Eden jumps from PPM ship
(CNS): Veteran MLA Anthony Eden has resigned from the PPM and announced that when the parliament returns in the New Year he will be joining the independents on the opposition benches. Eden, a founding member of the party and the first elected member for Bodden Town, indicated his decision to leave was based on the government’s position to allow gay spouses as dependents. Eden has recently come under fire for his discrimination against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
As members of the Legislative Assembly contributed to an adjournment debate Thursday evening, as the last meeting for this year came to an end, Eden told his political colleagues that he was withdrawing from the PPM.
CNS contacted Premier Alden McLaughlin, who expressed his sadness over Eden’s decision.
“I am deeply saddened and disappointed although it was not entirely unexpected,” McLaughlin said. “Tony Eden has been and will continue to be an exceptional representative of the people of Bodden Town and outstanding member of the Legislative Assembly. I know he will continue to serve the people of these Islands well no matter where he sits in the House.”
Check back for more on this story later.
After all this stress maybe a nice relaxing holiday in Bermuda’s called for?
In a free and democratic society Mr. Eden is entitled to his views on whether or not homosexuals should be recognized and treated with dignity as fellow human beings but he has no right under the cloak of parliamentary privilege to make hate filed speeches vilifying a segment of society which he personally finds disgusting and contrary to his creed. The problem for Mr. Eden and those who support his unchristian views is that in a pluralistic and democratic society those who he vilifies are entitled as free and independent human beings to respect under our law and the constitution. Cayman is no longer the Islands that time forgot and is connected to the rest of the world and what happens in places like New York and Paris. if those who support Mr. Eden want to create a theocratic state based on the bible and spurn the outside world which we live in, then all fine and good but that will mean the departure of the financial services industry, which can leave at the click of a key board and will drive tourism away to our many competitors in the region. The bottom line is Cayman can not have the all the benefits of being part of the twenty first century world whilst at the same time pining for life under some form of medieval interpretation of the bible.
Good. Now give BT what they deserve. The dump.
Does this jumping of ships come with a reduced salary? I bet not.
CNS, do Outliers salaries amount to the same as other politicians that actually do some work, have portfolios assigned? Now that Eden has crossed over, will his salary be cut to reflect his non-position?
This clearly shows that his position wasn’t about greed or power, but rather for the Cayman Culture and Christian Value. Surely his views found no place among the rest of those hypocrites… with their un-Godly, one world agenda.
unfortunate loss for PPM.
You want to live in Iran ?
What are christian values ? You are a hypocrite yourself.
Mr. Eden for your information takes a 12k monthly income + a 12k pension. He could have shared with the poor, but no, he buys properties.
Stick to your own values and do NOT demand the same from others.
Time for replacing the aging mla’s by a younger real progressive men and women.
Mr Eden’s job is to represent the people, not push forward his own personal views.
If only as much enthusiasm was shown towards the country’s true issues
Surely Mr.Eden’s personal views would have to be in accord with those of the party he was a member of. Are you suggesting it would be okay to be otherwise?
Were his own personal views those other than those he became elected to represent, surely he would never have been elected in the first place?
With a “Likes” of 61 versus a “Dislikes” of 28″ for a comment of this integrity one can only despair.
Yes, but the difficulty for you, sportsfan, is that he is representing the people, because he was elected by the people. Understand?
Alva Suckoo should join him
for those of you supporting how strong mr eden is….
i challenge him to repeat his original statement outside of parliament……
i bet my life that the coward won’t……
Your life though? It’s not that serious.
Fool, you ‘ain’t back in the “homophobic” nutcase country here. You just don’t get it.
Be careful what you bet, my friend.You don’t know nor understand the people of the Cayman Islands.
really?….i’ve seen more backbone in jelly fish……
Yes, there seems to be a confusion over whether or not what Mr.Tony’s comments would lay himself open to some kind of “police arrest” were he to utter them outside of parliament. This just in : here in Cayman this would never happen. The laws that CNS appears ever ready to quote would never apply to what Mr.Tony had to say. This is not the U.K. (thank God) and people are free to express their Christian beliefs without fear of a visit by the police.
Yes, but inciting hate and threatening violence is different. And a criminal offence.
Anthony Eden is a man who I respect. It seems that not even his PPM colleges can influence the way he thinks. He is immovable in this respect.
However concerning the Bible and conservative views, he appears to be enslaved by it. But his followers love him dearly. So I wouldnt be surprised that he is re-elected.
Will be a very sad day for this country if this dinosaur is re-elected
Sportsfan, check out the symbolism for the dog collar worn by the clergy. (Should be a comma after “However”, also.)
Bland statement of nothingness. Sky is blue today, fish are in the sea, chickens are pecking around and perhaps my point of view will be published? Oh, so my point of view does not agree with yours? Congratulations on your superiority. Fortunately, neither you nor I am the Judge and my right to exist within the framework of the Word of God will be vindicated. Mr. Eden, I applaud the fact that you serve your conscience faithfully. I too am not afraid of atheists, they have no back up.
We have science and rational thinking to back us up.
Oh, really, Simple Simon So how come many scientists believe in God? (Maybe they aren’t good scientists – yeah, that’s why. There had to be a rational reason.)
The IQ of atheists is higher than the IQ of practising Christians. The data proves that time and time again.
PPM ship full of non believers and foreign cohorts sinking quickly yes and no life rafts or safety devices to keep them a float, lots of self serving advice by those onboard though who have no interest on preserving Cayman or its way of life or future.
No loss really.
Now the next time he comes out with one of his vicious, bigoted, hate-filled rants the Premier won’t face quite so much embarrassment.
It still shames Cayman of course to have such a grotesque character occupying such a significant position.
at 09:21 Pray tell,exactly what gives you the right to discriminate against Mr Eden; or is it only discrimination if you say so?
@12:22 – Exactly how did 09:21 discriminate against Mr. Eden?
By being elected to public office, Mr Eden has put himself out there for public scrutiny. Nature of the job. You cannot use LA privilege to spew your bigoted views and then become irate because people criticize you for it.
I’m not discriminating, that’s what he’s doing. I am judging him for it, and I have the right to do so as a human being.
You should ask that question to Eden, he has a cap, gown and certificate in discrimination.
Those who believe this little crowd of immoral turpitude maniacs are going to to deter support for Mr Anthony Eden better think again, he has become even stronger in Cayman thanks to them!
Bigotbots are in action. Are they local or foreign fundamentalist crazies? Because either way they are not exactly subtle.
Just so you know, some of those you are accusing of being “foreign fundamentalist crazies” – not all people posting from abroad are foreigners. I know of several Caymanians here in London posting opposition to the proposals and I also know they are getting very frustrated at being insulted by their own. Try think about that before posting any more of this shyte.
Please let everyone know the massive impact gay marriage has had on the UK since it was introduced. I have heard that absolutely nothing bad has happened whatsoever.
I heard it was even less than those figures
Wow! That went from 7 thumbs up to 35 in under a few minutes. Bot-attack.
What exactly is a “Bot-attack” and how is the voting system on CNS affected, if at all?
Best possible thing for ppm.
Are you sure?
Good on you Mr Eden! Don’t let yourself be bullied by the Godless peddelers of liberal bile.
it is a shame he does not take the same biblical stance on eating turtle or treating foreigners in your land as our own people.
But I applaud MLA Eden for standing up to his selective bible morals
Respect to Mr Eden. Let it be known that all God fearing men of these blessed Islands are right behind you Mr Eden. We are firm and we will reach around for others to join this train.
No longer will England have us over a barrel and ram it down our throats or take it laying down.
Potter off into irrelevance you sad, angry, old bigot.
Actually, it is you who comes across as angry. You need help, friend.
For those that are against Mr. Edens stance. The world and this little piece of the world, are leaning and in many cases forcing tolerance of anything and everything. You need or must conform to different religious beliefs, gay marriages, men who want to be women……….the list goes on, and you must accept and even embrace these lifestyles or you run the risk of being labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe……….here is a novel idea. What about Mr. Edens right to what he believes and holds sacried? It shows the strong character of Mr. Eden to stand for what he believes in and shows the weak character of the people who demonize him for it. While I believe the Gay people have a right to petition for the recognizing of their marriage, Mr. Eden has a right to not embrace this action. If the world had more politicians that were actually willing to be counted and stand on principle and integrity, regardless of what a few influential people want, we all may be in a better place. I second the salute to you sir.
Third from me. Fourth from my wife. Fifth from my son. Sixth from my daughter.
Seventh from my side piece…
“Seconding” doesn’t really work when you’re doing it on behalf of other people….
I’m Brian and so is my wife!
Let all of the persons mentioned above be entered in the minutes as probationary martyrs to the cause. To be reviewed in a month.
Mr Eden is perfectly entitled to his own personal views. But in his political capacity he must not pass off his opinions as those of others, just as Alden must not assume that because he was voted in, everybody supports his ideals.
The whole idea is that representatives are elected into office based on the opinions they have publicly expressed. This has to be the start point. To suggest that persons have been elected based on opinions other than those required to be democratically elected is nonsensical.
The Grand Wizard!
Apparently there is little difference between islam and this type of christian fundamentalism.
Do you know of any Christians who are going around murdering people in the name of Jesus as is the case with radical Muslim terrorists? Please show respect for the Christian heritage of Cayman.
Fuh real. No Shania law for us in Cayman!
Do you mean to say a popular Canadian singer has now set up some kind of law? Or are you referring to Sharia law, which being non-secular is the Muslim version of Mr. Eden’s non-secular Christian “law”?
Well they did at one time in Ireland and during the Crusades and of course the Spanish Inquisition, 4:43. Have you heard of any of these things or were you educated here?
York, England. 12th century. Christians rounding up Jews and burning them in York castle. First recorded genocide.
You were educated here.
Er…,yes. Paul Jennings Hill, Eric Rudolph, ScottRoeduc, and James Kopp to name some recent Christian terrorists.
Anthony Eden is the definition of a strong Caymanian who will not be bullied or bow to those outsiders who wish to change our culture and way of life to fulfill their agenda. If life is so bad in Cayman nobody is forcing them to stay. If persons made the decision to come to the Cayman Islands they are welcomed to make the decision to leave if they do not approve of what they find here the people or customs.
Government should not have to change Cayman laws and policies to accommodate every disgruntled foreigner that chooses to come here. I wish the Premier and others demonstrated similar qualities of integrity and leadership like Mr. Eden maybe then Caymanians would be respected and valued in our own country.
When will it end and protection finally offered to Caymanians in the Cayman Islands?
Is policy changed in the UK, USA, Canada, Argentina, Ireland, South Africa, Jamaica, Bermuda, Trinidad, BVI or any other country because a threat of a lawsuit is contemplated?
Does this government not have lawyers to represent them and to defend the 2009 Cayman Islands Constitution?
Do you count in Base-11?
All your base are belong to us.
You fail to take into consideration the rights of born Caymanians who are gay, and yes they do exist, there are at least four in my large extended family. They did not come here to force laws on you, they were born here, are children of God as you are, and deserve the same respect and protection under the law that you enjoy. May God be with you, as I believe you need him more than you may know.
My respect to Mr. Eden for standing up for what he believes in. Even under pressure he remained firm. You’ve got to commend that, no matter what your position on this gay union issue is.
I only respect that if he stood up for what he believes in in a personal capacity. The fact is he used and abused his privileged position as a politician to push his own personal hate agenda in the LA. That I don’t respect at all.
I fully support Mr. Eden for having the courage and the will to stand up against the forces of evil. I am personally disappointed in Mr. McLaughlin in not taking a firm stand in protecting what little we have left of our Christian heritage. These are perilous times when we need real men to take a firm stand for what is right and not try to please the minority.
Oh please. “Perilous times” – that phrase has been uttered and worn out long before any human alive today was born.
You know what time it is? It’s time to wake up and see that we’re all the same, no matter colour, place of birth, religion, creed and yes, sexual orientation/preference. There’s one place we all live, Earth. I wonder why a god would put so many people on one planet, make them different in subtle ways but more alike than not. Hm?
Good riddance!!!
I wish you all the best Mr. Anthony. I respect the choice you have made. God Bless. Michel
You have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything, I stand with you Mr. Eden
*** Eden puts down Bible, picks up dictionary, looks up “Progressive”, walks across floor of MLA ***
“I want to express my rabid bigotry freely without be answerable to anyone with a sense of common decency.”
Good! Tony, now finish it off by retiring from ever serving the people of the Cayman Islands (in actuality, just your Savanah district).
Best news I’ve read all year! PPM, your value just went up some.
“I’m an atheist and that’s it. I believe there’s nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people.” – Katharine Hepburn
Mr. Eden, I congratulate you on your decision. It takes a man with Godly conviction to do the right thing. I am always reminded of the words in Acts 5: 29 which says that we “ought to follow God rather than men.” You decided to follow God and you can now stand next to Daniel, Joseph, Moses and others. I am one member of your constituent that will always respect you for doing the right thing. I should remind Alden and all those who support his position on this Ungoldy situation that God destroyed Sodom and its people for the same behavior. The bottom line is that such behavior is wrong. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. That has never change. Would someone please tell me how two males or two females will ever be able to produce offsprings?
What about the shellfish? Why don’t you get so upset about the shellfish?
Finally mr. Eden left this set!! They will bend to help everyone but their own. Stand for something or fall for everything. Proud of you mr. Eden.
Mr. Eden. I am very proud of your stand. I am right beside you. I am also proud to have you as my repersentive. You remind me of the Big Jim. God bless you for making your stand and speaking out and holding true to the Bible. You are truly our hero.
Like the song says ‘You gotta stand for something or you’ll fall for anything, you gotta be your own man not a pupet on a string’
God bless always and always remember to put Him first in everything.
A proud and concern Caymanian and Bodden Towner
110% behind you friend. God bless you.
Mr Eden has jump ship because the PPM ship HMS Transparency is overloaded with foreigners and advisors who have the so called Capn McLaughlin and his motley crew so confused the ship is starting sink because it is listing to one side and bad weather and rough seas are up head.
Congrats mr. Eden for standing for what you believe unlike the rest of the regressives.
Well, damn!
– Who
Most intelligent thing she has said for a long time.
Finally a politician that stands firm in his beliefs and will not be swayed from upholding God’s word. I ask that the community continue to lift Mr. Eden in prayer as the enemy will try to come against him, remember we serve a mighty God and He will prevail! Stand strong Cayman! Show kindness and Love ALL people as God does and pray that all unbelievers come to know Him as their Saviour.
Is he going to take a stance on clothing with mixed fibers? That one’s good for a bit of eternal damnation too.
Feel the weight lifted off of Bodden Town as the PPM yoke and bit is removed A water shed moment for these islands its about time Tony now they will feel the power of the people of the District of Bodden Town. Down wid dey Wutlessness!!!
Glad to hear he will be joining the rest of the uneducated morons!
Good for him. At the rate Alden is going we are ALL going to leave PPM.
Alden’s arrogance is his government’s undoing. Such a shame.
Yes the party is over all you foreign interlopers Cayman time is here, start sweating talla cause the heat is on EZZard Time has arrived. time to take back our island!!!!!!
Have you asked Ezzard his views on gay people?
You can have it as even you won’t want what’s left.
Good! Now The premier can do the right thing and enact the right laws. With any luck Eden will not get reelected. Dinosaurs should quietly give up.
Ever think he walked the plank?
I mean pirates week is only just over.
Well done Mr. Eden. Come on Al and Winston be men and join this honorable man and walk across
PPM is finished in Bodden Town No more riding on the coat tails Wayne O this gov’t is in the dust bin and they know it !
Bravo sir! As long as we civil servants dont pay the politics no mind its a great place to work. I have great people under me and they are dedicated to the job.
No gay, crime or other issues should affect our profesions and thank god there are none that I know of in government.
Yes sah. It has only just begun. Bet they did not see this coming. 2017 we going clean them out.
A bigot by any other name is still a bigot.
Good, nobody in this age should have to endure what this hater says….
Eden knows that McLaughlin is about to foolishly change the definition of marriage. Anthony is a smart and principled man.
You got my vote!!! Will Alva join you or will he flip flop again!
More power to Mr. Eden. I salute you.
Yes…..he had the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the establishment. Congrats Tony and maybe 1 or 2 more will follow.
Heil Eden.
Alden McLauglin is a panderer. What has he done for indigenous Caymanians? How many laws has he put forward in favour of Caymanians? Why is he always seeking to change things to suit the expats. More work permits meant more jobs for Caymanians.
This is the only place in the world that people on work permits are allowed to stay forever. An work permit/contract is for a specified time, so why are we bending backwards and allowing them to be continuously renewed.
Mr. Eden – doesn’t matter which political party you are in – stand firm on this issue as the Holy Bible is very clear. If your clearly defined position on gay marriage is considered “hate speech” then the entire contents of the Holy Bible must be pure blasphemy to those these unnatural unions.
Holy bible is very clear on eating pork but we haven’t heard anything about that from Tony. Surely he’s not picking and choosing what bits of god’s word to adhere to?
And we salute him… for stepping down from the PPM. He should have been fired by the Governor, but quitting is adequate enough for now.
Beg your pardon, but the Governor cannot do that – she did not elect him. Some of out there are so ignorant. We the people elected and he runs in the next election we will put him back so you nor the Governor can do anything about that.
He was elected as a PPM MLA (since he ran on the PPM slate). So where does that leave the voters?
Have at it Bigotbots, thumbs away!