegal, though many argue it is possibly one of the most asinine laws ever implemented in human history.

      Today, on a whole, we should all be questioning the laws in place where you basically find people being locked up for longer periods of time for smoking a plant, with many health benefits, versus the pedophiles that get literally a slap on the wrist for molesting or having sex with minors. In most cases these children have familial ties to the molester!

      Cayman is extremely backwards and it is disturbing on every level.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry, I meant “legal” thanks for your comment.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed, the penalty does not always fit the crime around here. However I would not want people smoking weed around my children either.

        • Anonymous says:

          Of course not, you have been brainwashed into thinking weed = bad, just like everyone else in the western world for the last 60 years
          But you don’t bat an eye when someone is chainsmoking a pack of cigarettes on the corner

          • Anonymous says:

            Say this agin! Print it and post it up too…ignorance is such a bliss for clownish folk. Can you shlt spewers all conduct actual research?

            • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

              No 8.53 am. It would not be as much fun as ignorant stoning of people who speak sense. Wish there was an IQ test for posting on CNS! It would be almost empty pages!

  8. Anonymous says:

    “Places like Rum Point are where many families spend time, often with young children, and they do not wish to be subjected to the smell of drugs being consumed”

    It’s perfectly fine for those “families” to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Why don’t police arrest the ones doing alcohol and cigarettes in public also if you wan’t to set drug free example, hypocrites.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tons of people drove their boats back drunk that same day too. Yet they make a big celebration for ruining reputations over a medically recognized plant. Go catch the muggers instead!

    • Jotnar says:

      Because alcohol and cigarettes are not illegal?

      • Anonymous says:

        Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right, and something being illegal doesn’t always mean that something is negative. Unless you have sheep mentality, which, if that is the case continue on to the slaughter house.

      • Anonymous says:

        You a Man or MOUSE?

    • Anonymous says:

      Every body deserves the right to recreational activities on the beaches and the water regardless of whether they are families or not. These people were on a boat in the water. How much further from the beach and the general public do you want them to go?

      • Anonymous says:

        This is so true….they want you go down in the bush so they have someone to watch or something to talk about with their goofy friends over cocktail poisons.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thank you police. Some of the boat party people get out of control about every few weeks if you don’t watch them. A few always ruin things for everyone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sunday after pay day, they are all out there, drinking their withheld child support payments!

    • Anonymous says:

      Their movement to and from Rum Point is predictable. All the police/border patrol need to do is keep a boat in the water to monitor them on those days. Visibility is key.

      • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

        Does Marine Unit have the manpower to police Rum Point every Sunday and public holiday, and do all the border patrolling and offshore safety that you all like to demand of them? Can’t gat a quart out of a pint bottle! Thinking is key!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Governor We na stop bunn our ganjaaa legalise it it has many health benefits and our Caymanian ancestors smoke it we going smoke it and our children going smoke it if you don’t want to legalise it we still going smoke it caymanians should be able to grow and smoke it out life is our right

  11. Anonymous says:

    The police are doing what the leader of the opposition want them too do in north side. That always the big talk on the talk shows for the leader of opposition the ganja smoking in his district north side and telling the police to do something about it. Wipe out a third generation and more indigeous caymanians by now and foreigner’s that came and continue to come to cayman as ganja smoker’s that smoked ganja and continue to smoke ganja in cayman they are happy the laws in cayman targeted and destroyed and continue to only target and destroy the indigeous caymanians and the foreigner’s are happy about that especially the nationality that have the highest rate of caymanian status check by corner shop, wellies, mangoe tree, ultra lounge all those spots see what nationality hang around there smoking and selling illegal drugs, gambling and other illegal activities the nationality of the country where the most drugs and illegal weapons come from that is imported to cayman daily for donkey years now and that is the nationality that have the most police officers in the cayman islands police force drive the most fancy vehicles and check it out own most of the houses and businesses in cayman also check it out the houses that went and continue to go for fore closure from the cayman banks that nationality most likely is the biggest buyer’s and is a high possibility that is nationality have the most loan officer’s working in the banks as loan officers and that is the nationality that had the highest rate of caymanian status dished out to them like hot food in 2003 and they possibily still have the highest rate of status in the cayman islands dished out to them like hot food from the politicians and the deputy governor’s office so it is the indigeous caymanians that is doing it too their own people greed again. The nationality that have the highest rate of caymanian status they hate and talk the worst about the indigeous caymanians but the politicians started that war the longest politician in the house of assembly were the leader of that war that is the reason the nationality with the highest rate of caymanian status love that politician so much because that politician did nuf,nuf fi dem and turned cayman and the indigeous caymanians into a welfare state especially West Bay and have the indigeous caymanians thinking that do not know any better that the poor people relief and the voucher’s and any other government assistance that they maybe receiving belongs too that politician. Public help who came up with the bright idea years ago for the dummest law in the cayman islands call the urine test?. Check it out wasn’t it the now leader of the opposition, the now speaker of the house and one political lost it sheep from West Bay. Please give the public the answer the public needs to know because alot of their children , grand children, great grand children and great, great grand children especially the West Bayer’s public you all are welcome to take a real walk or a slow tour all over west Bay and you all will see lost of hope, mental disabled, beggers, drug addicts and more and more at At-Risk youths and possibly the highest rate of unemployment hanging around the corner’s under the trees poor political representation made and continue too make a welfare state in West Bay and the people that suppose to be receiveing the government assistance still not or can not receive it or not getting it in the proper amount or not getting it on time too much political, friends and family and who know you interference in all government and private sectors that is the reason the country is in the mess it is into today and the reason it will not get any better.

    • Jotnar says:

      Any point you are trying to make is lost in the sea of spelling and grammatical errors, but above all by the lack of punctuation. Try reading your post out aloud, only pausing for breath when you get to a full stop.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is what happens when you smoke pot, imaging applying for a job with an application letter with no commas, full stops, or going for an interview with the jumbo jumbo rambling on and on . Too much pot for sure.

        • Anonymous says:

          I think you meant imagine, not imaging…let he who is without sin…

        • Anonymous says:

          Uhh…can this be proven or is this just yourbmeasily opinion. Have you read anything on “pot” lol you coke head.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you high?

      • Anonymous says:

        You cannot blame grammatical errors on being high. I know lot of professionals that indulge and can still write a complete sentence that is grammatically correct. This is a problem that starts in school. Our public schooling system is way below the bar and you can by the post above.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lot of students who went through the Cayman education system, went on to university and became a well educated contributing member of society. Probably more than a recreational split, more like breakfast lunch and dinner. Stop blaming everything on someone else.

          • Anonymous says:

            So are you saying that the public school system is perfect just as is? I graduated from a public school also and i am quite successful. Your argument would have been true 15-20 years ago. The success rate of the public schools has diminished greatly since i attended. Get your facts straight.

          • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

            Why 3.49 pm? That is what CNS posting is all about. I repeatedly call it “Stone throwing” referring to the dark ages and retarded cultures that practice(d) it.

    • anonymous says:

      I believe you are referring to Jamaicans. I am Jamaican and writing from Jamaica. I am not going to lie, I would personally have nothing to do with 90% of Jamaicans. Priya Levers was crucified for saying that from the Bench, but the truth is Jamaica is the way it is because of the lawlessness of a majority of the population, and Jamaica has very different social classes which do not mix. If your politicians sold you Caymanians out, to them, you are right to excoriate them.

      • Caymanian Raised & Born says:

        Hmmm .. always some racists allowed to rant on about Jamaica.

        Jamaica is our next door neighbors. One day we will need Jamaica more than they need us. God has a way. The same stuck up full of pride Caymanians will be made abased. This is how God works. I’ve been to Jamaica. Many Caymanians are Jamaican connected. I love the people, the country, the culture … Jamaica is far superior than my own home – more beautiful, more everything! I can buy a decent piece of land and house for less than 40,000 C.I. dollars. You think its joke! Caymam banks makes a killing off our young people with mortgages going up to 200,000 for what???? Some rocky land parcel! The people up there treat me way better than my own! Far more righteous people in Jamaica than here I can tell you that! You have good and bad everywhere. I have sat at kitchen tables in Cayman and have heard over and over again the lies certain people say about Jamaica! It is incredible. They talk about crime yes, but I just can’t stand a rock head racist Caymanian that never been there to see the place! But can exaggerate how much a hell is Jamaica! Yet they never mingled in Jamaica to know Jamaica for themselves, and go off hearsay – foolish narrow minded comments on this site! It should stop.

  12. Diogenes says:

    How long are we as a people going to let this go on?
    When will enough be enough?
    The only people destroying Caymanian futures are the lawmakers who continue to do nothing and the people of the Cayman islands who continue electing these incrementalists who only love their hold on power and care first and foremost about maintaining it


  13. B.Smith says:

    The finest from North Side…maybe Ezzard can straighten them out and get a job for them. While he is at it, maybe he can check out what’s going on in all the tents at Kaibo public beach…still up …still waiting for someone to do something…

    • Anonymous says:

      You sound very ignorant. Who said that they do not have a job? People like you are why Cayman cannot move forward and modernize. The mentality you have is what keeps us severely behind time.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The world is passing us by and we will just be the islands with all of our young people imprisoned for nonviolent drug use
    F*****g insanity

  15. Anonymous says:

    They have nothing better to do than hand out criminal records on a Sunday for smoking a plant rapidly becoming legal all around us. I’d prefer to read that the police took the boat out for a joy ride and crashed it. Meanwhile real crime and failure to rehabilitate prisoners are both blamed on the community. The children don’t know the difference between the smell of weed and anything else. “That’s fried chicken dear” is all the parents need to say. Smh.

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot, I dont want my 6 year old inhaling marijuana smoke or any other kind of smoke. Its assh*&^% like you that are destroying this country

      • Anonymous says:

        If they were in range of the smoke, why did you have a 6 year old out by the boats where dozens of grown adults were getting drunk? YOU chose to put them there. Likewise don’t take your child to a bar if you don’t want them around cigs and alcohol.

        • Anonymous says:

          I bet you have illegal tint and no front plate.

          • Anonymous says:

            I bet you are one to say cannabis use causes cancer and has no medicinal value.

            • Anonymous says:

              Perhaps is has medical benefits but you won’t get the benefits by smoking it, it burns out your brain cells if you overindulge and you become a bumbling fool. Just look around at all the uneducated zombies stumbling around waiting for someone to rob.

  16. young Caymanian says:

    Arresting a harmless person over a spliff is partially what is keeping Her Majesty’s prison at operational capacity and costing the public millions per annum.

    Whether you like or dislike drug use, we should all agree that the offence should attract a monetary fine as opposed to incarceration.

    The former might not resolve drug abuse, but latter certainly causes more societal harm.

    When inmates have their reputations ruined over this petty crime, it’s not very easy to secure employment.

    Thus, the vicious cycle continues…

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not a vicious cycle…it’s a moron intellect problem. Do you know how hard it is to get arrested here for ANYTHING?!? Be smarter and more discreet about where you blow your cone!

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s not that hard actually…. Once the police smell the cannabis smoke and know the general direction it is coming from, they can suspect who ever they want and it does not matter if they find any evidence or not. Under the misuse of drugs law, police can without a warrant, execute a search on property belonging to the suspect(s) (car, boat, house etc.), demand a urine specimen and arrest the suspect on suspicion of consumption of a controlled substance while they await the results of your urine analysis.

        If the analysis comes back positive you go to court where more than likely you will have to start counselling, take random drug tests etc. which the public purse pays for. This is one of the only non communist countries in the world that prosecute its people for consuming an illegal drug (Cannabis) while others are addicted to cocaine and prescription opiates (lab grade heroin).

        Drug rehabilitation is not a police or judicial issue but rather a healthcare issue. All the money that is spent on prosecuting people can be put towards rehabilitation of people addicted to class A drugs. Lets not forget the income that could be generated from legalizing and taxing cannabis and what those proceeds could be used for. Lots of our economic issue would be addressed, take a look at Colorado.

        • SSM345 says:

          Been arrested for a spliff before? Were you smoking in public? Did you secure your arrest by chatting garbage to the RCIPs? Try abiding by and working with the system in a subtle manner until its legal; then there is no fkry.

          • Anonymous says:

            Actually, i have been arrested but not for a spliff in public, just being in the wrong vicinity at the wrong time while having THC present in my system. I took the whole judicial system for a ride to get a no conviction in the end, without a lawyer, and the public purse endured the cost. Once again, it goes to prove that not all that indulge are uneducated fools. I even had to correct all of the grammatical errors in the police report that a certain individual from a certain neighboring country wrote because he did not know how to spell and could not type any faster than about 2 words per minute.

            So to respond to your comment, no matter how much you abide by the system, innocent people can be easily pulled in and fall victim to it.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s a well-known fact in every district that the police constantly harass the same ganja smokers week in week out (hence so many clogging up the system) rather than get out there and catch some real criminals and real drug abusers. So it’s not hard to get arrested. If go for easy pickings.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s just it…it’s not a petty crime to get busted smuggling pounds of ganja, cocaine, guns, ammo and other things into the Cayman Islands. Similarly, you’ve gotta be pretty dumb to get busted at all, let alone enough times, to go to Northward for smoking an illegal schedule 1 drug with a burn time of a few minutes.

  17. eyehavenoIdeer says:

    Futures ruined

    • Anonymous says:

      They should have thought about their futures before they committed the crime. Obviously they weren’t .

    • Anonymous says:

      Really due to archaic laws by a nonprogressive country for anyone who bares the title ‘local’.

    • Jg says:

      One year of probation and your record will be clean, unless you are like me ten years ago refusing to stop smoking and spending a few years in court like a dummy. Then if your lucky you might get remanded twice and get a taste of HMP. Go deep in that northside bush to smoke if youre lookin to break the law, a spliff isnt worth those a$$holes cuffing you infront of girls in bikinis.

      • SSM345 says:

        Do the mandated courses and piss clean nowadays before and after they tell you its an option and they reward you. Not that difficult really.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ughhhh, legalize it. How much time, resources, and money are we going to waste in the pursuit of archaic laws? Get with the times.

  19. Anonymous says:

    “High time” others learned from these cautionary tales of stupidity. Don’t blow a big blunt in full public olfactory range of cops and families, unless you are asking to be narc’ed. Queue the slow clap for the JMU doing their job. #doofae

    • Anonymous says:

      Legal drinking age is 18 and older. There are 15+ year olds in the same vicinity of RP with more alcohol than your granddads stash.

      Please dont justify public use of one and not for the other….only because some can recognize the scent of MMJ, this doesnt make it more or less harmful than the world famous nasty tobacco cigarettes – suprisingly to which there are 15+ year olds running around with cigs everywhere too.

  20. Chevy says:

    Police couldve went for all the many underage drunk teen kids also – right or wrong folks?

    As usual, they pick low lying fruits.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ahh Chevy. They do not want to touch the issue of alcohol here in these Cayman Islands.

      It is our number 1 issue. For all ages and classes. Alcohol has killed so many, ruined so many families. No-one wants to talk about it!

      • Anonymous says:

        8:54 I recond you don’t have that down pack. Alcohol is a destroyer……..and everywhere you turn there’s another corner open to sell it ..the kids even have it in school …so help us dear god .

    • Anonymous says:

      Misdemeanor underage drinking is much harder to police because of the low 18 yo drinking age, and many of those “kids” seen are 18, or on the cusp. Whereas, there is no legal smoking age for pot. It’s illegal to smoke at any age, and if you’re doofus enough to spark one up in range of officers, you make yourself an easy target for a criminal conviction.

      • Anonymous says:

        Gee thanks for your sound advice. Is it still not illegal for underage teen kids to be consuming alcohol at any younger age than 18 sportsfan??

      • Anonymous says:

        Bare in mind they claim weed makes you lazy so dont expect to robbed at rumpoint by a lazy “pot head”

        lol man you all are lucky ignorance cant kill. Please be careful what you belief especiallu when facts are everywhere!

  21. Anonymous says:

    More low lying fruits, again!?


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