Former housing trust director sent to jail

| 03/11/2015 | 72 Comments
Cayman News Service

Edlin Myles

(CNS): The former deputy chair of the National Housing and Development Trust Board, Edlin Myles, was committed to HMP Northward Tuesday after his appeal against a six month jail sentence for a housing trust insurance fraud. The appeal court upheld the punishment handed down by Justice Alex Henderson more than sixteen months ago and opted not to interfere or suspend the sentence, as Michael Duck QC had argued on his behalf.

Myles, a well-known former insurance agent, was convicted in June 2014 for crimes that took place in 2011 when he was on the NHDT board and used his position to con would-be clients of the trust into taking out life insurance policies with him. However, he had not served any time in custody as he had immediately appealed both his conviction and sentence.

As the appeal case opened on Tuesday, it was revealed publicly for the first time that Myles had dropped his appeal against the conviction but was arguing that his sentence should be reduced. Duck put it to the court that the 63-year-old first time offender was previously of exceptionally good character, that the sum in question was very small and he had compensated his victims. He argued that Myles should not go to jail as he had already lost his licence to practice and his reputation, and the deterrent effect would remain if the sentence was to be suspended.

However, the case was a breach of trust and Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Patrick Moran indicated that when Justice Henderson handed down the sentence, he had pointed to a need for a deterrent. The judge had referred to the “egregious nature” of the crime, in which Myles had used his position to manipulate those who could least afford it. He had said that there were many people in Cayman who may be in the private sector but who held positions of trust on boards and a message had to be delivered that breaching that trust would lead to jail time.

The Court of Appeal panel agreed with the trial judge and said they were unable to accept Myles’ attorney’s submissions and in their view the six month sentence was not manifestly excessive. As they upheld the original punishment, they said the judge was entitled not to suspend the sentence, given the serious nature of the breach of trust.

Following the decision the crown asked for an immediate committal warrant for Myles to be taken into custody to begin serving his jail term. Myles was visibly shaken by the decision and his family, who were at the court to support him, were all clearly upset at the outcome of the appeal.

Myles was first arrested more than four years ago in October 2011 and was not charged until almost one year later, in August 2012. When he was finally convicted in 2014, he was bailed following the immediate filing of an appeal.

Before the scandal over the insurance fraud came to light Myles was a leading figure in the community and a well-known official in the United Democratic Party. As well as serving on numerous boards and working for decades as an insurance agent, he is also a talented musician who has been performing and entertaining for many years.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (72)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    In other news so just made $600 profit on Facebook stock…..

  2. Anonymous says:

    If it costs so much to bring Sue back then why bring back Sayeed to walk free on the streets?
    Bet his case will never go to court.

  3. Anonymous says:

    And what of Sue Nicolson who allegedly stole much more from widows and the elderly? Sitting in her comfortable home in the UK. What a grave injustice.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He should lose any rights to early release for appealing rather than accepting the sentence.

  5. Anonymous says:

    He got caught….this time. but for years he was doing the same.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The sort of appeal that merits an uplift in sentence for trying to get off.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Justice delayed is justice served they say…. Let’s hope the same is true for the Cayman gang of 4 and for those who are protecting them. Know that the USA is closing in and it cannot happen fast enough.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Nothing to do with being black, nothing to do with being Caymanian, everything to do because he’s a thief. He stole from his own people trying to provide for their families.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Sooooo, remind us again where Sue Nichols is? Sorry but this smacks of a double standard. I would use a stronger word than smacks but it would just get censored.


    • Anonymous says:

      She is not in Cayman. And there is the difference. Had she been the comparisons would have made sense. But the issue was with the decision as to whether to extradite.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just to add to your comment, as a long term expat I have yet to speak to any other expats, particularly those from the UK, who agree with the decision not to extradite Sue Nicholson. The overwhelming consensus among the expat community is that she should have been brought back to face a jury.

        • Anonymous says:

          And you knowledge of the costs of an extradition application and the prospects of success are what?

          • Anonymous says:

            Ah yes, the justice has a price argument, which sends the wrong message to all who wish to defraud. Great move.

          • Anonymous says:

            Exactly zero but that doesn’t stop him/her making a deliberately mischievous post.

          • Anonymous says:

            not sure what youre getting at here. Hassan was brought back and he is alleged to have taken far less than Sue Nicholson. I don’t think anyone thinks this man shouldn’t serve his sentence but what Sue allegedly did was far more heinous than what Myles has been convicted for and he will serve jail time. Everyone suspects that Sue lives off her ill-gotten gains and that’s what is also hard to swallow. So remind me now why Hassan and not Sue?

            • Anonymous says:

              Quality of evidence. Location. Ease and cost of extradition.

              • Anonymous says:

                I don’t know about he quality of the evidence but obviously it should be both cheaper and easier to extradite someone from the UK to one of its territories than from Switzerland.

          • Fred the Piemaker says:

            And what do you think the costs of trying Myles were, let alone the costs of the appeal? Cost is not meant to be a barrier to criminal proceedings. As for prospects of success – really? What possible defence is there against extradition to a British overseas territory from Britain for an offence which would be an offence under British law? Inhumane treatment? No prospect of a fair trial? Come off it. And whilst on the subject, it apparently wasn’t a prohibitive issue in seeking the extradition of either Syed or Webb from Switzerland.

          • Anonymous says:

            Success seems quite likely. The UK extradites citizens all the time. There appears to be plenty of evidence. Considering the other things the police and prosecutors have spent money on lately, why not take a shot.

        • Anonymous says:

          Regarding the Sue Nicolson’s story, wasn’t the Pines fully reimbursed? not that it is ever right to steal under any circumstances, but being reimbursed is still better than spending buckets of money on court cases etc. and still not get anything back

  10. Anonymous says:

    I purchased insurance policies from Edlin Myles many many years ago and never would I have thought in a million years………..he would get involved in this type of criminality, for a few hundred dollars.

    He is not a poor man and to do such an egregious act against his fellow Caymanians in the lower income bracket, is nothing but “Pure Caymanian Greed”. He is much like Martha Stewart without the fame.

    Now that you are an admitted and convicted criminal, I hope you enjoy your first Christmas up at Northward and I’m sure Joey will show you how things a run up there. As most persons know you smoke a tobacco pipe, I suggest you check with Joey as he might have a pipe on hand to lend you, but if not, he most likely will have a few of them long cigars that he showed himself with – online.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Just so that we all know the facts.

    they say he stole $640 in total from 4 individuals

    1st he was helping these people get into homes that was promise to them from a previous administration and he was trying to clear the delays because these so called victims were in dire situations and needed their homes

    Part of them qualifying for these homes is that they needed life insurance before hand as was stated on the applications.

    Mr Myles may have made the wrong decision to have them attain these policies through him considering his position at the time with the national housing and development trust board but with that said, do you really think that if he knew that what he was doing was illegal that he would have risk his entire livelihood over $640, which was not even paid to him directly but to the brokerage company he worked for at the time.

    They say they want to set a deterrent but when certain politicians abuse their positions and take the peoples money to do as they please and I am not talking about a small $640 then deterrents should be set not use a man that is truly trying to help his people thrive.

    This man should have not gotten jail time maybe community services

    My opinion

    • Anonymous says:

      Your opinion or fact? How about an opinion on what he did get away with before being caught and convicted?

      • Anonymous says:

        The facts are as i stated above regarding this particular case.

        My opinion would be Community Service not jail time.

        Please enlighten us of what he got away with before other than being a life insurance sales agent where his job is to sell the benefits and value of the service.

        If that is a crime in your opinion then it is safe to say that you are implying that all life insurance sales agents, or sales people in general are con artist.

        • Anonymous says:

          So, in your opinion, if Sue Nicholls was extradited, she should get community service too?

          If neither of the got away with anything before, and if they are both proven thieves and first time offenders there shouldn’t be any inequality right?

          As for selling benefits and value of service, I would stay anonymous if I were you as all credibility has been lost.

    • Anonymous says:

      My opinion- if you really think he did not realise what he was doing was illegal, then you need to go back to pre-school.

  12. Head Jailer says:

    Next in line ….

  13. Anonymous says:

    Get away with what for so long?

  14. Anonymous says:

    It has nothing to do with being black! It has everything to do with red though… he was caught red handed.

  15. Trapper John MBE says:

    I tell you what he is no Sue Nicholson that’s for sure ! As for the UDP at least they get to court PPM members and siblings don’t even get charged. The fact is most members of the PPM are masonic lodge members who never face Justice for their corrupt and unlawful acts or misconduct. If you are from the UK oh well you simply are immune to prosecution not in the best interest of Her majesty Government Plane ticket retirement or new post!

  16. Anonymous says:

    wow…..rare example of justice being upheld in cayman against a well connected caymanian……
    maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Especially when there is no law that says you mustn’t do this… using govt. credit card for paying gambling debts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel, but I guarantee you that light is not what you are seeing, that tunnel is very very long!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Keep it coming, plenty more to go yet!

  17. Anonymous says:

    “well-known official in the United Democratic Party.” Do we see a trend here?

  18. Anonymous says:

    His family are of course saying it’s just because he’s black while many others at the wrong end of his shenanigans are saying it’s just because he’s black he was allowed to get away with it for so long.

  19. Knot S Smart says:

    O… Ooooohhhh…

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