RCIPS looking for 15 new recruits

| 26/03/2015 | 18 Comments

(CNS): In a new effort to “Caymanize” the local police service, the RCIPS is launching a month-long campaign to hire fifteen new police officers and they are also hoping to attract more women into the force. At a police press briefing on Wednesday morning Commissioner of Police David Baines said this round of recruitment will be geared to Caymanians or permanent residents with the right to work.

Cayman News Service

PCs Patricia Sevik and PC Andre Strachan were both recruited in the 2014 campaign

“We’re looking for people who have a commitment to serve their community to help in making these islands as safe as possible,” Baines said.

Currently 43% of the organisation is local and the latest recruitment drive, which will begin 30 March and end 30 April, is the second effort by the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service to attract Caymanians and permanent residents into its ranks.

The age range for applicants is 18-40, which is ten years older than the maximum age of 30 last year in order to widen the eligibility criteria for locals. Deputy Commissioner Anthony Ennis said they increased the maximum age to allow for a wider range of experience and maturity in the application pool.

Ennis said the RCIPS is also making a strong push for more females to apply as there are few women on the force. “Policing is looked at as a male dominated profession,” he noted

Of the 390 officers currently employed by the RCIPS, 171 are Caymanian and 88 are women. The commissioner is hoping to fill 15 more police uniforms with those who know the people and the country well, who will join the team.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. simone says:

    Hi. Are you still recruiting police Officers. I am interested

  2. CAM37 says:

    All i hear and see you people doing is trying to look good and ends up sounding dumb as hell,if your speaking so badly about Jamaica and it’s police officers then why didn’t all of you applied to be a cop in your own country or the country you run away to?All i hear is envy and jealousy,smh!If you guys have a problem with Jamaicans in your force then fix it and go join and stop murmuring.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What is really going on? Is this continued recruitment of Jamaican officers preparation for independence and the UK needs to know we have a military ready when they leave?

    Why are we the main employer of Jamaican nationals, especially police and from a jurisdiction known for its high level of crime and corruption?

    Why don’t we have a Caymanian (or at least one who’s not same nationality of majority of officers) Attorney General to negotiate with the UK, who must and can ‘advise’ any government elected, on behalf of the Caymanians??

  4. Anonymous says:

    See, this is the problem. Government hiring based on nationality instead of job qualifications. What about education level, physical fitness, criminology background? Just be a Caymanian woman and you are hired! This is a PR campaign, a way to make the force look better on paper, nothing more!

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re right just be a Jamaican……..under investigation for murder? fine! corrupt? sure! unprofessional? no problem! willing to harass the Caymanian dem all de time? cool!

      Yup, it is a nationality thing, all we’re getting are Jamaican cops, even the Jamaicans who fled here for security should be concerned.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Fine, if we are going to hire Caymanians for these positions so be it. But if not, please do not go looking around in the Caribbean for more who only want the job for the money!!!

    The last time the RCIP advertised, over 1400 applications were received from a neighboring Caribbean country. The story was on citn.

    This is a British territory, if anything please hire intelligent people from there.

  6. Disgusted! says:

    Candidates must be semi-literate, have little or no inter-personal skills, maintan a permanent disrespectful and aggressive attitude and possess a criminal record, or at the very least, provide evidence of being involved in criminal activity. Candidates who do not meet these requirements need not apply.

  7. Burning Spear says:

    The Cayman’s economy “Blackhole” Just how many police are we going to have in this little Police State. The highest per Capita in the world and expanding. Ages18-40 for locals and ages 50-100 for overseas officers(No joke) Caymanization is not even a word and with 60% of our population in that range involve or potential criminals what a load of absolutely rubbish. Now they want to enhance their salaries too mannn what more are they going to ask for???? My suggestion is to abolish salaries and enhance benefits packages for officers” and have a national police service so everybody owns the crime situation in this way only those dedicated will remain and i will be bold enough to say that will stop alot of this foolishness and jokers fleecing the Empire. How’s that Papa???

    • Anonymous says:

      You have got to understand that jobs have to be found for locals. Most of the public bodies are way over staffed. Our welfare system extends to providing jobs that do not need doing, keeping people in jobs they are wholly unsuited to and allowing major misuse of public service resources as seen by the number of civil servants and teachers who run they own businesses during paid government time.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The term ‘Band-Aid solution’ seems appropriate here. These officers will take at least two years to become even moderately effective members of RCIPS. Even then they won’t do anything to replace the skills and experience lost when over 30 specialist officers quit RCIPS in 2009/10 after Baines was appointed. We need moves to tackle the real problems not cheap stunts like this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ok lets hire more police, give raises..sounds good!!! But before doing this I have one thing to ask WHY????? Our crime is up, the police (at least the majority) are useless…we have more police per population then anywhere else and we still can’t control the crime. I hope this government isn’t as stupid as we all know they are and give into their demands!!!

      • SSM345 says:

        When people start informing without fear of being found out, then our crime situation will change, and only when that happens. You can hire all the police you want, that will not help solve crime. People speaking out will. Nuff said.

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