Lawyer guilty of GBH, reckless driving

| 17/06/2016 | 136 Comments
Cayman News Service

Ford Mustang involved in the crash that injured two tourists, shown her in local car show

(CNS): A jury took just a few hours to find corporate lawyer Simon Courtney (50) guilty of GBH and reckless driving in connection with a car crash in January 2015 outside the Villas of the Galleon. Courtney lost control of his special edition 633HP Ford Mustang sports car as he was leaving the Ritz-Carlton following a $125 champagne brunch and ploughed into two tourists walking along the pavement. Cathy and Richard Schubert were heading to dinner at the Sunshine Suites when Courtney mowed them down, causing them both serious injury.

Courtney, dressed in a grey suit, remained perfectly still as the verdict was read to the court. He was bailed to return on 25 July for sentencing after his attorney asked for a social enquiry report.

Courtney, who works at Forbes Hare, had denied the charges and claimed he had not been drunk at the time and had lost control of the car as a result of a technical problem with the wheel and tyres on the sports car. He also denied deliberately leaving the scene of the accident to avoid a breath-test, claiming he had left the scene to phone 911 because he did not have a mobile phone with him at the time but he became disoriented caused by shock and an injury he said he sustained in the crash.

Cayman News Service

Simon Courtney

But CCTV footage and witnesses to the incident painted a different picture and indicated that Courtney, rather than seeking help was looking to get away from the scene, and remained at large until after 5:00 the morning after the crash. He admitted waking up under a bush on the Britannia golf course covered in blood, mud and sand before making his way home. Courtney claimed that he went to the police station around 7am but said he was sent away to return that night. However, there was no record of him going to any police station at that time.

Following a call to his wife from the investigating officer on the case later that day asking for him to come in, Courtney accompanied by his attorney, met with police some 24 hours after the crash. He also claimed that he had attended hospital and suffered a concussion but no medical evidence was placed before the court to substantiate the claim.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (136)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is not over

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am the son of the victims. This drunken guy plowed my parents down. It’s a miracle either one survived. CCTV has him running away and hiding. He hid and slept on a golf course to avoid dui. This guy is a monster.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It’s the Christian based culture of this God given Island that keeps sin, and the likes of Simon at bay.. wait we have sin and we have people like Simon none the less. I guess the Christians gotta pray harder, or the Jews, maybe Muslims? Idk. Hope I didn’t offend anyone or anything….. Anyways Just so long as Simon finds his ass in jail and asking for forgiveness through the one almighty God of this universe, Flying Spaghetti Monster. Ramen my fellow brethren, Ramen.

  4. Commercial Road says:

    I think some of the comments here are totally over the top. More like those of hooting and panting chimpanzees rather than objective observers. Yes, he was reckless, and left the scene of the accident, but he did not intend to hurt those poor tourists. I think the comments reveal too much of the commentators’ own prejudices – whether because he is a lawyer, an expat lawyer, champagne bruncher, an Australian, sports car owner etc etc. He’s committed the crime and now must do the time. But some of the more extreme rhetoric should be saved for crimes that involve intention eg murder, rape etc rather that mere recklessness or cowardice.

    • Cassidy says:

      How can you possibly know what his intentions were?

      You are gifted!

    • Commercial Road's Dad says:

      I’m here from the future to tell you that you are stupid twat.

      He was extremely reckless (criminally so as the jury found), caused serious harm to this couple and ran from the scene when, if he had called for help, would have ensured that they were tended to more rapidly – thus avoiding some long term injury.

      I can tell that for you the “politics of politeness” trumps being an actual functioning adult in the face of adversity and hope that you get the therapy at some point you obviously require.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps if he not fought his 2012 speeding charge he might not be in the situation now. Obviously he has a problem that he needs to seek help with. The sooner he accepts that the better off he will be. Shame on you I hope the schuberts have recovered from this ordeal.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Rice & Peas for Brunch, soon come!

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