Cops warn women of another WB sex pest

| 03/02/2017 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Police are urging women not to walk, run or exercise alone in secluded areas of West Bay after another victim was indecently assaulted on an early morning walk in the district Wednesday. The attack happened just after 6:30am on Conch Point Road near to the derelict resort of Spanish Bay. A woman was walking alone when a man ran up behind her and indecently grabbed her; she screamed and the man ran off towards Spanish Lane. The man is described as being of average height and slim build, dressed in dark clothing and wearing a hood over his head.  He was also barefoot.

Since receiving the report, police said they have been executing a strategy to address it, but in the meantime they are recommending that women not walk alone in secluded areas, and ask them to call the West Bay Police Station if they see anything suspicious.

Anyone with any information about this incident should call the West Bay Police Station at 649-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line on 949-7777, via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (25)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What’s all the fuss about? There are about 500 sex pests in West Bay, not just one.

  2. SSM345 says:

    Clearly setting up a sting to catch these perps is too much for the RCIPS to handle, its been suggested numerous times whenever these stories pop up in the news. What exactly is stopping the police from doing this? You would nab these gropers on your first attempt.

    If Police cannot catch a serial groper, then FFS legalize pepper spray so that those who want to exercise in the morning or evenings can protect themselves.

    Legalization of pepper spray should now be something given serious consideration by our lawmakers. Criminals seem to be protecting themselves left, right and center with guns, knives, machetes and god knows what else yet we the public cant even carry pepper spray.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why in the world RCIPS can’t catch him (them) yet? This one would be very easy to catch. Pathetic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Why don’t the police set a trap for him – get a police woman to go “under cover” and clobber him when he tries to grope!

      • anonymous says:

        Even assuming that the perpetrator knows all women working at RCIPS, they can set up someone else, from Bermuda police for example. The karate Bob from the New Lands may assist as well.

  4. Any says:

    Wow…why label it another pest…this might damn well be the same guy all along and giving west bay the horrible title of another pest when your police service has yet again failed to get the right guy!!!

  5. Just locker room banter. says:

    Sound like D Trump took an early vacation. “Grab em by the p…”.

    • Anonymous says:

      You funny. But vacation? Trump is more likely to be brought down here to speak as a ‘role model’ for the YCLA award.

    • anonymous says:

      CNS, I am appalled that you allow comments like his one

      CNS: Why? The video in which Trump said that is controversial because he was saying that something most people would consider a sexual attack was one of the “perks” of being famous. It seems to me that was the point the comment was making and as such was entirely appropriate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sex pest??!! Somebody stop this criminal now!

  7. Anonymous says:

    When will the Government allow women to protect themselves? If women were able to carry mace, his identity would have been revealed!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I guess if the President of the USA states he likes to do the same thing. the perverted will also think it is normal and ok

  9. Anonymous says:

    According to Ozzie, he’s clearly not a Caymanian.

  10. Anonymous says:

    only in wb..

  11. Anonymous says:

    I live in that area. I sorry for him if he ever attacks me!

  12. Anonymous says:

    How about we call him what he is.. an escalating sexual predator. Calling him a pest diminishes his crime to a mere annoyance rather than the danger he is.

    This is no boys will be boys hair pulling and to call him a pest reduces him to that and implies that is not a deliberate malicious act that should be punished.

    Basically crucify the bugger!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree. Sex pest is a BBC euphemism.

      • Anonymous says:

        The war on women is not being taken seriously. We need someone in authority to act rather than talk.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let’s not forget the war on children as well . Nothing short of 20 years jail time is good enough for those predators who molest children. I voting for the candidate who speaks to my concerns.

      • Who you is? says:

        Yes, perhaps it would be best to put this individual in the ‘fly’, as they should not be so hard to ‘tip’ over by the sounds of it. Perhaps he could be thrown in the ‘nick’ if only our police service made up of mainly Jamaican ‘rockhoppers’ and English blokes could look away from their ‘side gyal’ and ‘pint’ respectively. If only we could find a West Bayer ‘supergrass’ who could identify the scallywag so that we could all have a good nights rest after tea and crumpets. Maybe if we all came together and sang ‘God save the queen’ he would turn himself in for fear of being sent to the Tower of London.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rip his parts off. Run and leave the fence post behind.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about the ponies?

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