Burglar gets 30 months in lightning-fast case

| 20/11/2015 | 31 Comments
Cayman News Service

Shane Edward Connor

(CNS): A Bodden Town man began serving a two and a half year sentence for burglary this week following a rapid turnaround in his case, despite the packed court dockets. Significant challenges within the judicial services, from a shortage of judges and court space to delays caused by weaknesses in the prosecution services, have led to long delays. However, Shane Connor (38), who was caught red-handed breaking into a home in George Town last month, was arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced within two and a half months.

Connor has a long history with the criminal justice system and before his arrest for burglary in September he had served a considerable time on remand in relation to a catalogue of offences, from rape to threats to kill. But having escaped a conviction in all of the charges against him over the last year, Connor was released from jail just three months before he was caught with the loot from a burglary off Walkers Road and taken back to HMP Northward.

A tip-off to the police from a member of the public who saw Connor breaking in led to his quick arrest, on Monday 7 September, in Sterling Estates, despite his efforts to escape. Connor pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and one of attempted burglary a few weeks later and was sentenced on Thursday to 30 months.

Following the sentencing judgment yesterday, delivered by Justice Michael Mettyear, the police said the case was “an example of quick and effective collaboration among the public, who quickly alerted police to a burglary-in-progress, the police, the ODPP, and the courts. Within two-and-a-half months the case has concluded successfully.”


Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (31)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    On the plus side …… the unemployment stats just got a little better! Every cloud eh?

  2. Anonymous says:

    So I am guessing because he is dark skinned he couldn’t be Caymanian? What is this Lord? All Caymanians are light skinned with nice hair now? This is why dark skinned Caymanians cannot make it in their own country…RACISM!!! The ignorance is very real in here I tell ya!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t know how this trial went so fast, but good work to all involved. If this could be to all cases that would be good.

  4. satirony says:

    I feel nostalgic for the times when a boat, a millstone, and a length of rope were you needed. Now it’s a million dollars for twenty years behind bars, with constant upgrades to the flat screens and quality control for the aerial ganja drops. Wherever did those simpler days go?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Clearly this waste of space is a career criminal. Two and a half years respite for us all doesn’t seem at all appropriate. I can guarantee he’ll be up to no good upon release. (Watch for his name coming up again.) People like him (predators) should be caged for the rest of their sorry lives, in my opinion.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Baby time

  7. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order?

    • Anonymous says:

      To East End or George Town-which 5:48? He is very much a multi generational born Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nope. One of ours. Not the best we have, but one of ours.

    • Anonymous says:

      Such an ignorant comment! What gave you the idea a deportational order was needed? He didn’t “look” Caymanian? No wonder people think Caymanians are xenophobic

      • Anonymous says:

        7.22 there is one idiot who after every case writes the same comment “deportation order”, regardless of whether that person is Caymanian or from elsewhere. If he/she was qualified in such matters then he/she would be the judge. Wouldn’t worry too much, you cannot fix stupid.

        • Anonymous says:

          The post was clearly a sarcastic response to the idiots that write deportation order after every conviction when they imply, in a racist way, that crime is a problem caused by foreigners.

          • Anonymous says:

            Except that often the crime is caused by people eligible for deportation and the prosecutors omit to make the appropriate request. Anyone recall Damien Ming, for example?

            • Anonymous says:

              Obviously not in this case. Or his brother.
              The two gun slingers from west bay?
              That was all found within minutes Just from yesterday’s news.
              That is before I start on the court list.
              You have your wish, furriners are starting to return home which seems to be gathering pace. Even Jamaicans are rolling over early and returning home.
              Who will you blame it on when they have gone?

            • Anonymous says:

              And here comes the racist. . .

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, to some kind of prison ship. Swabbing the decks, having to clear up after himself etc – all pretty foreign to this motor-mouth. His mother should be ashamed of herself.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Should have been 30 years.

  9. bobmarley says:

    A long history of criminal behavior and gets a 30 month sentence. WTF. Why don’t u just let him out now? Disgraceful.

  10. The Pastafarian says:

    It must be pretty nice in the slammer……… they don’t seem to mind going back.

  11. The Truman Years says:

    Such a nice young man, what could possibly have gone wrong?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Shane, like his brother Sven, has spent more time in jail than on the outside…..and when they were on the outside they should have been inside.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Keep locking them lol

  14. Anonymous says:

    Good Grief Charley Brown, is it 1st April?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Unclog the court systems with removing traffic offense matters to be dealt with purely administratively (ie you don’t pay your speeding ticket your license can’t get renewed) and there should be more capacity to deal with the scums like this who need to be taken off the street pronto!

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