Customs hand back massage toys to trader
(CNS): Following reports that the Cayman Islands Customs Department had seized a number of massage tools from general store Reflections because officers were concerned that they were sex toys and fell foul of the law, Collector of Customs Charles Clifford said Monday that the items have been returned to the shop’s owner. In an official release, Clifford said they were taken by officers who suspected that an offence may have been committed under section 157 of the Penal Code. “The customs officers’ suspicion was based on their research concerning the particular product,” he stated.
“I have reviewed that matter and have concluded that there is simply not enough evidence to justify a referral to the director of public prosecutions. Consequently, I have instructed that the items be returned to the Reflections store and provided appropriate advice to my officers on the matter,” Clifford said.
“I have also spoken to the proprietor of Reflections concerning the matter and suggested to him that he take legal advice on section 157 of the Penal Code to ensure that none of his future imports give rise to any issues under that section of the law,” he added.
The revelation that the mini-massage body wands had been seized was first report on Cayman 27, when Prentice Panton, the store’s owner, said he was told they were seized because they are used as a “marital aid”. But Panton pointed out that the product is not branded as a sexual device and he was concerned how customs determines that a product is used in this way.
“There are various types of massagers; it’s a common product,” Panton told the TV as he also suggested there was some confusion in the law when it comes to some types of adult toys.
The story caused a stir on social media, with many people suggesting that the legislation surrounding these types of goods as well as other adult books and products was archaic and needs revising.
Clifford said that he had been asked for his view on whether the importation, possession and distribution of sex toys should continue to be an offence under the law, but stated, “The issue is not our primary focus as customs officers. It is a policy issue for the government to consider.”
As some of us have been saying for some time now – our laws and historic quirks are not focused on or limited to any particular group or orientation.
(Our objection to your union appears to be equal to that of your vibrator.)
Hopefully certain folks will finally quit being so emotional and sensitive going forward.
You are not special or unique – but simply one in a plethora of grievances.
– Who
“Historic quirks” are a fun new way of labeling discrimination, whatever helps you sleep at night Who you bring the conversation back around to show your deep seeded disdain for other orientations.
When you aren’t associating the LGBT community with pedophiles and child molesters you try to tell them they aren’t unique and special, YET we get all this special treatment Who (see what I did there, you can’t argue against it because it’s true, but then again the truth has never been your north, either that or your metaphorical compass is way off) all we want are exactly the same rights as everyone else, which is the polar opposite to special or unique treatment.
I’m sure the constitutionally recognized and established religion and favored religious majority have absolutely nothing to do with the legal discrimination and the backward ass antiquated puritan-esque laws that are present in the Cayman Islands today, all the other minorities that are offered protections under the laws, surely the LGBT community is included and not left out because as you put it “our laws and historic quirks are not focused on or limited to any particular group or orientation” smells like bullshit, looks like bullshit I’m just gonna go ahead and call it what it is pure, 100% refined bullshit.
Equality it’s a Pretty simple concept
Oh dear.
Someone definitely needs a “multi-purpose” massager.
Calm down brudda…at the very least, try to take solace in the fact that it ain’t personal.
Apparently we frown upon a wide range of devices and behaviors.
Hey, maybe you could organize a dual protest. E.g., An Equality + Vibrator Pride Parade?
That’ll show us!
– Who
Everyone should be required to hand over their electric toothbrushes immediately!
I concur
What is the big deal even if it was a “SEX TOY”. But it’s ok to molest or rape a child? And a slap on the wrist? Really? Get your priorities straight Government///
Honestly thinking about starting a petition to change the wording of the penal code to legalize sex toys, just to mess with the Status Quo and their “morals’ should I have it delivered to the High King of Morality Mckeeva of CasinoLand?
Looks like the Vice Goon Squad has been told to put down their patties, newspapers and cell phones, get out there and make their selves useful. Reading the headlines this morning, its like the Spanish Inquisition has come to town. I wonder if some hipocritical radical Christian Star Chamber is calling these shots?
This type of stuff has been going on forever in plain sight all over Cayman, so much so I would have guessed it was widely accepted contrary to the relic that is the law. I also wonder if this is someone’s brain fart thinking we all need redemption before Cayman goes to hell in a shopping cart? Who’s next on the Morality Police’s hit list, TV programming providers selling porn channels, broadband providers selling access to a wealth of less than morally acceptable content on the web, lingerie shops selling dental floss outfits and probably more in the back room, massage parlors and spas selling a special VIP room service? Speaking of VIP rooms, I’m sure it’s common knowledge that there are a few West Bay Road nocturnal establishments selling sex. You can stretch this and add just about every local bar with Latina bar maids to the list.
As is always the case in Cayman it’s what’s in a name but if this is indeed an Islands wide dragnet wouldn’t it be nice to see if the spirit of the law is dished out equally?
I for one support this new crackdown, as one of our honorables put it, “my heart is pure and my hands are clean”. Yeah right! They might as well turn the whole of the Cayman Islands into a penal colony if they’re serious about this.
Oh my goodness NO NO NO. Does that mean there will be an amnesty and I will have to hand in all my sex toys. Please say it aint so.
How many do you have, how old are they and what flavor (Man or Lady)? Are any of them broken? Put it on ecay…
Who buys used sex toys!? eeeeewwww
but…females use them on one and another, right? hmm…now define “used”?
You break it, IFixIt
How is it any different than your used man? How much?
Only if they haven’t been washed.
Does it come with lube?
Maybe if you buy one of the ones that the customs officers tested, they had to ascertain whether or not the massagers were sex toys , and what better way than self experimentation.
in the Bible it says ”God Helps those who help them selves” So let people help them selves to a bit of ”WAND” Pleasure Nah Mean!
Sex toys are obscene devices used to “replace” sexual stimulation the natural way. They can also create marital problems between couples, and children may get exposed to them. The reasons are clear ?
Blow me!
Sure, honey, but what do I get in return?
That’s not how it works, Sweetheart.
Those are your reasons? You should get out more and try a proper relationship sometime. People take children to batabanu and I would suggest a vibrator could be explained a lot more easily than the things you see there…
“The majority is always wrong” that would actually make sense in some instances, remind me what the majority religious group in Cayman is? You wanna rephrase that Einstein or is today your day off?
Ignorance is bliss and stupidity is a disease, I think you should get yourself checked
I’m sorry that you are so sexually repressed. Contrary to your view, the truth is that many marriages are enhanced by sex toys, hence the term ‘marital aids’. Yes, even here, where they are illegal. I cannot imagine a logical argument that would adequately support these adult marital aids be deemed harmful, nor imagine why they are illegal.
I think the best idea is that we all worry about our own bedrooms and not anyone else’s. How would that be? Okay with you?
Cayman is losing its morality. Just look at the comments. Of course the custom measures seem rediculous. But we are losing our young. Sexual immorality is destroying homes. Clifford, I hope you support your officers well. They are doing a good job.
You can keep your morality, don’t buy sex toys, don’t be a homosexual, don’t drink, don’t have sex outside of marriage, do whatever you like but just remember your morals aren’t necessarily anyone else’s morals, feel free to do or not do whatever you wish but don’t restrict people based on what you believe, no one is forcing you to buy a sex toy, that goes both ways therefore you shouldn’t be able to stop anyone from buying one because it offends your morals, it is a pretty simple concept
Look around, you can’t be serious, Cayman lost it eons ago. Things went downhill after the first pirates, ahem I mean settlers landed.
CNS: If you write these words, “I know you wont post this…”, I’m going to delete the comment. Otherwise it was fine and would have been published.
Ok understood… My simple suggestions was they are not Massage “TOYS”, which lends to suggest they are “SEX TOYS”… I simply suggested they are massage “DEVICES”.
Just as STUPID and archaic as banning pictures of ganja leaves, or Bob Marley smoking a spliff, on my T-shirt!
STUPID and purposeless Laws and Regulations, while public servants steal, waste public funds and, for the most part, collect free money for doing NOTHING month after month!!
Sorry to disagree with you Bobo. Bob Marley smoking a spliff on your t-shirt is just plain irresponsible! You may find it cool and entertaining, but it’s not. It promotes illicit drugs which minors may happen to see and that’s not good for our society. It’s the same as the banning of cigarette ads (do you see those anywhere?).
As for the massager, I would say it’s an honest mistake which should have been researched more. It does look like a sex toy but the packaging doesn’t promote it as such so the Customs Officers should have consulted the Collector prior to seizing the goods.
@ 9:58 am; your mentality is the problem with society.
“Bob Marley smoking a spliff on your T-Shit is just plain irresponsible”….WTF
Firstly, he’s dead, secondly, he was a Rasta and an entertainer….how stupid are YOU? The entire internet promotes everything illicit! You are a soldier crab at best “bobo”; move to the Brac!
Are you seriously telling me that wearing a Bob Marley T-Shirt with ganja on it makes you a bad person now, or a discredit to society? JESUS CHRIST.
We literally have men raping children here, people being shot at whilst being robbed, traffic congestion to the hilt, cost of living ridiculous…and all you can offer is talking about what someones T SHIRT has printed on the front?!
They havent got a darn clue to wot cannabis is
And I take it that no cigarette ads means that young people are no longer engaging in smoking cigarettes???
What a load of sh**t! Cayman move with the times, there are serious matters that need to be prioritized in on this island, confiscating massage wands is not a priority! It really makes me mad because 99% of the elected ones making these Laws are the worst of the worst, child molesters, cheaters, bad mind ”smile in your face and stab you in the back” kind of people. I know of one influential person on this island that lives alone in his mansion with 8 Filipino maids all wearing skimpy clothes, now you put 2 and 2 together. Anyway back to the subject at hand, if that be the case then sexy lingerie and revealing outfits should be banned since they might lead to somebody finding the persons attractive and touching them selves! Come on do we line in SAUDI ARABIA with Sharia laws??
Does he throw parties, and if so, how does one score an invite?
– Who
Definition of Cayman Islands CUSTOMS: Dumb and Dumber
I think Customs was looking at the wrong Penile code.
Good…now I can go buy one, and add to my collection. Hopefully I dont get raided? Sigh…
The Politicians still believes that sex and marriage should only be between man and woman why other erections would be outlawed.
Those toy can bring in more revenue to Government than work permits . Most that use them requires at least 4 to 6 not inches but toys .
A body wang like that one should be outlawed , because one like that would hurt you .
Its called ‘Penal’ Code, not ‘Sex Toy’ Code (sarcasm)
I am absolutely dumbfounded. Come on isn’t there enough problems to focus on such as drugs and their sellers floating up to shore, rapes, unemployment, gangs.
Why pray tell, is government still believe that they have a right to be a participant in an individual’s bedroom at this point in time?! You have allowed for a culture to evolve where it is acceptable to have multiple baby daddies and mommies, children are having children and secret incest cases are rampant. This is what government has allowed due to lack of funding and ostrich mentality.
I laugh at the term “marital aid” maybe if there was more vibrators and sex toys people would stay together or at least have a fun time by themselves where they don’t have to look for multiple sex partners, then multiple children that they can’t support.
In addition, in the “real world” vibrators are used as “medical aids” for geriatric patients who have bladder issues as it helps to increase muscle tone in the pelvic region. Oh but we can’t use those here for this reason because (oh another issue) old people and the disabled have no value in this society and are hidden away to obtain bed sores instead of maintaining their physical health and therefore sexual identity until death. What happens to you when you are 80 do you stop being a sexual being?Wow on so many levels.
Government officials can steal, lie, drive drunk, assault women, invade the law with shell companies and all you are worried about is an average person having sexual pleasure with something other than a Carribean penis. Why was this law enacted?…? So very upsetting as the island can be so much more. Vibrators vs penis
They gave them back?! Quick, somebody check see if Tony and Alva are ok.
After reading section 157 of the Penal Code, I believe our esteemed legislators need to move quickly to also ban certain elongated fruit and vegetables imported, grown and sold in these blessed islands. We cannot corrupt our thoughts and ways by going to 50 shades of grey! Who really cares what people use in the privacy of their bedrooms as “aids”?
You read that? You need to get out more…
On a serious note: People don’t see the negative effects of being “controlled” by carnal desires and lustful thinking. They are living it, so they don’t see it ?
Yes, 7:20 am. This is true, but we can’t take away their basic right to please themselves. It’s always a case of other people trying to dictate to the masses. People need to live and let live!
Church nor religion should be used as a scape-goat to define policies or laws in a Country.
In the Cayman Islands, it has been used for decades now. For every bar in Cayman, there is a church within 100 yards of that bar. WTF!
Can’t sell alcohol on a Sunday? No problem, head down to any local restaurant OR bar and drink all day long, and all night long if you wish (your choice); after which feel free to drive home whilst drunk, maybe knock down a few pedestrians on the way.
Good ol’ hypocrisy at its best!
Signed: Native Cay-man-i-an
One thing better than sex is when you break the law doing it…
6:50 am , breaking the law , or more sex .
They would ban condoms if they had the chance, ya’know the whole wasting your seed and all. : |
I wonder if all the stock was handed back to the owner? Otherwise it might be buzzing in the women’s bathroom at the customs staff Christmas party right after Secret Santa.
From bodywands website… “Personal massager for every part of your body
Sometimes you have a lot of time to slowly daydream about erotic events of the past or to fantasize about your favorite possibilities of the future. In those moments you might choose the fully rechargeable Bodywand Lavender. What about when you travel and lack the time to sink in slowly with a good erotic book? That’s the sort of intimate expediency that the Bodywand Mini Massage Orange is all about. Looking to show off with a sexual partner who can learn a lot from the way your most trusted sex toy brings you one blossoming orgasm after another? Go with the Bodywand Neon Edition Mini Massage and let them see what 4 inches of pink perfection can do when finely attuned with your own sexual appetite. Even in the shower you’ll never feel alone once you have your own Bodywand 5 Function Mini Wand in Waterproof Pink!”
So it kinda sorta is a sex toy! Haha ?
Excellent research and it surely didnt take too long. When you friends in high places you get all kinds of breaks here….
So no vibrating vacuum’s for me
The fact that most commentators here are blaming Customs for seeking to enforce the Law speaks volumes about the plight of Cayman. Poke fun at the Legislators if you wish, or better still try to get the Law changed if it is stupid. But we have too many instances of all our laws just being ignored by the public (expatriates heavily included, despite the comments on this site) and not enforced by those responsible for that aspect. The Collector had already said that whether or not the ban should be in the Law was not for Customs but for the Government to decide.
Anybody remember Blanche’s store on Mary St?
Or Charlenes store at Grand Harbour?
What about the Original one and only Pirate Caves man aka da Love Doctor?
Where is the bit in the Bible about vibrators and sex-toys?
I’m sure there is a bit about finding your daughter with a cucumber and then taken her outside the town walls to be stoned to death.
We all live in a nanny state, what business of the government is it, if law abiding citizens want purchase “sex toys”. Pure crazyness and then dont even have the gravitas to apologize.
P.S. I’m still waiting on Customs to advice me on a compliant I made on an incident where my spouse was verbally abused at the airport by an officer for no logical reason after undergoing surgery in Sept 2015, they didnt have the common courtesy to let me know the outcome of their investigation, but they are shaking down business for sex toys. Joke
I do sympathize with you Mr. McLaughling but it may be your lack of grammar skills that have caused them to not respond. I myself had a hard time trying to comprehend some of what you were saying.
Law enforcements have “laws to enforce” so let them do their jobs because if they don’t, you all still complain. We’re all human and everyone makes mistakes, even the officers.
The grammar police are so annoying. Who cares dude. “We are all human,and everyone makes mistakes”….Does that not include grammar mistakes? Get over yourself.
I can’t work out if that is an Oxford comma.
Thanks for calling out that JACKA$$.
The line will be out the door and down the street for these now! hahaha
Can you blame women? They can’t even depend on their man to get it up these days much less KEEP it up!
What business is it of government to decide that people cannot use sex toys in the privacy of their own homes. Another example of them being influenced by the blinkered thinking of the fundamentalist religious leaders in Cayman.
Meanwhile, Armed robberies in ghetto prospect for the 10th time.
Praise God! Blessed be the collector of customs who surely is wiser than Solomon!
And remember ladies, if you use those wands in an inappropriate way, Baby Jesus’ wounds will re-open and he will bleed afresh because of you, and you’ll go straight to the hot place!
You are ridiculous….
Maybe so, but at least I don’t take my ‘truths’ from a book about a talking snake, and I don’t try to interfere in other peoples’ lives, loves and happiness because of what I think my imaginary friend would say about it.
They were taken away under the penul code LOL ?
I have heard of people dying from these types of devices. Electrical shock, dead batteries, getting stuck from not following the instructions and from bacteria. Excellent work guys! You probably saved the whole of Cayman from a national disaster.
Hahaha! That is a risk I am willing to take.
The fact that this is something the government is even concerned with should show you how messed up their priorities are. The only laws regarding the possession or distribution of sex toys in particular is ensuring that persons below the age of consent should not be able to legally obtain them. (the age of consent because if we are allowing them to legally consent to sex they should be able to legally consent to masturbate) ‘
The state should not be able to dictate what is or is not moral in this instance
Clear cut government intrusion into the private lives of citizens for little more than arbitrary moral policing
Wow!! Guns, shootings, police being assualted, rapes, robberies, major traffic accidents, corrupt politicians, planning department violations, marine life being destroyed, Animals being imported illegally, no boarder control and no immigration control!! AND CUSTOMS IS WORRIED ABOUT A MINI MASSAGER BEING USED ON SOMEONES GENITALIA AS BREAKING A LAW!! Enfircement better start knocking down every door in Cayman! Is this 1920 or 2020?
Addenum to 16/1017 7:48pm : hungry /depraved people , beggars, sexual predators, high unemployment of Caymanians, juvenile deliquency, mothers stealing to feed their children, NAU overwhelmed, social issues, failed National Security, unsolved crimes . Everyday whrn you wake wondering what’s next. Also touriists cannot enjoy our beaches anymore in fear of their properties being robbed.
Sad little country. Sex toys may help reduce unwanted pregnancies and STDs.. it’s not the 1700s anymore..
This is Cayman, by definition all change is bad, while events like Batabano, Pirates week and Braccanal are basically government sanctioned ( I have no problem with these events, people are free to do what they wish, but don’t talk to me about morals after you have been all but XXXXXX in middle of the street) . The hypocrisy doesn’t end not to mention the well known escapades of some of our elected officials who will still have the nerve to make daily posts on FB about morality.
The CIG would have a heart attack if good old Diogenes of Sinope was still around, lets just say he didn’t care much for the governmental authorities morals especially in the realm of self pleasure
This is so sad. Sad that is that Customs is wasting time on this rather than focusing on guns and drugs! And improving service at the Customs Import hall.
Excuse me but this is cart before the horse. Customs seize an alleged sex toy and then tells the importer in future to take legal advice before bringing in what is now deemed by customs as a non – sex toy. If it is not a sex toy what right does customs have a right in telling an importer to seek legal advice? Why did customs not apologize and say they screwed up. ( excuse the pun).
Anyone who work for government don’t know what apologise means as they have been brainwash to not use that word. They are just covered up the story which they won’t admit it their mistake.
Reflections has been given excellent marketing and advertising services for fee…compliments of…..
Accept for Islamic countries, cayman is the only place where sex toys are not allowed.
Except? I accept nothing
Pathetic little christian rock in the Caribbean.
The whole world is laughing about you.
Paradise /Christian rock lost long ago!!!!! Except for the few Churches praying for the Islands, that’s what keeping a little moral and stability.
Churches are were the evil gather to be told what to do by men proclaiming goodness whilst teaching hatred…I run from self professed Christians, normally the most vicious two faced people you will meet, talking about how God loving they are whilst stabbing you in the back and being vindictive…
Maybe if sex toys were legal there would not be so many baby mamas with kids for deadbeat dads.
True true less work for the Courts!
Maybe they tried it out first and then decided to return them! Not enough serious things to worry about. We have some real watchdogs on the job!
Well you have Chucky on it!
Stupid. That means that anything that vibrates is considered a sex toy? My car has been vibrating for sometime now. I just sat in it after reading this article and I am enjoying my car seat. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. My car is now my toy.
This is the best comment I’ve read all day, thank you for the laugh I needed it
The best comment on this topic. Lol!!
Try sitting on your dryer!
this is classic. I laughed till I wet myself with this comment!!
Rampant drug use, rampant gun crime and Customs worried about sex toys!!
Customs should be ashamed…good for you pantons..just need your ganja oil in reflections now too.
This story makes me all tingly.
I bet he sells out in days. Excellent advertising Customs. Grow up and focus on guns and drugs not self abuse maybe??
“self abuse”
That’s an odd way of describing it
The term was chosen deliberately.
I noticed, I just didn’t realize we were living in Puritan New England in 1640
You do recall what the original story is about?
Sometimes Cayman has to remind itself that it has sinned so we self flagellelate
LOL… sex toys!! Maybe you should worry about guns!