Trust urges bat removal ahead of new arrivals

| 10/05/2017 | 8 Comments
Cayman News Service

Local house bats (Photo courtesy of the National Trust)

(CNS): With bat pup season about to start, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands is urging people who want to remove bats from their roofs to do it before the new arrivals at the end of this month. According to local bat experts, people can check for bats in their buildings by standing outside just after sunset while the sky is still light and watch. But they urged people not to plug holes because that traps them inside, forcing them into living areas, but rather to seal them out by other methods.

“We understand that some people are afraid of bats and we want to help calm their fears,” said Paul Watler, Environmental Programmes Manager for the Trust. “Bats are not dangerous and do not pose a health threat or damage the structure, but they should still be removed from roof spaces to avoid odour problems.”

Removing bats effectively, while not expensive, must be done before the end of May, when baby bats are born. Anyone planning to remove bats from the roof should do so within the next few weeks or postpone plans until November.

Roof-dwelling bats are helpful to humans in many ways, including the control of mosquitoes, beetles and moths, as well as many crop and garden pests. Bats living in roof spaces are always insect-eating species. Fruit bats have never been found roosting in roofs and do not use bat houses.

In order to avoid bats entering a roof space, ensure that soffit vents are not left open and that gaps are not left in the eaves. The Trust’s deadline for handling exclusion calls is 15 May and they will resume on 15 November after pup season has ended.

For help in removing bats permanently, safely and humanely, phone the National Trust for the Cayman Islands at 749-1121, or contact

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Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So these are the culprits responsible for our current crop of bat-shit crazy politicians?
    I knew there had to be an answer.

  2. Anonymous says:

    no threat to human health??? so why they wear masks on discovery channel when going into bat caves??

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t want bat guano in my mouth or airways and neither do researchers. I think people would prefer to avoid histoplasmosis.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You don’t need a bat removal company, you can do it for free yourself like I did.
    Go to youtube and look up how.
    All it takes is a piece of sturdy cardboard and an empty paper towel roll. After you see the instructions on the video you will see that the tube allows them to vacate in the evening but cannot get back up the roll to get back in.
    Would be good if the link of the ‘how to’ was included in this article.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I have been told I have some in my belfry and I didn’t even know I had a belfry.

  5. Bat Mon says:

    It’s a bit annoying having them swooping over your head at night whilst having a moon bath, as well as eating my long awaited mangoes.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Leave the bats alone to eat the mozzies

  7. Anonymous says:

    Bats are good for the natural enviroment,, this article is nothing more that an advertisement for bat removal companies lets live in harmony with nature, bats sure beat the biting desease carrying insects they feed on


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