Archive for November, 2015

Man trapped in car following Crew Road collision
(CNS): A man escaped serious injury Wednesday evening despite being trapped in his car as a result of a road accident in George Town. The two-vehicle collision happened on Crewe Road near to the junction with Smith Road. Police said the man was freed without serious injuries but have not yet revealed any further details. Officers […]

No tax cuts forecast in Archer’s last SPS
(CNS): Finance Minister Marco Archer made no provision for any tax or fee reductions over the last 18 months of the PPM administration when he delivered the technical aspect of the government’s Strategic Policy Statement (SPS) Wednesday. Although the government had said it intended to roll back some of the fees imposed during the UDP […]

Major cash cream-off revealed in fraud trial
(CNS): Local businessman Canover Watson and his long-term friend and business associate, Jeffrey Webb, may have taken more than half a million dollars of public money for themselves in the CarePay hospital contract fraud, according to the prosecution. As the case against Watson and his former PA, Miriam Rodrigues, continued Wednesday, the focus was on […]

Golden gun robbers get 12 year jail terms
(CNS): Three George Town men began serving twelve year sentences Wednesday after acting Justice Francis Belle delivered the jail terms in his ruling on the Blackbeard’s robbery case via a Skype call from St Lucia. A fourth man who had pleaded guilty to the offence before his co-accused went on trial received a nine year […]

Anglin retrial for child murder begins
(CNS): Chilling CCTV footage, shown as evidence in the retrial of Devon Anglin (29) for murder, shows a gunman shooting at close range at a white Chevrolet Malibu at Hell Gas Station on the night of 15 February 2010, which resulted in the death of 4-year-old Jeremiah Barnes. Presenting the crown’s case Tuesday, Andrew Radcliffe […]

Historic electoral reform formally gazetted
(CNS): Government ordered the extraordinary gazette Wednesday of the Single Member Electoral Districts Boundaries Order, 2015. The historic order will pave the way for the significant and fundamental change to the country’s electoral system and equity in voting by the 2017 general election. “This is one of the most significant constitutional and electoral changes this […]

Seasonal anti-crime campaign all about safety
(CNS): The police will be focusing on a number of security and safety risks as it begins its seasonal anti-crime campaign next week. As well as enforcing road safety, the RCIPS will be promoting personal safety and awareness and security at home, and the Joint Marine Unit will also be increasing their patrols and observations over boat […]

Email chain implies major bid manipulation
(CNS): Constant email communication between Jeffrey Webb, the former CIFA and CONCACAF Vice President, and Canover Watson in the runup to the awarding of the hospital CarePay contract to AIS (Cayman) Ltd demonstrated that Watson, the HSA chair at the time, was deeply involved in the tendering process “at both sides”, the jury heard Tuesday […]

CIG to stop job-hopping expats
(CNS): The government is reviewing section 50 of the immigration law due to an increase in the number of expatriate workers who are job-hopping while still on a work permit without a letter of release from their bosses, according to Deputy Governor Franz Manderson. Following what appears to be a reinterpretation of the law by the […]

Ozzie seeks answers to youth crime in Jamaica
(CNS): The community affairs minister was in Kingston recently at a CARICOM crime prevention seminar on at-risk youth and vulnerable populations. Osbourne Bodden said that the root causes of crime across the region are very similar and it was instructive to learn of the different initiatives being employed in countries where the challenges may be greater than […]