C4C backbencher joins Progressives

| 22/12/2015 | 46 Comments
Cayman News Service

MLAs Roy McTaggart and Ezzard Miller

(CNS): After months of speculation, Roy McTaggart has finally confirmed that he has joined the People’s Progressive Movement.  In a release from the party’s HQ, the councillor in the premier’s ministry said it was a logical step for him after supporting the government since the election in May, despite campaigning on the anti-political party, independent ticket with the Coalition for Cayman. A strategic move for both McTaggart and the PPM given the next election, the premier welcomed his decision to officially join the party.

The news comes just a few weeks after the departure of the veteran backbencher Anthony Eden, who announced that he will be crossing the floor and resigning from government as a result of his opposition to plans by government to amend immigration regulations to offer rights to the dependents of same-sex married couples.

Following the move by Eden, who was also a founding member of the PPM and a major vote draw for the party, local pundits have predicted the possible departure of other government backbenchers in Eden’s wake before the elections in 2017. The campaign is also predicted to start far earlier than usual, given the anticipated electoral reform to one man, one vote in single member constituencies.

However, before that happens McLaughlin has secured another party member who is very likely to take a George Town seat, as Roy McTaggart was the second elected member in the capital in 2013 just behind Kurt Tibbetts. Alden McLaughlin, the leader and a founding member of the Progressives, said McTaggart had been an integral part of the current government since the 2013 elections.

“It is obvious that he shares the same ideals and philosophy of the Progressives,” McLaughlin stated. “He has worked side by side with us to help restore trust and confidence in the government and the Cayman Islands as a whole. For that we are grateful and welcome him with open arms.”

McTaggart, who was the last of the three C4C candidate to take a seat on the government benches but who has been the most committed to it, said, “As you can see from my voting record over the past two and a half years, I have generally supported policies and legislation introduced by the members of the Progressives, so this move is what I consider the next natural thing for me to do as I intend to remain a part of government following the next election, assuming I am re-elected.”

McTaggart said he had used his financial experience to work for the country and develop policies to grow the economy, put a stop to excessive and wasteful spending and claimed to have helped ensure the high quality of life the people of Cayman “expect and deserve”.

Before becoming a politicians McTaggart worked as an accountant. He joined KPMG in the Cayman Islands in 1985, transferred to their Orlando office in 1986, and returned to the Cayman Islands in 1988. He was admitted to the partnership in 1991, became joint managing partner In 2003 and appointed Managing Partner in 2007. He was Managing Director of KMPG in the British Virgin Islands from 2007-2012. He is also a former chairman of the board of Cayman Airways, a member of the commission for standards in public life and is chairman of the Young Caymanian Leadership Foundation.

His former election colleagues include Tara Rivers, who is a Cabinet member and bound by collective responsibility to support government but has not joined and there is little indication at this point that she will formally sign up to the PPM.

Winston Connolly, a backbencher and councillor in River’s education and employment ministry, is very unlikely to follow McTaggart. While Connolly has largely voted in-line with government in the LA and supported policies he has recently gone out on a limb targeting the immigration law and other legislation which he believes is undermining the chances of Caymanians.

Tensions between Connolly and the government front bench were apparent during a debate at the last meeting of the parliament before Christmas when a motion he brought asking government to address the problems faced by local workers and business owners from foreign competition stirred up passions and obvious political differences.


Category: Elections, Politics

Comments (46)

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  1. RED BAY MAN says:

    Didn’t Roy run as PPM in 2016?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Roy, you did the right thing!!! You are welcomed by all PPM constituents. The C4C constituents who may not support you now (as indicated by the comments here) will all be replaced by PPM supporters. You have no worries!

    And don’t worry about a lack of PPM supporters in the next election, there are very few and far between who would ever consider supporting UDP, and as a matter of fact C4C, who continues to show its loyalties more and more to UDP.

    Well done Roy! A fantastic way to start 2016!

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Jimbo says:

    That’s it then. The world is now safe

  5. Sharkey says:

    Stop beating up on poor Roy, he made his own grave.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Roy would have played his cards right he would have become the most powerful elected member.

  6. CaymanNurse says:

    Wow, what’s with all the haters? Let’s get real folks: C4C had a viable platform but do you see them as an organized entity now? The Progressives are doing a very good job for our country so why wouldn’t Mr. McTaggart want to continue performing work which are aligned with his beliefs and which will be the most effective? “Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out”. Call me a supporter and I know I am not alone in hoping and planning that Roy McTaggart will be re-elected to enable him to continue his caring, deliberate and uncompromised work for the good of Cayman.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Good move Roy, thanks, we can’t make that devil McKeeva ever get back in.

  8. Anonymous says:

    C4C is being comsumed by Progressive & UDP slowly but surely, C4C has nothing to offer. Bracka

  9. Anonymous says:

    things that make you go hmmmm….follow the money my friends…

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy is educated and honest , which makes him ineligible to join the UDP.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who said anything about joining the UDP? he promised us he would remain independent…He lied just like they all do once they get elected.. I don’t have any faith or trust in him anymore…By the way I live in South Sound…

      • Anonymous says:

        Roy says he is the next Premier. He told a couple of us that is his next move so I guess this is why he has joined the PPM – they must have cut some deal with him. Time will tell

  10. Anonymous says:

    I heard that Kenneth Bryan is going back to PPM. I hope he isn’t that crazy

  11. Polyakov says:

    For a man who cried down and preached vehemently against party politics WOW! How low can one stoop to keep a political seat and power? No surprise though knowing the UK’s run and funded political insidious programs to keep those friendlies in power who support their nasty agenda. Roy is simply picking sides early so he can hold on to his little seat and who knows if he plays the loyal subject long enough the next premier might just be in the cards?? After all he has the perfect example of the current dreamer Alden?

  12. Lee Roy Staghorn says:

    1 man 1 PPM what do Roy and the PPM have in common with Porn promising everything delivering absolutely nothing!!!! A party so devoid of ideas it had to adapt UDP XXXXXX policies and practices to keep afloat and relevant Who now have sold us out to our colonial power so much that they are now trolling our precious reefs trying to destroy the very building blocks of our economy and environment for a few dollars? Who’s loyal hypocrites/disciples in government positions will agree with anything to remain in power and collect a salary!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Methinks that very soon the peasants will revolt

  14. Waiting patiently says:

    Alva Suckoo we are waiting on you to lead us out of this mess! Do what you know is right!

  15. Anonymous says:

    My, My, how things change…shame on you Roy..you are no different than any other PPM member..you lied to us to get elected and no you are doing exactly the opposite…

    I hope whoever runs against you in George Town will use the interview below as part of their advertising campaign…I am so ashamed of you and I honestly had hoped for better.


  16. Anonymous says:

    This is how the dictionary defines Roy McTaggart…

    noun: turncoat; plural noun: turncoats

    a person who deserts one party or cause in order to join an opposing one.
    synonyms: traitor, renegade, defector, deserter, betrayer;

  17. Anonymous says:

    This is going to be fun to see all these PPM members trying to fight over who gets GT South..they better hope Kurt does run in that district other wise he will be the only PPM member re-elected in GT.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Why are we not surprised — lol

  19. Anonymous says:

    Target small businesses and ignore growing unemployed Caymanians. Really????

  20. Anonymous says:

    tears of pride running down ju-ju’s face…..

  21. Party system has and always will be the downfall of this country.Its called REVOLVING DOOR POLITICS.Everyone out for themselves? and NO ONE wants to put Cayman first ?.Shame shame on all of you but having said all that Merry Xmas to u all and hope 2016 brings sensibility to POLITICS(can always hope I guess)

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember this Peter…hope no one forgets particularly George Towners..They will say anything to get elected..Shame on him!


    • Anonymous says:

      traitor…shame on you Roy..expected better but should have known better…no differnet from the rest..don’t count on my vote again..sorry

    • Anonymous says:

      Have to say I expected better, but the love of power and money will change us all and it is the politicians addiction…

      Roy will be a one term politician and fade away..too bad lots of people had so much confidence in him..shame to see how he turned out…

      • Anonymous says:

        Roy, a “one-term wonder”? He has nothing to worry about. All his C4C supporters will now be replaced by PPM supporters.

        And if you believe PPM won’t have supporters come next election, believe me, there is nothing bad enough that they can do which is going to make PPM supporters start voting for UDP! And that goes for most of C4C as well, who is primarily in support of UDP.

  22. Just Watchin says:

    Give Roy enough credit to know which plane to get on – the PPM one; that’s the one going home.
    Huge disappointment you turned out to be Roy, huge!

  23. Deep 6 PPM Please says:

    Just another Coral Rapist joining the Party no worries ROY you will be just another EX MLA when the PPM get sunk in the next election

  24. Cass says:

    What a serious mess we have in our L.A!

    C4C was always PPM anyway!

    To all voters; consider staying home 2017! For what point is there to vote when you have such poor representation to choose from!

    • Anonymous says:

      Why are people surprised? His cousins the PR twin team for PPM had him covered in PPM shirts on night of election after he got a seat!, voters need to wake up!

      Both teams are tied to Jamaicans and few West Indians for votes, ‘white’ Jamaicans to tell them what policies to implement etc……. They don’t care about anything else except having majority of power, money for themselves, families, party loyalists and the ‘white’ from Jamaica or UK helping them get it

  25. Anonymous says:

    Big surprise Roy McTaggart. All that talk about how bad parties are for the country. You lied to me. You are just like the rest. What’s the point.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Typical flip-flop by McTaggart. Campaigned STRONGLY against party politics but he now decides to join the PPM with the sole intention being to try and retain his seat. Roy ole buddy, if ya wanna keep ya seat, join Tony on the other side. This government is ran AND controlled by Duckworth and he and only he steers the ship. Alden only holds title of Premier for the sake of parliamentary procedures. In closing, Roy I need my Christmas turkey!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Could you explain to us what Anton Duckworth would get out of it all if, as you claim, “the government is ran (sic) AND controlled by Duckworth and he and only he is steering the ship”.? Thanks.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Roy, Mr. Alden and the PPM(Poor People Mistake) cronies days are numbered. Caymanians wake up, elections can’t come quick enough. Time to Vote them out.

    I’m sure you are all aware that the PPM government has a 79% disapproval rating. It seems our members of government think running our country is a joke or a game. None of them are putting our islands ahead of their Party. Since they have no intention to do what’s best for our Islands, I would like to start a movement to vote all incumbents out of office starting in 2016. They need to get a loud and clear message from the people that the status-quo is no longer acceptable. They were elected to do their job, and if they choose not to, then they need to go! Enough is enough! It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purpose. By voting out the incumbent after every term, this will get their attention and special interest groups won’t fund their campaign knowing their not going to get reelected. Let’s take career politicians out of our legislative body.

    Former PPM executive member

  28. LOL says:

    Roy is no replacement for Tony Eden

  29. Anonymous says:

    He should have stayed independent(even he he never was). If he thinks running with Alden is going to get him elected, he is sadly mistaken.. they are all going to be fighting for George Town South the only place in GT where he will be elected….One man one vote is going to bite many of them in the a$$

  30. Allar says:

    That is the end of old Roy’s political life he just jumped from a safe ship to a sinking one wow!!!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    No surprise at all. He is just another bobble head for the ppm leader

  32. GT Voter says:

    Roy McTaggart is a failure as a C4C ‘independent’ and will be a failure as a member of Progressives. Ironically, he and Alden are competing for the title of the ultimate Flip Flopper.

    What has he done or stood for since June 2013? Roy do you remember what you said about the leadership of Alden McLaughlin and McKeeva Bush in the campaign for 2013? You went a potential leadership option to a sandwich maker.

    Enjoy the rest of the ride because you will be a one term wonder in 2017!

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