Harris canned from radio talk show
(CNS): The long-standing host of a local radio breakfast time talk show, Austin Harris, has been canned and will be replaced in the short-term by former PPM West Bay political candidate Woody DaCosta. Officials from Rooster confirmed Friday that on Monday morning Harris will no longer be on air as DaCosta takes over the phone-in show for an interim period.
Hurley’s Entertainment Managing Director Randy Merren thanked Harris for his years of service and said the firm would miss him but it was time for a new direction for the talk show, which broadcasts between 7am and 10am weekday mornings.
“Cayman Crosstalk has always been at the intersection of political and business conversations in the Cayman Islands,” Merren said in a release announcing the news. “We have been exploring our options on how to broaden the show’s audience and influence.”
Harris recently escaped conviction and punishment when he came clean over a violent domestic abuse incident in Summary Court. Harris told the magistrate that he was so drunk he did not remember what happened during the melee at a party last summer. He was given a free pass by the magistrate because of his remorse and because he had voluntarily given up alcohol and undergone relevant counselling.
Except for a brief suspension when he was first arrested, Harris had stayed on at his job at the station throughout the progress of the assault charges. His sudden departure now is, however, likely to be seen as a political move.
CNS has reached out to Harris and is hoping to have comment from him later today.
In his release about the change, Merren said that he wanted Crosstalk to grow and become even more relevant.
DaCosta, who is from West Bay and ran for office in the district on the PPM ticket in 2013, has worked in hospitality, property, project management and international business law. He sits on the boards of a number of Cayman Islands institutions, including the International College of the Cayman Islands and the Cayman Islands Youth Development Consortium.
“Woody’s diverse background in business, politics and public affairs makes him well suited to lead the discussion about the Cayman Islands’ future,” Merren said. “He has an excellent understanding of the many diverse points of view that comprise our unique home.”
Since its inception 13 years ago, Merren claimed the show has “always led the discourse about the Cayman Islands” with guests willing to go on the show from various sectors of the community, both public and private, to reach its listeners.
“We shall miss Austin, but we are pleased to have someone of Woody’s experience take the microphone,” Merren said, adding that his combination of private sector and public service experience will be a valuable asset to the programme.
Harris has confirmed that he does not wish to comment on his termination
Category: Art & Entertainment, Local News, Politics
Surely “Harris” in the headline should be prefaced with the words “Drunken domestic abuser”?
PPM’s way of ensuring that Linford never gets back on there again..Glad someone has them running scared…These PPM folks need to come down to reality and understand that people are hurting, losing their homes, can’t pay their bills and just because people like Austin or Linford are championing the cause and not letting them look good doesn’t mean that they should try to silence them…Cowards I say…lets see how long Woody will last..
And what a pile of bulls**t in Fridays compass weekly polls…..PPM getting high marks, 99% of the passing marks obviously came from deluded PPM supporters, what a disgrace PPM is to the Cayman Islands, I thought UDP & Mckeeva Bush was twrrible but this is the worst govt in the history of the Cayman Islands.
Shame on you Randy Merren!!!..You will never walk in Hurley’s shoes!
Stabbed in the back! Randy finally gave in to pressure….
I agree that the talk show host should have been changed , but this change to a political host is not good for the people/ listener’s. We have watch and see how one political group is covering everything you can say, and see , and hear, and read about. This is sure a political move , I say everyone should open your eyes.
First of all, if we want to have morals and standards for men who hit women, then the Cayman community ought issue a resounding chorus for AT LEAST two sitting members of XXXXXX and some key PPM staff to resign for hitting their wives. Its well known within the circle of their children, close family and friends but those women are too intimidated have not pressed charges.
Second, if Hurley’s Entertainment wanted to take a stand against violence, why wait until the courts cleared the matter? Why let him work at all?
Third, Austin like any good talk show host was opinionated, provocative and probing. He made people uncomfortable. If you want to ‘like’ your host, then go get Oprah.
The BOTTOM LINE is the politicians don’t want to be held accountable, tough questions are perceived as disrespectful or criticisms and our local media in Cayman are under constant threat of lawsuits.Might be time for Cayman to invite more regional and international media to cover Cayman’s economy, government and politics. Regional and international media beyond the reach of the PPM controlled Immigration Board for work permits and beyond the purse strings of PPM Ministers or supporters.
Free, independent, brave and professional media are essential to the country.Otherwise we will be chummed b-llshit and every May PPM/UDP will have a buffet feast of empty promises.
Harris is a bully in his personal life and on air. It’s his way or no way and god help you if you disagree with him. He will either slap you down physically or verbally and blame you in the process.
i look forward to hearing some informed debate in the show from now on instead of the usual Harris ego-ride where he panders to whichever political party he believes will further his own political goals.
Hmmmm … Wonder why C4C dropped him like a hot potato last time ????
The last time PPM was in office talk show hosts got sacked as well … or have you all forgotten that? Yet they call McKeeva the dictator? WOW …
Please tell me that you are not suggesting a woman beater and drunk driver would hold any authority on a chat show. You may not like who has replaced him, but it certainly does not make his sacking wrong.
Not the only skeletons in Austin’s cupboard – perhaps Randy knows a little more than some of the posters.
You are comparing the actions of the Premier of the country with those of the manager of a private company who is free to hire and fire whomever he chooses.
How about considering the high-ranking civil servants that McKeeva couldn’t fire (because he lacked the authority), but had sent on required leave at vast expense to us tax payers because he couldn’t “work with them” , meaning, no doubt, that they had too much integrity to turn a blind-eye to his gambling, spend-thrifting, land rezoning for personal profit, Cohen dealing, globe-travelling, rule breaking, woman disrespecting, UK antagonizing, dynamite importing, Brac private paving, Nation Building Funding, loutish, overall Cayman embarrassing ways?
Sorry, I know I missed a lot; I tried to stick with his good points.
Conspiracy theorists, consider that Randy Merren gave Austin the benefit of the doubt by keeping him on, when Austin declared and maintained his innocence . Right up to trial, he claimed innocence, then at the last minute admitted he was guilty and that he was blind drunk when he phycally assaulted his former girlfriend. Perhaps Randy felt he had been lied to by someone to whom he gave his trust?
PPM favouratism? Since the last election, Rooster have had failed former UDP candidate Jonathan Piercy as a talk show host. While Austin was in court, Rooster had Elio Solomon, former UDP represenative filling in.
Just about every week they allocate a full morning to the independants from the Eastern Districts, who are largely anti-PPM and together represent less than 4 % of the voters in this country, and every week they also give the 3 member opposition the same time as the entire elected government. Only this week they gave a morning of airtime to UDP failed candidate and spokesperson Chris Saunders to slagg the government.
Rooster is far from perfect, but to cast an accustaion of bias in favour of the PPM is, in my opinion, unfair to the extreme.
Well said. Those who want to believe its political will no doubt continue to do so, but the points you make are excellent.
Don’t even know what to say…….damn!
Another rejected politician being propped up in order to try to get him a seat in the house///Good luck with that PPM…People nah so fool fool!
If this is a political driven radio station, i think we should boycott Rooster and Hurleys Supermarket.
Boycott Rooster all you want, but Hurley’s got the best fruits and veggies and always has!!
How I miss the old “laugh” button!
Well I guess now the Premier has no reason to hide from us anymore…then again in a controlled environment with his buddy he should be able to avoid the harsh or real questions…
The question remains, Why Woody??? The only one that ever got elected by being a talk show host was Elio and we all know how long that lasted..Guessing the PPM thinks they can kill two birds with one stone, muffle the media and sure up a seat for Woody in West Bay…Somehow I don’t think West Bayers are going to fall for that rubbish!
Yeah, because you know, West Bayers don’t fall for rubbish of any sort
The heat had been on the PPM for the last couple of weeks..This had to happen..Wayne wasn’t going to put up with this particularly when he is so heavily financially invested…
Shame on you Randy for allowing yourself to become a PPM puppet!!!
Watching Eyes
Woody??? Really Randy???…WTF are you thinking???..Are you letting Waynme run things now?
Woody Really??? Damn, PPM must be really desperate..Is he the best they can do? Do they really think that this will help him get elected in West Bay? Oh and let me guess, he is going to come on Monday morning and say he is not a card carrying PPM member anymore…geesh..how much of this unProgressive crap can they try to shove down our throats?
Well after that a$$ whooping Linford Pierson put on the PPM this week could we have expected something different???…those guys showed them up and Austin was there cheering them on..He was screwed from that day…Randy you have no backbone…Shame on you!! Hurley must rolling in his grave now…
Those who didn’t expect this must have been sound asleep. The PPM desperation is going to cause them to make many other obvious and glaring mistakes similiar to this one. People can see straight through what is going on and the political power that a serving minister and shareholder has in this country. Randy my boy, you are totally spineless. You are nothing like your late Dad was. Nevertheless it will all be for naught because PPM is already dead and is been beried slowly but surely. Hold on Caymanians, there is much to be revealed at the appropriate time.
You delusional fool. What ever mistakes the DDP make and continue to make will never be as bad as a Premier with no moral compass sitting at slot machines using a government credit card never mind the supposed hiring of security guards etc.
You think gambling is bad news for a sitting premier you ain’t seen nothing yet! “Fool”.
You think gambling is bad news for a sitting premier you ain’t seen nothing yet! “Fool”.
lol ha ha ha ha…. I agree with you 100%. if they think a gambling premier is the worst that a country can have…. they are living in denial!!!
Well said!!!
You are absolutely right. That was a proper cut arse that them there fellas put on them. And after the talk show today…they probably felt some more hurt.
So naturally they went whining.
I hope Kenny Rankine is watching this and picks up Austin for one of his radio stations…There is no voice out there now for the people as the PPM is now in control of the (radio) media.
The PPM has its faults but it has never tried to control the media as has been tried by the UDP and especially by its leader, McKeeva Bush.
Austin is not the voice of the people, his is the voice of a woman beater and drink driver.
Woody not the voice of the people either. That’s for damn sure.
Well we still have CNS…Wendy stand strong! PPM shame on you for controlling the press..It won’t help you come election time…
Only goes to prove what the expats say about us…Crabs in a barrell! No one Caymanian will let another get ahead…Politics particularly when it comes to the PPM is a dirty business and they revel in it. I didn’t think Wayne would let this go on particularly with having his money in the pot…Nothing changes Cayman! Nothing Changes! PPM/UDP same $hit, different day!
Not anywhere near as dirty as it is with UDP. Many of the PPM members, though they may have faults, are persons of the highest order.
LOL!!!!! Are you serious?
Shame on you randy merren
Ppm has signed its own death notice voters will remember this one Wayne Al
Alden already slotted for Government Friday next week …What a mess!
advice for the show……try and have the issues properly debated….as in have 2# guests in studio at the same time… each having a different opinion…… then you might achieve something….
as it stands right now its like groundhog day everymorning…..with somebody saying something on wednesay and then another side saying something on friday……zzzzzzz
For God’s sake, what on earth does this have to do with the PPM? Wasn’t Mr. Merren a founding member & driving force behind the C4C? Wasn’t the C4C, including Merren, very anti-PPM? Just wondering! As for Mr. Dacosta, I don’t think he is even still a member of the PPM, he was apparently upset with not winning a seat in the elections. Oh man, you people are so funny, & so quick to jump to conclusions! C4C Harris out, fired by C4C Merren, ex-PPM Dacosta in, & it’s all the doing of the PPM! Very weird. Oh damn, I’m sitting here on the computer & it’s starting to rain, those blasted PPM to blame again, making it rain.
If you don’t believe PPM is the driving force behind this then you are some strange $hit man…Wayne and Randy are in business now…Politics make strange bedfellows..Follow the money trail son…
it is good to see that we still have morals and ethics in our community, too bad the court system doesn’t. It is blatant disrespect to all women with the judges ruling. Randy stand strong and show the people that it isn’t all about money. I respect your decision but you should never have brought him back after the charges were filed.
Just because government fails to make the right decision does not mean the private sector must do the same. I support Randy’s stance. It isn’t about politics it is about what is right and what is wrong. Blaming ones actions on alcohol is no excuse.
You bunch of hypocrites, you know damn well this has nothing to do with Austin’s trial. You all got worst skeleton in your closets. Vindictiveness is in your all DNA you just can’t help it. The fact will always remain, Austin was pressing Marco and Panton on important issues that is effecting the Caymanian people in general, they avoided these questions because they are not accountable to the voters.
Wayne the millionaire thinks he is too big to answer questions that are adversely effecting the Caymanian people. Marco is too egotistical and thinks he is above his real duties….to care for the people.
Bottom line is , you all are blinded to the facts, getting your hand outs..and being taken care of by these politicians and your businesses doing good so you don’t care about the rest of the people. All you hypocrites can go f@@@ yourselves we are not stupid…we know why you protect the evils in this country!
Austin, remember behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining…..Coming Election 2017
Darn….WTF. Austin, you surely stepped on the wrong toes bro.
Last week everyone was chastising Rooster for having Austin on the show after he pleaded guilty to his charges. Now Rooster has finally done the right thing and they get chastised again. Wtf people!!!! Make up your mind. How would you feel if that was your daughter that was grabbed by the throat?
Thank you Austin for standing up for the voiceless. Proverbs 31:8-10 “speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and the rights of all who are vulnerable. Speak out in order to judge in righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor! You were condemned for this Austin, but as you know God never sleeps or slumber. Ignore the hypocrites, you are on the right path.
You mean Wayne Panton’s brothers law woody what a terrible shame!
Praise the Lord!
Isn’t Woody Dacosta, Wayne Panton’s brother in law and failed PPM member.. I guess this is one way of controlling the talk shows..Shame on you Randy..no more Rooster for me!
everyone is related or has been related here in Cayman. is only a few people to choose from, get a grip…
No. You get a grip….brother in law. Think about it you twit.
I feel sorry for Rooster if one of the other Radio stations pick him up..
Woody Dacosta really???? Come on Randy!!! WTF!!!
Well the PPM is sure moving fast to control the media…They know control both Radio shows and Inews…Wonder if they can get Leggee on their team…CNS please stay neutral there is not much left for us to get fair and balanced reporting…
Well I am certainly not getting up everyone to listen to some rejected PPM member singing the praises of PPM..This is like having Elio on the show..no difference
Well when Randy and Wayne got together for C3 and Austin was criticising the PPM you know it would be a matter of time..Ironic that Wayne was on today..
Caymanians – I beg you. Stop. Think. Remove the hatred from your heart. Analyse what is happening and leave people’s personal life out of discussions. Austin was not removed over a personal issue, but rather because he choose to be a man, be a journalist, and seek out the facts so we may be more aware of what’s going on in our Country. Instead of being upset with Randy Merren and Wayne Panton, for treating you, me and Austin in that manner – you choose to avoid the topic/issue and talk about Austin’s personal business. People not interested in that NOR your hateful, petty, lack of concern for how people are violated in this Country. As our parents use to say, “Empty Barrel Makes The Most Noise”!!
And they also SHOUT
There is nothing personal about wife beating or driving under the influence.
Woody Dacosta?? Really??? I guess the PPM know control both Radio Stations.. Sorry Alden that still not going to help you next election…Linford Pierson is going whoop both yours and Wayne’s A$$
I am shocked at the blatant disrespect Mr. Randy Merren and Minister Wayne Panton has for freedom of speech. It is a Talk Show, for goodness sake! Our Politicians need to show Leadership and Character and be able to take criticism – if you can’t take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen and don’t enter politics. Shame on you -Cayman Crosstalk. I for one encourage ALL of us to BOYCOTT Caymancrosstalk. Now let’s see if we can do to the Company what they do to us – BOYCOTT THEM!!!
BOYCOTT – CAYMANCROSSTALK Great!!! let’s start on Monday.
The only thing more disappointing about Austin’s firing is the news of the replacement.
Caymanian nepotism as usual Woody gets a job from his brother-in-law Wayne. No surprises really after listening to last Tuesday’s show when ppm were exposed by the guests and Austin in a riveting discussion on the budget.
Riveting. Hahaha. You too funny.
About time. And I’m not talking about the new host
Lets call a Spade a Spade the PPm Government did not have a good week on the talk show. The shows participants trounced the Governments credibility and we know that any non ppm agrandiosement disturbs their self induced egg head egotism; which can’t stand berng berated or talked about .
We are indeed seeing the C4C and PpM merchant class true colors coming out and like their forefathers whenever the little people got out of hand they were severely punished in harsh ways at their stores at the work place etc.
Caymanuans remember this act , remember it carefully for free speech is free and not to be curtailed in aNy shape or form in a democracy; and no one no matter who , should lose their jobs for being respectfully candid or outspoken or inquiring.
Are we in the next two years to see a reign of suppression, by a cadre who have been hungry for power and now with it in their hands, establish themselves as indentured Neo colonialists on behalf of their Masters at home and those imperial sovereign Masters?
I hope that wherever Mr. Harris goes or position he is employed in, he will be more docile and accommodating. He doesn’t have all the knowledge about everything.
Who are these supposedly C4C and PP merchant class people?
You don’t hit women. Right decision by Hurleys Entertainmant.
Poor choice
Yes, he really was. I’m not sure why they didn’t catch on sooner.
Karma !
Surely “Harris” should be prefaced with the words “Drunken domestic abuser”?
This government is crap, they can’t handle the pressure so they trying shut the only decent show we have in cayman up!!
That’s decent?? Same fools calling in every day.
Good point. Don’t know what’s worse. The 5 Rooster callers or the 5 Compass posters.
At last!!!
Agreed, but for God in Heaven’s sake don’t bring back Gilbert.
Randy Merren, his business partner Wayne Panton and PPM have finally fired Austin Harris because he didn’t drink the kool aid or wasn’t respectful enough of the PPM self righteous greatness. Didn’t they do the same to JP?
Ironically he will be replaced by PPM member and former West Bay candidate Woody DaCosta. I guess Premier Alden McLoughlin will no longer boycott the show on Fridays now that the new host will go easy on the government and take up the role of official mouth piece.
Terrible move Randy this decision proves the adage that he who has the gold calls the tune.
Oh but the gold when gone is not easily replaced especially when the goldines are scarce and often are mined out because of greed.
Lets hope he is more informed.
He should have been suspended once the charges were filed and then sacked. It was the only decision that could have been made.
Good decision!