Gas station robbed for first time

| 21/01/2018 | 43 Comments
(CNS): The Barcam Esso on Shamrock Road in George Town, which opened less than two years ago was robbed for the first time, on Sunday morning. The RCIPS said that  two men had entered the gas station store armed with a gun and made off with a quantity of cash in a dark-colored compact vehicle heading in the direction of central George Town. The stick-up happened at, around 5:30am,  a police spokesperson said.

The men were described as both being about 6 ft. tall, one with proportionate build wearing blue jeans and a plain, white T-shirt, while the other was of stocky build wearing all black.
Anyone with any information is asked to call the GTPS at 949-4222 or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS).

Category: Local News

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  1. Al Catraz says:

    The “first time” in the headline says a lot, and presumes that there will be more.

  2. Mr Fuentes says:

    The trouble is everytime the PPM get in power they run aroung bragging how much money they give the police and they put it in every manifesto they print and put out What they dont put in that political manifesto is how much the crime rate increase under their sucessive governments.

  3. Anonymous says:

    More Police than Quakers have Oats crime still killing us what a joke eh Now we giving them even more money yet again when is this $#@! going stop Cayman

  4. Yup says:

    The reality of the situation is that for decades, the Cayman Islands have let in criminal elements from nearby places to filter their way through, along with their hard-working compatriots. Add to this the huge number of social problems among the local populace, the lack of parenting being one of the biggest issues (Daddy is working on baby number 15 with baby Momma #14), the slackening of rules, regulations and laws, the lack of any meaningful enforcement, mixed with sheer ignorance, stupidity, drug abuse, idiocy, useless, corrupt, and hypocrite politicians, social and religious leaders, and here you are… Never mind the complete distaste for education, and preference for the gangsta culture. Every child in the Cayman Islands has the opportunity to become a university scholar if parents parented – Cuban schools have 1/100th of the material resources that Caymanian schools and students have, but turn out much higher educated students; the simple reason for this is that Education, not gangsta culture, is valued. Any wonder things are the way they are? Not at all. Until the Cayman Islands take the approach of Singapore, where order, education, respect, civility, and the collective good etc. are held above individual “rights” to be a gangsta, nothing will change – in a few years, if not already, the Cayman Islands will soon be known as Jamaica, or Trinidad point 2.

    • Anonymous says:

      Legalize abortion. There is a lack of parenting as it is children raising children.

      Graduate High School, get a job in a bank, get a car loan, have a baby… All before your 18th birthday.

      • Anonymous says:

        Contraception education, along with real single-mom testimonials might help prevent the unwanted or errant pregnancy before it gets there. ie. arrest the cycle of broken promises, and loose commitments.

  5. Anonymous says:

    6:27 pm, you are lucky in Grand with gas at $ 4.27 per gal. here in the BRAC is $ 4.80, same gas , 12 1/2 cents duty and bigger crooks over here.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “Dark coloured car” – I wasn’t there,but I can guarantee it had dark tinted windows so that the occupants could not be seen arriving with their faces covered. The law bans these impenetrable window tints for very good reasons, but like so many laws here it is not enforced.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why allow it to be imported then? “Hey you can import it, sell it, buy it, whatever, just don’t use it!” Eedjyats.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are aware that tint can be applied to vehicles after they are purchased right?

        • Anonymous says:

          You are aware that I was referring to allowing tint darker than the limit of 35% to be imported, right? Why allow 5% tint cut and branded for car use to be imported and readily sold at any auto part store if it isn’t allowed to be used on cars?

    • C.I. Notence says:

      One man that could order the enforcement is the RCIPS Commissioner! Mr. Commissioner, can you tell us why you don’t?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Police investigators continue to take these rubbish event descriptions…

  8. PPM Distress Signal says:

    The problem is Alden & Mckeeva’s little economic miracle has very little to do our benefit to Cayman or Caymanians. We unfortunately are witnessing now the consequences of this absolute foolishness.Whilst they continue their immigration propaganda and feeding this Police Monster 75 more police officers to fleece our little economy which means even more work permits fees and higher cost of living to support this foreign police state.Why not spend this money on our children instead sustaining other countries economies. Instead of Deputy Governor Manderson signing agreements to fast track people into Cayman why dont we fast track some people out of Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a lot of BS. It is up to each of us to educate & improve ourselves so that each can take advantage of the economic prosperity of the country. There would be less immigration if each of us did what is needed to improve ourselves to the top level of our real abilities. Try it and I’m positive you will see the difference. These thugs are simply taking the EASY way.

      • Snakeater says:

        You loss or living a serious lie or playing the propaganda game .You certainly are seriously out of touch with the reality on our streets.

    • Anonymous says:

      So our National Hero James Manoah Bodden’s opening up of Cayman to rapid and massive development and influx of foreigners has nothing to do with the deterioration of Cayman? It’s all Alden’s and McKeeva’s fault? Seriously? Boy, you fool. The seeds of all this were sown then and Jim and his Government were well warned about the consequences of uncontrolled development…by Governor Peter Lloyd for one….., but to Jim and his government, drunk on power and the Texan money flowing in, he was just a Limey, so he could be ignored.

      • Jimmy C says:

        What the hell Jim Bodden got to do with this??? Alot of people did terrible things in the past we need to deal with the problem we face now the past is done and dusted stop holding on to it you are a very happy person i can tell.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately the reality is that these people are lazy. They make the most money, with the least amount of effort l committing this amount of crime. I highly doubt these are individuals who would not turn to crime if they could get a job. We don’t have a Dick and Jane scenario here

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do you expect government to support everything for Caymanians.Get a job, stay married,support your own kids.Stop moaning.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Security camera photos???

    • Sabotage says:

      Which Cameras??? another big pay day for a foreign company that did not workout for us! stop giving way our money to foreigners Alden.

  10. Anonymous says:

    To get control of violence in Cayman, the government must keep track of Jamaican and Haitian bad immigrants.

    • Local says:

      What about the home grown bad apples and thugs. Loads of crimes are committed by local people how will government deal with them?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Big tough guys! How is a stick up of a gas station even a thing? Surely the risk to reward is ridiculous, as, if ran properly, the cashiers would only have access to a relatively meagre amount of cash…say <1000.

    To risk years in prison for that shows the utter stupidity in our criminal elements.

    Also, being a new build, it should have ultra crisp CCTV footage?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thank god for that 60% reduction in gun crime! ??‍♂️

    …Incase you haven’t noticed, the premier has no plan to deal with gun crime!

  13. AZOTH says:

    Alden, are you listening? Is this your 60% cut in gun smuggling? Two shootings including a murder in the first month of the new year, and not to mention the armed robberies.

    You have the audacity to go public and whine lack of self praise for your governments meaningless contributions. It is not your government who needs praising, it is the people of the Cayman Islands who work ordinary jobs to keep our system running. You should be thanking the people of the Cayman islands for maintaining composure in such hard times, not looking for self praise. You and the criminals of this country are a perfect example of what is wrong with it.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Please honorable premier get thid resolved. You and the strog unity team can do it.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Accent? Skin colour? Type of car? Specific colour of car?

    • Diogenes says:

      Let’s see how descriptive you’d be after you had a gun aimed at you

      Common sense really ain’t common anymore

  16. Anonymous says:

    One tall one short, seems I’ve heard that before…

  17. Anonymous says:

    Our leadership keeps talking about how great things are in Cayman. The reality of the situation is that things are getting out of control really fast with no end in sight to the madness. The absence of leadership that is willing to acknowledge and accept the truth is only contributing to the problems.

  18. Anonymous says:

    4.47 a gallon compared to 2.00 in the us, same gas, 3 cents a gallon for shipping. 50 cents duty per gallon.
    Leaves about 2$ a gallon for the gas station.

    Now ask yourself this question : who is robbing who ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Gas in the united states is $3 a gallon (and uses a different measuring system – their gallon is about 80% the size of our gallon) – not the same fuel either (cheaper E85 fuel which can’t be shipped to cayman in large enough quantities without spoiling). Add up the Offreg fees and duty, plus the cut that the importers get (Sol & Rubis) – which gas station you think is making $2 a gallon?

      • Anonymous says:

        The US dollar is also about 80% the value of yours so there is a direct price comparison. The fact you don’t mention that means you are a shill for Sol, Rubis and the stations. The national average US gas price right now is $2.54, as per AAA. For you to say $3.00 is just lying. Sol, Rubis and the gas stations cream off CI$2.00 per CI gallon just for themselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        What OfReg fees? Can you point us to these please.

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