Job ads continue to stir up local concerns

| 11/08/2016 | 201 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): How bosses in Cayman go about recruiting overseas staff and what often appears to be the deliberate exclusion of local workers continues to raise concerns in the community but government seems unable to address the issue. In the latest case to attract attention, an unidentified hospitality employer was specifically seeking Canadian workers through a social media campaign. While officials from the National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) said they do what they can to direct employers on the rules, the public is concerned about the lack of sanctions for bosses who deliberately seek non-Caymanians for certain jobs.

CNS contacted the immigration department about the social media recruitment campaign but there was no response. The NWDA said it provides support and guidance to employers who are registered with them about the content of their advertisements.

“When an employer posts a job advertisement with the NWDA, that advertisement is reviewed in light of local laws and the content is reviewed in light of reasonable standards and expectations for the job in question,” said Dr Tasha Garcia, the deputy chief officer in the employment ministry.

“If the advertisement appears to be in breach of the law or if there are concerns regarding the content of the advertisement, the NWDA engages the employer in a conversation regarding the advertisement. If changes are not made or if an acceptable explanation is not provided for the content of the advertisement, the NWDA reserves the right to decline the request to post the advertisement on the NWDA online portal,” she added.

But it is not clear whether employers who are advertising overseas or even in the local press and breaking immigration rules are scrutinized by that department or its boards unless the resulting permit application generates attention.

The recent example posted on social media appears to have been posted by a locally-based worker on behalf of a bar, restaurant or hotel. CNS contacted the email address in the advertisement to find out more but we are still awaiting a response. However, it is clear from the posts that the employer was looking for staff outside these shores for a job that should have been accessible to local workers. The post attracted over a hundred comments on Facebook expressing concerns.

While there is no indication who the employer is, it is possible that they also placed advertisements locally and that the social media posts seeking overseas workers are in addition to a Cayman-based campaign.

The concern in the community is what many people see as the blatant lack of compliance by some bosses with immigration rules and in particular the absence of almost any sanction. If the employment minister is able to achieve her goal of ensuring every vacancy in Cayman is registered with the NWDA and the staff are then able to document online the full application process and pass that information to immigration, this could curb some of the worst excesses.

Ultimately, it is the immigration department and its boards that make the decisions based on the information supplied, which now includes data from the NWDA, but there is still no indication on how much that is influencing work permit decisions.

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Category: Jobs, Local News

Comments (201)

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  1. Annie says:

    It is only reasonable to advertise for Canadians. Due to the foul weather, and politicians in Canada most citizens are already intoxicated, and can easily identify with the customer base.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How many Caymanian bartenders are there in the first place? Hmmmmm

    • Annie says:

      Again certain trades, such as bartending, HVAC and Dental Hygienist require specialized knowledge of maple syrup and its uses.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Some of the laziest people I’ve met are expats. Showing up to work intoxicated even and their expat friends cover for them.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Employers would love to advertise for Philipinos – can anyone guess why?.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This problem is enlarged thru Gov’t needs to use the funds garnered by work permits along with the poor education and lack of a Vo-Tech school and an apprenticeship program set with every work permit has served only to further compound this problem!
    How do we change this connondrum should be our real debate not the childish chatter. I’ve waded thru!
    The facts are:- we’ve neglected the importance of every job and we allow our elected officials to fail us repeatedly as none have completed our vo-tech program or found a new revenue stream other than off our backs thru issuing work permits for 138 different nationalities who return home to apts/condos/homes not owned by banks, enough funds to buy a vehicle and become a trucker or taxi operator in their home country whilst the. Caymanian is left on this lil rock struggling for a job but seeing another foreigner take the place of the one who just left……………………and the cycle continues!
    The only way to change this is get an apprenticeship program up; start our vo-tech school and start from elementary classes that nothing here is yours unless you want and work for it!
    Our financial institution began with men like my dad; as a teenager out on the Caribbean Sea turtling off. Nicaragua etc and then from 18 -55yrs sailed the seas including suez canal yet today the sector is dominated by foreigners who act like true. Brits look down their beaked noses at the lowly. Caymanians.
    I smile when I think how they mingle with us in prison because they were busy lining their pockets but never once thought of giving a scholarship of $2k for an associate degree!


    • Diogenes says:

      Of course there are no shortage of scholarships on offer from the private sector as well as government, and the financial services industry was not built by Caymanian seamen but in driftwood like Sir Vassel Johnson and expatriates relocating from the Bahamas and Bermuda, but whatever makes you feel better.

    • Anonymous says:

      You have hit the nail on the head our politicians deceive us yes. So much that we have to sit by the way side and do nothing, yet try to find bread and milk for our families – what a shame!! to allow foreign nationals to enter such practices in our small country when there are Caymanians returning home and cannot be placed for a job in their own country. Time is running out on the clock for Caymanians to take charge of their country and not let other forces do so.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you will find that it was Independence, Lyndon pydling, political instability and general corruption / crime in the Bahamas that led to the financial institutions moving.
      I am not sure that fishing for turtles of Nicaragua by anyone contributed to this in any form whatsoever.
      As for those that worked on the bulk carriers at sea. You were working as cheap labour in non unionized positions whilst national seaman strikes took place, I guess you would have been wired money home, built houses from the salary and pensions and told that the ship door will hit you on the way out.
      Tell it like it is.

    • Anonymous says:

      12.37 the only scholarships either come from CIG or from organizations where all those furreners you hate donate to them…don’t see Caymankind stepping up to that plate very often. Your argument is crap anyway-on one side spot one-CIG needs to have vocational schools with proper qualifications- but that is not the expats problem, that’s the people you vote for failing you….so don’t bite the hand that feeds-we get asked to support so many causes here as foreigners and we do but that will wear thin if its not wanted or appreciated.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Is this not a case of discrimination against all other nationalities. It is clear cut.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I have lived here since 1969 and still there are problems dealing with Caymanians, not all, but far more than there should be.It is inevitable that employers will bring in expatriates who will perform at a higher level. Having phone calls and e mails ignored, not just with the civil service, but also in the private sector, is a sad relection on the local work ethic.

    • Anonymous says:

      at 12.25pm This might be a good time to remind you that 24000 people (a majority) in the work force are not local therefore when you say ‘local work ethic’ it is reflecting a mostly expatriate work force.

    • Anonymous says:

      12.25pm Perhaps the answer to that lies in your mirror.Next time you pass a mirror, take a good look and then chastise yourself for being a failure. That’s right , you have been here since 1969 and have failed to integrate and you have made it hard for others like yourself because you have failed to tame the lowly natives; you have failed to make them submissive. Heck some of them will even talk back to you, what a failure. So I repeat if you have been here since 1969 and you are still having problems dealing with Caymanians then it is your own darn fault . Failure.

    • Not easily intimidated says:

      I wish I could have liked this 500,000 times more. This is so true! The majority of Caymanians in the work force are LAZY! I have worked with them all my years on island. They are ALWAYS sick, especially on Mondays. They are ALWAYS away from their desks; ALWAYS fiddling with their phones and ALWAYS abandoning their work to jump on social media. They have long and loud personal conversations on the job, long lunch hours and ALWAYS have an excuse for arriving late to work. They are VERY disrespectful! They are NEVER at their desks, not even for a good five minutes. Yet, they ALWAYS demand more pay for doing absolutely nothing.

      • Bigal says:

        Yes very true . Im Caymanian and its very frustrating to see this behavior . I work with one dude in particular that spends his day playing online games , facebooking , chatting with his girl, and who has to be asked to do his job on a regular bases. Worst he is the type that then turns around to say work is unfair. Delusional fool. This type unfortunatly is prevalent in the workforce. It by no means represent the entire workforce but it does exist.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok so let me get this right. Are you trying to say WE are lazy. I take it you only met 1-2 of US.
        For the life of me I don’t know why you all stay here and is so unhappy.
        Your comments have some points, but be honest…YOU CANT PAINT EVERYONE WITH THE SAME BRUSH. SOME of you are VERY lazy too.

        Its in every country. Even yours.

        • Anonymous says:

          Some of them, it is first time they hold a good position making money, and they have their share of doing what isn’t right, but with all fairness those who speak have worked one place and maybe come in contact with one or two persons. Have you checked their full background or origin which should speak volumes My knowledge is that Caymanians are very ambitious, honest and hardworking individuals and I take offence of those who come to the shores to make money and leave laughing at the Cayman system that allows them to do what they want.

        • Anonymous says:

          anon 0944 could not say it better. And in case you hard working expats have not realised you have come to cayman to work. You are exposed to all cayman has so you see the hard working and the lazy or should we deport our own lazy caymanians to satisfy you. PS the countries you come from also have a lot of lazy people as well but they are not usually the ones that travel overseas to get jobs.

        • Anonymous says:

          Big difference-if the Caymanian gets fired the employer gets all kind of inspections and grief-even if the employee did nothing correct or nothing at all. If the expat does something wrong at work, he is fired, no protection and straight off island. As long as you have the artificial protection from a nanny state then many Caymanians will never learn what it means to have to work and this repetitive and ludicrous situation will go on and on. Remove the protection and everyone will soon learn what it is to work properly.

      • East End Resident says:

        Yes, that is sadly my experience too. Refusing to carry out certain elements of the job they were employed for because they find it beneath them. Late, not turning up at all, excuses for everything, no work ethic, constantly on the phone, creating personal dramas, dealing with personal dramas, texting, missing from work no one knows where they are for hours, being incompetent and yet complaining about not being promoted or paid more, complaining that the boss is an ex-pat so that’s why they don’t get promoted, disrespecting the boss, rudeness to colleagues, rudeness or neglect to customers, sick days taken to extend the weekends, no care about doing a good job, constant complaining, laziness…I could go on.

        Now I’m of course not saying that is the attitude of every Caymanian in the workforce because I’m 100% sure that it can’t be, this only applies to every Caymanian I have ever worked with. But it’s no wonder that employers when faced with this constant drag on their time and business will chose to employ someone who was born, brought up and educated somewhere else, even if that does mean they have to go through the additional time and expense of the work permit route. It’s so much cheaper and easier in the long run than the drama of employing a local person to that position, even if they could find one who even turned up for the interview.

        I don’t know where this bar is, but I’m pretty darned sure that if they could find a local bar tender, who could be relied upon and did a good job, they would be delighted to employ them. But they can’t.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Shame on you CNS for not redacting the persons email address.
    We call that sh!t stirring!
    (I don’t care where else it has been posted. We expect better from the press)

  9. Anonymous says:

    I have to laugh at you commenters that ride that “lazy Caymanians” thing to death. What hypocrisy. Yes, in the not-so-distant past, Caymanians were somewhat privileged. Agreed. You just had to show up Caymanian to get the job. But that was back when the country was still relatively unknown, and immigration laws made it difficult for competition to come from abroad. That is no longer the case. Now, Caymanians must compete, and as the old saying goes “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”. So yes, there are SOME Caymanians that gripe about expats taking jobs away. But that griping comes from those that weren’t prepared to compete. You know, just like what happens in YOUR country. Aren’t the UK, Ireland, much of the EU, the USA, etc. all trying to slow (in some cases stop completely!) the flow of immigrants to their countries? Was it not the xenophobia of the “Leavers” in Britain that resulted in Brexit? Isn’t Donald Trump’s success in the US primaries a direct result of xenophobia in the States? So why is it that when Caymanians say that they’re not getting a fair shake in the job market, you expats forget about the griping that goes on in your own countries? European culture has been the dominant culture in much of the industrialized world for centuries. But recently, the cries for equality from women, dark-skinned people, LGBTQs, etc. has led to some changes in YOUR work force back home. So now the unprepared, under-educated citizens back in YOUR country are no longer as privileged as they used to be either (i.e., those “Leavers” and Trump supporters). So clearly, those unprepared, under-educated citizens back in YOUR country are feeling a little oppressed now too. So don’t come here acting like you’ve only heard of “blaming the foreigners for their problems” since you’ve come to Cayman. You left the same narrow-minded attitudes of your own fellow citizens back where you came from too. And quite possibly, you are here as a result of your own fears.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am back in my own country and doing alright. Once I fancy a change of scenery, bought a place and get it rented, I will probably come back for a while or head off somewhere else with limited competition. So that has pretty much rendered your argument useless.

      • Anonymous says:

        It wasn’t an argument, it was a statement of fact. I should note that, rather than complaining like some Caymanians do, most Caymanians are becoming more competitive by educating ourselves so that we can compete. So try to come back if you want. Hopefully the local competition will be better prepared for you next time.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow you left here and is still keeping up with us here. Nothing much going on there huh.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yep. I still have property there and investments including Cuc shares. I like to keep an eye on the Cayman news so that I can be guided as to whether I pull my investments out or not. Can you blame me?

      • Anonymous says:

        You must be one that came to our shores and had the benefits of the old Pension/Contractual deals that opened the doors for you when you returned home – carrying what you would not have achieved in your country over 100 years (Very nice!! that you got through the system). I only hope and pray that this will soon come to a close and set the pensionable years in place, just like how it is for our Caymanians and not broke the Pension Bank.

    • Anonymous says:

      The only way this comment could be improved is with a mic drop. This is THE point that is always missed. Some expats do develop myopia about this issue very quickly upon arrival and fail to make the connections between social and workforce dynamics here and in their own countries. They might, for example, understand and have compassion for the plight of the unprepared and under-qualified in their own country, but when they come here, the very same issue is transmogrified into one of the national character being corrupt, the local population being lazy and the imported cream naturally rising to the top. NO, it is the same problem everywhere: the ground shifting under the feet of the locals faster than they can adjust, and them RIGHTLY being pissed off about it because it happens before they realise it is happening and they have no power to do anything about it. Here, we have the added complication of ‘first-generation Caymanians’ with all the rights of tenth-generation Caymanians, who went to better schools, have the ‘right qualities’ (read: fair skin, neutral accent and Anglo-Saxon name), whose parents had better education, and prepared their children to compete in direct and indirect ways that older Caymanian families did not even know they did not know. Expats are therefore able to hire those who they know are ‘really’ their own kind, while counting them as Caymanians, and getting all the permits they want off the back of that. This trend is already irreversible. The only thing that can be done now is for Caymanians to be taught in no uncertain terms when they are very young: “your country does not belong to you, and you will have to fight the whole wide world for a decent living when you grow up, so study hard, take every opportunity you get to self-improve, and adopt the same prejudices you will have to face then, now, so you will know what hits you when it does”. That is the only way. It is very sad, but it is, and will remain, reality in the 21st century.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell da trut’ an’ shame da devil!

      – Whodatis


    • Anonymous says:

      ‘xenophobia of leavers’, you damn idiot, xenophobia wasn’t the issue, the federalist and corrupt EU Commision, unaccountable and unelected politicians, erosion of national determination and sovereignty, unregulated and uncontrolled EU migration, and 40 years of being conned after voting for a common market provoked Brexit.
      You have control of immigration, you just aren’t bright enough to work out why employers want foreign labour instead of ‘Caymanians’.
      European culture around the world is successful because we get off our backsides and search for work, wherever it can be found. We are inventors, innovators, discoverers, pioneers, founders and democrats.
      We don’t sit and whine that it’s everyone else’s fault or try to compare a village population with a soveriegn state of multiple millions. Europeans and their heritage have given you everything you have now, financial services, tourism, your own history and culture, and sadly, your sense of entitlement. You do understand that the founding fathers of Cayman were Europeans, don’t you?
      When you want us to go we will, but say goodbye to everything you now think you possess, because when the hard workers and contributors leave so does the money.
      We can afford to tighten the control of labour from outside our borders, you cannot.
      Just wait until your desperately stupid politicians invoke the new pensions law and attempt to steal our money for two years without interest, you’ll have so many vacancies you won’t know what hit you.

      • Anonymous says:

        6.41pm There you have it folks , the number one reason for the divide Caymanians and some expats . The nasty, disrespectful,condescending content of this post has led to the development of that notorious phrase” You come to go, I am here to stay.You obviously believe that you are the reason for and threrfore entitled to whatever Cayman has achieved and I iam sure this is reflected in your encounters with the ‘natives’. This comment of yours should be taught to our children so that when they are called upon to explain or xenophobia they can then point out exactly who is xenophobic.That last sentence of yours says it all and shows just how ungrateful a person you really are.You are here as our guest , yet you belittle our elected leaders because you obviously want to be in their position, and sit in the LA making laws that would most likely banish Caymanians to a reservation in much the same that Europeans did to native Americans in the USA.

      • Anonymous says:

        You sound like you are exactly what the commenter you’re insulting is referring to. You sound like a privileged European descendant (i.e., white man) who is feeling his undeserved privilege slowly slipping away from him. In your rant you left out that “Europeans and their heritage” STOLE the lands they now inhabit, ENSLAVED hundreds of thousands of people for free labor which lead to the wealth and influence that has trickled down to YOU and disadvantaged the lowly natives you scorn, SLAUGHTERED millions of indigenous people, enacted laws that were nothing less than state sponsored RACISM, relegated dark skinned people to education that was inferior to your own…shall I go on? YOU are the one who feels entitled. Entitled to the world and everything in it because of your so called “heritage”. And maybe you missed the commenters point; Caymanians now understand that they have to be competitive and they are preparing themselves to be just that.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sad sad view of the world my friend. You live your life in that sad paradigm?
          Oh well. They suffer least who suffer what they choose.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lighten up brother. You are living your life tied up in knots with your perception of the past. As far as anybody knows you only have one life so live it NOW.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman was founded by a European, settled by Europeans and is a European soveriegn territory.
          It was an uninhabited and uninhabitable group of islands that were unsettled by any human being until permanent settlement in the early 1700’s. There are no ‘native’ people, you are all immigrants in one form or another. Europeans didn’t settle these islands by conquest, there wasn’t anyone here.
          And since it was you who brought up the oppressive nature of the European white man, let’s examine a few points.

          As far as your obvious sense of persecution and victim hood, get over it, the rest of the world has been enslaved, conquered and brutalised for millennia, including all Europeans at some stage in their history. Many for hundreds of years at a time.
          Stop whining, if you have such a love and a mistaken belief that you would be better off in Africa, please go and try it out and don’t forget to let us know how the Africans treat each other, let alone a whinging westerner who can’t even name the country or region his forefathers came from, let alone the tribe. I know my ancestors came from Mainland Europe, possibly from Roman, Viking, Saxon or Norman extraction, but I don’t harp on about how badly we were treated or try to usurp a culture I know nothing of.
          It’s called history for a reason.

          Please enlighten us to the time when Africans weren’t involved in some form of racial, religious, tribal or ethnic conflict with their own ‘people’. Tell us how many ‘black on black’ murders are committed in the US, the U.K. or Cayman for that matter. And, who is killing who in the garrisons of Jamaica?
          Or is this yet another ludicrous plot by the white man to oppress and kill, even though European colonial rule ended 50+ years ago in most countries?
          You’ve had your own education system for decades, so what’s the excuse for your appalling state schooling record and the numbers of uneducated adults and young people you try to impose on the workforce?
          My friend, you have never needed the Europeans to show you how to oppress each other. After all, who sold the Africans to the Europeans in the first place, how many Europeans do you think actually rounded up millions of slaves in the darkest heart of Africa long before Christian missionaries and modern medicine got there?
          You see, your sense of persecution in regard to Europeans is only valid after the slave markets had sold their cargoes of human misery to the traders. Africa did the rest herself and continues to do so. Only a delusional fool would believe otherwise.

          The problem with so called native ‘Caymanians’, (especially those of Central American and Jamaican descendantcy) is they don’t understand their own history or immigration status. They are so far removed from the original settlers and the few original slaves, (who came here from Jamaica) due to decades of immigration and inter-marriage they have no clue who or what they are and whine on about being ‘generational’ after a mere 3 or 4 generations. What about the 200 years plus prior to that?
          The vast majority are living a lie, based upon a myth that you are all pure bred, generational Caymanians. To pursue your argument, it is actually your descendants who are the invaders, not us, this has always been a European soveriegn territory.

          And as a white man, the only privilege I enjoy is knowing that, like you, I have choices. Choices in lifestyle, choices in education and choices in employment, you should try it sometime instead of playing the hard done by victim whose position in life is everyone else’s fault but their own.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is so funny that Caymanians did not wonder around the world for jobs – they sufficed in their own country. May I ask what have Europeans done for us??? We had a Tourism, Financial Services and Our own History and Culture long before it was discovered by the outside world, and that is why people like you with many others return to our shores – the beautiful, warm loving, hardworking and respectful people gave this place a name on the map and you happen to have wondered here while in your search to help us enjoy God’s gift to every Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Huge difference-EU/UK huge economies-large numbers of people. Caymans is very small and its budget comes from expats and business licenses. If you would like to stop that, fine, however government hand outs will stop and you wont need 6000 civil servants. Who will pay for your easy ride then?

  10. Anonymous says:

    What’s the big fuss about? This happens in Cayman every day and in every sector. Be happy and carry on; things will never change.

  11. Anonymous says:

    CANADIANS are the new Caymanians. Sorry folks but we created this our leaders are to be blamed. Build it and the people will come, they said….. I heard some of our leaders saying we need 250k people to be self sufficient so why are we so upset over foreigners coming to work? We want to rent our apts and homes, sell our products but we get an attitude when employers hire staff from overseas because there are not enough suitable Caymanians to fill the positions. You can’t eat your cake and have it too!

  12. Anonymous says:

    This can only change when the LA allows people that got Status to run for office. They say that the UK is ibetter and a more inclusive society because of such a policy. We got political parties and single member constitution, human rights, same gender rights, rights to stay when the immigration say you have to go. So now why not give people who have become caymanian by grant the right to be elected for political office ? There are rumblings that a legal challenge is eminent as a group of such professionals are coming together to change this.

    • Anonymous says:

      No! If one becomes a US citizen they CANNNOT run for office.

      • Sandy says:

        Obama did.

        • Anonymous says:

          The US has nothing to do with Cayman, which derives it’s legal precedents from the UK. Any British citizen can run for office and many resident non-nationals (notably Irish and Commonwealth citizens) can vote.

      • 345 says:

        Wrong, McCain and Cruz were both not born in the US. And that is only for President, other offices are even more open to anyone who became a US citizen

        • Anonymous says:

          US Law you cannot run for President unless you were born in the United States. Exception is your parents were American citizens living abroad.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sara Pallin is not even a human and she ran as a VP. Does vp count.
          There are people that say, lots of people, smart people that say Donald Trump is an alien. I don’t know. Makes you think.

      • Anonymous says:

        Doh! This isn’t the US, I know CNN probably didn’t tell you that before you left Kansas toto, but it’s really true.

      • Diogenes says:

        BS. They can run for any office other than President.

  13. Anonymous says:

    this issue can only be progressed when people can start talking openly and honestly regarding caymanian emplyment..
    1st step…do a survey or ask any major employer on the island for their experiences when hiring caymaninas….
    you afraid the truth will hurt??????

  14. Anonymous says:

    Too much outside influences, the word is in chaos this is why every county is now scrambling to fix their immigration problem two that comes to mind Brexit and “Donald Thrump’s wall”. Let this foolishness continue and all of “us” will probably get a politician the likes of one we have never seen and most likely regret.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Not to worry, these islands will get politicians that care enough not to be career individuals. One term will be enough for them to overturn the Apple Cart and change the political institution.

  16. Rod Barnett says:

    It is astounding to me that there are over 100 comments to this “throw away” article. For a story that would be considered a filler piece in most places, wow, what a lot of comment.

    Besides, if the government run schools were doing their jobs, there would be few Caymanians looking for jobs in the service industry.

    • Anonymous says:

      there are Caymanian children (born and bred from born and bred Caymanian parents) who attended private schools and are still looking for jobs as well. Don’t make it seem like it is only public school children who are at a disadvantage in the job market. Also there are a lot of Caymanians who only want to work a certain kind of job and nothing else. Work is work until you get into a career you wanted from the beginning. There are hard working kids out there who have graduated, went to university and still have to work jobs that they don’t want but guess what, they are the ones who have ambition. Every country have people who can care less and want everything handed to them.

      A fellow Caymanian (born and bred)

  17. This ad must b a joke. Is it April 1st already

  18. Sunrise says:

    Just looking through my crystal ball, as Peter Tosh, would say. Remembering Holiday Inn, Pageant Beach, Cayman Arms, Seaview Hotel, Galleon Beach, Sunset House, and many more of the oldies. 95% Caymanians employed, 100% customer satisfaction!! In fact most visitors returned every year for our hospitality!! If all you newcomers doubt this, let the records show for themselves. Maybe it is time for some equal rights and justice, as Peter Tosh, would say.

    • MM says:

      Yep, totally agree! And those same Caymanians who were employed working many hours and walking home miles from shift-work; worked hard and humble! They strived for their families and to provide the best opportunities to their children. They understood hard life and were not raised to feel entitled.

      Unfortunately, many wanted to shield their children from the struggles they faced and want to raise their kids with silver spoons in their mouths because the memory of their own trials encouraged them to ensure their own children did not face their youthful struggles.

      What in turn happened is that the generation of entitled Caymanians were born; the ones that felt that they did not want to work as hard as they had seen their parents working and did not want to wait tables and serve food or work shifts and weekends (probably because of hearing their parents’ troubles with such things).

      Eventually, over decades I would say, lack of Caymanian interest in the service industry meant employers had to seek employees elsewhere. And of course some of these employees came with their spouse and their spouses also sometimes found work, the cycle we now see began around this time.

      There is much more to it than just this, but we are all licking self-inflicted wounds right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Spot on MM. And your earlier comment was spot on as well. Not sure why one gets bashed if you/we as Caymanian aren’t on the Expat bashing train. The Deny What Our Children Have Become Train…
        Just know that there are many Caymanians who feel the same and it’s a shame they don’t speak up for fear of being told you don’t love your country.

        Sign me A 3rd Generation Caymanian

  19. Anonymous says:

    The premier only cares about work permit revenue and his short sighted surplus..the board does his bidding even if all are breaking the law…the premier is too scared of the political ramifications of changing to more lenient laws so instead just makes it policy to ignore them. Nobody wants access to NWDA list so the voluntary nature makes it a silly ineffective distraction for premier work permit revenue.

  20. Jessie says:

    3 months? How many bartenders and bar maids that came to our shores and are now self employed wn their own businesses and hire only expats….immigration check the stats and you will be amazed!! Sadly there’s nothing we can do because the immigration system is rigged in cayman and it’s a money making business. We have to accept the facts that caymanians are now like the American Indians. Just the mere fact you are caymanian on an application makes you unemployable. Sad but true.

    • MM says:

      I beg to differ, I am Caymanian and if I interview for a job, 95% of the time I get the position. And the sector I work in is one of the sectors I always hear Caymanians ranting that “THEY only hire expats”…

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong MM, you are anti-Caymanian. I have never seen a post from you that is supportive of Caymanians . Always on the side of the expat.

  21. Anonymous says:

    That beach bar only hires Canadians, only serves you if you are a regular or in your 20’s-30’s. And if you are a young Canadian hunk, you can drink practically for free!
    Good luck getting a drink there under any other circumstances.

    Besides, who is to say that they didn’t already advertised and this was a supplement to that? SO very rare to see a Caymanian server in any capacity where tourists and expats go? Why do you think Cabana is dead on Friday’s now? Can’t get served there unless you are Caymanian.
    Goes both ways sometimes

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not Canadian but I am a young hunk. Could you please let me know which bar this is because alcohol is expensive and I make the reasonable inference from your post that it is young Canadian women who will be serving it to me at no cost. Thanks

    • Anonymous says:

      Last time I went to the cabana I waited long time to be served as the 2 local bartenders were on their phones. Tried everything to get their attention to get a 2nd drink in an empty bar too I may add, but it was futile. Left and went to Rackhams instead even tho we had arranged to meet friends at Cabana. Not surprised they are empty.

  22. MM says:

    I do not know where us Caymanians get this theory that expats just magically come to Cayman and live here. EVERY expat that comes to this island is brought here by a CAYMANIAN one way or the other!

    Companies cannot open unless owned or partly owned by a Caymanian, so every work permit has a Caymanian applying for it in one way or the other. EVERY work permit board member is a Caymanian so the buck stops there. Then there are the Caymanians who choose to marry a foreigner – Caymanian brought that expat too. Then there are the CAYMANIAN politicians elected by the CAYMANIAN population who enact the legislation and there are the CAYMANIAN Immigration enforcement officers and executives there to enforce the immigration laws….

    I am not sure how being on this island is any expats fault and why we insist on telling them to leave. Just about EVERY job on this island has been or was created, directly or indirectly by foreign presence, so technically Caymanians are trying to claim what would not have been claimable without forward-thinking expats who settled here back in the days of turtling and thatch-making!

    Plllleeeeaaaasssseeee, put the BS arguments to rest and do some research on the history and development of these islands, the financial services and tourism industries EXIST because of expats…

    And I wish I could attach my birth certificate to this post for anyone with doubts of my lineage!

    • P&L says:

      MM… Sorry but you are absolutely incorrect.

      There is a formal process to go through if you cannot find local investors. And there are many 100% foreign-owned companies that have taken advantage of this option.

      Then once the company is established they can just take out their own work permit. Many do this using lawyers to make sure it happens as it should.

      Simple. And happens more often than any of us realize. Don’t believe me… Check it out for yourself. Should be a fun FOI for them to answer!

      • MM says:

        The process you are describing is the LLC, I am well aware of it.

        No, not every Caymanian falls in to a negative category, but I cannot stand the way we have been grown to lash out at the people who come here as if they intentionally come to Cayman to disadvantage the natives.

        Most agree that Cayman’s glory days were the 90’s; and people who travel again and again to Cayman come because we are known to be easy-going, friendly and polite people – I feel that it is a shame that we are showing another side of us.

        We cannot blame anyone for coming here, our Government is the one that has to ensure that any business formed or job vacancy proposed is done to the advantage of our people. We have many, many, many Caymanians who have left Cayman for a better life in another country (and yes those countries are much larger with more resources), however, the reality is we do not hear the kind of insults and hurtful comments spewed from the natives their to our people; even though we have hundreds (if not thousands) of Caymanians who head to the UK and within 3 months have social benefits that cannot compare to home (even the convicted Caymanian criminals do it) – and yet I do not see any negative comments directed to our people from the Brits about this.

        I would just like each of us to evaluate ourselves (believe me I was on the side of the fence pelting tomatoes at the expats before too) – but we all lose if we do not work together. There was a time when an advert like this would have made me very upset, but when I looked at this and considered it, no Caymanian can come to mind who I feel would accept this post.

        What about taxi driving? This has proven so lucrative for so many Caymanians, and there are the occasional young Caymanian who attempts it, and why do so many bus owners have to get work permits for public bus drivers?

        I know a very well-known tour operator who tried for months to hire a Caymanian to drive their coaster buses and was even willing to train them for the group 4 license, the recruitment became hopeless.

        I am not sure what is going wrong, but I think we have to evaluate ourselves individually if we are feeling victimized by the expat community and ensure that there is nothing in our lives, self-inflicted that is causing our exclusion in to the advancement of our local population.

        I do not mean to sound anti-patriotic, I love my island and the people; but the quickest way to find a solution to a problem is to make sure you are not the problem. And it is a shame the good must suffer and be stereotyped with the bad, but my comments would have to get too much longer in order for me to effectively define the various groups of the Caymanian population so all must choose where they align.

        Historically Caymanians and Expats worked together and neither group felt intimidated by the other, each were willing and happy to share and exchange knowledge – those were the golden days of Cayman. The only thing that has changed is our attitude.

    • Anonymous says:

      MM You have stated in the past that you are Caymanian but you have consistently sided with expats whenever you post a viewpoint or make a comment.Maybe you have a piece of paper that says you are Caymanian but your heart’s not.The very fact that you refuse to give Caymanians credit for creating any jobs says it all.In my opinion you are no more a Caymanian than the Statue of Liberty.Understand this MM ..when you are putting down my country, you’re walking on the fighting side of me.

      • MM says:

        Call it siding or whatever you want to call it – our obvious problem is blaming others for the state of this country when we elected our politicians (well, I didn’t, but whoever did, did).

        My intention is not to “put down” my people, it is to make us think and consider. If you take a stroll in to our local archives (which many of us do not), however I have spent hours and days there, I quite love the place. You will find records of our ancestors selling out their Seven Mile Beach and oceanfront South Sound land for as low as twelve pounds in the early 20th century – so now as I watch our people argue and complain about the condominiums and that the “expats running us off our beaches” etc etc etc, it shows lack of connection with our past.

        I am just as upset as any other Caymanian about the fact I can barely find a spare piece of beach to lie out in the sun with my kids on SMB, and Rum Point may as well post signs that we are not invited – however, I recognize the fact that my own people sold our rights to these properties and now we are suffering the consequences. Blaming, insulting and raising war with foreigners is not the solution, the solution is to recognize how we got to this point and deal with that.

        Our laws are effectively designed to invite expats to this country, is that the expats fault? I am NOT siding with either group, I am calling out what I see.

        For example, it is rare that a Caymanian tries to grab a real estate job, but these have proven so lucrative, but the fact that it is wholly commission based and requires some serious hard work to make it, this is rarely a caymanian’s first choice; and yet we have hundreds of expat realtors – we have simply given over our right to our property and are allowing others to sell it out for us.

        There is a much more intricate structure to this entire issue than anyone is willing to examine, but it is still true that no expat is able to remain on this island without direct or indirect Caymanian participation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t want to burst your bubble but it is not a country.
        Caymanians, in the grand scheme of things have created or manufactured nothing and quoting country and western lyrics was cool back in the 1970s and really still belongs there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nonsense. You ignore driftwood and fronting when you claim everyone is brought here by Caymanians.

      • MM says:

        Our Caymanian politicians define the Permanent Residency (driftwood) laws, so there is a Caymanian at the helm of that too.

      • ziggy says:

        Fronting has a Caymanian owner, they are using the ex-patriot labour/expertise to make their income.

  23. Anonymous says:

    If the advert was aimed for the local market, tips per night would be down to a dollar

    I love it when my server kisses their teeth at me for asking a question

    • Anonymous says:

      This is part of our problem. The level of disrespect on both sides has gotten out of control. People who don’t even know us make steep generalizations and feel justified and confident in doing so. This is what “we” allowed to happen so we must deal with it one way or the other.

      And how do you know who is a Caymanian bartender anyway? Are you striking up friendly conversation and asking about background? Or are you talking down to them in the same sarcastic tone you display here. Yeah… I’d prob suck my teeth at you too! Maybe you should go back home before you get more than sucked teeth.

    • Anonymous says:

      4.46pm I guess you would not tip because you want it to go to one of those Canadians.

  24. Anonymous says:

    My only comment on here and I’m sure I will get alot of responses. I am Caymanian I welcome anyone who wants to come work in my country, whether it be because you can’t make ends meet in yours or you’re just here for the experience and sunshine. My problem is when expats come here work and put down my country and expect for us to roll over and play dead. It doesn’t work that way, ok! Yes there are some Caymanians who are lazy and don’t want to work and more there are more that love to work and have been looking and can’t get work because of ads like these.

    Don’t come into someone’s country trying to make your life better, disrespect it and not expect to have any insults about you and yours. If you don’t like my country, please leave our money and our island.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m an expat and this is spot on. Respect the place you live like it’s your own.


      (I’m not religious, that was just a turn of phrase)

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah, the reason the money is so good is to make up for having to live in the place.

    • Anonymous says:

      Strange how the new pension law wants us to leave your island however, our money has to stay on “your Island” and is classed by you as “our money”. Sums it up really. Let me know how your economy is doing by September. Plenty of people rolling themselves over early!

      • Anonymous says:

        Thanks for showing your true colors, here for only the money. I guess it’s not good enough in our country. Our Economy will be just fine, you should start packing from now though, sounds like it will a busy day at the airport!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Thanks for invite but I left in March. I could see the writing on the wall. I just need to sell my house in Savannah and I will be happy.
          By the way, the door didn’t hit me on the way out and I rolled myself over four years early before you mention it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone notice it’s a three-month contract? So the employer can’t commit to a permanent position. That alone probably rules out a Caymanian. More importantly, all you unemployed Caymanian bartenders now know a local bar needs staff. There’s nothing stopping you from contacting them and making your case.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except it wasn’t advertised for Caymanians! The inference is – do not bother to apply!

      • Anonymous says:

        How do you know it wasn’t also aimed at Caymanians? As has been said elsewhere this can be one of many adverts and we just don’t know what preceded it… multiple local adverts with no suitable applicants? We can guess but lets not state assumptions as facts!!

        • Anonymous says:

          It was written by a Canadian and expressly sought applications from Canadians only. What part of THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE is not being understood?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thats because the minimum amount on a work permit is 3 months

  26. Anonymous says:

    Foreigners will soon overthrow the whole of Grand Cayman and these islands!! People here are just too lazy and frankly losing their Caymanian heritage.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your “heritage” is leaving you and your People poorly equipped to deal with the what the world is becoming. Look at the recent news about what is “missing” in the schools. Your heritage is turning out kids who have little regard for learning to be responsible and successful in the future. There is good reason that Companys here want workers that are interested serving costumers and earning a living by hard work. Many of those are your own hard working and responsible home grown Caymanians. There just is not enough of them to go around.

    • Anonymous says:

      Brits you mean? I’ll give you a clue. Look at the flag.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Alot of Canadians come to The Island and work as bartenders for three months and after that the move on to different jobs. They only use the bars to get here!

  28. Anonymous says:

    I known of more than one bar on the island where it is widely known and understood that the jobs will go to Canadians.

  29. Anonymous says:

    If only our leaders had the guts to place a moratorium on certain industries.

    Start with advertising jobs TO locals (especially students attending university, recent graduates), using the few veterans we have and don’t allow any permits for bartenders and junior jobs on beach and dive boats for 3 years and see how many Caymanians show interest and demonstrate their willingness and ability to serve in the Tourism industry.

    Try it and get research to prove this point because individuals see and feel it but more definitive research COMBINED with concerted efforts to help locals will give good indication about how ‘right’ locals are about the situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Whilst many countries have controls, Cayman is too small. All that will happen here is that even if people do go into that industry from Cayman, they will want more pay and that will push prices up further making the Cayman product even less competitive than it is now, unless CIG is prepared to give import duty concessions to those companies that do it. If CIG did that, combined with proper apprenticeships on how to serve etc then you are in with half a chance. To force business to employ people will end up just pissing off the very people that pay-the tourists-who will then tell their friends about sloppy service and poor attitude and stay away, losing more jobs…it is a vicious circle. Not unbreakable, but vicious.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well let’s call the bluff…. I’m willing to take the risk but glad to note the defences, as if we’d suffer more, is another scare tactic and people who tend to try and scare us usually worry that we might follow through

  30. Anonymous says:

    The recruitment agencies do the same thing on their sites. I remember seeing an ad for and HR Manager and the ad was worded to attract people to our shores with sweet temptations like, lovely beaches and short commutes. So clearly not even attempting to attract Caymanians.

    The long and short of it (in my opinion of course) is that there are plenty of jobs to go around – so if we followed our laws and ensured that Caymanians have a fair and even chance at job opportunities then by all means hire expats for the overflow of jobs.

    Expats are quick to criticise Caymanians for this “us against them mentality” – but don’t stop to wonder where it comes from. Both are guilty of it. If we didn’t feel like people come here and looked down on our culture, practices and laws then we would not attempt to fiercely defend ourselves. Vicious statements are made from both sides.
    Caymanians are lazy.
    Jamaicans are thieves.
    Canadians are cheep.
    Filipinos work hard but can’t be trusted.
    Americans are arrogant.
    Brits are snobs.

    It is no more acceptable for all Caymanians to be painted with the lazy brush anymore than it is for any other broad, sweeping, stereotypical statement.

    “get over ourselves”? “Ourselves” didn’t get this way overnight!!!

    BTW – seeking a “Canadian” for a position is also discriminatory. Why does nationality have to be stated at all?!?!?!

    • Anonymous says:

      I have two comments; Firstly, we Brits are not snobs and secondly please put us at the top of the list next time, not the bottom.

      • Jose says:

        firstly, nobody cares what you want, go back to the uk if you want to be at the top of a list

        • Anonymous says:

          Thanks Jose, top notch commenting there.

          • Anonymous says:

            sounds like Jose doesn’t quite grasp the concept of humour

            • Anonymous says:

              Sounds like Jose hasnt really got a grasp of Cayman’s history, heritage and its soveriegn power. But then as a descendent from immigrants himself he should have taken time out to learn the basics of his adopted culture.
              You see, we don’t have to be at the top of the list Jose, we are the only list you need to understand as this is our territory and you are a British citizen. Or are you?

        • Anonymous says:

          And secondly? Oh there is no second point so a little pointless starting with ‘firstly’.

        • Anonymous says:

          This clearly states 3 months employment. So a temporary work permit for which there is no need whatsoever to advertise for. If the job becomes longer then a full permit is required and the normal adverts are required.

          • Anonymous says:

            You are still only permitted to apply for a temporary work permit if no local is available to do the job.

            • Anonymous says:

              BUT advertisements are not required for temps so how will Caymanians know to apply?

              • Anonymous says:

                The fact is that the system relies on employers to be honest, to attempt to recruit Caymanians and (generally) to only seek permission to employ a foreign national where there is no reasonable alternative. If employers do not live up to the standards required in order for the system to operate, they ought not be allowed to participate in it.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are too funny?? I think the Brits should be listed just below Caymanians

    • Anonymous says:

      Us Brits are rightfully snobbish. And always correct too. Get used to it!

    • Anonymous says:

      “Ourselves” didn’t get this way overnight? Maybe not but is up to “ourselves” to get back to normal acceptable behavior.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think this ad was placed in Canada….that’s why it says Canadian bartenders.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Expressing concerns?? spitting pure venom more like – disgraceful posts from both sides

  32. Anonymous says:

    I saw this on facebook and some of the comments back and forth are disgusting. Do people really need to be having public arguments on FB – grow up folks!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Just need to change the job title to ‘director of bartenders or’ bartender manager’ or even CEO bartender would have had loads of applicants then

  34. Anonymous says:

    The only thing worse than the mindset that composed this despicable job advert is the one that defends it.

    Congrats to each and every one of you.

    – Whodatis

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously, the only thing worse,you have a strange mindset.

      A few things worse; rape, torture, murder, to name a few

      You actually believe defending the job advert, is the worst thing ever

      You must have lived a very sheltered, privileged life

    • Anonymous says:

      Despicable, me?

  35. Caymanian idiot says:

    This is going g to offend some but how many caymanians do you see working in the industry? Not many, I can name only a couple of bars & restaurants that have locals working and most of the locals are working part time and only in the resturant.

    Now with the advert on the media, how do you not know that this same bar dint place an advert with the labour dept and news paper and didn’t get one application?

    What the immigration dept has to investigate with these bars and restaurants is fronting, again how do certain expats have 5 or 6 bars, and their caymanian partner works as a junior manager in a financial services company, now that’s were the problem is but this will never get investigated NEVER!

    Anyway back to locals working in the service industry, people get over it, Canadians don’t like money! Sh.. I know servers and bartenders who make $200 per day in tips and other who make more but Caanoans don’t want to serve people because it’s beneath us!

    Until Caymanians get off their high horse you won’t be able to change this industry and or bars advertising overseas so get over it.

  36. Anonymous says:

    The person isn’t exactly I identified if you’re posting her (what appears to be personal) email address (which is her name!), CNS…

  37. Anon says:

    In five years in Cayman, I was NEVER served by a Caymanian in a bar or a restaurant. Not once!
    It is staggering and almost unbelievable that in a service based economy, none of the indigenous workforce is willing or prepared to work in the service sector.
    I met many bar and restaurant owners who despaired at ever recruiting Caymanians and didn’t expect to.
    Even when offered work, Caymanians turned it down and the most common reason they gave was that they didn’t want to work on Friday or Saturday evenings or at the weekends.

    • Anonymous says:

      This comment reminds me of a restaurant on the waterfront that re-opened and claimed to have a recruitment drive. Locals came out but they still found EVERY excuse not to hire them. The manager would put the resume of locals in a drawer never to be seen by HR even. How do I know this? I was the sole Caymanian working there and saw it with my own 2 eyes. Eventually I got out – who wants to work in an environment like that? Then they run to immigration to get WPs approved saying no locals want to work there. Lots of crap going on in this small island!

      • Prii says:

        Oh I remember that debacle…. There were caymanian applicants in droves…. so it was to everyone’s shock when they reopened and lo and behold… almost NO caymanian workers

    • Anonymous says:

      You do know that the vast majority of Caymanians are of mixed heritage, right? In other words, they are the bastard children of slavemasters and slaves? Kind of a complicated relationship to personal service, either to each other or foreigners. Just FYI.

    • Anonymous says:

      So… first of all I too spent a number of years working happily in Cayman (among a predominantly Caymanian workforce) and continue to return as a happy (and I believe welcome) visitor.

      Yes my experience was that foreigners were far and away the majority of bar staff taken across the industry as a whole. But you say that you ‘never’ (I won’t bother with your capital shouting) had a Caymanian server???. Maybe that says more about where you spent your time in 5 years on GC than about what you put claim to be Caymanian unwillingness to work in bars / restaurants full stop (to quote ‘none of…’).

      Yes, if people stick to Lone Star, Deckers etc etc etc they probably won’t be served by a Caymanian (I am not going to get into discussing here why that might be or whether that is right – that is a valid but entirely different conversation). But if people go to some other excellent bars / eateries other than the main tourist traps I would suggest they will have a different experience.

      There is nothing that says that Expats should be forced to go anywhere lese than expat focussed joints but we need to be very careful not to assume that Cayman does not exist beyond that limited sample when making such sweeping statements about Caymanians and where they will / won’t or do / don’t work. Such (inaccurate) generalisations are helping to give Expats the bad rap I see here – it just exposes the ignorance and insularity of many, which is then implied to apply to the whole group.

      • Anon says:

        Of course my comment says something about where I spent my time. I thought that would be obvious. It would be a little silly for me to comment on places I never visited wouldn’t it? Is that what you do?
        The “capital shouting” was for emphasis. It was designed to grab your attention.
        I am pleased and satisfied that it worked.
        My work here is done. I will say no more.

    • No evil says:

      Or for 4.50 5.00 a hour

  38. A. Kaimanda says:

    When I read the ad, I thought it must be some kind of scam. I’m still not sure it isn’t. Why doesn’t our GIG check it out?

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG check it out?….Please see the Chief Officers response quoted in the article.
      Talk about politically correct Govt. dribble…

  39. KeepUrTwoSense. says:

    blah blah blah, no Caymanian going work in a bar room. We all know that so una try relax about this Caymankind bs.

    • Up With Hope says:

      Just because the majority of Caymanians may not be interested does not mean that the company can recruit whomever they feel like. That sets a really bad precedent that could trickle over to other industries and pretty soon Caymanians will be more brazenly ostracized from every type of job.

      • Anonymous says:

        In my opinion if it if my business I can hire who I want to.

      • Anonymous says:

        So the fact that you are not interested means we have to what? Wait until we die to see if you decide to come work for us? That attitude is the problem and if you cannot see it then you deserve everything you get.

  40. Anonymous says:

    In 1983 a bartender was makings CI$9.00 per hour. 1997 a bartender was makings CI$10.00 per hour then 2006 the wages was$ 3.50 to $4.50 now its $6.50 that is a sign of cheaper labour higher profits or slave labour. Every day we see more ant Caymanian issues arising keep it ip Sir Lindon Pindling will be elected may 2017.

  41. Soldier Crab says:

    I would like to see a comment from Andy Martin

  42. annoynmous says:

    I have this girl on facebook and noticed she changed her status to generic pretty quickly. People are harassing her for a mistake she made in typing Canadian. Poor girl. Cayman kind my ass. No where did it mention Canadian ONLY.

    • Dishante says:

      Stop with the non-sense, you and everyone who read her post knew that was not a mistake or a typographical error. Not all Caymanians are idiots and not all of us will stand for the segregation and hate from the foreign population. I have worked in various industries along with foreign nationals from many countries and can safely say that 90% only pretend to like locals.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let’s burn her at the stake for this!!! However everyday I see Caymanian families advertising jobs for Filipina nannies, how is that different and accepted? Furthermore in order to get this “Canadian” bartender a permit this job had to be advertised in a local paper and listed on the NWDA website. So I would assume after this process she still hasn’t found anyone qualified she should be able to recruit from overseas. We may have some industries or companies that are against hiring locals and that is terrible but from what I have seen the service industry has tried many times and continues to try and recruit locally. Cayman Island Tourist Association did a big drive with the NWDA and sent top HR professionals to all the districts so potential recruits did even really have to travel, does anybody remember how many unemployed Caymanians turned up?

      • Anonymous says:

        Look up her employer’s website. They cannot even spell George Town.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ask yourself why. The answer will hurt.

      • annoynmous says:

        If it wasn’t a mistake then why did she repost it as a generic ad? I am a Caymanian and the way Sandra and her gang of haters attacked her says more about them than it does about her. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’m confident this woman will come up from this despite all attempts to have her leave/fail. I have yet to see an expat liquor rep with the passion she has.

  43. Anonymous says:

    wow…so caymankind is now trying to control social media postings?????
    get over yourselves….if you were willing and able…there would be no need for these type of posts…

    • Anonymous says:

      Smh driftwood

    • Willing and Able says:

      It’s the mentality you’ve displayed why many opportunities do not invite Caymanians. Its very simple minded to say we are not willing and able. I had 3 jobs at the age of 18. Including the food and beverage industry. I personally saw the foreign managers move others (servers) who were on work permit and train them for bartending whereas, Caymanian employees at that establishment (including myself) pleaded to be cross-trained as well.

      I am open-minded enough to know that this is not this case everytime and that some Caymanian’s use it as an excuse to argue.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:22…you really have to be a DONKEY to believe what you are saying. Do you hear yourself?!

      Any intelligent being… surely would know, that there are lazy people unwilling to work everywhere, whatever the country… expats and locals.

      Silence is the best option when you have nothing sensible to say…and that goes for all, no matter where you were born. Or if you are Caymanian or expat working here on permit.

      Silly prejudice person… whoever you are!

      • Anonymous says:

        11.06 almost right. Except us expats have no rights and get fired if we get lazy. its not an option if we want to stay.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, lets try to be Canadian so we can apply for this one….

  44. Anonymous says:

    Good luck finding a Caymanian prepared to work in the service industry. Compared to every other country on the planet Caymanians are disproportionately clever and qualified as a nation and therefore should not expect to have to take jobs other than in the financial services industry.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Where are the arrests? Where are the revocations of permits and business licenses? Why do we even bother to have laws and rules?

    • Missing The Point says:

      Please explain what law is being broken here to warrant an arrest.

      • Jose says:

        not broken, however the laws are severely bended in favor of expats and that is no lie

      • Anonymous says:

        Breaches of the Immigration law and regulations by preferring a particular nationality over Caymanians. Breaches of the constitution and anti discrimination provisions in the Labour law by preferring one particular nationality over any other non Caymanian without any proportionate reason to do so.

        In addition, breaches of the general rule anywhere in the world that you respect the rules and mores and culture of the place you have chosen to move to and live in if you wish to feel welcomed and accepted and not screw it up for everyone by being an insensitive prick and spitting in the face of the society that you claim to have become a part of.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is the arrest able offence committed? I am genuinely interested in both the offence and at what level you studied criminal law.

  46. MM says:

    Well in all my years I do not know any Caymanians who actively seek out bartending positions anyway.

    I understand our Immigration law and the difficulty of my people finding employment right now, however, this is not a position that many Caymanians pursue. It is well-known locally that many people from Canada come to Cayman and are content with performing at excellent customer service levels in their bartending posts. Focusing on efficiently serving and entertaining their customers.

    From my experiences at the bar counter of some Grand Cayman watering holes; Canadian bartenders are friendly, attentive and entertaining; they view their job as a professional career and take it very seriously… I cannot say the same for the one or two Caymanian bartenders I have witnessed who approach the counter and their customer in a “wha you drinkin'” kind of way. They flip the top off your beer, almost pelt the bottle at you, grab the cash and toss the change back to you… maybe it’s just me.

    Bartending is more than just popping tops and mixing drinks – it is an art and takes skill, patience, interest and an amiable personality. Bar-owners must be conscious of who they choose for the job because a customer lost to bad service very rarely returns.

    • Fun bring bun says:

      I agree to some extent but that should not exempt ALL caymanians from an opportunity of employment in their own country! You can’t paint every caymanian with the same brush! Every country has their lazy, incompetent bunch. I am caymanian and have lived in a few other countries where i’ve encountered that same attitude. Do I run off and say canadians are this, or the english are that? And if the phrase “wha you drinkin” really bothers you you need to drop anchor elsewhere because this is cayman! If i ever went to a bar in the states and complained how the locals spoke l would be ran out of town! No tourist comes to cayman wanting to hear “eh”, “howdy”, or “mate”. I’ve been told this a zillion times.

      I agree good customer service is imperative in order to run a successful business, but to circumvent the correct process and try to justify the issue with that BS is just wrong. But anything flies in paradise because unfortunately many of my country men, some of them our leaders, don’t have a spine and these issues are washed away like foot prints on the shoreline.

      • MM says:

        I said “wha you drinkin'” KIND OF WAY – not emphasizing on accent here; I was trying to impress upon the no care, no customer service, toss the product response one gets when trying to order…

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s all irrelevant here you are missing the point. The point is that laws are blatantly circumvented. In any other country you have to go through the process to obtain a work permit or you come in illegally, and if the latter, there are consequences.

      If there is no Caymanian bartender going to apply anyway (as you say) then there is nothing to worry about. You go through the proper process, couldn’t find anyone locally, then you are going to recruit off Island.

      BUT the problem is that people in Cayman think because it is a tiny Island they can do as they please.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, in my experience a lot of the Canadians are obnoxiously full of themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing sounds sweeter than my caymanian accent…

  47. Anonymous says:

    Caymanian unemployment is a myth.

  48. Anonymous says:

    So if there are no local bartenders available then a business is not allowed to advertise outside the country?
    I don’t understand why the government doesn’t focus on training and education rather than trying to stifle business. The last I checked bartending wasn’t a tremendously popular job for Caymanians. If it was, you would expect every bar to be staffed by locals.


    • Anonymous says:

      It was, until they were forced out of it. An example was Violet at XXXXX? Reported to be the best paid person in tourism at the time. She was well placed to inspire younger Caymanians to follow in her steps. Then the love of cheap labor, abusive hours with no overtime, and North American managers seeking to employ their own kind took over.

      • Anonymous says:

        Violet remains a legend. Yes she was very well paid, but she left of her own accord.

        • Anonymous says:

          No one said she did not leave of her own accord. Only that the door to the next generation of Caymanians was slammed in their face.

          • Anonymous says:

            Actually it was implied that she was forced out. A statement was made that it was popular work until Caymanians were forced out and then the only example of a Caymanian working as a bartender given turns out to be someone who simply retired.

            How were Caymanians forced out of bartending jobs exactly?

            Why would an employer pay high permit fees instead of taking a Caymanian as a bartender? Business owners will always do what is right for the bottom line so paying a high permit fee must be for a reason.


        • Anonymous says:

          I would love to know why people are giving this a ‘lol’ but I have a hunch. Must have been before my time.

        • Anonymous says:

          And she worked in her industry at a time when every bar was staffed by locals. If Caymanians used to be good at running and working in bars what happened? Abuse and ostracism by predominantly North American managers is what happened!

    • Anonymous says:

      Following the law is stifling you? Then please go elsewhere and try that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then they will take their job and tax dollars with them.

        • Anonymous says:

          Fine. We were better without them and would be again. We embrace those who are willing to embrace us. The others, please leave.

      • Anonymous says:

        I remember when all bartenders were Caymanians. I do realise that things have changed and those kinds of jobs are not marketed to locals anymore. If you see a job ad stating “Canadian” then you know it is not marketed for Caymanians and it would be a waste of time to apply because believe me this business has all the answers why a Caymanian would not cut it. Tasha Garcia should really liaise with immigration and ensure that no permit is granted unless there is definitely no other persons applying for this job. That is what it means for immigration and labour to work together not sitting up in the office rehashing the policy balarney. Policy, no matter how good it is needs to be implemented if we are expecting change.

      • Jotnar says:

        How exactly is this any evidence of a law being broken? There is nothing to stop an employer advertising overseas, or specifying the nationality of th employee they wish to employ. They are not going to get the employee on island or transferred from another job without a work permit anyway. Now if they tried to specify nationality in the local ad they have to place or offering lower remuneration then they were actually going to pay, that would would an offence. But CNS has no evidence that is the case. For all you know this follows an unsuccessful attempt to recruit locally.

        Personally I would be highly surprised if a bar owner who was prejudiced felt this was a good idea or even necessary to get the Canadian they wanted. They have to advertise anyway. They just need to say is$6 an hour plus tips and lots of overtime and antisocial hours. They will get no applications and can apply for the permit. So the conspiracy theory looks a bit illogical.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is unlawful to specify a particular non Caymanian nationality without good and proportionate reason to do so. Do do so is unlawful discrimination on the basis of national origin.

          • Anonymous says:

            I find it hilarious that you are talking about “unlawful discrimination on the basis of national origin” when your entire point is discrimination in favor of Caymanians (read as “on the basis of national origin”).

          • Anonymous says:

            it is only unlawful for the employer. You would need to prove this was done on behalf of the employer AFTER an actual hiring took place that you could prove was based on the given ad. Which, good luck.

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