CIG to stop job-hopping expats

| 24/11/2015 | 89 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Department of Immigration, George Town

(CNS): The government is reviewing section 50 of the immigration law due to an increase in the number of expatriate workers who are job-hopping while still on a work permit without a letter of release from their bosses, according to Deputy Governor Franz Manderson. Following what appears to be a reinterpretation of the law by the immigration boards, permits are being granted to foreign workers while existing permits are still current without the agreement of their original employers, which the DG said was not the intention of the immigration law.

The private member’s motion in the Legislative Assembly was brought by the independent member for North Side Friday. Ezzard Miller asked government to issue a directive to the boards to reinstate the requirements of section 50 or re-write it to address the reinterpretation, which has led to a significant increase in permits being issued in contravention of law. Miller said legal opinion had suggested that the section of the law was not mandatory but discretionary.

Accepting the motion on behalf of the government, Manderson said that non-national workers were never intended to have the same freedom of movement in the local job market as Caymanians, noting that foreign workers, as in most countries, should be regulated. The DG, who is a former chief immigration officer, explained that the provision in the law was to control job-hopping of non-nationals but also to allow in special circumstances for the release of foreign workers who were being victimized by employers or not being paid or mistreated in some way, or where bosses gave permission to move.

“We saw some really scary cases where people needed to be released from their permit,” Manderson said. The control of foreign workers also ensured that local employers were not out-of-pocket after paying to bring workers here and finding the money for permits only to see them walk off the job and go to someone else offering a $1 an hour more. The deputy governor said the law was designed to offer protection for both sides.

But Manderson said government was aware that the law was not being applied consistently or fairly, and said there was some confusion about its continued application. He added that the motion was timely and the matter would be resolved.

He said the chief officer in the ministry of home affairs has asked the attorney general for a definitive opinion on how government should move forward to achieve the vision of protection and stop what amounts to the self-releasing of work permit holders so they can job-hop. Thanking Miller for bringing the motion, he gave an undertaking that the government would address the problem.

Miller said that when he first received complaints that the Business Staffing Board was issuing permits to people who had walked out of an existing permit without a release letter or without ground for special circumstances, he said he thought it was impossible because it was illegal. However, he learned that the law was being reinterpreted and the view of the board was that workers could not be held hostage by bosses refusing to give a letter of release, so the boards must grant the new permits.

“This means that every work permit holder is equal to locals in the job market,” Miller said. But given that permit holders should not have the same freedoms to move around the labour market as Caymanians, he believed the reinterpretation of the law, which was based on legal advice, was wrong.

“I don’t believe any members wish that the situation should continue and we need to change the wording of the law, the regulations or issue a directive to return section 50 and stop expat job-hopping and protect employers as well as Caymanian workers.”

Welcoming the review, Miller said he understood that government was in a “ticklish position” when it comes to work permits because of its dependence on the revenue it collects and the lobbying force of powerful corporations, but he urged the deputy governor to address the situation quickly because Caymanians were feeling that their government was letting them down. He said there were growing numbers of qualified and educated locals who cannot get work, and warned again of the potential for revolution if it remained hard for them to find jobs.

Asking government to uphold the law, Miller said, “Every job in the Cayman Islands should go to a Caymanian unless an employer can clearly demonstrate that he can’t find a Caymanian.”

Lamenting the constant changes in legislation to facilitate those who come here and not to support “our own people”, Miller asked for the matter to be dealt with urgently and to put an end to the reliance on the misguided legal opinion that he said had diluted section 50 of the law.

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Comments (89)

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  1. Rohan Golding says:

    Here is my opinion. When an expat cancel their work permit they should be sent back to their country and be able to return for working after six months. Should a new employer want to hire them they must go through the same procedure to bring them back on Island. This will also generate more revenue for the government via Cayman Airways.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Tougher enforcement of the requirement for a release letter will result in more employer abuse of staff, higher rates of expat workers coming in and out of Cayman for short periods increasing business costs and reducing the value of the Cayman brand and will not result in any impact on the employment of locals.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just to be clear, contrary to this interesting analysis that you pulled out of your a**, this law was enforced until relatively recently. What you cannot do, is encourage the non enforcement of the law!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alden. Immigration is in your portfolio. WTF? Do you have any clue what is going on?

  4. Anonymous says:

    People looking for better, higher paying jobs….imagine that.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the point is you can do that in your home Country where you have the right to freedom of movement from job to job etc. You are guests here and your rights are restricted. Somehow you’ve been advised badly into thinking you have rights equivalent to citizens of this country. I can guarantee you back home your fellow countryman are having the same debate about migrants in their country

      • Anonymous says:

        Buddy, we are dealing with the mindset of the typical, privileged, white, western, “expat” (i.e. “immigrant” in their own countries) in these threads – and as usual, those that fall into this category falsely believe they are above the usual standards and limitations of all others.

        Everywhere they have gone en masse throughout history disruption, displacement, and strife ensues. Everywhere.

        In their minds the common rules and conventions do not apply – to them or their offspring … because they’re simply “better” than everyone else.

        Scariest of all is that this mindset is so engrained in them that they genuinely do not see it – and holler “foul” every time someone (e.g. yours truly) shines a light on the reality.

        Any intentions to help or cooperate with these types of people are futile. The only solution is removal, resistance or eradication. Otherwise the (original) cultural, social, and spiritual harmony of their new environment is ultimately doomed.

        It is what it is.

        Commence the meaningless negative thumbs and troll votes.
        Truth is truth.


  5. Anonymous says:

    I look forward to the shrinkage of our industries and overall economy because the current situation is truly unsustainable.

    Most importantly, the more Cayman “grows” and “develops” the worse off Caymanians become and – the greater the degree of assholedness of our average expat. (As so eloquently demonstrated in this very thread.)

    Therefore, what is the point?

    Let us shrink, thousands will leave, it will pinch for a moment, but all will balance out in the end.
    Best of all, the clearly disgruntled and unhappy expats will be able to return to their wonderful homes that they are so obviously missing.

    Win-Win all around it seems.

    Who’s with me?

    • Anonymous says:

      I wish you luck with that. Don’t forget it could work the other way ( a la Bahamas or Jamaica) where the world says goodbye to those “assholedly” Cayman Islands because the people could not get with the program, which is a lot different to 40 years ago. So essentially no financial sector, tourism will wain due to overpricing, not long enough runway, all your kids will leave to go elsewhere, crime moves in “drug transshipment point” essentially controlled by gun toting cartels, and you will not even be able to afford the mosquito plane. Good luck with that!

      • Anonymous says:

        The Bahamas is not doing so badly last time i was there. Can’t say that we are more prosperious than they are. As a matter of fact i noticed that more natives were employed in the Bahamas that Cayman. So Cayman should not fear Bahamas if anything we should try to emmulate them.

        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          Hate to let facts interfere with your rose tinted view, but;

          Bahamas GDP per capita $20690, Cayman $54827
          Bahamas unemployment 15.7%, Cayman 4.7%
          Bahamas government budget – deficit 4.3% of GDP, Cayman surplus of 3.4% of GDP.

          Still think we are not m ore prosperous (quite apart from the fact that whilst they may employ more locals than expats, their local unemployment rate is 3 times higher).

          Truth inconvenient sometimes, nah?

          • Anonymous says:

            Hate to burst your bubble even further but, this year was the highest murder rate that the Bahamas has ever seen. Look at the stats, you will be shocked. Even local people are now trying to get into gated communities.
            But hey, want to be like the Bahamas … Knock yourself out.
            Just let me sell my house first.

        • SSM345 says:

          Going to Atlantis would make you think it wasn’t doing so bad, perhaps if you left Paradise Island you would have seen a completely different picture.

        • Anonymous says:

          You obviously haven’t been there lately. 115 murders so far this year, cruise ship passengers refusing to go ashore, US Government travel warning in place with a growing wave of racism between different Bahamians and directed at tourists.
          No houses are without window bars and razor wire unless you are lucky enough to get into a gated community.
          No thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good lord. I sincerely hope this is pure satire or this country is doomed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the only asseholedness here is this response….

  6. Anonymous says:

    “Laterals” is a common hotel worker trick used.
    They’re hired on permits as a cleaners which locals are (unfortunately) reluctant to apply for, then they are given lateral moves into more appealing positions (room service, waiters etc).

    • Diogenes says:

      Except that such a change would, if the regulations were followed, require re-advertisement. And if you are not going to follow the regs, why bother even initially advertising the job as anything else? Not that would make any difference, since Caymanians don’t apply for those jobs either. Remember the Ritz’s hiring fair? Thats the real issue with the lower paid service jobs. You can have all the regs you want, but if no Caymanian turns up for the job…. Bit like the police force, too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which locals are still reluctant to apply for.

  7. Anonymous says:

    No! Something in the Immigration Law being applied inconsistently? Say it ain’t so!

    I’m confused tho. Is this a law, a regulation, a policy, an opinion, an interpretation, a rule of thumb, or just something someone said once and some people think is a rule but really isn’t.

  8. Bob says:

    Haven’t government got more important things to worry about FFS.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is about time they start worrying about such things. Big changes coming – the days of the bunch of expats getting away with these tricks are slowly but surely coming to an end. nO more nannies becoming executive officers!!

      • Anonymous says:

        They are not tricks. They are often what amounts to criminal offenses with the seeming tacit support of corrupt or incompetent government agencies. It is time they be treated as what they are.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It seems to me that anyone can arrive on the Island and in days or weeks find a job and the employer applies for a temporary permit to begin which then gives time for the holder to search for other opportunities and/or to apply for a long term permit. To top this off, they not only get one job, but sometimes two! with a permit? while the average Caymanian cannot even find one. What about those doing every kind of work in addition to or maybe not even related to what the permit was granted for e.g. laborers, doing farming, doing mechanics, doing truck driving even running their own business! Really now, where is the regulation here? Its a free for all other than Caymanians.

  10. Fred the Piemaker says:

    Here’s an idea. Grant the work permit to the individual not the employer. Individual can change employers but not line of work. Issues of employee exploitation disappear at a stroke, as do any misplaced concerns that someone might use a permit issued to be a gas pump attendant to be an accountant (not that that works under the current legislation anyway, but some seem to be concerned it is a problem). Of course, denies employers the ability to ransom their employees, and Immigration an excuse to charge fees, but addresses what government wants to pretend is the problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not a new idea, but it is an excellent one, but unhappily unlikely to happen…

      • Anonymous says:

        Not workable under our current system which is supposed to have a quid pro quo for employers who train, employ and promote Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would love to know how all these expats change occupations. When I was on-island I was recruited from the UK because of my professional qualifications only to find myself placed in an admin position which SHOULD have gone to a Caymanian. I complained to HR about this (and lost my job in the process) but despite my my qualifications and 30 years of experience, I could not get a permit for anything other than more admin work – for which I am seriously OVERqualified. So I am back in the UK working as a professional again.

      • Annamouse says:

        If you didn’t realize that even most of the “professional” work on Island is admin before you came that must have been a real shocker.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The law also says companies need to pay into the employee’s pension, but many Caymanian owners don’t, just deduct the money from the expat and keep themselves to buy a bigger boat/car.
    So it seems if you’re local the laws don’t count, but if you are a poor furriner they do
    Cayman Kind

    • Anonymous says:

      And healthcare! One of my friends had a terrible experience because of this. She had a job and was paying her healthcare contributions. She became pregnant and had heavy bleeding at 22 weeks. On arrival at the hospital it was discovered that whilst her employer was taking her healthcare contributions, the policy did not exist and she was not insured. They left her to go through that terrible ordeal and give birth to a dead baby alone in a room. When the baby was home they came in, placed it in a bed pan under her bed and then left her there again for another hour before taking the dead baby away. This whole experience caused her so much emotional distress that she went back home to the States and has never gotten over it. I have since come across many occasions where similar incidents (no insurance) have occurred. The employers provide the employees with a policy guide but not an actual insurance policy. Anyone worried about this should seek a copy of the actual insurance policy from their employer. If the employer cannot provide this report them, they are likely taking your money and you are not insured.

      • Anonymous says:

        These are different issues to those relating to job hopping. You are however sadly absolutely right and it’s time that those unscrupulous employers are prosecuted and prevented from operating businesses again. At the moment for unknown reasons they are allowed to go on a layaway plan for their illegal activities. This doesn’t just hurt work permit holers it hurts Caymanians too. This really is not us vs them issue. If it’s illegal or contrary to the law it’s wrong.

  12. Anonymous says:

    There is a useful explanation in the Compass of how the Law works if properly applied. It is intended to prevent work permit holders from abusing the system (surprise, there are cases of this happening) and employers from abusing employees. It is intended to ensure that the local market force works for all concerned, and the LA will continue to enforce it, as it is a necessary provision of the law. What I don’t understand is why the AG is giving another opinion. He already gave a stunningly inaccurate opinion on this section of the Law (as I understand it, he didn’t realise there were other relevant sections in the law that explained the special circumstances under which an employee CAN move from his current employer). Clearly someone had confidence in him to not screw it up the second time around. LOL!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I know for a fact the immigration dept. and CIG have been ignoring all sections if it means higher w/p fees so it seems the only reason CIG is worried about this section is Caymanian employers are losing their control over their employees and may (God forbid) have to start treating them decently.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Work permit holders are free to change employers without the need for the immigration boards to hear the application under Section 50 if they have come to the end of their current permit. They simply have to let their current employer know that they do not wish to have their permit renewed and then they can apply for a position with another company.
    What is being discussed in this article is job hopping while on a current permit without any regard to “special circumstances.” If the employee is being victimized this is a “special circumstance” and the employee is allowed to change employers under this current law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, you try to take that risk in the face of a rich vindictive employer when your family’s well being might turn on whether immigration agrees that you have been victimized.

      • Anonymous says:

        Another rubbish reason as to why the Law should be ignored or disregarded.

        • Anonymous says:

          Speaks the vindictive employer who likes the improper pressure they can exert.

          • Anonymous says:

            no, speaks someone who actually knows what they are talking about. If you are really being victimized (as recognised by the law) then you are able to be released during your term. If you don’t like your employer, serve out your time and then move on. You had to sign the work permit form just as your employer did s you knew the term being asked for. You don’t get to come here and then decide you will move on to greener pastures without completing your term. If your employer refuses a release letter because your term hasn’t been completed that is not victimisation!! This has nothing to do with black or white, rich or poor. Its the law. Those were the rules before you got here and you should have known.

  15. anon says:

    I believe this motion is correct and fair to employers. When a potential employee is interviewed for a position most common questions asked are housing, rate of pay, cost of living and what the work permit process entails. Having explained to a potential candidate all of the above they accept the job and we submit the paperwork. We find in most cases that it is not the employee looking for another job it is other employers trying to poach them. We go through a lengthy process to hire and get them here only to accommodate lazy business owners who choose this unscrupulous practice as a way to fill their ranks. These employees do have choices either work you permit out or go home, a contract is a contract and I believe the permit process is akin to having a contract with your employee. For the record I employ over 100 people and 70% of which are Caymanian.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The “reinterpretation of the law” referred to in this article is an opinion directly from the office of the Attorney General and has been used as the reason for allowing job hopping at all levels of employment to happen on a regular basis. This is commonly referred to as “self-release” and has been going on for years.
    Effectively, the opinion from the office of the AG has given the boards powers that they should not have because the opinion states that Section 50 of the law is discretionary and that “may not” means “may” and the boards do not have to consider a permit under Section 50 if they are not minded to do so.
    This opinion also completely omits any reference to “special circumstances”, a defined term in the immigration law, which explains under what circumstances an employee, can move without a release letter. “Special circumstances” protects both the employer and the employee. If an employee is being victimized by an employer, they should certainly be able to change employers without a release letter.
    However, at the moment, employees can cancel their own work permit without the knowledge of their employer under immigrations “self-release” policy and get another permit, without regard to Section 50 of the law.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Insanity. Literally an endorsement of indentured servitude. A huge step back for labour.

    It’s nonsense to say that expats shouldn’t have freedom to apply for and be considered for a post. Unless I have missed an amendment to the immigration law, any expat anywhere in the world can apply for a job in Cayman. All this “directive” does is give off-island expats more rights than those currently on island.

    The reality is that we Caymanians have to compete with all 7.3 billion people in the world whether we like it or not. Eliminating competition from 20,000 work permit holders still leaves the other 7,299,999,980,000 eligible to apply and increases the appeal of hiring one of them because a work permit is akin to a leasehold on a slave.

    How does that help Caymanians?

    • Anonymous says:

      you need to read the law before you post this dribble. we are not talking about a policy or a whim. We are talking about the Law passed in the LA which prevents job hopping. At the end of the term of the permit the employee is free to move to another job. If he doesn’t like it he is free to go back home. If you don’t like it on the other hand then you need to speak with your elected members. But you cant simply disregard the law as it currently stands.

      • Anonymous says:

        “But you cant simply disregard the law as it currently stands.”

        Using past MLA’s as a model apparently you can with no consequences

      • Anonymous says:

        No sir, it is you that needs to read more carefully. The poster said there was nothing in the law preventing any foreigner applying for any job. Is that not correct?

        The rest of his post was a comment on the policy, not the law. You can’t cite a law in its own defense. Slavery itself was the law of the land once. The fact that something is in the law doesn’t make it right.

        • Anonymous says:

          And you too felt free to join in with the dribble. The rest of his post refers to a ‘policy’ (as you put it) that doesn’t exist. So again, you and your friend both need to read the Law (yes the Law) to understand that those off island once they are granted a permit and on those on island must complete their term unless there are special circumstances. Once complete they can move on. That’s the Law. If you think the Law is wrong there’s a process to change it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You misunderstand the Law, but I do not blame you. Plainly the same is true of many others. The Law is clear. All persons who are already resident in the Cayman islands have priority over any person who is not. Read s. 44. That means that if an existing work permit holder is available for a different position in Cayman, then the job is theirs in preference to any expat from overseas. The question then is, is the work permit holder available? That is a question for s. 50 and the contract with their employer. Any employee who is being abused in any way can still move without a release letter – that too is plain in the Law.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah right. Can anyone cite a single instance of an existing work permit holder being given preference by the immigration department over an overseas applicant? How would that even happen? The immigration board declines a permit for a prospective overseas employee because another on island permit holder has applied. You’ve got to be joking.

        Just another fine example of something in the immigration law that makes no sense and is routinely ignored or applied only when the beneficiary is a friend or family member of someone with any authority.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is in the law and it makes perfect sense. The fact that it is routinely ignored is another thing. Yet again, our laws are adequate. It is perhaps something else that is not.

    • Rhett says:

      It helps expat employers. WP holders are the best employees! Controllable. Employers have gotten away with finagling the Immigration system with a pat on the back by the CIG. Commendable, Ezzard Miller, for bringing this urgent matter to the forefront. Whilst some employers may not be ‘in’ on the scheme…big businesses are. By approval. What they want, they get. Fire Caymanians! They want someone, they ‘get them’….Expat business owners rule the country! Redundantly said….

  18. Anonymous says:

    OMG. Finally some action, or at least talk of action, but they are running about like this is the only problem with the way Immigration is operating. There are lots of others.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I knew a friend who’s expat, she came to the island knowing her boss will do what they’ve agreed verbally and in the law, she trusted them in exchange of being a nanny for two kids and fulltime house hold worker. In the end, her boss just co paying her health insurance, paying her 1k a month, 1 day off, no pay for extra hours of baby sitting, no reimbursement for the gAs she pays for picking up and bringing the child to play groups, no airfare share whenever she goes home for vacation (every 3yrs), etc. , Now, who do you think a caymanian or PR will get or stay in this kind of job/employer? by the way she’s a college degree holder; and her boss works in the government; in the end she look and found a better employer. The thing is, treat your employee with respect and dignity and im sure they will stay with their job.

  20. Anonymous says:

    What about all the expats whose “bosses” hold their work permits but they have no work for them. Maybe immigration should walk down Eastern Ave at 2pm ask people whether they are on work permits and WHY ARE THEY NOT WORKING.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The usual gibberisih from the xenophobes. Presumably any position for where work permit issued has to be advertised in the usual way and Caymanian applicants considered in the usual way. So the gas station position will have been advertised – no Caymanian applicants – work permit granted. Then the accountant position will have been advertised – no Caymanian applicants – work permit granted. No different at all from any other work permit issued. Ezzard et al just want to restrict the fundamental rights of non-Caymanian workers, to create a subjugated and exploited class of labour whose human rights can be breached with impunity on a daily basis.

    The Governor and the FCO should intervene to stop this disgraceful, shameful and morally repugnant proposal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Again, its all good and well to try and pretend that this is a xenophobic issue. Immigration is an issue all over the world including wherever it is you are from. What rights exactly are you talking about? When you arrive on a permit, you know or you should know (its on Govts website and on your permit) that you cannot move from job to job without a release letter or unless your term of permit has come to an end. Its in the LAW! News flash – you are not Caymanian and you don’t have a right to employment in the Islands, only those rights extended to you on the basis of your work permit granted to you and subject to the provisions of the Law. Perhaps you didn’t know that you cant have a promotion in your job unless the Board approves it first. So what rights are you talking about? Certainly none as defined in the law or in the constitution if you are neither Caymanian nor PR holder.

      • Anonymous says:

        Basic human rights, (and indeed basic decency) which the law you so proudly proclaim flagrantly breach. One might think you would display shame, but hey stupid is as stupid does.

        • Anonymous says:

          speaking of stupid, your sentence (such as it is) makes absolutely no sense! And you still don’t bother to explain (or should I say, try to explain) what basic human rights you are referring to. So, are illegal immigrants entitled to work because there is some basic human right, known only to you, that allows them the right to work in someone else’s country? We have laws for a reason and yes, I am really not ashamed of seeing it enforced. But feel free to take another shot at trying to explain yourself.

      • Rhett says:

        Newly employed expats are immediately embraced by seasoned expats, who guide them on the ‘how to’s’ – so many of them know the game. And apply for Status soon…In fact they know before they choose employment on Cayman. Hello internet.

    • Rhett says:

      Review your facts….And, foreign workers SHOULD have restrictions….the laws of the Cayman Islands MUST be enforced to end the over-population of WP holders whilst Caymanians are NOT even considered for positions they are qualified for or MORE than qualified for. Perhaps a good chunk of the $180 million sent off island to their countries via Western Union and such will STAY on island/s where it belongs….seems to be a well known fact how ‘easy’ it is in Cayman…..Obtaining status is another issue. Especially when inland, non-accessible cheap properties are bought for the purpose of obtaining Status…..

  22. Anonymous says:

    This change will suits employer who abuse staff and would increase such abuse. It increases the effectiveness of threats of serious emotional and financial harm if a mistreated employee tries to move away from an abusive workplace. Employers can be adequately protected by restrictive covenants and do not need to have recourse to Immigration. One of the big firms has a reputation for using s.50 letter threats to stop staff leaving for other local firms after being bullied by a partner.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘this change will suit employers’….there is no change. This section exists and has existed in the law for some time. BTW if an employee has a legitimate reason for leaving his employer before his permit is up (such as non payment of wages, pension, health etc) the law also provides for this and he can and should be released from his employer legally. Restrictive covenants have nothing to do with this, in fact where an employee is being abused a restrictive covenant might will act to his detriment as he would be bound by it unless perhaps he went to court. Section 50 allows employees to be released where they can show that the situation is serious enough to allow him to be released.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don’t you come to the real world. I know of one firm where when an employee has been complaining about a serial bully and indicates that they want to leave the employer in question made it clear that if that happened they would object to the work permit change and that the employee had better stay put or leave the island. For people who had families with kids in school etc they could not take the risk of their families suffering because of the threats and the arbitrary nature of local immigration decision making.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Its a FACT……..most all third world employees accept a job in Cayman to get here, settle and then start the hunt for a higher paying job in ANY industry. Then some…… work the system to find a willing Caymanian to marry and anchor a baby.

    Wake up.

    The only department to blame is Immigration, which makes hasty decisions as it so over whelmed. If any department besides RCIP needs large amounts of attention its this one. They have cost my 25 year old company thousands of dollars with allowing job hoppers to hop, and some to positions with no experiences making $100s more and taking a job from an educated Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait, you’re complaining about YOUR EX-PAT EMPLOYEES job-hopping and costing Caymanians jobs? I’d laugh if I could pick my jaw up off the floor.

      • Anonymous says:

        Job hopping, especially of unskilled labor, fills positions and thus blocks entry level jobs from being made available to qualified or young Caymanians just getting into the job market. If the position is never advertised then it wont be known. Also job hopping costs employers thousands of dollars a year which could be returned to the community by way of private investment.

        • Anonymous says:

          “Job hoppers” aren’t hiring themselves, and they’re not working both jobs. The only people blocking Caymanians are the employers who aren’t hiring them.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Section 50 of the Law is very clear and not ambiguous. As a small jurisdiction Government years ago decided it was inappropriate to bring in workers who could move from job to job. This law has been around for years. Whether we agree with it or not is immaterial, it is the Law. Having witnessed one employer try to have the board give effect to the Law has been quite an enlightening experience. And forget about the appeal process. This has an impact on locals in the market place as well as employers. And as mentioned in the LA it was intended to protect employers as well as employees. The fault doesn’t rest solely with the boards. A grossly inaccurate opinion was issued on section 50 by the AG (unintentionally I’m sure) but in spite of it being brought to the Board and the AGs attention by a number of persons that it was missing relevant sections of the law, he and his chambers refused to do the right thing and rectify his obviously inaccurate opinion. If we don’t like the Law go to the LA and change it but we can’t have people making it up as we go along. We should all be concerned about how the Law is administered in these islands.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I say it again. Regulate the Temp Agencies! The bring people in on a temporary permit and slot them in the market and from day one they are then job hunting for better jobs. Temporary permits should only be given in extreme circumstances. Currently this is used as a loop hole by way too many just to get the foot in the door.

    • Anonymous says:

      Allow me to point out some facts.

      First, there are a thousand overseas employment agencies, many of whom would be happy to introduce resumes to on island employers and none of whom can be regulated by the Cayman Islands government. Regulating temp agencies on island will do nothing to stem the supply of expatriate workers.

      Second, employers are easily able to obtain temporary work permits and thus temporary workers without employment agencies. Regulating temp agencies out of existence would make no difference whatsoever.

      Third, temps cost more than direct employees. Why would a company use one if they could find a suitably qualified Caymanian? And if a Caymanian costs more than a temp or is not “equally good” why on earth should a company be forced to hire them?

      If Caymanians are to be allowed to “name their price” in the employment market, we are truly forked (autocorrect).

  26. Anonymous says:

    When will people learn that a free market place, with some basic protections, will always win over stupid controls. How can an employer refuse such a letter without impinging basic human rights. And there are employers who are just downright nasty, who would write not write that letter out of spite. Don’t go opening a can of worms. As long as a Company has to demonstrate (fairly) that there were no Caymanian applicants or eligible then what difference does it make??

  27. Lukey Spence says:

    Yes too much of this johnny come lately hoard coming here and doing as they like. time to reign them in, Cayman must look out for its own people.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree with that…lot’s of new expats here, they come with a low level job and as soon as they arrive, they start hunting for a better job and guess what???? They find….
    At my company I have almost 100% Caymanian and I’m happy with them…however I have hired a Permanent Residence lady to work on my accounts dept. So I thought It would not be a big deal to get her Job Tittle changed at immigration as I have promoted a Caymanian to a manager position and hired a PR to a lower position with a different title, It will take anywhere between 4 to 7 weeks to change her title + CI500 non refundable fee.
    So a PR is not considered above a work permit holder??? Is it a lot easier to hire an expat as it takes 3 days to get a temp work permit (paying express fee). Please revise this PR situation.

  29. Anonymous says:

    This story was raised in another publication.
    An example was given of a work permit given ro a gas pump attendant who then got a permit to be an accountant. Why was a permit granted in the first place? surely there must be at least one unemployed caymanian who can work a gas pump come back to the same old story some just refuse two take.on the menial jobs

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Mr Manderson said this story dated back “to the 1990’s”, and before the change in the law. Its not relevant to the current situation, other than by way of justifying the anti job hopping provisions. The current law is pretty clear; no permit if a qualified Caymanian apples. However, how many Caymanians do you think will apply for such a job and at the wages on offer? Therein lies the problem, not the law.

  30. Anonymous says:

    So what Mr Manderson is saying we as employers by law don’t have to give the employee the release letter to go to another job if they find one offering $1.00 more? All these years I as an employer wasn’t aware of this. So many employees come to cayman stay for a while look for another job offering more money then just up and leave no notice whatsoever…

  31. Haranguer says:

    We will never have full employment as long as we continue to give entitlements to just shut up and keep buying those votes.

  32. HR Manager says:

    It has been said that one reason employers prefer employees on work permits is that they exercise more control over them. Having permit holders able to leave their positions for other jobs would then make them less desirable. Ezzard are you sure you are on the right side of this argument or did someone who worked for you find a better employer?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure I follow this. This section of the Law means they must work out their permit term and then they can leave. work permit holders know that when they enter the Island on a permit. By the way this is on Immigration’s website and its on the work permit itself as a condition of the permit for all permit holders. So Ezzard isn’t making this up.

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