Ganja found in police sea sweep operation

| 23/09/2015 | 29 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Defender, RCIPS Joint Marine Unit

(CNS): An undisclosed quantity of ganja was recovered by police last week during a two-day anti-smuggling exercise in local waters between Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac. The George Town-based helicopter from the RCIPS Air Support Unit, Joint Marine Unit boats from Grand Cayman and their crews joined uniform officers from Cayman Brac to sweep the ocean some 60 miles off the coast of the Sister Islands towards Jamaica as part of the patrol. 

Police did not say where or how much ganja was found.

Cayman News Service

RCIPS helicopter at Cayman Brac airport

Inspector Wendy Parchment, Area Commander for the Sister Islands, welcomed the comprehensive exercises, which she said were “very reassuring, because they demonstrate that we in the Sister Islands can look forward to robust support and response when smuggling activity is suspected or reported.”

Assets deployed alongside the helicopter, included the JMU vessels Niven D and Defender, and the customs’ Cayman Brac vessel, Defender II, as well as personnel from the Drugs and Serious Crimes Task Force.

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Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is so correct! These waste of space drivers need to be removed from the roads.
    I am convinced some of them are under some heavy stuff and their goal is take innocent lives. The RCIP needs to be more attentive to these waste of spce drivers and deal with them to the full extent of the law.

  2. Anonymous says:

    To be honest, reading all the negative tripe on here again, may as well be that the RCIPS just stop telling people what they are doing. It is the media that want it, and consider it newsworthy to publish. They do sea patrols, and they get ridiculed. They don’t do sea patrols, they get criticised for not ‘doing their job’. No one asks the US coastguard or the Navy how much their patrols cost, and how effective they are. Everyone is the expert. Border security is a serious business here given our neighbours. But hey, let’s just be the armchair mafia. Same old stuff from you people, boring.

    • Anonymous says:

      Navy and Coast Guard seizures net thousands upon thousands of tons of drugs per year, that can be justified against the cost. Finding a 10lb bail of ganja floating in the ocean that has been called in by a member of public is hardly something to congratulate your self over. It would be cheaper to get the caller to drop it off for them at the station.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let me guess – the RCIPS will keep ti safe under “Lock and Key” – wink wink

  4. Anonymous says:

    24/09/2015 at 12:43 pm
    Moron! When the RCIP conduct searches they do not know how much drug or what they will actually find. To discuss cost benefit of the operation is therefore baseless. Had they find drugs with a street value of $1m, what would you be writing about?

  5. Anonymous says:

    You just know how this went down. Some fishermen looking for drifts found this stuff bobbing about and called it in. RCIPS went out and picked it up and then went into the usual press notice mode (“Look at us doing our jobs people.”)

    • P&L says:

      Or maybe some fisherman just taking a draw while they waited for nibbles at their lines… and the drifting aroma attracted the patrol boat… lol… one can only imagine!?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just convert the damn thing into oil and sell it to the local hospitals and medical centers… Goodness gracious.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The US stopped wasting their time and resources on this a while back . Prob why there is bundles washing up as they don’t care about ganja anymore. Guess the RCIPS don’t do research. Publish the cost of that operation vs the street value of “all” that was found,
    lets determine if you are spending the peoples money properly.

  8. Root Canal says:

    Whilst I commend the RCIPS for being proactive, the undisclosure of the amount makes me concerned. What was the cost benefit of this operation? If we’re looking at seizing say 10lb with a street value of $5k – how much did it cost to run the boat, helicopter, staff etc?

    They really ought to focus on other things..

    • Anonymous says:

      I did not find your comment funny… it was intended as a joke, right?

      • Root Canal says:

        There was not one element of humour intended in that comment. I’m not sure what point you’re making to be honest.

    • Anonymous says:

      A crime is a crime, right? Or how are you saying that crimes are only worth investigating if the cost/benefit ratio is appropriate? How would you apply this to a murder lets say?

      • Anonymous says:

        Murder and the inevitably failing war on drugs (marijuana) are two complete different circumstances. Most murder investigations happen on land and involve minimal helicopter use and no use of marine vessels. I would rather my money go towards preventing and investigating murders than being wasted on fuel.

      • Root Canal says:

        As has already been covered, there’s a huge difference between sending boats and helicopters to retrieve a quantity of ganja (did note there was no reference to arrests made, but maybe that’ll come later).
        Cannabis – a plant which is all but legal in Europe and the US versus using Police resources to find those responsible for the cause of a human death.
        There’s a difference – but you knew that right?

  9. Anonymous says:

    I wished they could do a “sweep” of our roads and eradicate those idiot drivers who seem to be just out to kill someone. Just this morning I had to observe a punk in a shitty black Honda with a extra loud muffler tail gating and zick-zacking in and out of traffic. You could determine with one look that this individual was a waste of space!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Not again! We’re gonna have a drought on our hands if the RCIPS keep this up!

  11. Anonymous says:

    that stuff is littering the beaches its everywhere it seems to me that they are just dumping it off shore. the stuff the police find will just disappear into unmarked police cars. I remember watching a canoe being unloaded last year piles of it came off the boat and then the report said something like 10 lbs was found Ha hahahahahaa

    • Anonymous says:

      Which beaches? I only ask for, um, research purposes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really? Please tell us which beach and date and time? I strongly suspect that you’re telling porkies…..I think you’ll find that any canoe interception is subject to a forensic assessment on landing, photographed and then transported under cover to storage for the canoe and cargo to be forensically examined, weighed and then destroyed…..very limited opportunity for it to go missing….but your islands have been so full of corruption I guess no one would challenge you…..I’d like to think that times are changing but they are not helped by your cynical post – which I don’t believe!

      • Anonymous says:

        east end boat ramp early evening about 15 months ago they unloaded most behind the church then the rest at the boat ramp packed it into about 8 different little cars 3 men arrested Hows that for you give me some time and I can tell you the exact date the joker police couldn’t even maneuver the canoe over to the boat ramp tried to drag it over the turtle grass in 2 inches of water

  12. Anonymous says:

    Probably the same ganja that went ‘missing’ from the police station.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Awwwwwh shucks, there’s going to be another drought. I hope it was some old Reggie Bush and not high grade ganja.

  14. Anonymous says:

    How many fish did they catch?

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