Human remains found in Bodden Town

| 15/09/2017 | 30 Comments

(CNS): Police said Friday evening that earlier this week they were notified by a member of the public about some skeletal remains that had been found on a property in Bodden Town. “The RCIPS, assisted by customs, has carried out a search of the grounds and recovered additional bones; these will undergo forensic anthropological testing to establish the age of the bones and next investigative steps, if any,” the police said. The remains are human, it has been confirmed.

Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Unison – Mostyn’s gas station and the bar which used to be there evolved from gas station and shop which Mostyn Bodden founded on that site late 1950s/early 1960s. I guess that’s “old days” for some. This is not the site where remains have been found.

    Mostyn’s father had a small bar just down the Guardhouse hill and a shop on the site where Mostyn lived, across the street from the site in question, but there’s no connection with Mostyn and the site of the story.

    Hope that helps with your question.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This can be a case from Ivan, a lot of graves especially in BT that were unearth and washed on the roads, in people yards even caskets washed inside peoples homes.

  3. Very annoyed says:

    My gosh just show you how lawless this place is not the Island these unscrupolous people have some respect for the dead /bones! Stop making disparaging remarks, just think our brothers and sisters in other countries what Irma did. To them and how lucky we are even though we are still not out of the woods as yet

  4. Anonymous says:

    They probably came from one of the coffins washed out from the cemetery during Hurricane Ivan.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Cremation, much better!

  6. Customs says:

    I guess Customs were there to ensure no drugs or illegal items were buried to evade duties. That is the only conclusion I can come to as this should not be a Custom matter.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m 60 years old this week and grew up in Bodden Town. I never heard that this piece of property had been a burial ground but in my lifetime it was always an open lot. So there may have been some reason why no one built there.

    However, I seem to remember my mother telling me that there were two houses there which floated away in 1932 Hurricane, so maybe that’s why no modern homes were erected there.

    Perhaps someone from BT older than myself might know for sure.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is why I don’t go camping. Have you ever noticed how the bodies are always in a tent?

  9. Anonymous says:

    one question ??? what does customs have to do with this? or are they just helping dig them up? even so I can see why ?

  10. Unison says:

    Wow … if its recent, I hope there are good leads

  11. Anonymous says:

    “RCIPS assisted by customs” ??? Does either of these law enforcement agencies possess anthropological and/or forensic investigative skills? Most likely not! Therefore, if these remains are related to suspicious circumstances which would require further investigation, unskilled people are handling (and likely destroying) valuable evidence! Perhaps these remains were buried there decades or hundreds of years ago under innocent circumstances (one extreme) or perhaps they could be related to the recent disappearances of women a few years ago (the other extreme). However, with RCIPS and Customs staff handling these remains, we might never know.

    Wonder if they ever thought to have a forensic pathologist do the excavations?

    • Anonymous says:

      Think you’ll find it is well within the remit of a trained SOCO to forensically recover bones for submission to the lab…….not actually that complicated……and that would be how it’s done the world over……and yes, before you ask, I do work in law enforcement!

    • Anonymous says:

      Blind leading the blind

  12. Anonymous says:

    Ancient aliens

  13. Anon says:

    Well they disturbed a over 100 year old burial ground!

    • Unison says:

      If its a burial ground, it is a testament of how our society fail to continuously respect their dead. The native indians do better than us!

      I believe also in George Town behind the old Thompson building where the Village car park is now … that was all burial grounds. And were the dead at least transported to another location??? I don’t think so ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Nativa American…indigenous peoples. Nothing “Indian” about ’em bud

        • Anonymous says:

          I am a West Indian. Nothing Indian about me either. Can we cut the PC? No offense was intended. It is like callng someone with dark skin from this region African American. They are probably neither, but your logic would make it inappropriate.

          • Khalifa says:

            The truth must be found…cut the illogical propaganda. No such thing as an ‘African American’…just know they hold a straight AMERICAN passport like the many ‘Latin Americans’ lol.

            Then you say it’s discriminatory to regard a ‘paper Caymanian’ as such, because of whatever made up reasons. That my friend, would be illogical and hypocritical

            Guy, it’s basically a term just like many others suited to fit the needs of some but never all. Do you read anything other than news by chance?

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh interesting. Didn’t know about behind Thompson building. Maybe someone from the National Archives should be consulted to make sure it was not indeed a burial ground.

        Nonetheless I trust that the correct methodology was used and they can trace who they belong to.

      • frangipani says:

        the dead that were in the graves behind the Thompson Building were indeed exhumed and the remains buried elsewhere…….i.e. in the Dixie graveyard. These folk were highly respected merchants/business people and would have done no less than for the remaining families to have seen to it that the remains of their beloved relatives were properly handled.
        I am old enough to remember when the re-burial was done so there is no question in my mind about this.


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