Burglars steal shotgun and ammo

| 15/12/2015 | 31 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): A 12-gauge Maverick shotgun and several rounds of ammunition were stolen from a house in East End Monday during a daytime break-in. Police said the firearm appeared to be the only thing taken in the burglary, which happen sometime after the licensed owner secured and left his home in Farm Road at 6am and before his return in the afternoon around 4:30pm. The gun was stored in a locked case with the cartridges but the gun thieves broke the lock.

Given the cause for concern about the intentions of the burglars, police are urging gun owners to secure their weapons and keep their gun cases in as inconspicuous a place as possible. Owners are also reminded that if the guns are no longer being used, they can be surrendered to police for destruction.

Meanwhile, police confirmed that a shotgun, one of two weapons stolen from a home in West Bay in September, was recovered in November, but the .22 calibre rifle remains missing. A 46 year old West Bay man was charged on 6 November for possession of the stolen shotgun.

The RCIPS is asking anyone with information regarding the break-in Farm Road or the possible whereabouts of the latest stolen gun to contact Bodden Town CID at 947-2220 or to call the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (31)

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  1. Cheese Face says:

    If one child in the playground has a rock, should we give every other child in the playground a rock too? Guns are not required in Cayman period.

  2. Anonymous says:

    No guns are needed in Cayman. I would like to see a post from one of them justifying gun ownership here. rifles and shotguns are designed for hunting and a hand guns are designed for killing humans. Any person with military or law enforcement training knows this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do the criminals know that guns are not needed in Cayman or is it only the law abiding citizen who is supposed to come to that conclusion while being completely defenseless during a home invasion?

    • Anonymous says:

      Just because you don’t want to own a firearm doesn’t mean I shouldn’t. I use my firearms for hunting and killing vermin on my farm. I’m not forcing you to own a firearm. Don’t try to force me not to

    • Anonymous says:

      CISSA fields competitive Trap and Skeet shooters and has a great recreational facility producing world-class marksmen. The Cayman Islands Trap Team finished second at Island Games earlier this year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/33306730
      They’ve represented at Pan Am and won a Gold at Commonwealth Games too.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hide the gold paint!

  4. Anonymous says:

    lets see was this gun used for a cow butchering if so who was there assisting figure that out and you will find your thief

  5. Anonymous says:

    Some living person is going Christmas shopping.

  6. Anonymous says:

    There’s gonna be a lot of Santa’s with Caymanian accents gaining entry into your homes through windows, seeing as there are no chimneys in Cayman. They’re going to be leaving with your goodies in tinted out Hondas smoking “Christmas Trees” all the way home.

    Merry Christmas

  7. Anonymous says:

    What a joke…..No Guns Cayman!! No one on this beautiful Island needs a gun! Now we have to live in fear of some gangster blowing us away with a stolen shotgun while he robs the liquor store….again! it will take an RCIP tactical officer being shot at while grabbing lunch at Kirk Supermarket in order for something to be done about this.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one in cayman needs a car. Too many people killed by cars each year.
      Idiot. The vast majority of gun crimes are with illegally imported firearms, not license ones (even those stolen).
      Stopping law abiding citizens from owning firearms is like stopping everyone from owning cars.

      Your efforts would be better spent requiring proper gun safes for storage

      • Anonymous says:

        We are not worried about the law abiding ones owning guns or cars…its the other ones…

      • Anonymous says:

        Totally disagree and idiotic analogy. No one in Cayman needs to own a gun. Cars only become like guns when in the hands of stupid people.

        • A Nony Mouse says:

          Only stupid (or crazy, criminal) people use guns for nefarious purposes. As someone who was in the military and owns many firearms (legally in the US), and is a champion match shooter your fear of a gun in my hands is totally outrageous and unjustified.

          I’ve also foiled an armed robbery attempt on a business several years ago by being a licenced concealed carry permit holder in the US. Had you been that clerk, and I not been there, YOU would be dead now. Only the robber was shot! He got what he deserved and the public was spared the cost of a trial and useless incarceration!

          Think before you post out of ignorance and fear.

      • Anonymous says:

        Quite simply the worst argument I have ever heard put forward in any debate about anything!

        • SwampCrab says:

          Dont support legal gun ownership? Dont own a gun? Then get ready to hide behind somebody that does, because its coming.

          • Anonymous says:

            I didn’t think the respondent was commenting whether they were pro or anti gun ownership, just the absurdity of the argument put forward!

    • Anonymous says:

      While this is a serious problem there are many more illegal firearms out there. This shotgun will not make a big difference to the numbers. Perhaps better storage requirements are needed but to claim that a police officer will now be shot in a hypothetical situation is a little far fetched…….this is something that could happen anyway due to the amount of illegal guns present. The Police are at risk as the nature of their job and the predetors that circulate in our community.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Guess who repeatedly leaks the entrusted addresses of known licensed gun owner inventories to bad guys? So many rats in their own house, and they have the remarkable gall to caution the public!

  9. Anonymous says:

    ” police are urging gun owners to secure their weapons and keep their gun cases ”

    Is this not a requirement of Licensed gun ownership?!

    FAIL!! on all sides.

    Third world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah right! If I would own a gun, you could bet your ass I wouldn’t have it locked away anywhere. It would be sitting right next to my bed, waiting for the next m…f…r to break into my house and threaten my family and my safety.

      I am sick and tired of this bullshit! Criminals will always have guns no matter how much you lock them away or ban them from the Island. Law abiding citizens are expected to idly sit by while criminals take over. Where has that gotten us? Nowhere!

      Instead of blaming the gun owner who legally owned a gun, blame the useless piece of shit that broke into someone else’s house and as someone else pointed out, perhaps patch that leak of information who the legal gun owners on Island are.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean like the third world country called the USA? Where kids frequently get their hands on weapons their parents leave carelessly and easily accessible?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I think they can destruct it themselves if they want to (taking into account the latest news about the police corruptions)

  11. Cass says:

    East End; the lawless district!

    All bets that no-one will speak out even if they saw something.

    • born and bread East Ender says:

      Lawless East End???? Let me tell you something you piece of s..t east end are one of the safest and respectful district on grand cayman!!!!! And yes I am from East End just so you know. Just because we don’t take shit from anyone and we protect each other when assh…s like you come in and try to bully us. East End are the only place on this island that is safe to walk the streets at any hours of the day or night!!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Guns and safes. The two main burglar magnets.

  13. Clever Boy 345 says:

    The owner is really careless. Also, the thieves must of known the owner. Why would they take only the gun during the burglary…

    • Anonymous says:

      Which is more careless: securing a gun in a locked gun case as required, or, trusting that those officials with the list of names and addresses of licensed gun owners will not hand that info over to criminals? Yet another inside job.

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