Zika closes in but Cayman still free of the virus

| 22/03/2016 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

Aedes aegypti mosquito

(CNS): With five reported cases of Zika in Jamaica and four in Cuba, the virus is getting closer to Cayman but these islands have still not seen any infections. Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said that as of 21 March, there were still no reported cases of Zika in the Cayman Islands. However, the virus has been confirmed in 63 countries around the world, with local transmission even recorded in countries that do not have the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, suggesting sexual transmission of the virus.

The public health doctor explained that tests in Cayman have so far proved negative but the virus is spreading all over the world.

“Since January 2016, 27 cases have been routinely tested for Chikungunya virus, dengue fever and Zika virus. All tests have returned negative,” he said. “Globally, a total of 62 countries and territories have reported autochthonous (local) transmission of the Zika virus. Of note, four countries, France, Italy, New Zealand and the United States, have reported local acquisition of the virus in the absence of being bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, suggesting cases of likely sexual transmission.” said Dr. Williams-Rodriquez

Eight sexually transmitted cases have been confirmed worldwide and as a result Dr Williams-Rodriguez said people with a travel history to countries reporting Zika cases should take appropriate measures, including safe sex, to reduce the possibility of spread through sexual intercourse. “This holds especially true for pregnant women whose partners live in or travel to areas endemic to the virus,” he added.

Williams-Rodriguez said the alert for pregnant mothers relates to a possible link with Zika to an increase in microcephaly, when a baby’s head is smaller than normal because of slowed or incomplete brain development.

Dr Bill Petrie head of the Mosquito Research and Control (MRCU) said his team continues to take measures to mitigate the rise in the Aedes aegypti population.

“We have over the past several weeks embarked on a comprehensive programme of house-to-house inspections and treatments to reduce Aedes aegypti populations and survey to determine the potential for Aedes aegypti breeding, in anticipation of the Zika virus being introduced to Cayman,” he said.

The MRCU has completed an island-wide survey of Grand Cayman, and is collating data as part of its preparatory phase. “This will prove very useful as we move into Phase Two of our Contingency Plan, by enabling targeting of specific areas, particularly with the onset of the rainy season,” he said. “We are consequently well prepared to respond to the possible introduction of the Zika virus, and to combat the carrier mosquito. While Aedes aegypti is not established on the Sister Islands, we will conduct a similar survey on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman as a precautionary measure.”

Dr Williams-Rodriguez said all Zika related recommendations and updates will be reviewed and circulated in the public domain as new evidence of the disease becomes available.

Symptoms of the Zika Virus:

The symptoms of the Zika virus are very similar to that of dengue and chikungunya; they include fever, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis, headache, nausea, and rash. There is no vaccine or treatment; however, symptoms (which last approximately four to seven days) are treatable.

To relieve fever and pain associated with the virus, it is recommended that persons drink lots of fluids and take pain relievers such as Paracetamol. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided to reduce the risk of haemorrhage. Residents are also reminded that the infection may present itself as asymptomatic (showing no symptoms).

Symptoms usually appear following an incubation period of three to 12 days after the bite of an infected mosquito, lasting between four to seven days, and are self-limiting. Complications of the infection requiring hospitalisation are rare.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A good lit joint and some Off should keep them away ??

  2. Anonymous says:

    CNS always fails to mention that this is a STD not a misquito born virus

    CNS: That’s because the medical and scientific community say it is a mosquito-borne virus and only now think it may also be transferred by sexual contact, something that we do consistently say in our reports.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you have sex with a mosquito?

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS is right — ZIKA is a mosquito-borne disease that can also be transmitted through bodily fluids. This is not that unusual. And CNS does mention that in its stories. We must continue to do our part and remain vigilant and inspect our environments for items that could retain water. Water-filled receptacles in our own yards are the breeding ground for the offending mosquito. WE MUST TAKE THIS THREAT SERIOUSLY. ZIKA has a horrific impact on newborns and can cause a serious condition for adults.

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