Archive for April, 2015

Gun conviction sticks as DNA-based appeal fails
(CNS): A young West Bay man wept quietly in the dock Thursday when the appeal court rejected his attempt to have his firearms conviction overturned. Ray Kennedy Smith, who is 21 years old and serving a mandatory ten-year sentence in HMP Northward after he was convicted in November 2013 of possession of an unlicensed handgun, […]

GT plans are ‘more than a facelift’
(CNS): Government’s plans to breathe new life into the capital will be a lot more than a beautification project, the planning minister said, as he gave a broad overview of the project Thursday. “This is not just a facelift … it is a true restoration of the capital into a mixed-used neighbourhood for all,” Kurt […]

Robberies up 100% in first part of year
(CNS): A more than 23% fall in all crime for the first quarter of 2015 was tainted by a 100% increase in robberies, according to statistics released by the police. The latest spree of booze shop heists came after the 31 March, making armed hold-ups a major headache once more for the RCIPS. The figures show […]

Civil servants call for equity in pay
(CNS): Public sector workers are calling on government to address the frozen pay for long term, mostly local, civil servants whose pay packets have been the same for more than a decade after the cost of living allowances (COLA) is returned to them this July. In a statement released Thursday, the Cayman Islands Civil Service […]

Brac flight losses remain secret
(CNS): The tourism minister refused to reveal how much it costs to operate CAL Express when questioned in the Legislative Assembly recently, as he said it was commercially sensitive information. MLA Ezzard Miller asked Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell about the 30-seat Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia, which flies between the Brac and Grand Cayman, and how many […]

Work only just begins on long awaited e-gov site
(CNS): The much anticipated goal of moving more government services online to cut costs and improve efficiency still appears some way off. Despite promises from successive administrations that technology will be used to help reduce queues, bureaucracy and costs, e-government is still in the early stages. Officials revealed that the new service portal will not […]

Liquor store robbed at gunpoint
(CNS): Police have said it is too early to tell if the booze shop robber has switched weapons after a gunpoint stick-up at a West Bay liquor store Tuesday evening. An RCIPS spokesperson said uniformed officers at the district police station received a report about the latest booze shop heist at 9:21pm last night (28 […]

Cayman will ‘rue day’ of SMCs, says Mac
(CNS): The opposition leader showed no signs of accepting the government’s move to introduce single member constituencies (SMCs) and one man, one vote (OMOV) during the Electoral Boundary Commission’s West Bay meeting Tuesday. The commissioners were in the district to listen to public views on where and how the boundaries for the new political landscape […]

OCC releases new small claims guide
(CNS): In an effort to help the man on the street to take legal action even when does not have the cash for an attorney, the Office of the Complaints Commissioner has published its fifth updated and expanded edition of the “Small Claims Handbook”. The guide, which was written by attorney Brett Basdeo, is free of […]

Safety at work improving, claims minister
(CNS): The employment minister boasted about the quality of local health and safety Tuesday in a message to mark World Safety Day. Admitting there was some work to do, Tara Rivers said she was “delighted” that workplace culture was changing in Cayman as “more and more employers are making safety and health a top priority”. But […]
GT hospital’s A&E is not for primary care
In reading the response from the HSA and the post from Mr Miller, I am glad he brings the issues to the table. However, There is a much larger issue and it is the public at large and the HSA that needs to take some responsibility for our current system and how it functions. An emergency […]
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