Gas price demo organisers urge public to join in

| 12/10/2015 | 9 Comments
Cayman News Service

Members of the public sign the petition for lower gas prices

(CNS): More than 8,000 signatures have already been collected by the organisers of the planned people’s march next Wednesday against high gas prices. With the green light from the deputy governor to collect more from civil servants at the Government Administration Building Friday and early next week, they hope to reach the target of 15,000 before handing over the petition to politicians at the end of the march. The goal is to show as much public support as possible for government to introduce legislation that will deal with what many people believe is the gas price gouging by the bulk fuel suppliers.

George Ebanks said he hopes to see significant numbers of people on the street next Wednesday when the Legislative Assembly meets. The people’s march will begin at 9am on 14 October on the lawn of the old Glass House and proceed to LA building, where Cabinet members and some MLAs have agreed to receive the petition.

“We need to show government that they have the people’s support to pass tough legislation to obtain cost prices from our fuel importers and thus be able to finally force the fuel importers to change their current unfair and unreasonable pricing policy and give all people in these Islands market driven prices,” he said. “With a huge turnout and us being able to pressure government to act boldly, our gasoline and diesel prices could fall by the end of October and save each person upwards of CI$300 per month in fuel costs and CUC bills.”

Ebanks added that the success or failure of this campaign to address the unfair practices will rest with the people, as he urged them to join the march. He said the committee was working with all the public buses to organise a free bus service in to town on the morning of the march to make it even easier.

Although the price of a barrel of oil increased again this week and settled Friday at around $50, the significant fall in the oil price over the last few months has barely been noticed in the Cayman Islands. While people in the US are paying an average of US$2.30 per gallon Caymanians are still paying more than double, with average regular gas prices remaining around CI$4.40.

On Friday the Petroleum Inspectorate reported that the cheapest fuel on island was to be had at Jose on Crewe Road and the Shedden Road gas station, where self-service regular fuel was priced at CI$4.31.

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Category: Economy, Local News, Politics

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I really do not understand what the problem with the gas prices is. They are quite reasonable.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why are there no locations provided with this article on where to sign if interested?

    Can someone advise where one can go to sign please?

    Many thanks,

  3. J. Rockefeller says:

    Even at $2.30 U.S. the gasoline prices in the States are more than they should be. The American oil companies “donate” heavily to get “favorable” politicians elected and the government doesn’t rock the boat. I wonder if Cayman Islands politicians are getting anything from the oil companies operating here……?

  4. SAM says:

    Only if they add Dump issue on the agenda

  5. Mickey Mouse says:

    Can you let me know if I’ve signed yet, my memory isn’t what it used to be.

    • George R. Ebanks says:

      Doesnt matter much Mickey Mouse..the trap is set. Prices WILL FALL.
      SOON.. make sure your feet are well clear.

      • Anonymous says:

        I hope when the dust is settled and it can can be confirmed how much we were ripped off by these greedy Gas Station Owners, they will be brought to justice in a court of law.

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