Premier sacks political assistant

| 01/03/2015 | 57 Comments
Cayman News Service

Kenny Bryan and Alden McLaughlin on PPM campaign trail in 2013

(CNS): Kenneth Bryan has been dismissed from his post as the premier’s political assistant as a result of his pending criminal case. Bryan, who was appointed to assist the premier in his constituency work in the capital, was placed on required leave in December after he was arrested and charged over an altercation with a police officer but he will not face trial until August. Bryan confirmed that, despite the legal position that he is innocent until proven guilty, the party leader has sacked him.

Bryan, a former TV news reporter, ran for office in George Town for the PPM alongside his former boss and the country’s current leader, Alden McLaughlin. Bryan told CNS that he was very disappointed with the turn of events and, at the very least, he had hoped that the premier would have waited for the outcome of the trial.

“This was not just a job to me,” he said. “I entered the political arena because I wanted to make difference for my people. I resigned from my post with Cayman27 and embarked on a journey that I knew would not be easy. But the things I saw working as a reporter drove me to do what I could to try and make their lives better, which resulted in my decision to run for office.”

Bryan said he knew going into politics was a gamble and had not really expected to get elected first time around, but being still young and with plenty to learn, he believed that working as the premier’s assistant would give him the opportunity to gain valuable experience so when his time came to be a representative of the people, he would be the best he could be.

“This is a serious disappointment, especially given the circumstances, and I had hoped that my party colleagues would have stood by me until I am able to clear my name in a court of law,” Bryan said. “It appears the premier is far more concerned about how this looks for him than he is about the fact that I am innocent until proven otherwise.”

Having protested his innocence since his arrest, Bryan is facing charges of assault because of a verbal exchange, not a physical one. Bryan has admitted arguing with a police officer because he was attempting to arrest the wrong person in an incident that had been witnessed by Bryan.

The incident happened last October after Bryan had gone to the assistance of a female off-duty police officer who was trying to avoid a former violent and aggressive boyfriend outside a nightclub on the West Bay Road. Bryan then witnessed an altercation between the female police officer’s ex-boyfriend and another man. A melee ensued with a number of people and, as an observer, Bryan had tried to assist the police when they arrived. However, his efforts at preventing another miscarriage of justice resulted in his own arrest.

Once Bryan was charged, the premier made a public announcement in the Legislative Assembly and placed his assistant on required leave.

Speaking to CNS, McLaughlin said he had “grappled long and hard” over the situation because, he said, he was well aware that Bryan had a young family to support. But the premier said he had not been able to hold a constituency clinic since Bryan was placed on leave in December and complaints were mounting.

McLaughlin said that he could not wait for the trial, which was not until August, as the reality was he needed someone on the ground now to deal with pressing constituency needs. “I can’t wait for six months; there is work needed to be done now and who does the work is less important than the work getting done, from a constituent point of view,” McLaughlin said.

The premier said that, given the situation of high-ranking civil servants on leave with less serious allegations against them, it was untenable to allow Bryan to continue in the post, but that post needed to be filled. He said he was not happy about the situation but, regardless of the outcome of the trial, the reality was that he needed a political assistant that could work.

“I take no pleasure in this situation but I cannot neglect the constituents,” the premier added.

Bryan said he understood that he may not have been able to work in the government building, but he did not believe that the allegations against him necessarily hindered the work he was doing at constituency level. Noting that the premier, who is the third elected member for George Town, had not held a clinic since early November, Bryan also queried whether there may be other issues impacting the constituency clinics. He told CNS that McLaughlin had not been able to meet with constituents for some time, even before Bryan was suspended.

McLaughlin has not yet stated who will fill Bryan’s shoes, one of four political positions appointed on limited contracts. Although his job was paid by the public purse, Bryan did not have the legal protection given to civil servants.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Politics

Comments (57)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Political suicide if I ever saw it! PPM will have issues next time if there are strong alternatives!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth Bryan was used by the PPM. What I find most interesting is that in his time of trial and being in need of moral support, the PPM is no where to be found. A court ruling has not yet been found. A verdict not delivered. The good news is: Kenneth Bryan will successfully secure a seat in 2017 General Election in the GT District and he’ll have the support of many young and first time voters. Whether or not he’ll run as an independent or with a party, bet your last dollar both UDP and C4C will want him on their teams. #MacCominBack.

  3. Disappointed says:

    Many are faced every day with an opportunity to help someone. Recently there has been a huge campaign on stepping up and speaking against bullying. This situation makes me thing ‘what’s the point’? You end up getting hurt, charged, punished, whatever the case. I wouldn’t even offer to help the police if I witnessed something because when I have done so in the past the police tried to turn everything around on me! This may seem selfish, but at the end of the day, everyone needs to take care of themselves. Kenneth tried to help, and look where it got him.

    • Skeptikal says:

      This is a silly argument. You help someone by calling the police, not by imposing yourself into the conflict.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Alden, you got rid of Kenneth to try and capture the black vote in GT, but sorry friend them voters got more sense than you think that’s why they support Kurt and not you.

    The only place you will win 1st runner up or first elected is country and western or mango tree, they got a seat with your name on it. LOL

    The PPM under your leadership couldn’t solve one problem if you were given the answer on a blueprint. Even though you supposedly got the most qualified ppl on your government. common sense aint so common bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      So your opinion is that Alden got rid of Kenneth (a person of colour) in order to get the support of other persons of colour). Just does not make sense,you are are being mischievous.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry ole heart to burst your bubble but if not he case in ppl mind the perception is there ! Like or not believe it or not. It is the same way that ppl feel about some Caymanian lawyers and those who can’t get called to the bar! Colonial mentality is alive and well ole heart. It the same reason with many politicians! But karma my dear good ole karma…..See it true that when you do bad it will fall down to the third and fourth generation.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yup Alden nah about holding onto anything or anyone who gonna weigh him down……That image of perfect hair etc is a good sign of what anyone can expect cause his EGO iis so huge! Poor Kenneth didn’t know that the ties between Alden and Ossie are like twins? BoBo let me let you in on a lil secret:- They like two peas in a pod and you nah gonna get in between them. But in all fairness keep up your faith, don’t forget to tithe and give God thanks for all the blessings and believe in hope because there is blessings for those who wait……..One day you’ll see how God was setting you up for greater things!!

    • Up-in-alms says:

      Seriously? Tithe? You tithe to a man (or woman) who claims to represent God, when most I have so far come across (but no means all) are the biggest bigots on the planet and will urge you to vote for whicever party will donate to their Church. Evil….aboslute evil.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Politricks run GT? watch us next election, we going hit the two “P” off PPM and just leave one “M”

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth, you are a good person. I do believe the Lord has a bigger and better job for you, just not in the political arena.

  9. Cayman Soprano says:

    This government is coming apart from the head and not the seams any government who political strategy is Nepotism and colonialism will fail as both principals are seriously out dated, Just did not imagine it would be this quick Those propping up this little PPM regime of the few are simply now having to answer to the many and all they have is excuses and fool fool mumbo jumbo the rest are simply too ashame or hiding in their think i am invisible counselor cloaks. What a Shame eh?????

  10. Anonymous says:

    When a rich UDP want you and your party can’t do nothing for you…ohh…these politicianz ain’t loyal…oh these politicianz ain’t loyal..sing along now

  11. Anonymous says:

    Alden is such a juvenile. I cannot understand for the life of me how supposedly mature adults can subject themselves to being ‘lead’ by him.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You are 100 percent correct. 3:36pm

  13. Anonymous says:

    Greatest country in the world.
    Minister, given less work because he cusses out a lady.
    Ministers right hand man fired in defending a lady.
    Now what will it be, Old Ministers friend, what will happen for assault? probably give him an OBE.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Mac will snap him up in a heartbeat. As he should

  15. Anonymous says:

    its was the right decision for Alden to make, too bad he hasn’t shown the same consistency with Ozzie. So it shows Alden to only apply good standards as long as there is no political cost to himself.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why all the fuss? Doesn’t everyone Alden saying very clearly that he would look out for the interest of the people of George Town and provide them with the best representation that they had ever had. He just needed to hire someone who they could take their issues to because he was going to be too busy cashing in on all of the ‘benefits’ offered by all of the ‘people’ who would be ‘chasing’ him?

  17. Rick says:

    I always respected this young man. He came from a life of indiscipline, picked himself up and made good. The very values that forced him to get involved when he got arrested is what will make him special in these islands. Learn and move on, Kenneth. You got my vote at the last election, along with Winston and Kurt. Now I know that Winston was not worth it, but you have shown your heart; you care for the people. You will have my vote next time around.

  18. Anonymous says:

    As previously posted elsewhere, Kenneth was let go because he is unable to fulfil his contractual duties. The role he occupied is critical to the Premier being able to deal with constituents and their issues. As the trial is in August now and that puts it at almost a year with Kenneth unable to do his job. Very few would be willing to pay an employee for that amount of time under any circumstances. The Premier doesn’t get unlimited political appointments and a civil servant cannot fill in for the absence of a political appointee. It’s a very sad situation that has nothing to do with Kenneth’s guilt or innocence.

    • Singing in the rain says:

      If Alden had any backbone, he would have stood by kenneth, taken some action but he did not need to put him on required leave as he was not a civil servant. Alden created this situation, it was calculated, he has used kenneth as a pawn in his political games Kenneth is from the wrong side of the tracks, who brings a voting base that Alden can’t. If Alden can do this to someone who was on the same team, what are his thoughts about those people he is supposed to represent. Whoever Alden chooses to replace Kenneth will be used as a pawn also. It’s all about money and power for Alden, it is all about heart and standing up for what you believe your people deserve for Kenneth. That I’m sure was their main conflict.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder how come some immigration employees whom are about to go to court and face jail still are in their jobs. Even though you will say innocent until proven I get it.
      ,How can one fulfill his obligations in the workplace with this jail time hanging over his head.
      Their seems to be a double standard going on.
      I doubt the fix could be in, but after all it is cayman

  19. Anonymous says:

    kenneth alden only interested in hanging out with lawyers and other elitesbig unless he going to certain bar establishments in the proximity of the airport. He considers you nothing and only used you to get the younger voter. Hard lesson learnt hope you learnt.

  20. Anonymous says:

    You are so correct. PPM still equals POOR PEOPLE MISTAKE

  21. Anonymous says:

    Hello Austin still working get your facts correct

  22. Anonymous says:

    Political assistants are not supposed to get themselves arrested ever, for any reason. His statements are ridiculous. Bryan should be apologizing for the embarrassment he caused his party and the premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh it’s not just political assistants that are not supposed to get themselves arrested it is all of us, I don’t think kenneth asked for this man to beat this woman nor did he ask for the police to be so incompetent and let the assailant go. But it did happen, should it have cost him his job…..I don’t think so.

      What is more embarrassing, the current situation or, “Premier’s Political Assistant stands by and does nothing while female off duty officer gets beaten by ex-boyfriend.

    • Anonymous says:

      And there should not be any foul mouthed ministers allowed to cuss at civil servants either!

    • hmmm says:

      Hahaa that comment is so obviously coming from someone in the PPM office who is being paid to post “pro Alden” foolishness

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes political assistants aren’t supposed to be arrested or cause embarrassment to their leader or party however from the media reports and from Kenneth’s version it was not of his own doing but stepping in to ensure the right person was arrested after trying to avoid a female Police Officer being beaten!! BUT Ossie should hae been arrested for his foul-mouth language and barrage at his Chief Officer yet Alden in his wisdom, with quick precision; stepped in and saved his best friend’s job. And added to that made his own ministry very overloaded. A bone of supposed contention he had with the 1st Premier! I’m quite sure knowing Kenneth that he’s already apologized for being in the situation but he has to have his day in court in order to clear his name or be proven guilty. There was no need to suspend him as he’s not a civil servant! Kenneth was USED plain as ABC by Alden and PPM team to garner votes in a base that is “below” Alden….. Alden has always had food, had shelter, had clothes and other necessities of life and so on the other hand he enlists Kenneth to gather those of his ilk as Kenneth knows what it is to be poor, to know want and perhaps even to go hungry!! .Plain and simple!! Any poor person here don’t need to think Alden understands their pain……..What was it I heard he told them about ppl not having basic necessities:- they don’t know how to budget? So please don’t get on here defending what is a glaring slap-n-the-face! But gueess what? Kenneth will rise because the God who ensured there were others to assist him and gave him common sense will also bless him more. “Greater things are yet to come; Greater things are yet to come; In the City”!! Hold on Kenneth; you’ll be just fine and then you can lift your hands in praise to a wonderful God who used this to make you a better man, better husband, better dad, better citizen and a better son!! This too shall pass

      • Anonymous says:

        You said this about Alden “.What was it I heard he told them about ppl not having basic necessities:- they don’t know how to budget?” .Can you please provide us with the name of your source,so that we can be satisfied that nothing was lost or changed.Please.

      • Anonymous says:

        So ,now it has come to this ;a candidate has to come from a “poor” background to get your vote ,and you are actually encouraging others to think like you.Wow. I guess you support the UDP..Unlimited Dumb People.

    • Anonymous says:

      Neither are out politicians but it doesn’t seem to stop them

  23. Anonymous says:

    I quote the Premier ” he had not been able to hold a constituency clinic since Bryan was placed on leave in December and complaints were mounting”. Excuse me Premier it is not the polictical assistant’s responsibility to hold a clinic it is yours. This is such crap from a man that is to be intelligent. If you think we are gonna believe this rubbish you make a big mistake. 2017 come on down!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hate to say I told you so but I did. Caymanians, please don’t make the same mistake 3rd time. If you do, then we absolutely deserve our downfall!

    • Anonymous says:

      The person in that role must be able to attend the constituency clinic with the Premier not in place of.

  24. driftwood voter says:

    Should have sacked Ozzie too – or is it because he needs “the Wizard of Oz” to get him the vote next election????

  25. Anonymous says:

    Horrible, simply horrible!
    Keep your chin up, Kenneth.
    You know what they say about karma.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Good decision.

  27. Electric Afro says:

    No worries old buddie ppm got ya back! You have serve them well you sold their Novado politicians to the fool fool town folks, who elected them with your “Man of the people mantra” now they simply don’t need you because elections are 2 years away and you will be forgotten by then or in jail! OUR Dear leader doesn’t want to soil his little image by hanging about with small timers he prefers established and organized types of which he is a full member totally and morally bankrupt. Plus he can’t take you to the UK with your background now can he???? No worries bro all those who voted for them now feeling it too. What time is it peoples?????? PPM Time

  28. Anonymous says:

    So Kenneth (not proven… yet) but not Ozzie (proven)? I don’t know any of these men, but I’m wondering. Interesting.

  29. Anonymous says:

    So if the assistant truly was trying to right a wrongful arrest, why all the hullaballoo? I would have thought Alden would be praising him not sacking him if what Kenneth says about the incident is true. And if proved to be true – SHAME ON YOU ALDEN and also on CIPS

  30. Anonymous says:

    I think this will haunt Alden.

  31. Anonymous says:

    A former news reporter, political candidate and now aide to the Premier should have enough sense to know that your job depends on your public image…period. Innocent till proven guilty only applies in a court of law. Do you think the outcome would have been any different if you were still a reporter? Take Austin Harris, Ozzie, Brian Williams, and those are just a few recent cases that come to mind.
    The Premier did the right thing here. You can’t keep someone on staff with legal charges looming, especially assaulting police.

  32. Anonymous says:

    What in the f_____ is a constituency clinic? So you mean to say that unless WE the people hire somebody to listen to our issues, Master Alden is too busy tending to HIS (you pick the word) to deal with us?
    I hear you Alden; I’ll remember that, trust me.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth doesn’t really need Alden or his PPM, as Mac has already come to his rescue. Mac does know what it’s like to be sitting in the dock facing multiple criminal charges, although of a different nature – a few months back. He has already appeared in court with Kenneth when no one from PPM was there to support him. Whether Kenneth is acquitted or even found guilty of the criminal charges, bet your bottom dollar and your behind, Mac will use him to garner the George Town voters during the next election. Mac may sometimes do stupid things but he is no fool fool when it comes to politics.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you think that Mac will not use him too?

      • Anonymous says:

        No he won’t! That’s not how Mac plays ball and he’s like Kenneth:- comes from the wrong side of the tracks; born into poverty and got everything by pulling himself up……..Go to sleep PPM Troll… obvious that you are!!

  34. Anonymous says:

    more alden non-sense…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  35. Anonymous says:

    I can remember a time when any wrongdoing or accused wrongdoing on the part of politicians and senior public officers (civil servants and those working in Statutory Authorities) did not make it into the media as they were protected by…well, what? I don’t really know, but it did not happen. In fact, the police often turned a blind eye. That is not true nowadays as we can see from a multitude of problems involving such people being reported on and that is definitely a step in the right direction towards a more mature society.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear; am really sorry to read this but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes!!
    But boy he sure did a lot of “saving” for his Lions Club buddy and best friend when he made his booboo eh?
    Just because he smiles with you doesn’t means he even likes you!! Poor Kenneth; hard rock to fall on BoBo but yah need and check what he doing about Mr Jones episode and poor treatment of his subordinate? Anything? Suspension for a month; six weeks; demotion?
    Oh the silence is deafening eh?
    Yup it sure is and mainly because as usual we can be heavy-handed when it our own Caymanian but boy we bend over long and bear weight for the other nationalties we cozzing up to eh? Betcha he didn’t take long to “serve” the TLEPS eh?
    Was he thinking of his “constituents” when he made that decision?
    What a shame! Feel for yah Kenneth……hope you can find employment soon or you were frugal with your earnings.
    But when yah lite and water bill come and yah not working plz find yourself by their office and homes cause they sure making enough to carry you thru August after all 4 of PPM are elected in town.
    It so sad though that the volume of unemployment keeps growing and this is “supposedly” the Poor Peoples Messiah and answer to all their woes. Hope them poor people got their eyes wide open cause they not even getting crumbs on these their own islands!!!
    But Time longer than Rope BoBo; Today my day but tomorrow gonna be yours; guaranteed……Karma is a harsh pay master sometimes!
    Praying for yah and praying for you and all the unemployed Caymanians.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Politricks ah run George Town. mm-kay?

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