Same-sex couple plan immigration challenge
(CNS): Two gay lawyers resident in Cayman who are legally married in their relevant home countries will be mounting a legal challenge to an immigration decision, which could set the ball rolling for the legitimisation of same-sex unions here. In an ironic twist, the first person to publicly address the gap in the Cayman Islands legislation regarding gay marriage, which happened in a series of lectures hosted by the students of the local law school, is set to be at the centre of what could be the country’s first courtroom battle over rights for same-sex couples.
Dr Leonardo Raznovich, who has been publicly outspoken about Cayman’s need to address legislation on the controversial subject, has become a victim of the very situation that he has warned government about.
A lecturer at the school for the last two years until last week, when, despite having the best performing students, his contract was not renewed, he was told officially that he was being let go over performance issues. But Raznovich claims the allegations are unfounded and believes his vocal position on the topic of gay rights and his criticisms of the school’s management are the real reason why he finds himself out of a job and facing deportation in a matter of weeks – though this was denied by the law school.
Given the circumstances and not wishing to leave his partner of 16 years, his husband has applied for the former popular law school lecturer to be a dependent on his work permit for the time being. As a successful lawyer himself in the offshore industry, who has been in Cayman for more than four years, Raznovich’s husband has no problem meeting the necessary financial criteria to enable his spouse to remain with him in Cayman as a dependant on his work permit, which is held by a local law firm.
But despite the fact that the couple’s marriage is perfectly legal in both their native countries of Argentina and the UK, the Immigration Board has indicated that they cannot accommodate the request due to a lack of legal framework. Although the board has not yet issued its formal letter to the couple, the internal tracking system allowed the pair to see the decision that the board has ‘no power’ to allow the change to Raznovich’s husband’s permit, which was made at last week’s board meeting.
“This is a clear case of incompatibility between the legislation enforced by the immigration authority in relation to applications made by married same-sex couples and the European Convention on Human Rights,’’ Raznovich told CNS. “We are very happy in Cayman and have been very welcome here and we have not met with any discrimination in our daily lives up until now.”
As a result, Raznovich said the married couple will be challenging the decision, as they both believe the law is actually on their side. Although the board may be correct that the immigration law has no provision for same-sex spouses, the common law makes it clear that, as a legitimate spouse, Raznovich is a dependent of his husband in the same way that a dependent spouse in a heterosexual couple would be.
In addition, the legal expert also pointed out that in a trust case dealing with inheritance rights by the financial division of the Grand Court last year, Justice Peter Creswell found that the polygamist marriage in question was recognized in Cayman law, even though polygamy is illegal here, because the marriage was legitimate in the country of origin of the family involved.
Given this local precedent, plus the Cayman marriage law, the absence of a framework in the immigration law, recent rulings in the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court, the couple are confident that the local courts will, in the end, rule in their favour.
Once in receipt of their formal letter, the couple plan to mount a challenge to the board’s refusal. Given the process required, Raznovich said, they may first need to apply to the Immigration Appeals Tribunal, but given the lack of a legal framework in the immigration law, that may be a pointless exercise. As such, they could apply to the Grand Court to circumvent that process and go straight to the courtroom, where, if successful, the couple could open the can of legal worms that the current administration seems keen to avoid.
Raznovich, however, said that government could address the question of his dependency through a change in the immigration law regulations by properly defining dependents and covering all spouses of legitimate marriages, regardless of gender. This would avoid the public drama surrounding a high-profile court case that the government looks destined to lose but it could also lead to more legal problems for the administration regarding the rights of the native gay community.
Changes to the immigration regulations to facilitate dependents of all legal spouses capable of being financially supported by the work permit holders could only apply to same-sex couples who are natives of countries where their marriages are legal and not to locals where gay marriage is not yet legally recognized. This would mean that government was effectively recognizing legal gay marriages for some sectors of the community and not others.
By way of example, a Caymanian who marries an American of the same sex in the United States could not have their spouse as a dependent as that marriage would not be recognized as legitimate in Cayman.
Writing to the attorney general on his last day at the law school, Raznovich reminded him of the problems with local legislation and urged him to address the issue.
“Now that a case of incompatibility has in fact arisen by virtue of the declaration of the Immigration Authority that no statutory framework exists to deal with applications made by married same-sex couples,” he said, “there is an obvious and urgent need for government to act in order to prevent the Cayman Islands from continuing to breach the rule of law on the world stage.”
See Dr Leonardo J Raznovich’s presentation below, which was first delivered at the Grand Court in the series organized by the law school’s student body and later at a local TedX event.
Category: Local News
A point to consider, If I have 6 wives where it is legal to do so and if I can prove that I can support them here in cayman, would you accept all 6 of them as dependents? Also if the law changes here in cayman, would the Cayman Islands accept my 6 marraiges/wives? I don’t think the human rights constitution should just stop at LGTB? Can anyone shed some light?
Cayman law recognises the validity of polygamous marriages provided that parties are domiciled in a country where polygamy is allowed and the marriage is celebrated according to the law of a country where polygamy is allowed.
Many countries around the world allow child marriage, and also polygamy. If we change our laws to suit these nice gentlemen, well then why wouldn’t everyone from everywhere else expect that same privilege?
Since when is Cayman required to change its laws because some other country believes we should copy their way of doing things?
We might be tiny, but we have a democratic system here and a constitution. The people of the Cayman Islands are of a Christian heritage, and no that does not mean we are perfect.
What it means is that we have already considered this issue and decided that marriage is between a man and a woman.
No one ever points out the shenanigans that go on at batabanu…which are great fun to watch but I am 99% sure result in many accidental pregnancies…but that’s OK in this truly Christian country. Just don’t do it if you are gay. Oh, how would we know, with all those pretty costumes??
Oh I think “accidental” gayness also breaks out at Batabanu.
Of course, you are welcomed into church, that is what church is for sinners to help us see the light and to become a follower of God work. If you do that you will have a complete change of mind and heart.
My guess is that they won’t have a complete change of mind. they don’t want to change. They are doing you no harm and if think it is sin what has it to do with you?
You have a point. However the commission of the Church by our Lord is to proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world. It is the good news of delivering the world from the power of sin.
Just like ISIS and the Scientologists then.
I used to believe in God, then I grew up.
Why is incest tolerated in the bible but homosexuality is labeled a sin? Does God prefer if intercourse happens directly in the family as long as there is no homosexual behavior going on?
Does homosexuality hurt or disgust God?
If God could start over with a clean slate, would he do anything different?
You are clearly reading your own version of the bible. All of the proper versions condemn incest as much as they do homosexuality. Lev. 18:6-16. Try reading the bible before attempting to criticise it.
But I thought Jesus told us to leave Leviticus behind. Are you telling us we are to behave according to the strictures in Leviticus?
Ahh yes. I forgot it’s full of contradictions.
As a Christian, I will tell you this before you start selectively using passages against our faith, there are certain passages in the Bible for our learning only, some are poetry, some are historical accounts, others prophecies that can’t be taken literally, and if you go to diverse protestant ministers they will give you different interpretations just on one text (thanks to the protestant sola scriptura movement).
But I will tell you this – most of what Christians should be following is found in the New Testament after Christ abolish the Law of Moses found in the Old Testament. To follow your atheist or gay friends in pulling texts out of the Old Testament to discredit Christianity, is at best taking texts out of context and misrepresenting what Christianity really is. Unfortunately, certain professors of the faith not versed in the Bible and living the Words of Christ, have placed a bad name on Christianity.
Over the past few weeks I’ve read the sentiments expressed here and via different media houses in relation same-sex relationships.
Whilst it’s not my intention to hash out the time-line of where one can easily argue this current debate stemmed from, a recurring theme keeps raising it’s head every time the conversation surfaces – highlighting an even more concerning problem in my humble option: that being the Cayman Islands Law School and the noticeable fact that fundamental issues exist there to which no Government has approprietly addressed.
The professor who has found himself in a position not ideal, (not having a job) was employed to work at the Law School. His credentials were checked as would be expected and he was interviewed in person: thus visible to most his sexual orientation. The latter however is irrelevant as the school has stated his contract was not renewed for other reasons.
The question that remains however, is why was he allowed to progress for a second year where students grades were on the line?
I ask this question because, sentiments have been expressed that, the denial of his contract was as a result off his performance. If indeed the first year was deemed unacceptable, would it not have been in the school’s and mainly the students best interest to release the professor at the of the time of realizing his poor performance? Why was he allowed to stay and keep perfoming poorly at the students expense?
The Law School recently announced they were inspected and given flying colours. I further ask then, was the lecturer in question flagged for poor performance and this taken into account by the inspection body?
It is clear from the statements expressed on various blogs and social media outlets (albeit not scientific) a great divide and chaos exists between the student body and the school’s administration on all level.
It would therefore not be inaccurate to summize that, the underlying issues which ultimately led to the present events being played out, in fact rest with the management of the Law School; as the lecturer’s performance was not addressed from the first year. What we have now is a Tsuanmi that ultimately stemmed from the actions of the Law School.
This is absolutely silly! Just another thing to add to the cesspool of stupidity in the Cayman Islands already. Friendly warning: we have to move forward or we will be left behind…far behind.
Good on you Dr. Raznovich, and partner, for taking up this fight to move our Cayman Islands forward (away from Govt. sanctioned discrimination).
I was born to hate gays period and if my brother or son was a gay I would disown them.can someone prove that I was born this way?
Your logic is so off. You were TAUGHT to hate the LGBTI community by your parents who were, obviously, bigots. Being born gay is not learnt, taught, or acquired. We wish you were taught proper english and writing instead of hate.
Thank God, the Church is about who is BORN A SINNER, and that means everyone is in the same boat to perdition if they don’t repent, pick up their cross, and follow Jesus.
And whether you’re born gay or not, there are sins that could send you to hell faster than most sins. There are called the 7 deadly sins: HATE, PRIDE, GREED, SLOTH, GLUTTONY, LUST, and ENVY.
The Church is the hospital for those sinners who want to be cured from committing sins. Homosexuals like any sinner are welcome. Its Chief Doctor is Doctor Jesus 🙂
Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia in only 1. Which seems more unnatural?
Correction Homophobia is only found in one sub-species Homo Sapiens Bigotus.
It is the most intelligent one, the one with a sense of right and wrong. I think by homophobia you just mean people who disapprove of homosexual behaviour.
One can disapprove of something without discriminating against it or banning it.
Mankind was also the only one to invent religion.
That comment is so idiotic. Many species eat or kill their disabled young but it generally does not happen in the human species so are we to conclude that killing or eating your disabled young should be practised by humans because it is “natural”?
True … There is one thing we have that the animal world lack, and that is REASON. We can easily reason that a male sexual organ that’s outward must have been created for a female sexual organ that’s inward, so to procreate life. 🙂
I believe in equal rights for everyone, including recognition of civil unions, however, everyone means everyone.
How does the good doctor hope to successfully sue the immigration board (Government?) By argueing that he is being discriminated against in his husbands application to have him recognised with regards to his immigration dtatus. I assume he will base his arguments in worldwide, EU or Argentine Human Rights legislation.
The human rights hurdle that may well trip him up, is the fact that he is only concerning himself on the human rights of work permit holders. What about extending his argument to include Caymanians as well, or, is he quite happy to discriminate against Gay Caymanians be leaving them out of the ruling of the Grand Court?
This will not be the first time that Caymanians are discriminated against by rulings of the Grand Court or the laws of the land.
In the case of spouses of Caymanians vs spouses of PR or Status holders, it is a well known fact that Caymanians married to a non Caymanian spouse, has to wait 8 years before qualifying to apply for Caymanian status for said spouse, however, in the case of a Statis holder that person can apply for theor spouse to be granted Caymanian status after they are here for 2 years.
No one seems to be too worried or outraged when it is a Caymanian being discriminating against.
If the good doctor, who is his own lawyer, was so concerned about fairness and the rights of all LGBT people and not just those here on work permit, he should fight for all.
I don’t think gay Caymanians have any issue with residing in Cayman so there is no question of discrimination on the narrow issue involved.
If you have read the press, seen the good doctors comments on TV or listened to him on the radio, he is asking the Government to recognise same-sex couples rights regardless of their nationality. The special circumstances of him and his husband are what enable him to make this application. It is for the Government to adopt legislation to avoid any discrimination against gay Caymanians. The first few words uttered on his TED Talk, which can be viewed on YouTube (, precisely focus on his concerns about discrimation of Caymanians.
10:43…we are very sophisticated. Red herrings!!!! Why attack the school now that a few whackos did not achieve their latest made up agenda item. This is just the latest thing in town folks. Attack the Government and the officials that serve when you want to further your politicized pan global agenda. Try bullying and shaming when others disagree with you. What the hell happened to people having a right to think for themselves and agreeing to disagree. No, if you do not agree with gays, they want to sue you and drive you off the planet Mr. Eden!
It is interesting to note that you tell me to get my facts straight. I am a student too and I, like others am entitled to my opinion. is this whole debate not founded on human rights and yet parts of my earlier comment were redacted! The facts are that there were dozens of serious complaints made – this may not be your opinion but it is a fact and that is why ultimately his contract was not renewed. It is interesting that the complaints have been completely omitted from Raz side of the story. students cried leaving his exams, that is how upset they were with his competence, but you continue to speak the opinion of a small minority as fact, go right ahead.
Perhaps the students cried because they were required to answer questions on the exam that they had not been given in advance…
Sooo… Again with the discrimination? Can’t forget the one black lecturer who taught land who was driven almost to insanity. If there is ever a place most corrupt is Cayman Island Law school ya hear! That being said I have heard so many complaints about this lecturer and to be fair there were many complaints about the black lecturer too. I would think anyone who is being oppressed will need at outlet and the students got it good in both situation
Its so funny to see everyone in Cayman talk about Christianity being the right way and anyone who goes against it shall burn in hell…… do some research, christianity was used to make Slaves “better at obeying” “Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2) Come on people, leave Cayman for a year (not to Florida) and see there is a bigggg world out there
My friend, you don’t understand the plan of salvation. The aim and goal to being a Christian is to deny yourself to produce virtue. In Timothy days, Paul was using the bad situation of slavery for positive results.
Paul called upon slaves to respect and obey their masters. He did this not out of a general approval of slavery. But so that God would be glorified. The aim is to grow in Christ in humility, as well as saving the soul of the masters who were the real slaves entrapped in sin.
See once again you take a text out of the Holy book and you’re not qualified of rightfully interpreting it. The Church for hundreds of years made up of many races and nationalities know the true meaning of this text. I wish you would understand, and become a slave for Jesus Christ. Like Paul who called himself a slave, reaped eternal life.
QUOTE: “A lecturer at the school for the last two years until last week, when, despite having the best performing students, his contract was not renewed, he was told officially that he was being let go over performance issues”. END QUOTE
If there was ever an opportunity for the youth/students of this country to rally against the antiquated ideals of the older generations in power it’s NOW.
Imagine if he was let go because of the colour of his skin, imagine the outcry!! Oh but this is different eh? Yeah right.
Remember the Cayman Prep teacher whose contract was not renewed because she got pregnant and was unmarried?
This is a reminder to all Christians to pray continually for this our island home. No weapons formed against us shall prosper. Let us pray for all the residents of these islands so that they will find the right path and turn their lives over to our Savior. The Holy
Spirit will transform our lives – we only have to ask.
@5:18…yes. I have to wonder where was the mad rush to remedy her discrimination by our own Human Rights Commission?
How come no letter of demand to Hon. Premier on that occasion?
Don’t worry, it’s coming!
Because human rights don’t have effect against private employers – only the government. Accordingly the HRC had no power.
These are two different issues. I went to a Christian school. All the teachers were Christians and they had very strict rules which everyone followed. The same thing would have happened to any teacher employed there.
So your view point is that provided the majority in a closed institution agree that the discriminatory treatment is OK, it should be allowed? You would have no problem with a golf club that excluded black people, or a private sector employer that fired people who voted for a particular political party, or a club that excluded women, right? Hey, given that other favourite controversial topic, discrimination against Caymanians, your logic says that an employer that only wants to employ expats should be allowed to do so because all the shareholders and the employees (because all the Caymanians have been excluded) are perfectly happy with the arrangement. Its all the same – the fact that a group with particular beliefs band together does not mean that their prejudices are right or socially permissible.
If you don’t want to follow the rules, don’t apply. Christian school is taught by Christian teachers and operated by the church.
As I read the comments made here, I stumbled upon a few that say, “the law school didn’t make a comment.” As a student of the law school, I understand why they do not wish to make a comment. Firstly, it is for the protection of the staff and students. Secondly, the staff members of the law school do not make the decision as to whether or not Raznovich gets the contract renewal. Thirdly, majority of the students have written complaints about Raznovich, myself included. This article states he had the highest student performance, which is completely delusional, due to the fact another staff member taught the second half of the year.
XXXXX His issue with immigration should not involve his work in the law school.
I’m also a student of the school and yes in your class and we know you complained on him but you wanted an easy pass. You wanted to be pampered. Grow up and grow some.
In case you did not know or paid attention guess what? two lecturers are assigned to various modules. His class was not the only that is split. The Director’s class is also a split module I suggest you get the facts straight and come back.
You ALL want an easy pass, that is why you attend CILS. I have seen what passes for a 2.1 at your school and it would receive fail after fail after fail at mine. One student of CILS trying to school another in life and standards is just laughable.
It is funny you should say that. I have always wondered how seemingly, anybody could get in to law school here and pass so easily.
Hi Graduate of ACTUAL LAW SCHOOL!! Thank you for gracing us with your presence. All the while I thought the CILS was an ACTUAL LAW SCHOOL as well. I guess all that hard work and long nights studying while working full time to get that 2:1 was a waste of time as I wasn’t attending an ACTUAL LAW SCHOOL….DAMN! Good for you though; your family must be so proud…I must now run and tell mine that those years of hard work amount to nothing as my degree is not from an ACTUAL LAW SCHOOL!
Now if you don’t mind please get back to the real issue here and stop trying to shame the CILS and its hard working students…..GOD BLESS!
Well, it is an ‘actual’ law school, maybe, I mean it’s connected to an actual law school I suppose…it’s just not……real. Okay?
You sound like you are not all there …..well maybe
I know who I would employ!
Protection from what? Everything can be seen. Do you know about FOI. That stuff ain’t no secret.
I think you meant to say Dr Raznovich didn’t you? They obviously don’t teach you manners alongside the law.
Many thanks for posting the TEDx lecture. Very informative and a lot of information to mull over. Let’s just please respect each person’s right to human dignity. How hard can that be?
They came here and found us the way we are. Why do they always want us to change? Why are we as Caymanians in our own Country always expected to change to accommodate these different ways of life and customs?
If they don’t like the way we are, its very simple, LEAVE!!!
Or as supposedly learned and educated persons they should have done their research and chosen not to come at all!!!
Yes, what a great idea. Let’s refuse to modernize our laws. In fact, let’s reinstate those wonderful old laws that made black people property and kept women barefoot and pregnant.
And bring the mosquitoes and the old west bay road back! And all Pre Ivan buildings!
Oh how we long for a return to those simpler times.
Weren’t these the same arguments advanced against the abolition of slavery in 1833?
This has nothing to do with slavery.
To 1:32pm, i really don’t know why they would want to stay in the most backwards country. You claim to be good loving people…BS!!!! Adultery, beating your wifes, girlfriends, even boyfriends and husbands, thats ok. Allowing your children to be on the streets at all hours of the night becoming “THUGS”, thats ok, having your boyfriend or even your husband sexually abusing your children, thats ok, but homosexuality you all of a sudden become bible thumping individuals!!! I honestly can’t figure out why anyone would want to come here, with your mighty then thou attitude! Wish you would spend more time taking care of your children and families before worrying about someone else’s personal business.
As a Christian, I agree with you, but at the same time, I agree with my Church folk when they say certain within the LGBT community is hell bent towards infringing upon the religious rights of people and a child’s right to have a father and a mother.
Yes … as a Christian I will defend your freedom of human dignity. I will defend you from being discriminated because I don’t want to be discriminated too. But please … don’t go overboard and start pushing for laws to be enforced against people’s religious rights and start saying Christians are people who incite hate. Don’t start demanding that schools must teach children that’s its ok to live a gay lifestyle when you very well know that we detest the sinful act. Issues like these we have to speak out.
Ah don’t forget God says all the above is OK but being gay is not….
So true, 2:34, and on Sterling Dwayne’s show yesterday, a well known local man called him and his partner “freaks of nature” and criticized Sterling Dwayne for even discussing this kind of thing on the radio. That was a short while after he had declared himself a Christian and a believer in “basic human rights”. You just cannot make this sort of stuff up.
Sorry. I don’t understand. How are they asking you to change? You know a change in the Immigration Law won’t force you to be gay, right?
Correct, all that needs to be changed is defying dependants. As some who has had a partner for the last 18yrs and two kids (sorry living in sin) and chose not to get married.
I don’t see why we can’t allow people who have had longer term relationships to come here and live as long as they can support themselves.
In your situation. I agree with recognizing the union through registration. However the clock should start at the time of registration. Otherwise people would claim long term unions and the time together conveniently.
And many are grown here, what do you do with them??? You can’t just run them off the island. Some could sprout from your very own family. The point is, we are born sinners, everyone can easily be entangled into a sinful lifestyle. There are so many types of sinners on this rock. I meet cheaters, people who attend Church and seeing the other member, people in clubs caught in sins of alcohol, and the list goes on. Homosexuality is one of them, but are they not human beings too in need of a Savior???
Not your own country, buster.
Correct 4.45, its part of the UK where such laws exist
It’s MY country and I want change. This is not an expat issue! As a Caymanian I want change!
I agree with you whole heartedly. The Dr, better mind that his partner doesn’t get his permit pulled. In fact that is exactly what I think should happen, as they come to our country and expect to challenge our Govt. They’ve got some nerve.
I don’t like the idea of seeing two of the same sex kissing or showing affection in public and my kids says look at them, what are they doing. You have to remember that kids are only sponges and if they see things that are contrary or strange they will ask about it..
We know we have gays that are our family and friends, but let’s face it, while we accept it, however, we don’t want to see it paraded in front of us.
Let the gays who want equal rights stay whereever they are,if they are getting they’re rights,and leave us the hell alone.
Go home all those gays, who want to publicly express they’re affection.
You keep forgetting about us CAYMANIANS who are gay! I’m not allowed to LIVE in my own country?
Oh boy, such ignorance from 7:04. I love how people who are opposed to basic human rights jump to conclusions like they will be expressing their love in front of the whole island to see. You know they act the same as straight couples in public, right? And as for you and your kids, maybe you should learn how to have a conversation with your children about the different types of love in the world? Or are you too scared to even approach teaching your children how to be decent human beings?
Last time I looked the Cayman Islands were a British Overseas Territory and its people British Citizens.
And the reason why you are required to change is because you are unacceptable in the modern age. You are dinosaurs, bigots, racists, hypocrites and fools, and we certainly won’t leave because you have failed to evolve into a mature and civilised society.
Change is coming, so if you don’t like it, (and you’re heavily out numbered by the way) just pack up and move out as yours is a dying breed and one that won’t be missed.
You going to move us ? You ain’t ready to go down that road trust me. Most of the people here are against this and it ain’t going to be pushed on us the way you keep that attitude whoever you are you I’m sure you ain’t so brave and bold in public saying stuff like that in front the right caymanians you would have to run from here long time
Ah yes, the brave Caymanian nation, what a joke. You don’t have the guts to take on the UK or Europe, if you think you do please request independence so that we can get rid of those who hide behind the protection of others but don’t contribute to it.
You can’t even get control of your own ferrel wannabe gangsters, baby mamas, druggies, drunks and corrupt society, taking on a real country or legal system is going to be an impossibility for those who talk a good fight, but have never tried it in anger.
What about gay Caymanian that want change, surely they have the same rights as you. Oh forgot ignorance is bliss!
Let’s hope they win the right to be treated the same as any other married couple which is what they are, after all.
This will be fantastic for Cayman but especially for gay Caymanians who would like to be able to live in their own country with their partners.
Discrimination and hatred diminish all of us.
Here we go. I think that the law will be clear. The Homosexuals will be afforded common law privliages but to ask for the right to marriage will constitute a whole new approach to not just the gays but laws that have been passed based on Christian beliefs as the Sunday trading laws.
Were we all not made in Gods own likeness? Also does the bible say “do not judge lest you be judged”. Your views have less to do with Christianity and more to do with ignorance.
True but a word play of the good book and taking what you wish to use. The Bible also says that sex 28th animals is a no no, sex 28th your sister is a no no and the same goes the same sex having sex, is a no no. Marriage by biblical definition is between man and woman. A union of love between a man and woman, not just a union of love. Next it could be a goat and man. There should be tolerance between the government and these people but allowing or reconizing their marriage is not in line with our culture.
They are not asking for the right to marry. They are already married. They are asking to be treated the same as others in relation to their immigration rights.
what about aldens response to the HRC?
what a joke this man is….does not do interviews or give press conferences…all because he is afraid of potshots…….what a coward…..
hahah…cayman get ready to be exposed as backward intolerant laughing stock of a country…again!
……we are caymankind…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Please do not paint us all with the same brush or you too could be called a bigot
I agree, 11:27, there are very many younger Caymanians, not so besotted with the Old Testament God of Wrath and Doom and Damnation whom our older Caymanians just adore and worship, who are cringing with embarrassment at the likes of Anthony Eden and his “Holy Bible evidence” nonsense and who would welcome a total change of attitude on the LGBT issues in Cayman. In particular, they would like their gay friends and family members to be able to return from Europe, Canada and the US and live in the country of their birth, free of scorn, shame and biblical chastisement by the likes of Eden.
Dear CIG,
If you have any sense whatsoever, amend the law as soon as it is possible. Forget about the religious argument or what other uninformed individuals have to say.
This case is bound to be won no matter what way you look at it. The law is prejudicial and discriminatory and it will not hold up argument in any court.
You are looking to spend millions and millions of CAYMANIAN earned dollars in worthless litigation. Millions of dollars which could be invested in our islands for the benefit of our people.
Not only will it cost us a fortune, but it will also bring shame and embarrassment to our country on a global level for failing to protect what most developed countries regard as freedom from discrimination.
Dear C.I.G,
Stand firm and continúe to fight against same sex marriage. God will bless You in the end. To l.g.b.t. Stop trying to push things down our throats.
You are not God, so you don’t know.
Just kike how christianity was shoved down your throat… Please dont saybit wasnt because how would u have known about christianity in the first place.. Obviously someone shoved it down your throat apparently.
When homophobes use that unfortunate idiom of having “something” pushed down their throats, it always makes me laugh!
It seems like we are backed up against a wall on this one. Whilst I don’t have a solution up my sleeve, I do think we should be reaching around to one another until a solution is found.
Who will amend our Constitution to allow same sex marriage?
The Immigration law is sub-serviant to the Constitution right?
Thus; I can’t see Immigration being able to allow the request sought by the two males without also amending both the immigration law and the Constitution.
Go away. Learn the law. Come back and comment (or don’t actually).
The gay community seems to think that they can bully their way of life into the hearts and minds of people. They can’t. They have tried lots of strong arm tactics in the past. They have silenced artistes who disagree with their lifestyle. They have had the medical community change its thinking on homosexuality. They have fought for and had people lose their jobs because they issue opinions that provide evidence that the homosexual lifestyle and bisexuality contributes to social diseases in countries and now they are seeking to change the laws in countries around the world who do not recognise their homosexual unions. I, like many people do not appreciate being bullied. They have successfully championed the cause that homosexuality is a civil right. As someone opined above, there are persons here who have been in common law unions for decades. These people have tried and failed to have their partners placed on their work permits and have not had any success. I will be interested to see how the Courts look at this issue as there is absolutely nothing in the Law here that supports that lifestyle.
There have been many instances, known and unknown, of persons trying and failing to have their same sex unions, whether civil or married recognized in the Cayman Islands. I am standing back and watching to see which of these will be the first success story.
How is asking for equal rights bullying?
In the past this diatribe could have been reproduced almost word for word replacing “black” or “woma” for “homosexual” when it comes to recognising fellow humans
The outcome of this challenge is in no doubt whatsoever. It is a 100% certainty that Dr Radnovich and his partner will win their case.
Will our Government accept this, do the right thing, and save us all a ton of legal fees? Or will they bury their heads in the sand and refuse to face up to it?
I’m not holding my breath
So… Raznovich “believes his vocal position on the topic of gay rights and his criticisms of the school’s management are the real reason why he finds himself out of a job and facing deportation in a matter of weeks – though this was denied by the law school”
The school said they can safely say it has nothing to do with him taking part in the lecture series.
My question then to the school is: could “his criticisms of the school’s management” be the at the top of the reasons he was not renewed? You hired him gay. So while the school said for privacy they could not get into the details of his contract I doubt the lecturer has an issue in speaking facts so we will have to wait and see what is really going on there.
In my experience of attending the Law School, Dr Raznovich does have an issue ‘speaking the facts’ as you say. What he has failed to mention is that there were many complaints about his classes and assessments and concerns about his knowledge. Many students actively avoided his modules which did not run meaning he was paid Cayman dolla for doing pretty much nothing!!! In my opinion that is why he was not renewed, nothing at all to do with the lecture series or his sexuality.
@12:28pm. You wanted an easy pass and it wasn’t going to happen on that lecturers watch. So you choose to attend the easy teachers’ class. In case you didn’t know, you were to actively read your books to be prepared to pass and not expect an automatic pass.
Many students actively went to his class and had no problems. Go do an FOI. He is by far not the toughest lecturer the school has had. The good thing is you can’t avoid them all.
Guess that will be two cases the Govt will pay for if it goes that far. After all, he could have a lawsuit for unfair dismissal.
Oh thank God! This will keep the posters on both sides of the aisle/isle happy for days!
Welcome to the world of teachers in Cayman where if you voice an opinion that is against the establishment you will not have your contract renewed. Teachers in Cayman learn very fast to keep their heads down, say nothing and hope that inadvertently they don’t upset a Caymanian or status holder.
There are Caymanian teachers too who have experienced this; imagine how they feel. That is a whole other argument anyway…….
Yawn. Stay on topic.
The religious people that oppose this are probably worried that the LGBT community will take a page out of their marketing book and go door-to-door passing out propaganda to encourage people to convert to their lifestyle. What two adults do in the privacy of their home is their business. They are not going to push their lifestyle and beliefs on other like some of the churches here do. One of these churches now passes out propaganda to tourists in front of the Flagship building in George Town.
This issue is not about what two people do in the privacy of their homes. That was resolved some 15 years ago.
I am a former Law school graduate and I am very disappointed with their actions. Shame on you.
A former law school graduate? Pretty much sums up the standard of education on offer.
Good luck Dr Raznovich, I wish you and your husband all the best!! It is unfortunate that the Government failed to take the initiative to amend the Law to recognize same sex marriages instead of the usual stance of burying it’s collective head in the sand and hoping the problem goes away.
But that is the Caymanian way….wait until it all blows up.
For those ‘Christians’ that are preaching fire and brimstone….. doesn’t the Bible say ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’? It is not up to you as individuals to judge anyone, that’s what God does. Leave him to do the judging. And try to practice the golden rule…”do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
This island has much more pressing and urgent issues to address.
Mr. Premier you still have a chance to address this situation and make it right. But then again, as you support abuse against women, no other conclusion can be inferred given your response to Mr. Osbourne Bodden publicly and viciously verbally abusing Ms. Ahearn, I guess no better can be expected from you.
Ah, the danger in staying silent Mr. Premier…trying not to offend anyone, you end up offending all…
As for the claims of being discriminated against in the workplace because of sexual orientation … my boy, kindly get to the back of the line!
We have hundreds, if not thousands, of cases (the majority being unreported or futile due to a dismissive and foreign power structure) regarding discrimination in the workplace for the grave offence of daring to be a Caymanian.
If only the great anti-bigot campaigners amongst us would decide to recognise and organise against the severe discrimination that is now so deeply entrenched in the Cayman Islands – perhaps we would all be much better off. However, that is not very likely to happen anytime soon.
I truly feel for you my friends, but fair is fair and you guys ought to be willing to take a number and wade through the muck like the rest of us. Alternatively, you could offer your talents and expertise to address the pink elephant in the room that you’ve both been walking around ever since your respective arrivals in our beloved country and get us moving toward a fairer and more equal community for one and all.
Deal or no deal?
– Whodatis
No deal. Because the plight of which you complain is bunkum.
Yep. Case in point. Thank you poster. My work here is done.
– Who
Who’s position on this is based upon his relatively basic attitude to sex, women and sexuality, but rather than express his views directly he persists with his favourite tactic, namely deflection; throwing out questions about polygamy, raising unconnected questions about the treatment of Caymanians etc. Just more irrelevant noise really. I support equality for all. Unfortunately, people like you don’t share my perspective.
As someone said earlier, the “gay rights” issue is really akin to straining a gnat – as we have far greater obstacles to clear. Furthermore, I have proposed a faster and more fitting approach to address that particular issue but for some strange reason you and your friends have completely ignored it. (Previous post).
Silence speaks volumes as they say.
And please don’t bother trying to address that post now. You (and your supporters) have shown your true colors.
– Whodatis
So you support gay marriage and the recognition of residency rights for gay spouses? Yes or no?
Silence from Whodatis. He just can’t say “Yes” because he really wants “No”. Odd he calls people out for silence all the time.
Why are those deflections and unconnected but your comparisons to abolition to slavery are not?
Once again Whodatis has missed the point entirely. The legal action brought by these men against the government immigration ruling offers hope for everyone who feel mistreated by government in showing an avenue by which justice may be attained.
Of course he ignores this act of courage that will face hostility and self righteousness in the extreme. These men are putting their money into fighting for justice instead of whining about it.
With the recent Chief Justice ruling that immigration is horribly flawed more courageous people will no doubt step forward and not simply take a number.
Re: “The legal action brought by these men against the government immigration ruling offers hope for everyone who feel mistreated by government in showing an avenue by which justice may be attained.”
Who the heck do you think you’re talking to buddy? Save that b.s. for the ching-chings outside.
What was stopping them or any of our newly surfaced anti-discrimination heroes from taking up the cause against blatant discrimination that has been rife in this country for decades now?
You sir, are thoroughly full of it. Here, take this tissue … tear into two and stuff into your ears. You’re oozing.
– Whodatis
Surely you can admit that there is a difference between people taking up a cause against the law and government policy, and seeking to enforce rights enshrined in the law against individual employers that breach it?
I dislike discrimination in any form, but to me there is a magnitude of difference between minorities being oppressed by legislation and policies imposed by the majority, and individuals who are supported by the law, and have the sole right to vote, complaining of their treatment under the laws the politicians they elected passed. Neither form of discrimination is right, but there is a massive difference in the sympathy quotient, especially when the individuals in one class take action and the others simply complain to talk shows and blogs.
“Who the heck do you think you’re talking to buddy? Save that b.s. for the ching-chings outside.
What was stopping them or any of our newly surfaced anti-discrimination heroes from taking up the cause against blatant discrimination that has been rife in this country for decades now?
You sir, are thoroughly full of it. Here, take this tissue … tear into two and stuff into your ears. You’re oozing”
Pretty powerful rebuttal if you were in middle school.
So the response is this brave action has a retroactive time element which precludes it’s validity. When taking a whining number is the preferred course of action. Impressive logic I must say.
Whining over proactive legal action, You Who keep writing fluff.
Good old Whodatis…
It’s raining today – it’s the expats’ fault
Good old … you.
In your book, everyone has a legitimate grievance in the Cayman Islands – except for Caymanians.
– Who
Straw man argument, Who. Pretty weak stuff. You really have not been up to your usual standards for some time.
Poster, please be advised; I wear ad hominem attacks as gold medals around my neck.
– Whodatis
Narcissists do, that’s the point you idiot.
lol. More ad hominem. Whodatis has got your goat!
– The Who
That is your ego. Main point is that you are using straw man argumentation to deflect issues and avoid saying on a “yes”/”no” basis whether you support residency rights for gay spouses.
My goodness, you people are thick in the head.
(Hint: It can be located a bit below this one on this very page.)
Thereafter feel free to forward any more redundant questions though.
– Whodatis
It might just cross your mind that Cayman is a Capitalist country who believes in the cream rising to the top. Don’t mix up discrimination against Caymanians with the fact that just maybe Caymanians find it difficult to compete with world leaders at the top. This is not discrimination merely business.
Yes, we have some world leader calibre of perfume and jewelry salespersons, office administrators, lawyers, fast food cashiers, restaurant servers, lawyers, air conditioning technicians, teachers, security guards, accountants, police personnel … everything really.
Indeed, Cayman must surely be an awesome utopia with its world-leading workforce.
– Whodatis
And without them you would have nothing.
I think a week long strike by all expat workers would demonstrate that without the people who actually support the CI economy and generate its GDP, this country would descend into chaos and poverty very quickly indeed.
A week when tourists were left to fend for themselves in hotels, when stores couldn’t open, when bars couldn’t serve or when food wasn’t distributed. How about no gas stations, no nurses, doctors or police officers, what about the airport and the schools?
Who will pick up your garbage, cut your grass, rake your yard, clean up your homes and care for your children?
The service and tourism industry would collapse overnight and may be damaged for years.
Cayman doesn’t have a world leading workforce with expat labour, it simply has a workforce, something it wouldn’t have if it was left purely to Caymanians.
It’s not our fault that you don’t have it in you to reproduce quick enough, or that you are either too stupid or too lazy to hold down a simple job.
And it’s not our fault that you are too dumb and arrogant to realise it.
You are proving yourself to be the dumb and arrogant one, my friend.
Did I ever say I was anti-expat? You made an erroneous assumption and spat out a crap-laden thesis thereon.
Might I remind you that I am the child of an expat?
Only a twisted mind like yours would interpret my previous post as an expression of anti-expat sentiments rather than what it truly is – a highlight of the oft forwarded ridiculous claim that the average expat today is some superior and indispensable entity that is vital to the very survival of the Cayman Islands.
Unfortunately, the reality is more a case of localised expat privilege by way of national / cultural “reach back” affiliation and the exploitation of cheap labour from the 3rd and 1st world.
Quite impressive isn’t it? Your parents must be oh so proud.
When Caymanians are busy discriminating against other Caymanians on a daily basis, it is difficult as an outsider to get a look in sometimes.
Who-this case, in my view, will open the floodgates. The reason being that when they win (and I have no doubt they will) then it will show that no-one needs to fear CIG and can take them to court for every kind of discrimation, immigration issues, or whatever as this case deals with all of those and then some. The current culture of silence (except on here where we can say what we think anonymously) and fear of retribution from those same authorities will be broken. The lid is coming off the cess pit for all to see what is within. It is not going to be pretty, but its been building for a while.
Hey if you don’t like it, there are planes leaving daily.
This is a case of vicious bullying. I challenge all of these supposed gay rights activists to head over to some islamic middle eastern country and start pontificating about how they should bend over and obey these Human Rights edicts from UN, EU, UK, etc.
Yet these so-called human rights lawyers are the SAME maniacs protecting the influx of said radicals into our civilized countries.
This smacks of gross hypocrisy and is typical of the loonies who twist the letter of the law to suit their own gains.
I am really anxious to hear what the HRC in Cayman has to say about these so-called economic migrants? If HRC really believed in the United Nations, they would fight fiercely to give the UN more teeth in these nations of exodus. HRC should fight to give them education, medical, industry and agriculture in their OWN countries. But no, they fight to let them emigrate and screw up perfectly decent countries. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
Oh and the most important issue of the day becomes the legislation to recognize same sex unions? How far we have fallen as a race? We strain the gnat and swallow the camel.
Our leaders have no conviction and those that do are vilified in the court of public opinion for standing up for what they know and believe to be true. Hypocrites, all of us.
We need to get back to basics. Love your neighbour as you love yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love God with all your heart. Against such, there can be no law.
I think you’ll find economic migration and refugees in Europe do not fall within the remit of the Cayman Islands’ Human Rights Commission. The discriminatory laws of the Cayman Islands do…
But does your God love you?
Of course He does. That is why He sent His only Son to be the sacrifice for our sins.
Or so the fairy story tells us.
Yes and I should know I’ve followed a few.
I tell you what 8.38, why don’t you go to some “Islamic” state first, and get to see how mostly they are a peaceful, tolerant religion. Only the headlines on Islamic State and other disgruntled wannabe dictactors paint another picture. Why don’t you go to one of those places too and join them, because your ranting sounds a lot like them. Just leave the people who want to love and be loved alone.
I came from an Islamic state. The genuine folk there hate the oppressive religion and are very loving people. Perhaps you should visit too?
“despite having the best performing students”
False. I hope he is successful in his claim, but he had numerous complaints on his teachings as a result of falling grades
Numerous complaints? So how did you fear? Nepotism? Cronyism? Favoritism? Or are you disgruntled because the said teacher was fair?
I’m sure the air can be cleared here too!!
How did you “fear”? Lol.
Dear CIG,
Please do the smart thing and introduce a legal document / principle that allows for any person(s) to recognise another as their legal / civil partner which grants them full powers in regards to property, immigration, insurance, medical emergencies, control of estate etc.
Interestingly, in many cases this will grant holders thereof even greater rights and powers over those awarded to the oft outdated provisions that come with traditional marriage (e.g. in the cases of divorces and minor children from previous marriages).
Going forward, everyone will be “better off” by establishing this legal principle between themselves.
No more grievances, no destabilising impact on the “Christian moral fabric” of the country, no need for a great upset as it concerns the traditional definition of marriage, and most of all – everyone wins.
However, something tells me even this will not be enough for some folks as certain individuals just want to be considered a trailblazer … at any costs – the more the better it seems.
This situation has the potential to rock the good boat Cayman to its very core and if that happens we will all lose – Christians, Muslims, religious, atheists, expats and Caymanians alike.
Peace and hair-grease to each and every one.
– Whodatis
The silence under this post is deafening.
Could it be because the suggestions on offer do not fit the poplar, provocative narrative that seems be the call of the day?
– Whodatis
P.S. Please don’t bother to address this post now. It has been here as long as the other but you directed all responses there. It is what it is. Frauds.
The lack of response was no doubt because you were simply teeing up another round of deflection. Or because it was bilge. Probably the latter in most cases
Well, if that is your honest opinion then you clearly failed reading comprehension as a kid.
In fact, I doubt you should even be allowed to contribute to the discussion.
Just saying.
– Whodatis
Lack of response is due to boredom… of you
And you seriously think that advancing civil rights to common law and polygamous relationships, as well as LGBT, will not affect Christians views of the moral fabric of the country or rock the boat? What have you been smoking?
Honestly, I do believe it will have some degree of an affect on our community, however, it is the best alternative to a guaranteed messy situation.
By way of my proposal, the traditional definition of marriage in the Cayman Islands will remain intact yet those that wish to enjoy the legal benefits of marriage but are unable to under the current framework will have a recourse to utilise.
Win-win all around.
Nevertheless, this post of mine has been virtually ignored by the masses – who, by the way, have been keen to jump all over other posts to which I have undersigned.
Says it all really. This uproar is primarily about sticking yet another issue to Caymanians in the hopes of causing trouble.
One again we have called out these frauds for what they really are – and this is why they HATE people like Whodatis.
Whodatis has their coa-coa tea all day, every day waiting for ’em.
– Whodatis
Wishing you every success in this Dr Raznovitch. Perhaps we need a pride event to celebrate.
Undoubtedly, there will be tsunami of support for this change in legislation.
Change for the expats as usual but change against the Caymanians, that’s real. Went re we going to make our statement? How long is it going to take for Caymanians do swing the pendulum?
When bigotry meets illiteracy this is what happens.
I was the original poster. The original statement was purposely left ambiguous. There is a lot more in my words than meets the eye. Wake up and realize that the punishment usually matches the crime. “An eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”. A tsunami of support could result in exactly the same. Be careful what you wish for.
And so it begins, a case Cayman authorities are destined to lose, so suggest Cayman just squares up, sorts this out and avoids another costly farce, and for what? I can also see a discrimation case coming as well as the immigration one… Sadly all I think will happen is more heads in the sand hoping it will go away. It won’t.
What a shame these two married people are not recognised here in Cayman as so. When will the religious zealots get woke?
And neither will the law that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman, which is contained in the constitution. The UK agreed to this because it recognized that this was the democratic view of the people here. And you are living in cuckoo land if you reckon a European court can order Cayman to change its constitution.The days of countries with a grim record of human rights themselves ordering Caribbean people around are long over, friend. The people of the Cayman islands have every right to decide what marriage means, and to suggest otherwise, on the basis of “discrimination”, is absurd. But let’s see what happens, shall we?
“The people of the Cayman islands have every right to decide what marriage means, and to suggest otherwise, on the basis of “discrimination”, is absurd.” Except they don’t. In fact, the people of the Cayman Islands rights to make any law is entirely subject to the tacit acceptance of the UK government, who can get the governor to issue an order rescinding it as when they choose. Look at your history book – death penalty and illegality of homosexuality both awfully popular with Caymanians, and gone at the stroke of a pen when they became embarrassing for the UK government. If you want the freedom you claim, better apply for independence.
Let me sell my house first before Cayman hits the self destruct button.
Please do! We want forward thinking individuals living here.
Cayman WILL enter the 21st century eventually, it has no choice. But is it not a shame that vile rants like Anthony Eden’s and these awful callers to talk shows spouting “biblical truths and Holy Bible evidence” are out there giving us an image of medieval, supposedly bible based, bigotry and hatred (compare ISIS!)? All it will do is spur on people like this couple to challenge these prejudices in the Courts and they will win. So look out, Mr Eden.
Another Cayman news agency reports that Cayman Islands Authorities have already formally recognised a polygamous marriage for the purpose of determining the legitimacy of the couple’s children for inheritance purposes. Does this not set a precedent for recognition of polygamous unions? What’s the story with that?
CNS: The issue is addressed in the story above the case is Shiu Pak Nin and HSBC INTERNATIONAL:
para 8 reads:In addition, the legal expert also pointed out that in a trust case dealing with inheritance rights by the financial division of the Grand Court last year, Justice Peter Creswell found that the polygamist marriage in question was recognized in Cayman law, even though polygamy is illegal here, because the marriage was legitimate in the country of origin of the family involved
Sorry, CNS, for my poor reading.
Given that Justice Cresswell decided on the poygamy case that the marriage was legitimate in the country of origin, I suggest it should also apply to same-sex unions from other countries.
I have to chuckle. When it is pointed out that legalising same sex marriages could lead to legalising polygamy the gay rights activists howl and say there is no comparison and they don’t know why anyone would be bringing that up. Now that there is a precedent involving recognising a polygamous marriage they suddenly see the comparison and conclude that it should lead to recognising same sex marriages. Your hypocrisy is showing gay rights activists!
While they’re tacking this isn’t it also about time that Immigration sorted out the issue of how they treat dependants in long-term hetrosexual relationships where the partners are not married.
Immigration should do something about those who are bring all of their dependent here and being a burden on the country. Let them reman in their country of birth and stop being an burden on the social services.
@ 8:36 That’s clearly written by someone who has never tried to bring their partner and son on-island as dependants. The income levels demanded to guarantee support of my family were insane. In the end it was resolved by my partner getting a job here – smart move immigration because she only needed to do that to meet your daft income requirements.
George Ebanks, batten down the hatches, here they come lol
The “couple” should move to Jamaica (or Italy) and give us all a break. What a load of nonsense. How the heck can a man have a “husband”? It’s beyond hilarious.
This is the 21st century calling, you are welcome to join us whenever you want.
Well its certainly beyond you to enter into the 21st century where we don’t any more burn people at the stake for their religious beliefs, sexual orientation or the hearsay of bigots like you.
You should move to the 21st century
Well said. I hear the bleating of the weak-kneed ones.
Oh this going be good. Where’s my popcorn? Go get ’em, Dr. Raznovich.
And shame on the law school. A Law school!
When one uses a bell symbol instead of a full stop what is the technical term – a bell end?
Don’t Google that folks! ?
I did google it and my question is when this is shoved down our throats does the bell end get stuck?
Not with proper technique.
Good luck in the fight against bigotry and discrimination.
10:43 that happens exactly when those that are tasked to lead fail to lead. Things go haywire. Anyone that has met any of the most recent law students emerging from that institution will realize times have changed. They are fired up and very knowledgeable of the law locally and internationally and can hold their own ground I think the Attorney General won’t have any issues with finding some litigators.
But going back to the topic here… my position has been from the start asking where is the Director of the school? Why a more substantive statement was not issued to address what now appears to be fundamental problems there. Now we have a scandal brewing bobo and from the looks none the students coming to the rescue. Not today bobo not today. Opps not today mate!
The Law School failed to address this and so much more from early days. The law school let down so many of its students in more ways than one in the last 24 months. It is only the beginning of more revelations to come from the said institution and students. Nothing remains quiet for long. All the little worms are coming out now.