Oil spill blocks road in Prospect

| 09/02/2017 | 4 Comments

(CNS): An oil spill on Shamrock Road between Marina Drive and the areas towards the Chrissie Tomlinson Roundabout Thursday morning caused a diversion for traffic heading eastward onto the east-west arterial. It’s not clear how the spill in the Prospect area happened but police and fire officers and the National Roads Authority were all involved in the clean-up operation, which was completed by lunchtime.

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Could it be one of these mobile fueling services just doing a side of the road fill up? How are these outfits getting away with this nonsense? Guess nothing will be done till there is a huge spill or worse yet an explosion. Those services need to be prohibited from fueling vehicles on the sides of roads and in open lots.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What do u mean u dont know who did it? What about the CCTV cam…. oh right, they’re not working. My bad.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Seal coating the road for free man! Just doin my bit.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Last time I saw a spill like this it was caused by a drum of used engine oil falling out of a pick up truck. The container wasn’t sealed or secured and the truck had no tailgate so it just tipped over and rolled out the back.

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