ESO to start autumn labour count

| 28/09/2017 | 9 Comments

(CNS): In order to maintain a high level of accurate data on the local workforce in the Cayman Islands, the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) will begin the 2017 autumn Labour Force Survey on Sunday. Trained interviewers from the office will visit 1,500 randomly selected sample households in the three islands over a four-week period, and the ESO is urging the community to cooperate with the officials. They asked the public to provide the necessary information, which will be collected under the Statistics Law (2016 Revision) to interviewers and assured people that the interviews are confidential.

Using tablets to administer the LFS questionnaire, the interviewers aim to collect data on both the employed and unemployed and those who are not seeking work or not participating in the labour force. The more accurate information government can amass, the more it can shape and form relevant targeted policies to address the needs of the unemployed and understand workforce trends.

ESO survey data from individuals are exempt from Freedom of Information requests.

For more information on any aspect of the survey, or results of previous surveys, contact the Economics and Statistics Office at 516-3329, 949-0940 or visit the website here.

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Category: Economy, Jobs, Local News, Politics

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The CIG could care less about Caymanians so none of the information collected will go towards making the lives of Caymanians any better. Also, in these times it is unwise to allow strangers anywhere near your home so please do not show up to my house unless you have been invited.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Such a useful way to create jobs

  3. Anonymous says:

    Come up my driveway and you’ll get blessed by my sprinklers, same treatment as Jehovas get. Technology is great!

  4. West bay Premier says:

    Why don’t they come clean and say it’s population growth , not employment /unemployment . Why can’t they get the information from the private sector and Government , or it’s too much under the table going on today .

  5. concerned says:

    like this makes any sense..every year they do this and same or more are recorded unemployed..sorry but this not making no sense at all

  6. Anonymous says:

    Randomly selected house holds. How come they always come to my house? Maybe they should try some other households they have not been to yet.


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