CIFA audit stalled over suspicions transactions

| 29/08/2015 | 65 Comments
Cayman News Service

Bruce Blake, Acting CIFA President

(CNS): Controversies relating to the Cayman Island Football Association got worse on Friday when the auditors confirmed that they were unable to complete the annual accounts for the association ahead of the AGM and elections Saturday. It is understood that as a result of unsubstantiated and suspicious transactions, which have been reported to the local authorities, the audit has been suspended. Local auditor Philip Rankin, who was undertaking the work, confirmed Friday that he was unable to progress with the football body’s books and he had informed the association.

The Anti-Corruption Commission confirmed Saturday: “A matter involving the Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) has been brought to the Commission’s attention. This matter is being reviewed.”

Rankin stated that the auditors were unable to substantiate some suspicions transactions as a result of missing information and they were obligated to report the issues to the authorities. Rankin said CIFA had been informed that until the information is presented to them, the audit was at a standstill and the association would not be able to present its accounts at the upcoming AGM.

CNS contacted the acting president, Bruce Blake, but he has not responded. Other sources confirmed that the controversial AGM scheduled on Saturday went ahead.

With no financial statements to show to the members and no elections, as the only two challengers to the incumbents were barred from running, there was  little for the executive and membership to address other than to rubber stamp the current incumbents on the executive and the increasing controversy swirling around the local football association.

The sports minister confirmed this week that government was pulling its more than $127,000 annual grant to the association until it became more transparent and accountable. Blake has, however, shrugged off the loss of the cash, which covers critical elements of the association’s needs. Blake has indicated that, despite the controversies surrounding the arrest of its suspended president Jeffery Webb, who as CONCACAF president has been caught up in the US probe into FIFA and an alleged $150 million racketeering scandal, he can raise the missing cash elsewhere.

The public outcry over the way the executive committee has been managing the sport locally, suspicions regarding possible mismanagement of the finances of CIFA, the entrenchment and opaque nature of the current management and the actions of the committee over two challengers for seats on the executive appear to have had no impact on the acting president.

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Category: Crime

Comments (65)

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  1. Ron says:

    It’s high time all clubs, charities and associations are independently audited by an accounting firm. With all the CIFA news on money laundering recently who’s to say there be others amongst the midsts of these clubs?

  2. Anonymous says:

    mount trashmore= a monument to the incomptence and failures of caymanian politicians…….

    what do you expect when we cannot elect the most educated and talented memebers of society………welcome to wonderland…….

  3. Anonymous says:

    According to the Articles of CIFA the annual audits should be completed for presentation to the AGM before the meeting itself. I guess not much care for the constitution in this instance? And none of the clubs raised and issue?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Those quotes are for your culture, leave us alone.

  5. Knot S Smart says:

    But I wanna be in charge….
    or else I will keep giving you my solemn face…

  6. Anonymous says:

    “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Albert Einstein

    “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

  7. Clownfishy says:

    Here’s Brucie!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Qualified and/or suspicious transactions is nothing new for CIFA. This has been occurring as far back as the nineties and the first concacaf games held here. It is obvious that CIFA needs to be revamped, the constitution revised, credible people appointed by the clubs and CONCACAF needs to have strict oversight of CIFAS local affairs. There will indeed be no need for Government interference in sports if the local association cleans up,it’s act.

      In the mean time in between local soccer clubs executies should be prepared to answer to the public also for their reticence for not wanting to make a positive change in the football scenario, knowing that there has been very little to show ( except for those who alledgedly have obtained personal benefit) for the large sums of money allocated to the local programs.

  8. NewWatYasay says:

    Bruce Blake should tell Ozzie that he will produce last year CIFA audited accounts when Alden or the PPM submits last year’s audited accounts for Government!

    That should give him a few years breathing room.

    • Anonymous says:

      Corruption outweighs late production. The PPM didn’t spend CIFA cash, who did?
      Short sighted individuals, sure like corruption. Produce the evidence if their is nothing to hide.

    • Name changed by CNS says:

      You’re the worst type of troll. Stop using my names and come up with your own. If you have something to say, just say it, don’t act like you are someone else, that is the definition of a coward and a troll.

      Alden is not the problem, it is the audited accounts of McKeeva and the National Building (slush) Fund that needs to be be made public. PPM are angels compared to the last government, at least they have Marco Archer keeping their finances in order.

      CNS: Find a different username. This one is taken.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The Executive needs to resign, but not yet. Right now, the Executive needs to state its intention to resign, and then act on that intention as soon as suitable and credible alternates are identified, say within 3 months.

    The Executive should establish an independent committee to manage that transition from current un-trusted members, to a better and trusted group. Resigning now will just leave Cayman football with no one to explain what records exist and where they are; what commitments to sponsors, creditors or competitions still need to be fulfilled; and what the proper protocol is for dealing with others in the football fraternity. There is still the risk that the next 3 months might allow suspicious transactions to be covered up. But the rebuilding has to begin somewhere.

    You have to wonder why the individual Exec members are still hanging around. If some – the lesser appointees perhaps – are honest volunteers, why are they not quitting, to maintain some degree of personal integrity ? Staying on begs the question, what’s still in it for them ? I don’t want to believe they are crooks, but what choice do we have ?

    Alongside arranging for a new committee, the new CIFA needs improved transparency, particularly around its transactions. There should be nothing to hide; its money contributed by government (in the past !), by FIFA, and by sponsors, and none of the Exec should be on a salary; so public disclosure of accounting info should be required, and not just once a year at the closed-door AGM.

    The financial dealings re the Centre of Excellence also need investigating, to see who benefitted, for how much, and why. Anyone benefitting improperly should be made to pay up.

    A lot to do. Volunteers ?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I think the acting president should be given a red card and the AGM officially abandoned.

  11. Kenny says:

    And the private sector had the balls to complain about Government …pleaseeeeeeeee. zzzźzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. gray matter says:

    Bet they wish Canover was still doing the books.

    • Anonymous says:

      Given that Blake has “shrugged” off the govt decision to discontinue funding under current conditions, and given that Blake can, according to this report, presumably easily raise the funds, why was govt funding them in the first place? Does government not review the financial capability of organisations before deciding to fund?

      Even without the revelations of the FIFA scandal, on the surface it should have been a fair assumption that it was not necessary to use the people’s tax dollar to fund the high-powered CIFA.

      • Anonymous says:

        CIFA must be careful, the CIG may extend to the use of the playing fields and since CIFA claims to have so much funds the CIG may want to charge rent for the use of the facilities, just saying!!!!

    • His cooking talents not limited to the Captains then?

  13. Anonymous says:

    The members of the LA do the exact same thing year after year and nothing ever happens to them. Why are we surprised if others follow their lead?

  14. Fair and Objective says:

    Mr Blake works for Maples and Calder. I wonder if Maples will consider if it is a benefit or detriment to have Mr Blake as a staff member. This is not a flippant post.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely disgraceful behaviour, – at least Blatter might find solace in his hour of need seeing the consiglieres assume his actioned precedent . . .

  16. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands Football Association has Football Fans?????

  17. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has a Football Association??

  18. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice to wake up tomorrow morning and hear that the police arrested people at the CIFA meeting at the hotel.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Bruce it time for you to give up .you can’t have your cake and try to eat it all .
    Something is burning in the oven .

  20. Anonymous says:

    My nominees for potential people to lead CIFA:

    Gillie Seymour
    Lee Ramon
    Anthony Ramon
    Neil Murray
    Mark Whiteside
    Marlon Goddard
    Manlio Connley
    Lenny Hew
    Michael Myles
    Linda McLean
    Carol Braggs
    Olson Bush

    When the game was played on the Annex (dirt & rock Annex)

    Serve for love of country and game!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The present group are serving for themselves and gain. Can they all say what they gained from being where they are. Didn’t have enough money to give a stipend to the players but they enjoyed a jet set life. Have a nice jolly ride!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Bruce you are an attorney with a leading international firm and the question marks around what is happening with CIFA will impact you due to your role in the organisation and the stance you are taking with regard to change. Unfortunately, if this stains your reputation it will stain the reputation of your employer and possible also the financial services industry given your employers prominent position. Can’t you see that this is bigger than what the CIFA Articles of Association provide for? It is incredibly naive of you not to see this. Is the stance you are taking going to be worth it in the end?

    • Anonymous says:

      Bruce, how are you possibly going to be a law firm partner when you are demonstrating such poor judgment.

  22. Anonymous says:

    When Bruce walks into the AGM, he should be the only one in the room.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I believe CIFA accounts can be tabled without an audit if they have two proposers and two seconders.

  24. Anonymous says:

    No demonstration scheduled outside the Marriot? Isn’t this as important as the road?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Has there been no criminal inquiry or complaint until yesterday? Remarkable. Fortunately, the apple is so rotten that it is falling off the tree into the authorities laps all by itself despite their desire for the issue to simply disappear or be taken care of by someone else.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Ever noticed how when you poke dog excrement it stinks more?

    • Anonymous says:

      Frankly 3.06 I have better things to do. But don’t let that stop your fetish. And please wash your hands thoroughly before posting on here.

      • Cass says:

        Metaphor used. But honestly, the reply was by far the funniest I have ever read! LOL at my desk. Thanks.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Nothing new here been going on for decades, resign cant in too deep

  28. Anonymous says:

    Under FIFA regulations you just find a new auditor who is willing to sign the documents.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Bruce still hasn’t had the guts to admit he voted for Blatter.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Time to give it up Bruce, you are digging your own grave.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too late. It appears he finished digging it and has already laid down at the bottom of it pulling the pile of earth over himself and the association. The arrogance of it all is incredible.

    • Hancock says:

      Judging by the cost and amount of marl involved there is plenty for a grave. As a lawyer he needs a refresher course.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like the whole organisation should be sacked and the running of Cayman football set up with another organization? How can anyone who has there name associated actually be allowed to continue. Or the honourable thing to do is step down.

  32. Anonymous says:

    It goes from worser to worsest.

  33. Anonymous says:

    New broom anyone?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Resign Bruce

  35. sors says:

    And the AGM still going ahead as planned? Shameful. I understand no one has been charge, however when your auditors tell you they can not continue their work for lack of information and handover the files to the police because of “unsubstantiated and suspicious transaction” you should know you have a duty to at the very least suspend the AGM until the audited books can be presented to your members. come on CIFA have some respect to the people and football fan of the Cayman Islands.

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