Archive for May 10th, 2017

Developer discharged in forgery case
(CNS): A local developer who faced a forgery charge was cleared by the Grand Court this week ahead of a scheduled trial when the crown offered no evidence against him. Prosecutors told the court that the charges against Lewis Molson Ebanks should be discontinued because of difficulties the crown had locating witnesses but reserved the […]

Political heckler flees crash scene
(CNS): Police have confirmed that they are investigating a collision Tuesday night on Crew Road at the intersection with Ella Mae Gardens involving a motorcycle and two cars. The smash happened just after the motorbike rider had been heckling and hurling abuse at the premier during a political meeting at the PPM headquarters for Marco Archer, before speeding off […]

Six rookie cops now on the beat
(CNS): After seventeen “rigorous weeks of training” on the Initial Recruit Foundation Course, six new RCIPS officer have hit the streets for their on-the-job training. The classroom course provided “a firm grounding in the legal, operational, and fitness aspects” of police work, officials said, but getting out on the beat is where the theory will […]

Trust urges bat removal ahead of new arrivals
(CNS): With bat pup season about to start, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands is urging people who want to remove bats from their roofs to do it before the new arrivals at the end of this month. According to local bat experts, people can check for bats in their buildings by standing outside […]

McTaggart spells out independents’ dilema
(CNS Election): Roy McTaggart has spelt out the problem that independent candidates are likely to face if they are elected to office following the 24 May General Election. The George Town East candidate, who is running on the PPM ticket after joining the party in 2015, was elected to office as an independent in 2013 […]