Suspect admits having 1000s of child-porn images

| 21/09/2016 | 24 Comments

(CNS): A 25-year-old Jamaican man admitted having thousands of indecent images of children when he pleaded guilty Tuesday to ten counts of possessing child pornography. Trevorne Daley was arrested and charged in May following an inquiry triggered by the US authorities when he befriended a boy on Facebook last December and began messaging him via WhatsApp. He is due to be sentenced on 1 December after electing for his case to be dealt with in Summary Court.

The court ordered both a social enquiry and a psychiatric report as a result of the issues surrounding the recidivism of such offenders.

It is understood that Daley, who was working at Burger King before he was remanded to prison after he was charged, was part of an online group that was distributing the images to each other.


Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just once, I would like to hear the Ministers Association come out with the same rage about child abuse as they do about gay people.

    Wait… what’s that, I think I hear something….

    Nevermind, it was just the usual pure silence.

  2. Cayguy says:

    Thank goodness that the U.S. gave RCIPS this low life in a paper bag as they would have never solved it with so much other ineffectiveness. not to mention — thank goodness this guy no longer flippin our whoppers!

  3. annonymous says:

    Well said 3:15pm!

  4. Anonymous says:

    God bless America. Thanks for helping us take out the garbage that we have imported.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Can we get a clear picture of his face? What about the deportation order?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Bring back corporal punishment (specifically for crimes against children) and set an example of punishment on those convicted, next to the town clock in central George Town.

  7. Anonymous says:

    No money to waste on imprisonment give him time served and ship this slime ball back to his country of origin and let them keep him there by sending his info and fingerprints to all the countries in the region and to US/Canada database and Interpol.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I for one am thankful that other jurisdictions have a closer ‘eye’ out for these outrageous criminal acts against children than we do and can intervene and help bring perpetrators to face a court regardless where that court case is happening.

    Now I encourage the ‘Churches’ of these islands to bring to action some sort of public display of their disgust of these kind of ‘illegal’ acts that are being brought to light thanks to some very brave and courageous persons.

  9. Anonymous says:

    You’re sick!!! You’re calling corruption, bribery and child pornograohy ‘our culture’. Authorities should be looking into you!

    • Anonymous says:

      We’ll certainly bribery and corruption. That’s pretty well documented. Maybe not child pornograhy. Child abuse? Hmmm.
      Don’t feel too special, it’s fairly well spread around the world. It’s just policed better in some countries than in others.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ahem…. authorities of what country?

  10. Top Cat says:

    So are we going to only deal with Daley, what of the others that were in the group sharing these sick images???

    This sort of sick shite needs to be stomped out of every single society!

  11. Anonymous says:

    There’s the US sticking their nose in our business again. First jeff Webb, now this. What’s next? A look at that US developer that was in cahoots with mac bush?? Why won’t they just leave our culture alone?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Since when is child pornography a part of our culture? We should be thankful that the US brought our attention to a dangerous paedophile.

    • Anonymous says:

      Every idiot can see that this post was just meant to stir up some hate debate. I would encourage everyone else just to completely ignore this comment as this has obviously nothing to do with culture……..

    • Tsk tsk tsk says:

      Sadly, our ‘culture’ is telling kids to ‘hush they mout’ when they come forward with details of the abuse. It’s the biggest sin for a man to marry another man but a well known businessman or so called ‘family man’ can abuse a younger family member and it’s never spoken of.

      Cayman has been turning a blind eye to child sex abuse for as long as I can remember.

      It’s acceptable for older men to have relationships with teenage girls. Dropping them to school lunch time or helping their mother with bills.

      It’s acceptable in Cayman for old men to cop a feel and bribe little children with candies only for their grandmothers to say ‘Oh don’t pay him no mind, he nah no hurt to nobody.’

      It’s acceptable for the older generation to believe an older person over a child because the child is ‘bad’ and it was more than likely the child’s fault.

      It’s acceptable here for coaches and youth group volunteers and teacher’s aides to abuse their authority.

      It’s acceptable in Cayman to look down at ‘crack heads’ who walk the streets and beg for change because as kids they were raped and abused and no one wanted to deal with the embarrassment it would cause the family.

      So yes, it is a part of our culture. It’s been that way fa donkey years. Whether anyone wants to accept it or not! That wha do uneh now, so high and mighty and soooo proud. We as Caymanians are in denial and I hope one day they stop worrying about which gay couple getting married or what Sally wearing to church. And what comments are posted on CNS. Stop fighting people that speak the truth just because you don’t want to hear it.

      We should be thankful that the US brought it to our attention yes, but we should also be saddened that Cayman didn’t. We need a system in place here that flags these type of individuals. Caymanians and foreigners. If a child had come forward and said something to the parent, more than likely the parent would have ignored it or the lovely RCIPS would have said social media is off limits and nothing can be done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well I for one liked the comment. Of course I wrote it….

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