Teenager shot outside 7MB nightspot

| 19/12/2015 | 59 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): An 18-year-old boy from George Town was recovering from a gunshot wound at the Cayman Island Hospital Saturday, following a shooting in the early hours of the morning outside a nightclub in Seven Mile shops along the West Bay Road. Police said that 911 received the report around 3:30am and officers went to the location. Sources have confirmed that the shooting took place outside the Nectar Lounge. An RCIPS spokesperson explained that police went to the hospital at around 5:40am, where a doctor confirmed that a teenager had arrived there earlier with a gunshot wound to his lower torso.

The young man is still at the hospital but is said to be in a stable and non-life threatening condition and police from George Town CID are now investigating the circumstances in what appears to be a connected incident.

This is the third violent incident to happen in the Seven Mile shopping plaza near to the Nectar Lounge in less than a month. On 21 November an 18-year-old was stabbed with an ice-pick outside the bar and on 5 December a woman was injured when two brawls broke out in the car-park.

Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to contact George Town CID at 949-4222 or the RCIPS’ tip-line at 949-7777 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (59)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why is the liquor licensing board not taking any action in this case? I own a bar and at the end of the night my security ensures that my parking lot is cleared of all persons. If anyone refuses to leave, I call the police. Simple. Why is the owner of this nightclub turning a blind eye to what is happening outside of his premises? And why is he allowed to get away with so much breaches? Sounds like a lot of favours are flying around here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Police too soft and paro.

    • Conscience says:

      To all those who have cited their nationalities as not being involved, remember your own countries, and your problems with youth. Also pray or wish that they don’t start coming to your drinking enclaves these youths for with your arrogance there surely will be an epic battle to contend with.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Recently, I have been seeing a lot of younger adults who are immature and too young to be at this location. I think that the night club should make it a policy that their customers are only “21 and older”. Although this may not stop the violence, it could limit or decrease the incidents that happen at the location by young adults under the age of 21. However, as I am only one customer who has stopped going to this location, particularly for the increase of young adults, making a policy of “21 and older” would be the only reason for me to go their again.

    On the other hand, night clubs and bars in Cayman should revise their customer policy, particularly the age of their customer. Lets push for “21 and older.”

    • Makes no sense. You always have some ding dong security guard who NEVER asks for ID or assists in sneaking the babies in anyway. Hence, why I don’t go out anymore. Surrounded by kids whose parents could careless that they are in a nightclub getting stabbed or being the stabber.

      Jus sayin’ still…

  4. Anonymous says:

    A good rule of thumb is that the more expensive the drinks the less your chances of being shot.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I worked at that place when it was named Sapphire, best spot on the island at the time. Every hour or so the police would drive around the parking lot and almost always by closing time, that is a fact. Once it became a spot for “lower income” patrons… nowhere to be seeing. 98 % of the fights at nectar has been at closing time, how hard can it be to send a police unit on Fridays around that time …

  6. Anonymous says:

    Who owns this hole?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I guarantee that no Canadian or UK national was involved.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This Nightclub has been the magnet for a lot of violence in the last few years. I think that the owner/s should shut it down or the liquor licensing should revoke the license.

  9. Unison says:

    Thank God he lives to tell the tale and identify the shooter. We should be seeing an arrest and recovered firearm very soon. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    I agree, it should close until the owners come up with a plan to make it safer inside and outside. Maybe more cctv outside? It’s also accepted now that gun crime is on a level with knife crimes. Shouldn’t we be trying to stop these guns and get them off the street. Some will disagree but why does cayman even need a gun club? Guns on island wether legitimate or not is a bad idea. Too many guns are going missing from homes of registered shooters. I know one guy who has a licensed firearm and he drives around with it in his glove box! Would he report this if it went missing or was stolen?

    • Anonymous says:

      I am sure some Security Firm can supply a CCTV system that captures outlines of humans at best ………ask the Police how that worked out for their evidence container……….sport shooters are not the ones to suffer the incompetence and corruption that runs rampant. Illegal guns and poor parenting and even poorer Policing is to blame. Find true responsibility for our gun violence and do not create scape goats.

    • Anonymous says:

      There has been a spate of gun thefts too from the homes of registered users. They have proved themselves incapable of safely storing guns. Licensed guns should be maintained centrally and accessed strictly on an “as needed” basis. The farmers will moan, but they always moan about something.

      • Anonymous says:

        Come on a spate………what two in a year and maybe 8 in a decade? How many shootings with illegal guns? How many road deaths? Cars and alcohol have killed people here. No legal firearm has……………oh wait the man who shot and killed the armed intruder did. What of he did not have a legal firearm?? Stop the anti gun rhetoric and understand that you have people that are just ill intented beings at heart

        • Anonymous says:

          I’ll second that! Some people just can’t be helped. What we do need is a stiffer legal system so that when they are caught they are locked away for a very very long time. The legal system needs to instill fear into the criminals. As of right now it’s just a slap on the wrist a few months in Northward and back at it again!

        • Anonymous says:

          You may be OK with criminals walking around with a couple of extra shotguns. I’m not.

    • Anonymous says:

      The criminals are empowered by the use of guns. Those without weapons are easy victims to these gangster wannabees. If you were allowed to own and carry your weapon and were responsible owners there wouldn’t be much chances of having them stolen. Why should only the criminals have access to own and carry?

  11. Rob says:

    Disputes don’t always need to end in violence and bloodshed. Learn the art of walking away. It doesn’t make you any less of a man.

  12. Anonymous says:


    • This is not unique to Cayman! says:

      Please shut the hell up immediately and go sit in the corner with all the other ignorant, narrow-minded bigots of the world! There are countless public and domestic shootings in AROUND THE WORLD! So stop generalising and demonising the indigenous population of the country YOU have chosen to inhabit. Got a problem with the locals? Go home! Spread your hate and misconception there. It is just a shame that a prejudice wretch like you even exists! Seriously, this is not anything special to the Cayman islands. This happens worldwide and to be honest this place was a lot safer before immigration increased so rapidly. Don’t get my wrong, I love foreigners. Educated and rational foreigners who come here to make a home, and contribute to the betterment of Cayman’s society for everyone who chooses to live here. Not complete imbecilic, half-witted, contemptuous cretins like yourself who prefer to sit back and point fingers rather than make a solid effort towards change, understanding, and education. Do everyone a favour (Caymanians and expats alike) and book that one-way ticket home. This beautiful island needs less of your kind and more people that come here to make a home and live in harmony with others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Blah, blah, blah. The safest night out is at the high end expat bars. It is the local bars that have the killings, the shootings and knifings. So get your head out of the sand and stop the denial.

      • Anonymous says:

        trust me, you need more of my kind not less……..

        • Anonymous says:

          Need more of your kind? So your implying that this country needs more hateful and racist people like yourself?BTW being racist and hateful towards a certain race is a criminal act so your basically on the same levels as the criminals in this country..

          • Anonymous says:

            Love it. By thinking that locals are at the centre of the troible outside a locals bar the poster is apparently on a criminal par with the person who shot the kid that night. Caymankind logic at its finest.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have a whole crop of thugs that are all yours. If the local boys are there, the place is unsafe. Fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        Interesting logic – this is not unique to the Cayman Islands so therefore it is not that bad as it happens all over the world. Well I guess it does if you happen to be from Capetown, Jamaica, Honduras, Paris but nothing like this has happened where I am from.
        Even if it had, the ratio to gun related deaths and the frequency in the Cayman population far outweigh anything that may have occurred in most people’s former countries.
        The very fact that you want to see educated and rational foreigners arrive and live in Cayman indicates that you have a problem with people already living there.
        I am sure that the original poster who you refer to as a “bigoted and prejudiced wretch” was not like that prior to moving to the Caribbean.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your problem, you sort it out.

    • One More Disciple Leff De Yaad says:

      Status grants?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again.

  14. Donovan Richards says:

    Okay,…. 911 received the call at 3:30am but the police didn’t reach the hospital until 5:40am. Why they took so long tho? This is a perfect example why they can’t solve any crime, their response time is too long.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t take a rocket scientist given all the bad things that happen at these night spots to place an undercover armed cop in them to weed out this scum, or better still shoot them on the spot to save them going to court to get off Scot free while using public funds to do so. Cayman is the next Kingston, Jamaica. British style policing does not work, proven over and over again. What hope is there for the young man that was shot?

    • Unison says:

      Whenever you have alcohol serve to young people, it has been proven over and over again: someone does something ignorant, endangering their lives and the lives of others. That’s why if a man is going to find a decent woman, or a woman is going to find a decent man, it will not be in the bar and nightclubs. A lot of the folk who attend such places are either for alcohol, drugs, or carnal desires.

      • blah blah blah says:

        Carnal desires mostly….

      • Anonymous says:

        Well listen to you, the sobering voice of morality. You are right, I don’t go to clubs to find a decent woman. I go to find one to satisfy my carnal desires. So what? I drink, dance and have sex out of wedlock on Sundays too. And then after that weekend of hedonism, my soul feels empty and I know I should open my heart to the Lord. Oh no I don’t, I have had a great time and roll on Thursday when I can start the weekend all over again. But I never find the need to shoot people because of my choices.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Kim, close the place down man…………..WTF!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Licence renewal?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Close the bar.

  19. Anonymous says:

    It took them 2:10 to check with the hospital? No rush fellas, it’s not like anyone GOT SHOT and their life might be in danger!
    And aren’t hospitals required to notify police of GSW’s? When are these people going to get their acts together? Hope I never need emergency services in Cayman, jeez.

  20. Anonymous says:

    And…in the real news…..

  21. Anonymous says:

    Time to shut it down. Remember the guy who was tailed from there and then drowned? More bullets will fly there too. Might as well be in Mexico City!

  22. Anonymous says:

    3:30am Saturday morning? That’s half-an-hour after the place officially closed. There’s a simple solution to this – close it down.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Wow I don’t think I’ll ever go back there after this!stupid immature people always have to ruin people’s fun and enjoyment..

  24. Anonymous says:


  25. Anonymous says:

    They should be closed for creating a public nuisance.

    • Unison says:

      If you are referring to the nightclub, they have no control with what ignorant people do. Now if you see the incident is link to alcohol consumption, then it is our government that gives them the license.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ridiculous. Of course I am referring to the nightclub. Of course they have responsibility–they attracted these people to that location, sold them liquor, and failed to have the police come by and clear out the parking lot after hours (assuming they couldn’t do it on their own with security guards since the place is private property.) This idea that what goes on just outside the front door is no concern of the club is willful irresponsibility.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I think everyone knew this one was coming. Very sad that the young adults can not solve their issues by discussion and need to resort to violence. It takes a stronger man to walk away than to stand and fight.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they knew how to fight it out properly it would’nt be so bad, all we have today are pussies with pistols. A nerd would slap the shit out of them if they had the balls to put the weapons down.

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