Man awaits sentencing for possessing imitation firearm

| 21/09/2017 | 7 Comments

(CNS): Anatascio Terell Rankine, who was originally charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm – a modified signal pistol able to be loaded with 12 gauge cartridges – was in court Thursday, but the crown offered no evidence on that count and he was instead rearraigned on, and pled guilty to, one count of possession of an imitation firearm. The weapon was seized from Rankine following an altercation with police in George Town in June 2016. Officers had responded to a report about a man who was said to have a gun that he was showing to people near the Roof Top Bar in Mary Street.

Police said at the time that armed officers spotted the man answering the description, and when he was asked to stop and show his hands, he did not comply. In the process of resisting arrest, the firearm fell from Rankine’s waistband, according to the RCIPS.

Defence attorney Laura Larner requested a social inquiry report, which would require about eight weeks, before sentencing. Bail conditions continue and include the surrender of Rankine’s passport and travel documents, and an electronically monitored curfew of 8pm-6am.

Justice Tim Owen then told the defendant, “The important thing is that you cooperate fully,” adding, “This is still a serious offence and the court will have all sentencing options available to it.”

Sentencing is scheduled for 22 November.


Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Cayman News says:

    The comment that appeared in regards to this article purporting to be written by Lance Jefferson was not written by him and has been removed. Cayman News Service apologises for any inconvenience or embarrassment this may have caused Mr Jefferson.

  2. West bay Premier says:

    Lance please explain your comment . If not it would say you are just like him and support this kind of disgusting behavior to Our YOUNG INNOCENT CHILDREN.

    • West bay Premier says:

      I made a mistake and posted the above comment on the wrong article.
      Sorry Lance Jefferson .

  3. Anonymous says:

    Go to jail and then act like a badass there! IDIOT!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    the firearms law is entirely unrealistic.
    Can’t have a toy gun.
    Can’t have a sling shot
    Can’t have a bow and arrow.
    Can’t have a pellet gun? (yet chickens go entirely unchecked)

    Please…..NONE of the above is a danger to anyone, any more so than a common kitchen knife or a machete. What….lets ban all kitchen knives too??!! Gotta keep the children safe (does that scare tactic work with this issue as well?)

    we will just shred our steaks with our teeth.

    If you want a sling shot, pellet gun or bow and arrow. One should be allowed to own it. Want to have people register them. Fine. Make a registry.

    But for the love of god. Its’ ridiculous. Here is one hand i have a marble. In the other I have an elastic band. On the ground a stick. Entirely legal. Put said elastic band cradled in stick and fling marble from it. Now, I am a criminal. *rolls eyes. Im really robbing banks with this contraption. Same goes for bow and arrow, and pellet gun.

    Government puts millions into getting rid of iguana’s. Which they literally do nothing but eat plants. But zero into the noisy, 4 am crowing, fornicating everywhere chicken problem. Priorities.

    • Jotnar says:

      The case in point is not about someone using a slingshot to kill chickens. Its about a young man modifying a flare gun to fire shotgun cartridges, and boasting to people in a bar that he has a firearm. Fairly sure he wasn’t boasting about all the chickens he was going to kill. I don’t disagree with you that some aspects of the law re sling shots or pellet guns are plain silly, but to try and use this to advance that agenda shows a distinct lack of proportion.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What’s up with these names?


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