Dart continues goal to rip up 7MB beachrock

| 09/02/2017 | 216 Comments
Cayman News Service

Area of shoreline where the beachrock has been removed (Photo by Dart Real Estate)

(CNS): The Cayman Islands’ largest landowner and developer has made a formal application to Cabinet for a coastal works licence to press ahead with its controversial plans to rip out a stretch of beachrock from the sea close to the shoreline of beachfront land it owns near Tiki Beach. Dart Real Estate (formerly Dart Realty) wants to develop another beachfront resort north of the Kimpton hotel, but Dart representatives have said they want to remove the rock formation occurring there and fill it with sand because the natural environment will not be to the liking of potential guests.

According to Dart’s website, the application for the licence, which has been made by one of its many companies, is to excavate some 1,225 feet of beachrock down to a depth of four and a half feet and replace it with sand. The developer took samples in an excavation last December.

“The rationale for the proposed shoreline improvements is to remove exposed beachrock, which is soft rock comprised of cemented sand, where it protrudes along the shoreline, impeding beachgoers’ ability to enter the sea and swim,” the developer stated in the announcement on the site.  “This will enhance the recreational quality of the beach for residents and visitors and will facilitate development of the luxury tourism property with a conceptual programme of 225 hotel rooms, 80 residences and 10 villas.”

Dart is justifying the application, which is alarming environmentalists, by claiming the new 5-star resort and residences will contribute a total economic impact of over US$600 million during its five-year development and construction.

“Conservatively estimated, the 5-star project would sustain 800 jobs at its construction peak and support 1,254 direct and indirect positions in the tourism industry once operations stabilize,” the company claimed. “Over 20 years, contributions to the Cayman Islands GDP would exceed US$1.7 billion or 2% of GDP, 4% of jobs and 3% of direct revenues to the Cayman Islands Government.”

It also suggested that its engineering consultants found that the removal of the beachrock would have minimal impact on the beach in the project area and it would allow the beach to recover naturally after storm activity.

“We are committed to responsible, sustainable development and the need to balance economic opportunity with environmental management,” said the company’s president, Jackie Doak.

“Dart Real Estate is a conscientious steward of land, and the proposed shoreline improvements are a manifestation of the long-term approach that characterizes all of our developments.”

But local activists as well as the Department of Environment have raised concerns. In its advice to Cabinet for just the trial removal, the DoE made it clear that this was not some benign lifeless rock that could be taken away but a living eco-system. The DoE had advised Cabinet not to grant the trial licence, but that technical expertise was ignored.

The DoE said geologists had previously warned of the dangers of removing the natural rock formation from the beach because of the destabilizing effect. In a detailed review and a memo rebutting the developer’s claims, the DoE’s technical committee made it clear that they could not support the end goal to remove the rock.

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Category: development, Local News, Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (216)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Let’s kick off by wondering where Cayman’s economy would be WITHOUT Dart’s investment programme over the past years – likely, in trouble – so there is a plus side.
    That said, if you look at everything he has done, and plans to do, it is hard to escape the feeling that it is almost like someone with unlimited resources who is playing with a life sized model railway layout, which they can expand, as the whim takes them – adding extra tracks, buildings, and scenery. Effectively, Cayman has become a living toy.

    • Sharkey says:

      Anonymous 5:42 pm . The whole point of what Dart is doing may looks like it’s benifiting the Cayman Islands today , but he see and know that what he has to do to make his trillions of dollars while Cayman make their $2 is that everything has to look nice .
      But no one including the politicians that are dealing him is concerned or looking at the future of the Islands and the future generation of the Islands, all they are seeing is my dollars to day , and to hell with you/me and tomorrow. That how greedy people think .

      Anonymous , 2:32pm you are ever so right .

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dart has gone way too far with his influence in the Cayman Islands.
    He seems to have slowly bought his way into controlling everything, including the media.

    Everyone just rolls over and dies just because he throws money at them.
    You obviously do not realize that Dart has a bank account that can never be emptied.

    He is on first name terms with the people who actually create the money out of thin air and loan it back to us.

    Some people are so gullible.

    The quality of any media outlet is directly proportional to the bedrock of truth that they are willing to disseminate.

    If that makes you choke on your cornflakes and codfish, then perhaps you should evaluate your moral compass?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a fantastic development. I know of 400 Caymanians who was working on the Kimpton project and half of them are not working now. Please build another hotel so that our Caymanians can continue to feed their families.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please don’t grovel.

      • Anonymous says:

        And when that is completed? Where do they work then? Maybe they should consider investing some of their money and looking for a long term solution to their temporary employment.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes lets keep pouring concrete all over our island until there is no natural habitat left for the sake of a few jobs. Or maybe the people who built the hotel should consider a career change if they cant find work. They could always work in hotel maintenance or house keeping.

      • Anonymous says:

        I call bullshit. Every indication I have seen is that the majority of workers on the project were Jamaican nationals, with many other foreign workers also involved.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you people who work at Dart know how to read and more importantly, do you do comprehension?
        Comprehension is a part of English language that determines whether the reader has understood what he/she has read.

        Next time, please take a retroactive look at your school certificates to make sure that you are qualified to comment.


      • Anonymous says:

        So. It’s like a pyramid scheme then?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Corruption and lawlessness are destroying this country.
    I am referring to the movers, shakers, politicians and their lackeys.

  4. No hope for the leas evolved says:

    I can’t wait for the people fishing on the beach to get in the way of people swimming in the new area and theres nothing anyone can tell them to move since it’s 100% legal. Turn the spot into a fishing place where you can’t even wade in water without being hooked.

  5. No hope for the leas evolved says:

    No better than monkeys that just discovered currency. Investing in the destruction of natural habitat is complete ignorance.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Judging from the photo, even the largest of our beloved, four-star (7star? I’m not sure what el-supremo is these days) guests should be able to waddle into the big icky ocean without treading upon anything but pre-approved, certified , anti-bacterial sanitized sand.

  7. Anonymous says:

    So Dart and the Government are now wiser than God? Good luck with that. Your folly shall be as a vapour.

    “When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:” Proverbs 8……

    It is better to be broken by God than to try and break Him. Have you not heard?

    • Anonymous says:

      The difference between Dart and God is that one is real and the other a figment of your imagination. You likely give your money to both.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah fool and i’ll be the figment to ur imagination coming thru ur Window at night and removing all of ur valuables,rudely awakened with a gun stuck in ur face demanding for the combination to ur safe,and when the dust settles you’ll be the one left back kneeling asking,why me God

      • Anonymous says:

        As the original poster, I hope that you can open your heart before it is too late.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully when its removed a nice storm brings a ton of rubble back.

  9. Sharkey says:

    I think that this beach rock removal is a big topic . When I see 99.99 % of the Most Recent comments being on the same subject , says something .

  10. Anonymous says:

    Boycott, protest, vote with your pocket book…yada yada yada…what-EVER…
    In the end there’s only one thing that matters, and all this noise that is being generated…it is just that – noise. Nothing will be done…other than another powerhouse corporation using money to push around (or buy) those who make decisions.


    I have to say, as a Scuba Diver with close to 500 dives in Cayman, it’s comical to read scuba publications today that list Cayman as a “leader in marine protection” and “ocean sustainability.” It used to be anger that was generated, but now it is just comical, especially when you know that everything else on the island is just part of one big facade.

    ***If being Caymanian (from whatever number generation) is so damn important to Caymanians, then why do you continue destroying the greatest asset that will provide for future Caymanians?

  11. Anonymous says:

    You can see the difference between Dart and local politicians. Dart has a plan and a strategy to move Camana Bay forward where as the local politicians have no plan and no ideas for improvement of George Town.

    Listen to the people running for the LA they have no plan and their only statement is to support Caymanians. Just how they intend to support Caymanians isn’t discussed just the same tired old promises. Of course the same old dinosaur politicians can be heard on the radio and the retreads are coming back to regain their place at the trough by supporting Caymanians and bashing Expats.

    The politicians with a history of achievement who run for office are not elected, perhaps they do not promise enough except hard work and reality.

    Alden has ignored the backlog of PR applications and the Ritch Report must really scare this government to keep it secret which cannot be good news but no one seems to care.

    Get rid of the dead wood politicians and dinosaurs and bring in some new politicians with some fresh ideas. And for goodness sake keep the retreads out of the LA.

  12. Sharkey says:

    I can see the people of Cayman Islands running the Government soon coming.
    It has never happened in the history of the Islands , but history is in the making.

    On the subject removal of beach rock, mother nature will soon teach developers and Government what a force mother nature is . It’s really sad that they don’t know about it, or what it can do .

    But it’s a shame and disgrace for what the Government permits this developer to do with the Island / environment .

    • Anonymous says:

      I can see those who know nothing but speak with a loaded voice getting left behind to a sad life while the rest of the world moves forward. If you had the ability to look beyond what only your eyes have seen there is a whole world of countries,cities,and islands that have already transformed themselves from worthless swamp or beach rock to world class destinations by doing just what Dart is doing here. You may not need anything Dart builds in your quest to give your life meaning or substance but your Kids and their future will depend on tourism and the infrastructure to bring them here.

  13. M Wilson says:

    We’d be a sad, sorry little island without Dart.

    • Sharkey says:

      Wilson , are you suggesting that Dart is the only developer in the world that would invest in the Cayman Islands ?
      I think that it’s very short sighted of you and the politicians that are thinking like your ..
      This kind of behavior is just like a politician giving you a little hand out , and you
      thinks and believe that that politician can never say or do anything wrong .

      There’s many of other people who have as much money as Dart that would invest in the Cayman, so don’t feel that he is God’s gift to the Islands .

      Please don’t let me finish this comment on what I thinks , if CNS would publish it .
      I doubt that they would .

      • Anonymous says:

        It comes down to facts Sharkey, maybe there are others, maybe not-the fact is Dart is here and dragging Cayman into the 21st Century whereas most of you would still be dwelling in Crystal Caves if you could, and even then moaning that no one was helping you.

  14. Anonymous says:

    i will ask the same question again:
    why would dart do something to make the beach worse or risk his kimpton beach investment??
    still waiting for a rational comment.

    • Anonymous says:

      You presume Kimpton is a good investment…

      • Anonymous says:

        Um…..yes, because if it wasn’t why would they want to immediately build another hotel beside it?

    • Sharkey says:

      You ever hear of the saying, greed choke puppy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes Sharkey, and dismissed it as more Cayman drivel with no sense, meaning, relevance or importance. Just another useless threat.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think there can be a rational answer because any answer will be seen as unrational buy those who refuse to see things from any other perspective.

      But…to try and correlate this situation to something else in terms of questioning and rational answers, how about this:
      Why do pharmaceutical companies allow drugs to go to market even after they find out from clinical studies of harmful side effects? And I’m not talking about stomachache or headache side effects, I’m talking about liver failure, cancerous growths developing and even death.
      Why is this OK? Because the benefits outweigh the risk? Sure…say yes to that and I say keep following those sheep.
      It is because of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    • Anonymous says:

      My rational comment: I see no reason Dart would knowingly harm his investment. (and even that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t)
      I think the point you are missing is that most objectors here have their own concerns and those concerns are NOT Dart’s investment.
      There are 59,999 more people on this island than Dart and many were already here long before he gave up on buying Belize and planted his flag here.
      Speaking for myself only, I like natural beauty. I don’t like people building their money collecting side-shows in that natural beauty, thus I object to digging up some beach because it’s the wrong texture or color. This is my opinion and you may find 59,998 other opinions that differ.
      May I ask what is your personal reason for wanting him to dig out the odd colored objects on the beach?

    • Anonymous says:

      The real question is: Why would Dart buy a property that does not have the type of beach he wants for his hotel in the first place? You know the answer: Because it’s cheaper to buy a property on the opposite side of the road to the beach and then turn the road into beach. The uplift on the value of the property by doing this and by pulling up the rock to “improve” the beach is astronomical. Believe me, this development is not primarily for the benefit of Caymanians. In any case: Considering Dart’s significant investment in Cayman (some say he now owns well over 30% of the land mass) what is the ratio of Caymanians to Expats working in his properties?

  15. Anonymous says:

    no-one should comment unless they are a qualified marine ecologist/surveyor. end of story.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you are?

    • Anonymous says:

      8:04- common sense was around far longer than “qualified marine ecologists/surveyors ” Reefs are there for protection and that one has been there longer than you and I have been around. So please don’t come with your “text book theories ” .

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for sharing. End of story. Period.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at what Dart has built. Now look at what Caymanians have built and at what cost. I don’t hear Dart speaking but I would listen to him.

      • Anonymous says:

        Soooooo, doesn’t it seem a little bit of a culture clash to you? Maybe dart should go to the big pond and develope Florida.

  16. Anonymous says:

    As a huge fan of Camana Bay I strongly urge the moaners on this thread to boycott the place. It would be much better with you lot somewhere else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes we upper class do not feel comfortable with your type anyway. Such it is with the haves and the have nots

      • Anonymous says:

        I do feel happier when the oiks are not around. That is one of the best things about expensive stores, restaurants and bars; it keeps out those that care about the prices.

    • Anonymous says:

      A brilliant position. But where shall we park our moaning miserable butts when the whole island is Camana Bay? Shall we bide our time till then and then leave for less darty pastures?

  17. Anonymous says:

    ‘Slight’ overreaction by people here I think! I dont think a developer would want to negatively affect the beach on its adjacent property, nor a proposed new property.

    I would hardly call anything that Dart has done a blight on Cayman. Camana Bay is a first class development and the new Kimpton is beautiful and kind of cool.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everything Dart does gives him more and more control of our economy and out politicians. His goals is total control. He does this well. what he builds is well done. Each new project is a chip away of our independence as a people. Most are not “blind” to this but rather have bought into the idea that having the money to do what you want; makes what you do right.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeh kinda cool in Miami, Cali, but not here

      • Anonymous says:

        His goal is to bring Cayman islands into first world infrastructure. Your goal is to keep the islands in third world so you don’t have to change. We can see your reasons but you have no chance at stopping progress. Your own children will leave you behind in your ignorance. But please don’t let this stop you. Some gonna win which means some one has to lose. Thank you for being the loser.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t argue taste.
      Please be aware that while you can’t call anything Dart has done a blight, there are many of us that can and do.
      You see? You can’t argue taste.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The only thing that’s unanimous here is every single one of us cares about Cayman and it’s natural beauty. But these comments make me sad. Such paranoia, fear and hate. So many impulsive emotional responses as opposed to fully informed, rational concerns. So many minds already made up.
    I can’t change your mind and I won’t try. For what it’s worth, here are a few quotes about having an open mind. Stay indoors and respond with bitterness all you want – I’m going outside with a smile to enjoy the day.

    “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”

    “The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind.”

    “In fact, the more each person can remove his or her ego from the discussion and focus on the subject matter, the more fruitful the conversation will be for all involved.”

    “Truth is, I’ll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candor.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Your pithy quotes seem directed at everyone that does not have the same view as you.
      Why is my concern over digging up a natural formation in the sea any more in-informed and irrational than yours?
      Why is it that a person/company driven to make money, make money, oh Jesus yes, make money, does not appear to you driven by fear of lack and paranoia of dark objects in the sea.
      You, me, and everyone in this world need somehow to see without our tinted glasses on.

  19. MM says:

    Government cannot say “NO!” to Dart about any of his proposals – they owe him far too much money!

    The entire “bureaucratic process” as it relates to the Dart proposals is strictly just for public display and to pretend to be following the guidelines and regulations.

    Dart knew for YEARS what their intentions and future development plans were – ever noticed all the little “turn-offs” to nowhere on any of the new West Bay bypass roads? We do not know where those will go, but you can bet your grandchildren that the higher-ups in Dart know!

    Dart does not make real estate development proposals without long-term plans (I am talking 15, 20, 30 year plans!) – only our local Government is stupid enough to do things like that.

    So while some of the Dart proposals may come as a surprise when we finally here about them, they have been planned, discussed and approved in darkness for decades before they make headlines.

    • Anonymous says:

      I read on another website CIG have also rubber stamped the tunnel. You might as well give up protesting – Money talks, nobody walks!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup, you’re dead on about knowing their plans years in advance!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman You sold what Dart posses. You elected and continue to elect those who are the cream of Cayman to represent you. I see no reason for discontent. Dart has kept everyone of his promises.

  20. DOWN WITH DART says:

    BOYCOTT DART and their spider’s web of companies whether one is a Caymanian or not. If anyone wants to stand in the way of their latest round of destruction then vote with your pocketbook, they have certainly done so to get what they want when it comes to political maladministrations. BOYCOTT DART BOYCOTT CAMANA BAY BOYCOTT KIMPTON. SCREW YOU DART TEAM.

    • rollin says:

      i have many friends who work for dart. their paychecks support families including home, children , food , water etc…..

      so yeah lets work against our own interest .

      how silly can you people be….

      • Anonymous says:

        Spot on rollin’, too much hot air around here and too many peanut brains who lash out without thinking things through. Nothing Dart has done on this Island has harmed it, including this, and many things he offered but was turned down on (dump for example) could have solved things that no one else seems to have the ability to do…I suspect these people are just jealous

      • Anonymous says:

        When Dart has a monopoly on everything on the island then we’ll see how silly the boycotters are.

        • Anonymous says:

          So we don’t have monopolies or cartels now? Which planet do you live on? You sure as hell don’t live in Cayman

        • rollin says:

          if you mean to say you hate efficiency and some how that will compromise success then yes boycotters are silly.

      • Anonymous says:

        My friends who went to work for dart call it going over to the “dark side”.

        Our greed makes him possible.

      • Anonymous says:

        Q. How sheep like can you be? A. Not much more than you are now.

    • Just Sayin' says:

      Im guessing you just go to the free events and take a cooler anyway. No harm done. Boycott overpriced duck eggs!

      • Anonymous says:

        Keep your guesses to how many bad burgers you will eat on seven mile beach in your years here.
        Try to figure out your own life before you claim to know what other people want.

    • Anonymous says:

      ya like that’s going to happen LOL
      caymana bay is the only movie theater and main source of entertainment on the entire island.

      Rememeber, we had two movie theaters. But people did speak with their pocket books and now we only have one.

    • James Whitney says:

      Vote with your pocketbook?? That’s useless against Dart. He has enough money to buy all of the Cayman Islands and its politicians….. and that is his plan. The bad part is….. it seems to be working.

      • Anonymous says:

        If we had all kept using the old movie theater, and not the new one. The old one would not have had to close.

        So yes, speak with your pocket books.

        Or do you not get that concept.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The most irritating thing about this proposed development should it be allowed to proceed is that our elected officials have proven themselves to be wholly incapable of negotiating a good deal with Ken Dart on behalf of the Caymanian people.

    1.7 billion means absolutely nothing as once a resource is destroyed, it cannot be returned to its natural condition. Neither Ken Dart, Jackie Doak nor the engineers paid by Ken Dart that have blessed this excavation can be certain of its long term effects on the already overdeveloped Seven Mile Beach. Every sensible government across the globe protects areas of particular beauty. The US government wouldn’t allow the Grand Canyon to be developed. What is it that afflicts our politicians and prevents them from long term thinking, how about considering the country’s interests beyond their lifetime? Why can’t our government see the wisdom in preserving what little is left of Seven Mile Beach? In return for the Four Seasons I wonder if Ken Dart would construct a family water amusement park on all the land that used to comprise the Britannia golf course which he now sits on. In exchange for this tax free 1.7 billion he is proudly touting you would expect residents could use the family water amusement park without charge.

  22. Anonymous says:

    ok, so they did an experiment and tried to remove the rock, no adverse effects. but who’s conclusion? if you really want to have this analysed there should be more than one person/group analysing the data. obviously someone paid by dart will have an agenda. sorry to say they cannot be impartial.
    my other point is that there really has not been enough time to analyse this data. they ripped out this part of the beach rock in November/December? It’s only February, there is no way that they have good evidence of the impact in that space of time. sorry. but what happens when the tides change, when the winds change and what happens during hurricane season? those are the questions that need to asked and the ones we need answered before this can go to a decision. that’s what needs to be addressed.

  23. Anonymous says:

    It amazes me the the DOE and this new Conservation Council is totally useless in this matter, but yet will do all they can to stop a god damn road that is needed for the eastern districts!!!!

    CNS: A little homework for you: first of all read the relevant documents on the CNS Library here. Then have a look at some of the previous articles on CNS, such as this Dart pulls up rock from Seven-mile Beach. Then explain what exactly you think the DoE and the NCC should have done. Note: the role of both entities is to advise government.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I would like to join in protest of this 7MB beach destruction. Is anybody organising a protest? SaveCayman? Save South Sound? Save GT Harbour? Save Smith Cove?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Robble robble robble robble……everyone’s head is exploding LOL. wait until you hear about dart building a tunnel. REEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee hahaahahah.

    • Anonymous says:

      Meanwhile, nobody has been overly concerned about blasting and dredging of Uncle Luke’s and Jackson’s Ponds to >40 feet below MSL. The volume of material generated from these roadside west bay operations has been incredible. The mountain of material at one point grew to be so large and high that it had to be flattened out and obscured into the dykes and/or transported for inconspicuous storage elsewhere. Crickets.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are not actually building a tunnel. They are building an overpass over the existing road and therefore creating a “tunnel”. Same as the new “tunnel/overpass” a bit to the east.

      • Anonymous says:

        12.39 you don’t think people actually read whats written before opening their mouths (or keyboards) on here do you? Hell no, that would be an inconvenience of truth in the face of a chance for a good (and poor English) rant.

      • Anonymous says:

        An overpass — how beautiful and appropriate for our landscape!

        • Diogenes says:

          Once you cover the landscape in concrete and asphalt does it really matter if its an overpass or a street level road? We are not talking about virgin mangrove here but an existing main road.

  26. Ex-Patriat says:

    Nuh watch nuttn people. Nature cannot be contained, nor destroyed. No amount of political or financial power can stop the march of time. Seven Mile Beach WILL again one day return to its natural beauty.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I remember the Ritz, all of unnah was crying that the end of Cayman was here because of the mangroves being removed, yet all of unnah take any opportunity given to post pics on FB when unnah get to go to the Ritz, that only took 2 years for unnah to forget the mangroves, I suspect these rocks will go the same way.

    Move on!!!

  28. 2nd Home says:

    I have been coming to cayman for over 30 years and sadly this will be my last. I will sell my two condos and move on. Never had I dream that the government would allow such distruction of beautiful 7MB. I recall how every part of this island was so picturesque, peaceful, tranquail and just quiet. Now it’s like California, Miami and New York!! Traffic, noise, shooting, crime, over development and the natives aren’t so friendly anymore. Actually you can’t even tell who’s who anymore. I am not certain but is there a development plan for the island? If not, there really not too much that will be left for generations to come. Great that you will have a GDP of $1.7 billion but at what expense?

    • Cheese Face says:

      Much ya want for dem?

    • Dolla Dolla Bill says:

      More stamp duty fa we

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes things were different 30+ years ago (even more so 50+ years ago). Some good some not so. But do you not think that 30+ years ago there were persons that objected to the building of the condos you purchased? Yes there were. And now you are objecting to current development. Seems a bit hypocritical.
      I am not saying that this proposal is good just that we need to keep things in context.

    • Diogenes says:

      Don’t feed the troll.

      • Anonymous says:

        Diogenes, Ignorance is bliss buddy. For many years as this person tries to expresses, things in Cayman we’re relatively the same. The developed condos were more acceptable, because let’s be honest here, there was very little on the island. However, today we’re talking about developing land that is already over developed with mega resorts that are stripping away at the environment…Not the same as small tourist rental condos from 15-20 years back on a underdeveloped island. No…
        And as for the string of ongoing violence, that can and will happen everywhere…it just seems to be pretty prominent these days on the island.
        However, what really bothers me about the complaining Caymanians, it’s when they hear about loyal paying visitors to the economy who traveled there for many years and who are now beginning to bail. This should be a wake up call, not a response of arrogance. It’s quite simple you see, tourists have the luxury of choosing how they spend dollars on vacation when deciding where to go. As your crime rate goes up – your tourist destination goes down. Of course, there are other areas in the Caribbean with similar bouts of crime, but they are less stressful on the pocket books and just as beautiful. When the loyal tourists are all gone and properties owned by overseas landlords are for sell everywhere at bottome prices, I guess you’ll finally have that inner feeling of getting your island back…but the bigger question is – who’s coming to visit?
        Or maybe that’s the sentiment shared by all local expat haters: you want everyone gone, no visitors, and back to kerosene lamps.
        The new word these days, the new welcoming lower-cost word for tourists and investors: CUBA!
        Careful Cayman…

    • Anonymous says:

      move to cayman brac….it’s ‘awesome’.

      • Breadfruit says:

        Jokes aside, the Brac still has that quiet, peaceful and friendly caymankind vibe that they long for despite the economic challenges that it faces as a forgotten sister island.

        • DAN says:

          Love the Brac, quiet, friendly, annnd if you have more than 4 cars in front of you its a traffic jam…. Not the noise and confusion of G C, it is maybe what G C was like before the art of development and greed came to pass…

    • Anonymous says:

      We are selling as well. Such is life.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Sand is produced by sea creatures scraping coral. More fish more sand . If there was a way to stop the sand from falling off the drop off we would have more sand then we would ever need.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s mostly weathered inland rock that forms sand. Like the rock there removing..

      • Jotnar says:

        Except the rock they are removing is produced by the interaction between fresh and salt water and existing sand – its not a major contributor to sand, but a product of the sand – and actually reduces the amount of sand rather than increasing it. The more important argument is whether the removal of that rock will change the fluid dynamics of the beach and either increase sand removal or sand transfer along the beach. Not sure anyone has looked at that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong… The rock they’re removing is formed from compressed sand over a very long time and sand is made from ground down coral and parrot fish poop.

        • Anonymous says:

          The cementation process can happen very quickly, almost overnight if the correct ingredients are present. No pressure necessary. There are footprints and even beer bottles that have been cemented in hours.

  30. Anonymous says:

    The natural environment will not be to the liking of the guests who are not here yet? So what? It’s been to the liking of Caymanians for centuries…..please, stop this madness already…..XXXXX Anyone seen the works going on in Darts house near Royal Palms and across the road? What’s that – footings for a massive overpass that’s not been approved yet? Who knows….

    Now we have an altruistic & environmentally sensitive application in the interests of all residents being put forward by a group that made their money from Styrofoam, vulture funds and built a town beside a dump….if it was a movie, we’d stop watching it for being unbelievable

    And best of all, turns out we CAN put a price on environmental butchering…..the spokesperson says so, it must be true..…$600M for 5 yrs, and $1.7BN after!! How do we know? An impact study tells us so…..anyone know what an impact study is? It’s a magical pamphlet written by well-paid completely objective (HA!) experts that performs in an hallucinogenic fashion whenever it’s distributed to small country politicians……

    at least we know this one will work, right? Because the impact study prior to the construction of the ever mestastisizing Monument to Reclusiveness (or Camana Bay…or enforced tax-write off) clearly has worked out….what was it? $1BN at least investment and amazing economic impact thru the lands?

    Well I for one couldn’t agree more….as I ride my gold plated chariot back East each evening, pulled by a Unicorn…thanks to the economic impact that’s trickled down thru the Islands from the all these mega developments…..i can’t remember the last time I even heard rumblings about societal discontent, crime, unemployment (real unemployment), cost of living, decimated George town, immigration, etc, etc…because everything is awesome, we have an economic impact study!!!! we are so lucky to have these mega developments, we are ALL so rich now…

    Oh man….when is anyone going to wake up? Good for the economy? No…its not at all…how’s the Kimpton working out? I’d know if I could afford to visit….anyway, at least we have more roundabouts…so we can be kept in circles, waving at the 1% as they get wealthier and higher in their taller towers

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS – This needs to be highlighted as a viewpoint.

      Funny I’ve always compared it to a bad Disney movie where the good guys win but that ain’t how it’s happening here.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Ask the ACC if they have any evidence or any allegatiom of the PPM being accused of any wrongdoing since they were elected and also explain why you defy logic and facts with your claim that ppm and UDP are the same. They are chalk and chese.

  32. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      i think caymanians should boycott camana bay and the kimpton……

      • Anonymous says:

        I already do. Many of my Caymanian friends do a well.

        • Anonymous says:

          Same here! Camana Bay is full of overpriced garbage for the “look at me” crowd.

        • Anonymous says:

          Could you tell all of them to do that?

        • Anonymous says:

          As you could see from the crowds at Camana Bay, you are having little effect. However, thank you for staying away and thereby making space available there for rational people.

      • Jotnar says:

        Its a free market, so why don’t you, although I am sure that would not make a major difference to the economics – they rely on the financial services industry and foreign tourists for the bulk of their revenue.

        Perhaps you should just not drive on the bypass instead, so you are not tainted by benefiting from Dart’s investment, whilst you are at it. Or send your kids to CIS. Or shop at any of his retail establishments. That would be logically and morally consistent, albeit a trifle inconvenient.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think some Caymanians have not come to the realization that Dart is a Caymanian…lol

      • Anonymous says:

        90% of the people that criticize Dart’s projects …..Just criticize because they hate him…the other 10% does not have a clue what they are talking about. I would like to see the same enthusiasm of hatred displayed against Dart shown for the gun crimes and lack of proper education that is plaguing this country

    • rollin says:

      neways, see you at the movies. or maybe the wonderful book store, or how about the stores dedicated to health and nutrition. and to add , how about that nice feeling you get knowing your vehicle and possessions are under tight security watch.
      and don’t we all just hate the water system that our children play in.we all hate it don’t we? bunch of jokahs unna is !

      *please please think before you speak or type , you have no idea where we would be without dart and his projects.

      • Anonymous says:

        I actually don’t like any of it. I moved from bal harbour/Miami for the very reason. Now I will seek elsewhere to live.

        • rollin says:

          and you have every right to find the correct space and way of life that speaks to your personality.

          however ……..i am sure you see the amount of people who regularly visit camana bay and other dart projects. we like you are looking for unique options. so as long as we can appreciate were we both are coming from , i wish you all the best finding that “camana bay free” reality.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Ok so you were allowed to move the man-made road but I think you’re just pulling the p..s now. The rocks were there when you bought the land…if you didn’t want them you shouldn’t have bought it.

  34. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    No. Just…. no. Dart, haven’t you done enough? Made enough money? Changed our country enough? How much more do you have to buy, to build, to own.

    Will you soon be moving on to your next conquest country, as you’ve done in the past? Oh, wait, there are two more islands yet for you to turn your minions loose upon.

    We, the people have let you in here. You saw the UDP coming didn’t you? Well done. XXXX

    We, the people have benefited from some of your works. Yes, you’ve employed Caymanians and others. Isn’t it enough for you? If not, then when? When the country is renamed?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Why couldn’t Dart just built a jetty (similar to that at Rum Point) out past the rocks? Why wouldn’t DoE and Government stand firm on such an option?

    That would have saved the natural beach rock and provided a mini coral reef for their guests to snorkel. I’ve snorkeled along those ledges and they’re teeming with marine life. The option after they’ve removed these ledges is to view boring, relatively lifeless, sandy bottom

    Where are the powers that be who are charged with protecting our environment? Perhaps out chasing a couple conch poachers??!!

    • Ben Daire says:

      No. They aren’t chasing conch poachers. They are obeying their orders not to interfere with Dart.

  36. Anonymous says:

    If this was coral, I would have my doubts. Its not. Maybe they can even put in artificial reefs there that might benefit Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess the good Lord made a mistake putting this fake rock there> Thankfully Dart knows better and will correct Gods mistake so that he can make a few more dollars. Oh by the way if we do not vote correctly in the upcoming election or government will continue to allow this.

      When a leach has if fangs into you it is hard to get him out but not impossible.

  37. Dave says:

    Implications of the cementation of beach sediments for the recreational
    use of the beach

  38. SSM345 says:

    Our beach is going to disappear once this rock is removed and the first Nor’Wester rolls through then DART will need to bring barges full of Colombian sand every week so that these hotel visitors get a beach experience to begin with.

  39. Marcel Trudeau says:

    “Over 20 years, contributions to the Cayman Islands GDP would exceed US$1.7 billion”.

    Yes, and Dart will get about 90% of it!

  40. Anonymous says:

    I note the Dart engineering consultants state there will be “minimal impact on the immediate project area” but what about the rest of the beach? Where will the sand come from to fill the void created by removal of such a vast amount of the seabottom? Will it come from other areas of Seven Mile Beach and affect other properties through erosion of their beaches? Everything finds its level eventually. This is ill conceived. Leave Mother Nature alone!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Wow!! Since when million of dollars can compensate for destroying the shoreline. The beach/ iron shore is already naturally developed. if the rock is removed then the Dart Group is forcing it to development un- naturally. Jackie Doak is no expert on shoreline and bedrock. I wish we would stop believing her drivel.

    • Anonymous says:

      We should at least wait a seasonal cycle to see how much sand migrates from the beach into the sea via the channel conveniently provided by the Darts.
      As for the questionable expertise of the Dart’s mouthpiece…..OMG….say it ain’t so.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s why they brought in environmental experts! Duh!!

  42. Anonymous says:

    This hotel will employ a whole lot more people than the rocks ever did! We need jobs!

  43. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Just Another day in Absurdistan

  44. SMH says:

    PPM are really no better than UDP both have been bought and controlled by DART.

    Minister Panton didn’t this PPM government pass the National Conservation Law? SMH

    • Anonymous says:

      That law was only passed to prevent people from selling their land or developing it!!! Once the “money people” are teady to buy and develop your land…then that law will be “amended” to facilitate such things.

    • Anonymous says:

      Applications can be as reasonable or as extensive as an applicant wants. The fact that an application has been made is absolutely no indication of whether that application will be granted or not. You are right that the provisions of the NCL will apply and it is possible that an EIA might be required before the application is considered further. I know Min Panton will ensure it is dealt with fairly and appropriately.

  45. Anonymous says:


  46. Anonymous says:

    We sold our soul a long time ago. We just holding on for the ride for wherever Darts wants to go.

  47. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice to get an aerial high-res photo and measure the total linear feet of this cementation beach rock formation along seven mile beach from West Bay to George Town. It stands to reason, that if this isolated stretch of 1225 feet were to be approved, that anyone else that applied in future for the same modification, on same grounds, must be granted the same permission. Thus, “1225 feet” will actually be how many rolling miles in total?

    ie. What about every beachfront owner along Boggy Sand Road, Sea Breeze, Silver Sands, Chris Johnson’s House, Discovery Point, Christopher Columbus, London House, Renaissance, Sundowner, Tamarind Bay, Plantation Village, Crescent Point, Sunset Cove…surely they must have the same claim to make?

  48. Anonymous says:

    Another non-biased, non-sensationalist piece of reporting from CNS!

  49. Anonymous says:

    for the ‘expert’ naysayers:
    why would dart do something that would make the beach worse or put the kimpton beach at risk??????
    dart’s record speaks for itself. he has done more to benfit and protect the cayman environment than anybody else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe he doesn’t know what he’s doing?

    • Anonymous says:

      All of his money comes from he destruction of the environment- lest we forget his styrofoam. He and DART care jack about the environment its all about short term profits. Arrogant and idiotic

      • Anonymous says:

        one thing dart does not do is think short term….

      • Jotnar says:

        Actually, most of his money now comes from the secondary sovereign debt market – his brother has handled the styrofoam business for the last 15 years. And as for short term profits, right. Like Camana Bay and his real estate operations and his 30 year build out plan are short termist. He’s probably still in the red on all of them so far.

    • Anonymous says:

      Protect the Cayman environment??? This comment made me nearly fall off my chair.

    • Anonymous says:

      If personal gains override personal loss then, yes, you take the risk.

    • Anonymous says:

      go away we have it under control brethren!

    • Anonymous says:

      What have you been smoking???? Must be some seriously chemically altered stuff to come up with that kind of drivel!

    • Anonymous says:

      Geez, if we limit the DART “environment contributions” just to Polystrene:

      Styrofoam is the fifth largest source of hazardous waste on the planet. Composed of known carcinogens, Benzene and Styrene, exposure causes a variety of mutations to the central and peripheral nervous systems. Benzene and Styrene have been linked to incidences of both Parkinson’s disease and leukemia. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), used in the production of Styrofoam, result in air pollution, causing damage to the ozone layer and have accelerated climate change. Polystyrene takes at least five hundred years to decompose. Styrofoam is the primary source of urban litter. Styrofoam is the main pollutant of oceans, bays, and other water sources. Styrofoam causes choking and starvation in wildlife. Polystyrene is not usually recycled due to its lightweight nature and the high economic cost of transporting and degreasing the petroleum-based material. 25-30% of global landfill mass is attributed to plastics and polystyrene. And on and on…

      • Anonymous says:

        Thousands of bits of Dart litter South Sound beaches like snow. It breaks up and makes it difficult to collect. I curse him daily as I walk the beach trying to pick up the small pieces.I can’t believe it is still in use especially when there are green options. It should be banned!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Thrown down by locals who don’t get trash

          • Anonymous says:

            The issue here is the local people who do not understand improvement & development. The economy needs people to spend money on development. Pert of that is bringing the expertize to then get specialist jobs done. Now the same entity that they are beating down is putting a huge amount into your country. It is very poor taste to just harass this entity like you all our doing.

      • Anonymous says:

        the problem is the people who dispose of the product not the manufacturer…..

  50. Anonymous says:

    Our Premier will let this company do whatever they want because money talks and bull$%#@ walks. So what if the beach and environment gets wrecked as who cares anymore; look when you sell out this is just par for the course. Better thank them for helping the islands out. This was a go ahead project as soon as they said they wanted to do it.

    • Anonymous says:

      If a Caymanian tried to do the same, it would not get approved. We are not allowed to remove sand from the beach, which was part of our culture (backing sand for Christmas of Easter) to beatify our yards. These “Jonny come Lately”, can come here with any plan and the crossed eyed Planning Board approves any and everything, Is the beach rock or the beach a part of the environment? Or it is only conveniently so when it applies to a Caymanian.

      • nomore lodge says:


      • Sandman says:


      • Veritas says:

        More xenophobia 2.15pm.Removal of the beach rock will produce more pristine beach and improve our tourism product, unlike the local culture of taking beach sand, poaching nesting turtles, taking of conch and lobster out of season and from marine parks, all of which continue unabated and improve only the pockets of the lawbreakers.

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t think a boycott will work because whenever I go to Camana Bay I see mostly the expatriate community strolling down main street and obviously enjoying themselves. That is not a problem,it is a relaxing place to be and more Caymanians should try it out. As long as it is open to the public we should go there and appreciate the surroundings. It is not about a boycott, not about them and us. THe problem is why can’t the government negotiate with Dart in a way that the Cayman Islands will remain more holistic while Dart gets his development permits accordingly. I am sure most Caymanians and residents appreciate the contributions that the Dart Group has made to these islands but that does not mean that we should allow them to do whatever they can conceive. The past government as well as the present always appear to negotiate one- sided deals with investors including the Dart Group without keeping in mind the small size of these islands and the sensitive areas that should always be protected in perpetuity. Please stop thinking only about the monies that can be derived from these projects but try to negate any damage to the environment at all cost. We need Dart but don’t forget that he needs the government/Cayman as well. He has invested millions of dolllars in Cayman and obviously the Group is here to stay, therefore we (us and them) should also want the very best for ” our homeland” I am no engineer or scientist but I believe I have a little common sense so I really fail to understand why any negotiations with investors always seem devoid of attention to the sensitive areas of Cayman. This is a small island sorrounded by the beautiful Caribbean Sea, and not a huge land mass with rivers, and lakes that can be tamed and turned about, so trying to change that dynamic is futile. Instead all plans should enhance what we have instead of turning the island into a huge metropolis.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who is xenophobic V? Sound like you are quite unhappy with a portion of the population here. Can you please explain yourself!

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