Local man blows freedom over break-in

| 18/09/2015 | 41 Comments
Cayman News Service

Shane Edward Connor

(CNS): A local man with a chequered history with the criminal justice system has blown his unexpected chance at freedom and landed back in jail after he pleaded guilty Friday to burglary and attempted burglary in connection with an incident in George Town. Shane Connor (38) had been released from jail in May after being on remand for many months in connection with a catalogue of different offences, from rape to threats to kill, covering several different incidents. But Connor beat the odds and was freed after all of the charges against him were either dropped or he was acquitted.

Despite getting out of jail in the face of the serious list of charges and regaining his freedom, the Bodden Town man was arrested less than two weeks ago when he was caught virtually red handed at Sterling Estates in the Walkers Road area of George Town on Monday 7 September with over $1,800 worth of stolen electronic equipment from a nearby house. Police chased down Connor after they got a tip-off from a vigilant member of the public, who called in the burglary as it was in progress.

Mother helps clear BT man of 4th serious charge

Cops catch burglar red handed

When he appeared in Grand Court Friday, Connor, who is often noted for speaking his mind in the court, quietly pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and one count of attempted burglary in relation to the offences. The sentencing was adjourned until October to allow time for a social enquiry report but Connor was remanded in custody


Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (41)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I remember when he worked for a company that is very established in the community, about 3-4 years ago. Shane was a diligent, humble and very ambitious worker no matter the work conditions or tasks. This may surprise the previous postings, especially knowing his history. During brief conversations, he expressed great excitement in the opportunity to work with us. Unfortunatley it was only temporary work and he was not kept on.

    I was extremely happy to see how well he did with the opportunity!

    But in the end with the number of applicants out there most employers won’t hire new employees with a history of criminal activity/record…while that second chance may just be what they need.

  2. CayGuy says:

    All I can tell you is, it’s time for this brotha to grow up like a lot of useless Caymanians (bad enough we got a few bad foreigners) being nothing but burdens on society. Seems like some people never learn. Let’s hope they throw the book at him if he is guilty this time. Can’t say they didn’t have chances.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I was there the day he was expelled from high school. It happened within the first few weeks of the school year. He and a few others. Talking to Shane back then, he was jokey…a usual teenager but his temper was definitely something that a lot of us in his peer group feared. As for blame, I guess its everything. His home life, the school system, society himself. Every life is valuable – his, those of the people he victimized. I don’t know, I feel sad for him. He has to pay for his crimes, but sometimes I wonder if jail is the right place for someone who is clearly battling demons. Even if he had turned over a new leaf – too many of us fear him, who would hire him? Who would give him a chance? It’s really sad because I can recall the jovial side of him as a youth and its awful this is the end result.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The prison needs to lose the key for his cell now.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Two words. Three strikes. Another word. Solitary.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Shane’s poster should be hanging in our schools of a shining example of a waste of life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many of the kids would think it is a poster to be proud of and worship. That is a very large part of the problem today. He looks like Clint Eastwood daring anyone to take him on and my friends who used to teach him say that that is exactly how he was.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Once a “Hardened Criminal, Always A Hardened Criminal”.

    I’ve known Shane from the time he was a juvenile at West Bay Police Station lock up.

    I bet today, he has more convictions than his actual age and that does not include his convictions as a juvenile, which were removed from the records when he became 17 years old.

  8. Anonymous says:

    what a person thats a true waste of space on this island He needs to shipped of to the nearest sub planet some where out in the universe.

  9. Why did you think he was not Caymanian? says:

    Sorry Caymanians we can’t deport our social and criminal issues, because they are Caymanian. Yep – Caymanian. So maybe you might try to help to do something so we reduce the children who may turn out like him. Try volunteering in your district – that’s a start.

    • Anonymous says:

      Honest sex Ed in schools would also help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Before we even think to volunteer, we must first ask ourselves are we in the place to do so?
      One cannot lead others, if he is unable to lead himself..
      It all starts with the parents..

      • Anonymous says:

        But yet expatriate volunteerism is a requirement to earn status. Here’s some self-examination for us… take a look at almost all volunteer organizations and see who the majority are… not Caymanian.

        We need to do better. Big Brother, Big Sister would be a good start. Reach them when they are younger.

  10. Anonymous says:

    “Chequered history with the criminal justice system”? What does “chequered” mean? He has been in jail for nearly every crime in the book ever since he got out of short pants and was a youth criminal in short pants too. I would say he has had a pretty consistent history with the criminal justice system.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Lol, deported to where? B.T Caymanian bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      He is not from BT, but they all manage to come into this district. Why?

      • Anonymous says:

        Good question 2:27. It could also be asked why is it so many Jamaicans like the BT district? There are more of them than any other group, especially Caymanians.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thank god! This man should never see the light of day.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hope he can get life
    Obviously not a productive member of society who will go back to terrorizing innocent hard working people as soon as he is released

    • Anonymous says:

      He won’t. Naive liberals think the people like this can be saved. They can’t 99% if the time, and the 1% is not worth exposing the good people of the world to the rest of them.

  14. Anonymous says:

    There are antisocial type of individuals that the general public are unsafe to have sharing the streets with.
    It is the job and responsibility of the police and government to identify these antisocial individuals and remove them from the streets.
    To say that he ” beat the odds” is an inaccurate description as scaring off witnesses and intimidation is all to often used by criminals to escape consequences.

  15. Anonymous says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    he needs to be deported

  17. Anonymous says:

    As a teacher who among many, many others suffered horribly trying to control (teaching was impossible) this violent thug and his brother Sven when they were school children, I would like to point out to those posters who love to blame other nationalities that these young men are 100% “our own”. They have spent most of their lives after school in jail and Shane’s treatment of his mother over the last 30 years has been beyond description.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is one guy amongst many that I would love to see in a chain gang making repairs to roads by hand.

    • Rorschach says:

      I would like to also point out that, having dealt with not only Shane, but Sven as well over the past 2 decades, you cannot lay blame for what these boys have become solely on them. These kids never had a chance at a normal life from birth, and our wonderful social welfare net did nothing to try and put these boys in an environment where they could have half a chance to become something other than what they are.

      • Anonymous says:

        When teaching them, we certainly were aware there was a hell of a lot of “social services” activity going on so I dispute your “did nothing” comment. Shane, for example, when a youngster, totally trashed his mother’s home. As teachers, we know that some kids have terrible backgrounds but many of them do not become Shanes and Svens. The Connor boys ruined the school experience for many of their Caymanian peers by their disruptiveness, bullying and aggressiveness. Of course, the person in charge of the Education Portfolio at the time, an East Ender, thought it was the fault of the foreigners in the school system who were not prepared to use the strap and beat the bad behavior out of them and others now clogging up our courts system. Remember that sort of mentality, Rorschach? Or did you agree with it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Quite true, Rorschach, the same has been said about Charles Manson and many others. So where does that leave us?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry, bobo, but the Devil resides therein.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am so sick of ppl playing this card. How about rising above the horrible situation you were born in to better your own life and that of your offspring.

        • Anonymous says:

          Have you ever went to bed hungry, is your parents on drugs? Did you get abused as a kid? Surely your past shouldn’t determine your future but in the Cayman Islands unfortunately it does !!! Let’s keep it real caymanians don’t believe in second chances and a lot of them have never lived anywhere else in the world so I can see why their so stuck in their little bubbles. But until you go threw the hardships that these men went through stfu. Sending half these young men to prison is just putting a band-aid on the problem a temporary fix. No one cares to get to the root of the problem! Caymanians don’t even stick together lol it’s a damn shame. It takes a village to raise kids what happen to that? Instead y’all chastise and slander each other all day! Lol the foreigners are living better than y’all in y’all own country! The whole system is foreigners police, judges, prosecutors, general attorneys you name it wish y’all would wake up they will keep destroying young caymanians and pushing their own people forward. Smh wake up !!

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